Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Sight Seeing ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This story is dedicated to a friend of mine who is blind.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
This takes place 7 years before the original story.

A girl walked along an old dirt road alone. She was still five days into her journey but still had a ways to go.
A gust of cold wind blew a lock of her medium brown hair into her face. Sighing, she searced her pockets for a clip or something to keep her hair back. She didn't find a clip but an elastic so she pulled her hair that just came past the top of her shoulders into a high pony tail.
The road she was walking on was getting a bit busier.
'Must be getting close to another village." she thought.
Sure enough, thirty minutes later she came to the gates of another village. Walking up to one of the guards she caught his attention.
"Excuse me," she asked, "Could you point me in the direction of Konoha?"
The guard pointed down a road that was just off the one she was currently on. He told her that it was a three days walk form here and wished her luck.
It was the middle of December and very cold. Nights were even colder. The last person she met told her that konoha was about an hour away. It was nearly dark, not that that made a difference to her, so she set up camp under a tree and fell asleep.
She woke up to someone poking her.
"What do you want?" she mumbled, half asleep.
"Um, are you okay?" her waker, a guy asked.
"Ah, yah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, you're sleeping under a tree in winter with just a few blankets," he said.
She sat up and pulled the blankets off and stood up stretching.
"I'm fine realy. But could you point me in the direction of Konoha?" She asked him. "I'm trying to get there."
"That's where I'm heading myself," he said. "Wanna come with me?"
"Sure," she replied. "By the way, my names Kaylana. You can call me Kay. What's your name?"
"I'm Kakashi." he said. "So what are you going to do in Konoha?"
"Well, I guess you could say I'm moving back." he gave her a confused look that said 'but I've never seen you before.'
"I've never seen you before though."
"I moved when I was two. So are you a ninja?"
"Yah. Can't you see the head protecter?"
"Nope, I'm blind."
They started walking to Konoha.
"So are you a ninja?" Kakashi asked. "You don't have a head protecor."
"Nah, there's no such thing as ninja where I live. No one really knows about them. Just the elders know about them. I also know about them. Strange isn't it, though," She explained. "But I want to be one. But I doubt I could, being blind and all."
Kakashi studied her closely. "So you have walked from where to here, by yourself, and you're blind!" Kay nodded. "Then I think you could be a ninja. You don't stunble when you walk or anything like that."
"Well I have been like this since I was four." Kay told him. "Anyways, how much time untill we get to Konoha?"
"Not long. I can see the gates from hear."
They walked the rest of the way in silence. Kakashi got a welcome back from the guards and Kay had to explain why she was here. Once they were inside the village, Kakashi showed Kay to the Hokages office.
Kay would spend the night there.
The next day Kakashi walked up to the Hokages tower and into the Hokages office. The Hokage was sitting behind a pile of papers and looked tired. He looked up from his paper work when Kakashi walked into the room.
"What can I help you with today, Kakashi?"He asked looking back down to the papers.
"About Kay."
The Hokage looked up from his paper work and looked him in the eye.
"You want to help her?"
"Well why not." he said shrugging. "In my opinion she’’s nothing short of amazing for her situation."
"Well, It's your call. I have no problem with it so it is up to you. I’’ll call her. She’’s in the tower somewhere," the Hokage said getting up and walking to the door where some people were. "Get Kay, I’’ve got a job for her."
A girl around16-17 ran into the room a few moments later after a series of loud crashes, cries and yelled apologies, hitting the door frame on the way in. She saluted to the Hokage.
"Hokage-sama, you called"
"Kay-san I have some good news." he told her. "I have found someone who will teach you about being a ninja."
"Really?" Kay asked. "This isn’’t some sick joke that you are playing on me to see my reaction so when you tell me that your lying I will get really depressed?"
"No Kay, this is the real thing."he told her gently, motioning Kakashi to step forward. "Kakashi here is going to teach you what you need to know on his own time."
"Like the Kakashi who found me?"Kay asked.
"The one and the same," Kakashi said shaking her hand. "We meet at the bridge at 7:30a.m. Don’’t be late."
