Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Land WTH? ❯ Who's this girl, falling from the sky? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Konnichi wa! Ohisashiburi desu ne (kinda). Ogenki desu ka?
Erm…translation : Hello! I haven't seen you for a while (kinda). How are you?
Note: from chapter three: `Sheetah put out in front of Sakura, who - being unable to see it, tripped.'
This is supposed to say: `Sheetah put her foot out in front of Sakura, who - being unable to see it, tripped.'
Sorry that was just REALLY bothering me. I apologize for any other typos like `go' instead of `got' etc…
Anyhow… I have been writing more of this fanfic in my binder (thing) and I've been playing Super Mario 64 while my brothers took over this computer and played Maplestory (Mario 64: I played it because I re-started my file and I've already gotten 88 [or maybe it was 89] stars within one week [because I felt like with it] I played less than an hour each day and I missed some days.) Well… enough author comments…
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Hannah Montana (from a previous chapter), or my friends… as far as I know anyways…

Chapter four
Who's this girl, falling from the sky?
“You never told us how old you guys…girls… are,” Naruto said with a mouthful of noodles.
Sakura grunted. “Well I don't even know their names.”
“I'm Jagan and that's Sheetah,” Jagan said, without even looking where she was gesturing. She had actually pointed to Sasuke instead of Sheetah.
“No.” Sakura puffed out her cheeks. “That's my—”
Sheetah cut her off. “Dog? Cat? Hamster?”
“A-wha-n- No!” Sakura turned a light shade of red. Naruto, Sheetah and Jagan all laughed.
“Hn.” Sasuke wasn't really amused… well actually he was. For some reason when he was with these girls he felt a little more like a normal teenager. He turned his head away, he didn't want them to see him smile.
“Hey emo boy. What'cha smiling at?” Sheetah half asked half teased.
“It's n-noth-……hn...”
Sheetah laughed and nudged Jagan. “I think he likes having us around.”
Jagan smirked…well actually it was supposed to be a smile, but it turned into a smirk. What was she up to?
Naruto broke the silence. “Another bowl please~!”
The three girls and Sasuke fell over backwards. They all laughed…except Sasuke, who just got up then coughed and dusted himself off.
“So…” Sakura felt like asking the two mysterious (Lol) girls something. “Are you from any sort of clan?” She had meant to ask where they were from but this worked too.
Sheetah and Jagan exchanged mischievous glances.
“Well,” Sheetah started. “Infact we do, it's called—”
“The Green Mules Clan!” interrupted Jagan.
Naruto looked confused. “I've never heard of it.”
“Hn,” came Sasuke's reply.
“Are there any other people in your…clan…?” Naruto asked awkwardly.
“Well,” said Jagan diving back into her ramen. “There's Kiniro Norite—”
“We call her Ki—” A flash of blue light appeared above them and a girl appeared…she landed on top of Sheetah. “GYACK! Ow!”
“Ahh! Sorry—! …Sheetah…?” Kiniro looked at Naruto, then Sasuke, then Sakura, then Jagan, then Sheetah… after getting off of her…… Then she blacked out……… Everyone looked at her silently.
“Did she die?” Naruto asked, looking exceptionally cute.
Sheetah would've glomped him if she wasn't pinned under her unconscious friend.
“She's…fainted,” Sakura said, tapping Kiniro lightly with her foot.
The same three little girls from before came out of no where and began poking Kiniro with sticks.
“BACK! Back you vultures!!!” Jagan shooed the little children away…but not after increasing their pay checks to ten bucks…
“Could someone please get her off of me!” Sheetah shouted. Before anyone could come to her aid, Jagan picked up Kiniro. Sheetah got up and helped Jagan get their friend from the `real' world onto Jagan's back.
“We should put her in someone's bed.”
“I meant, we don't have to bring her to a hospital and I don't think she would like to wake up on the street. She moved closer to Jagan and spoke quieter. “I think it would be pretty entertaining too.~”
“You're evil.”
“Yes I know thank-you.”
Naruto raised his hand. “Uhh… she could stay at my house `till she wakes up.”
“Hn.” Sasuke folded his arms. “Your house is a pigsty.”
Sakura glanced at Sasuke quickly. “Yeah.”
Sheetah raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
Jagan walked over to Sasuke.
She gave him a `just do it' kind of look.
Sasuke gave a little, invisible sigh. “Fine.” He turned to Sheetah and everyone else. “She can stay at my…house……until she wakes up…or something like that…” he mumbled………………………̷ 0; -cricket- -cricket- … -tumbleweed- … -someone coughs in the background- ……
“MEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!!!!!!!!” Jagan let out a random battle cry. She took Kin off of her back and chucked her to Sheetah like a football. She hopped onto Sasuke's back as Sheetah caught Kiniro.
“ONWARD TO BETHLEHEM!!!!!!” Sasuke neighed like a pony and galloped off into the sunset… Okay maybe not…
Sasuke had to stop himself from falling over. He looked over his shoulder. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked bluntly.
“You,” Jagan said equally as blunt.
Sheetah nearly dropped Kiniro as she burst into fits of laughter. Everyone else looked confused.
“What's a Bethlehem?” Naruto asked, getting over the fact that he had no idea why Sheetah was laughing.
Jagan struck a dramatic pose, most unfortunately uncomfortable for Mr. Emo Butt, who almost fell over…again.
“It's a magical town of magicalness!”
“Would you get off?”
Jagan crossed her feet in front of Sasuke and wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her warm breath on his neck and it made him shiver.
“Nope, not getting off.”
Sasuke grunted as pink tinted his cheeks. He placed his arms under her legs, to keep her from slipping.
“S-so are we going or what?” Jagan said, trying to keep the tinge of pink from her face.
“Yosh!” Sheetah would've punched the air if it weren't for the unconscious girl in her arms.

It's the end of the world as we know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -cough-
What'id'ja think? Hm? Hm? hmh mhmhmhmhmmh??????????? …… ehem!!!!! -more random akward coughing- Jagan want's to rip my head off because she says I'm undermining her au-thor-a-tey……………………… ;………………… yes…she's sitting beside me (only while I finished typing the end of thins chapter)… now she's talking to my brother about how my dog sleeps….. so yeah…
Me and Jagan screwed around with pictures of Zac Efron made him hav lipstick, gave him angel wings…etc… after finishing all of the pics I'm gonna make a slideshow of them and put in on YouTube! (my username is SheetahJet, same as this site) everyone in my house is singing `Bet on it' except for me and my dad………………….
Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………& #8230;………….
~Sheetah Hikari
PS: omg I need to try something!!! (it'll only work on Mediaminer if it works at all)
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