"I’’ll try not to, but no promises." Kay said with a small laugh. "By the way, Hokage-sama, where will I be staying? Remember that I don’’t have a place to stay."
Kakashi raised his hand to wave goodbye and disappeared with a poof.
"Okay, about the housing. You are what 17- 18?" he asked
" 16. I turn 17 in a couple of months though." Kay answered looking proud of herself
"Good. I’’m sure that you would be fine if I put you in an apartment on your own?"
"That’’s what I lived in before."
The Hokage gave her the address to her new house and the keys to her house. Kay looked uneasy about something.
"Could" she trailed off.
"Yes? Could I what?"
"Um... Never mind. Could you keep one of the keys incase I loose mine?" Kay asked.
"Well of course you can. That’’s probably a smart thing to do," he said. "Also, about clothes, if I can get your sizes, I can get someone to get clothes for you."
"All right," Kay said. "I'm a small in shirt sizes, where I come from. I don't know what that translates into here. And I'm a 4 in pants. But in the shirts I have wide shoulders so they might want to take that in to consideration when buying the shirts."
About half an hour later Kay was ready to go see her new house.
"Can I get help finding it?" Kay asked nervously. "I’’ve never been here before. And..."
"Oh, of course. I’’’’m so sorry, I forgot." Hokage said standing up. "I can’’t go with you myself, so I’’’’ll get someone to take you there. Let’’s see, whose here that lives in that area?... Gai, no, defiantly no. He'll scare her. Genma, he’’’’ll do."
He called for Genma over the intercom and a few minutes later he came up into the room. He bowed to the Hokage who gave him instructions.
Genma walked over to Kay and introduced himself, "Hello Kay, I’’m Shiranui Genma. I live close by and will be taking you home. By the way you look extremely beautiful today, would you..."
He was cut off by the Hokage who was glaring at him taking her finger across his throat to silence him. He held up his hands in a surrendering gesture and backed off.
"I will be fine untill I get out of the tower. 'Cause that's the only place that I know," Kay said. "Though I need to be careful on the stairs. You probably heard me earlier. But can we go now?"
Kay walked purposefully over to Genma, who had backed up a couple of steps when he was silenced earlier, and grabbed his arm. She walked out the door with him while waving her hand over her shoulder to say goodbye.
Everything was going well untell they hit the stairs. Kay, being the stubborn person she is, refused help down the stairs. Positive that she could make it down herself she let go of Genma's arm and started down the stairs. About five steps down she turned around and looked him in the eye.
"See, I told you I'd be fine!" Kay said, turning around and continued down the stairs, taking two at a time to prove her point.
"Alright, just watch your...step" his sentence was cut off when he had to jump down half a flight of stairs to grab the arm of a falling Kay.
"I told you to watch out" Genma scolded."What are you, blind?"
"Um, yah," Kay answered, now sitting on the step she tripped on. "Since I was four."
"Well why didn't you tell me?" he asked sitting beside her on the step.
"If I told you then you would not let me do anything on my own," Kay said defencifly."You would do everything for me and get really worried about everything I do."
"Well maybe I'm diff..."
"You're not," Kay cut him off. "Trust me, I've been like this for 14 years. Everyone does it no matter what I say or want."
Genma went silent for a couple of seconds as he studied her.
"How about this," he said standing up. "You tell me where you need help when you need it. I wont help you unless you ask for it. Except for stairs. You have a tendency to fall down stairs."
Kay blushed and looked down as she mumbled, "And up them."
"So what do you say?" he asked while helping her up.
The rest of the way was uneventful. Well, halfway home some of Genma's friends found it funny that he was walking through the streets arm in arm with a girl. On the rest of the walk home Kay met Genma's friend, Gekkou Hayate. He's Genma's roommate. Apparnetly they live right across the hall from Kay so they told her that if she needed anything, she could come to them and they would help her.
Since their rooms were on the fourth floor and they didn't want to take the stairs, Genma and Kay inparticular, they took the elevator. The door was just closing when a voice called out, "Don't close the door!"
Stopping the door, Hayate held it open as two more people entered the elevator. Breathing hard, Kotestu and Izumo looked up smiling.
"Who made it in first?" Kotestu asked, taking in a big gulp of air.
"Tie," Kay answered, attention now rivited on her.
"Who's that?" Izumo whispered toKotestu.
"No clue," he whispered back.
Kay was silently laughing to herself. These two sounded like they were really good friends. They were funny too. "My name is Kaylana. Who are you guys?"
"I'm Izumo and this is my friend..."
'That was tactfully cut off.' Kay thought. 'They must have been friends for a long time.'
"She looks a bit like you," Kotestu whispered to Izumo. "She's got your hair and face. About the same size too."
He then turned to Genma. "Don't you think they look alike?"
Genma takes a step back and looks at them both at the same time. "Your right they do. Hey Hayate, look at this."
"Wow. Do you think they're related?"
The door opened and everyone got out of the elevator. Turning left the walked down the hall, stopping in front of room 428. Kay fumbled around with the key before opening the door and entering her new home. Izumo and Kotestu kept walking down the house a couple of rooms, im which they entered.
"Thank you for helping me here." Kay said to Genma, bowing. "And it is nice to meet you too, Hayate."
"It’’s no problem, really," Genma said. "Just if you need us just knock on the door and we’’ll hopefully be there."
"Alright then, have a good day," Kay said saying goodbye to them and entered her room.
Her apartment was the perfect size for her. Its living room and kitchen shared the front room and the bedroom was in a room off to the side. Kay, having no vision, couldn’’t tell what colour the walls were but would be satisfied as long as they weren’’t pink.
About an hour later Kay, who was sleeping, was woken up by a knock on the door. Stumbling through the bedroom door, she made her way to the front door calling "I’’m coming, I’’m coming!" as she went.
She opened the door wide as she greeted the knocker. "Hi, I’’m Kay. What can I help ya with?"
"I have some clothes for you." the knocker, a girl, said.
"That’’s great! Quicker than I thought it would be too," Kay said moving out of the way. "Come on in."
The girl walked passed Kay into the living area and sat on the couch. Kay walked over and sat on the coffee table in front of her.
"My name is Yuhi Kurenai. Hokage-sama asked me to pick these up for you. I hope you like them."
Kay took the clothes and walked into her bedroom to change into her new clothes. A few minutes later she came out wearing a
She came out wearing a black knee length skirt and a red cap sleeve shirt. The outfit was comfy, it fit well and it she liked it but it was the middle of winter and it was threatening to snow. This was definatly not a winter outfit, summer, spring, or fall, yes. But winter no.
"Um, Kurenai, it's a litte cold for this isn't it?" Kay asked.
"Yes, that's what I thought too. But the store clirk just insisted that it would be fine." Kurenai explained. "Anyways, you can wear that when the weather gets a bit nicer if you want. For now lets try on the next thing. I took that into mind when I was out."
Kay took the new clothes and tried them on.Kay liked this one better than the first outfit. This one consisted of a pair of baggy beige pants and a grey t-shirt. Underneth the shirt was black fishnet that came down to her wrists.
"I like this one way better, "Kay said, coming out of her bedroom. "It will keep me warmer and, well, personally, I don't think I could do much in a skirt. I used to only wear skirts for special occasions."
"I think this one is best too." Kurenai agreed.
"Would you like to stay for something to eat? " Kay asked. "I was thinking on making some sandwhiches for lunch."
"Well, alright, if you insist." Kurenai said getting off thecouch. "Would you like help with anything?"
"Sure," Kay replied. "Answer me this. What do you like better, turkey or ham?"
"Turkey of course," Kurenai laughed. "But you have to answer me this," Kay nodded, "Why did you come to Konoha? You still have family where you lived don't you?"
"Where I come from is a small village," Kay started. "It has no ninja. In fact, most people don't know about the ninja villages or that ninja even exsist."
Kay took some turkey out of the fridge and put it on the bread with butter.
"I always wanted to be a ninja. Ever since I was young. See, I was born in Konoha. I have nearly all my family in my old home butI still have one or two people in my family living in Konoha. So I knew of the ninja. My mom and dad used to tell me stories of them. We were really the only ones who had even seen real ninjas."
Kay put lettuce and tomatos on the sandwhich with a bit of mustard and put them on plates. Giving one to Kurenai and keeping one for herself. They sat down at the table.
"When I was three I got this conditionin my eyes that made me go blind by the time I was four. It is treatable but my village didn't have the right stuff to fix it in the hospital. So I came to the place where I knew I belonged and where I can get my eyes fixed. I talked to the Hokage about it and he said that I have to go and make an appointment to get an evaluation."
Kay took a bite of her sandwhich and chewed it slowly, thinking on what she's going to say next.
"So basically I would be coming here to get my eyes done anyways but I wanted to live here so I decided to stay."
Kureanai looked thoughtfully at her.
"You look familiar," She said finally. "You look like someone I've seen before."
Kay looked up at her. "That's what they said in the elevator."
"Whose they?" Kurenai asked.
"Um... Genma, Hayate, Kotestu, and they said that I looked like Izumo." Kay said shrugging. It was no big deal. "They said that I must be related to him, or something like that."
"Well, you said that you have some family here, right?" Kay nodded. "Then do you have any family around here?"
"I don't really know. My parents never really talked about my family here," Kay said. "He just might be."
Kay giggled into her hands. "I wouldn't mind having a brother. Ohhh, I hope he likes me."
Kurenai giggled with her. She was having a good time with this younger girl. "Well I'll help you find out if he's your brother, okay?"
"That would be great, thanks!"
Half an hour later Kurenai left saying that she would be back after supper. After trying on her new clothes, Kay was getting Kurenai to get some more of the stuff like that since she only got that one for a fitting. No skirts. Also she needed new shoes. The ninja sandals to be exact. All this new stuff was making Kay excited.
Kay went into her room and sat on her bed. 'I can't believe that I'm actually going to become a ninja! This is like a dream come true. But I also can't wait for my surgery. I barely remember what things look like. Colors are a big mystery for me and I don't even no what I look like. That's sad. I don't even know what I look like. Oh well, I'll learn soon enough. I wonder what Kakashi is like. I bet training will be really hard. But I'll be ready for it. I wonder what he's like though. I know! I'll ask Genma! He'll know... I think... Hope.'
Kay got off her bed and walked across her apartment and out the door. She knocked four times on the door across the hall and stood back waiting for it to open. Waiting, Waiting. 'God how slow are these people? And I thought that I was slow!' Waiting, waiting, waiti... the door opened and Hayate greeted her and let her in.
He led her over to the couch and she sat down.
"Genma's in the shower but he'll be out in a moment. Do you want something to drink?" he asked.
"Yes please," Kay said. "Water if you can."
Hayate got her a glass of water and sat down across from her.
"So," he started. "What can I help you with?"
"I have a couple of questions about here." Kay said. "Tomorrow I have an appointment that I have no clue where it is. Could one of you guys show me where it is? And help me get there tomorrow?"
"I'm sure one of us can help you," he told her. "Where do you need to be?"
"Um... The bridge...I think." Kay said, waving her hand around. "I wrote it down somewhere when I got home."
They sat there for a bit waiting for Genma to get out of the shower. They waited a long time and the water was still running.
"That's it!" Kay exclaimed, standing up. She walked over to where the bathroom was and banged on the door. Hard. "Genma you slow, water logged, water wasting, ass! Get your water logged ass out here! I've been waiting TEN minutes for you to come out and I'm getting impatient!" She took a deep breath and beat on the door again."Open the stupid door! Or I'll bea..."
"Or you'll what?" Genma asked, opening the door causing Kay to fall forward, hitting his shoulder with her fist that had previously been banging on the door,as Genma caught the rest of her body from completely falling over.
"I beat door in," Kay mumbled from in his arms. "You're not wearing a shirt are you."
"Nope," Genma said.
"Pants or towel?" Kay asked praying for pants.
"Well what would you rather have?" he asked with a sly grin on his face.
"Pants," Kay said. "Don't corrupt my mind."
"Well I'm sorry to say but you're right," he said. "Now is there anything else that you would like me to do?"
Kay pretended to think for a moment, "Yes as a matter of fact there is."
Genma faked looking surprised, "Oh, and what would that be?"
"How s'about you let me go?"
"Oh alright, if you insist," he said starting to push her away.
Huh? They turned there heads to the left where they heard the voice. A click of a button and a flash of a camera. In one second blackmail was created.
Hayate stretched and sighed, lazily shaking the polaroid picture that he held as Genma and Kay pushed away as quick as possible.
Kay sat down on the couch after forcing Genma into a shirt. "Okay, now down to business. What do you guys know about Hatake Kakashi?"
They looked at each other before answering. "He's very good. Attained the rank of Chunin at age 6 and became a Jonin at age thirteen." Hayte started explaining.
"He has an implanted Sharingan in his left eye. It lets him copy any jutsu. He's chronically tardy so don't be afraid to be late if you see him." Genma finished. "But why do you ask?"
"He's who you have to meet tomorrow isn't it!" Hayate exclaimed.
"Wow, first day here and you already got a boyfriend." Genma said. "I'm impressed. Not many people can do that here you know. And to get the Sharingan Kakashi non the less."
"I'm sorry to interrupt your perverted thought pattern but it's not like you think," Kay said, shaking her head. "He's training me. The Hokage and I were talking about it and decided that if I start training now then my senses will be really good by the time I get my surgery, so they'll be even better after! And I've always wanted to be a ninja even if I'll be behind."
Genma and Hayate looked confused. "What surgery?"
"Oh right you guys don't know yet," Kay said. "Cause I haven't told. Funny, I thought that you would just know. Right. I'm getting surgery for my eyes. Me being blind is treatable. I just haven't had the chance to get it done. My village didn't have the correct technology or something so I had to come here to get it done."
"But how?" Hayate asked, still confused. "You've been blind for so long."
"Well I got this condition when I was three and I was fully blind by four, but it's something that's actually in my eye that can be treated or taken out. Something like that. I'm not completely sure. But I can get it fixed here. Nee ways, you guys never told me what Kakashi was like other than he can never show up on time."
"Well, I guess he's okay." Hayate said, shrugging. "I've never really met him. Though I heard that he puts teamwork above all else."
"Yah," agreed Genma. "And he can't keep his cloth covered face out of that book of his."
"Book?" Kay asked looking confused. "And his face?"
Hayate laughed quietly. "No one has ever seen his face. No one, not once, not ever. And as for the book, lets just say you don't want to know."
"He's known as a bit of a pervert." Genma explained. Then at Kays alarmed face he added. "Not to actual people, that book of his is perverted."
"Ohhhh," went Kay. "Got me worried there for a moment. Made me feel vulnerable. On the other hand, what's for dinner?"
"Um," the guys went, "We don't know."
'Typical males' Kay thought. "Well the what do you have in your fridge? Might I find...Nothing? Well, nothing edible anyways." she said sarcasticaly.
"Actually, you got us pegged pretty good," Genma said standing up. "Lets order out. We haven't done that in a while."
Hayate leaned forward to Kay and whispered, "'In a while' means that we hasn't ordered out in the past three days."
"How's pizza sound?" Genma called from a pile of coupons.
"Good, so lets see, one medium pizza, sausage, bacon and green peppers, right Hayate?"
"Okay and Kay, what kind of pizza do you eat?" Genma asked pulling out a piece of paper to right down the new order.
"Ham, pineapple, extra cheese please," she ordered.
"And would that be a small?"
"What the hell are you talking about!" she exclaimed. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I only eat small portions. I should order a large to just to prove my point! But I'll have a medium pizza. And never underestimate the female stomach again!"
"Okay, alright!" Genma said backing up. "I'll just order now."
Twenty minutes later someone knocked on the door. Hayate got up and answered it. He juggled three pizza boxes in one hand and trying to pay the delivery boy the thirty-four fifty that they owed with the other. Finally he closed the door and sat back down with the pizzas.
No one said much when ate but it was a comfortable silence. When someone did say anything it was usually a joke that had everyone laughing. Kay was listening and laughing to the other jokes but had yet to input her own. Finally, after supper she finally told one.
"Okay, there were these two guys working on a roof when a gust of wind knocked the ladder down. 'I have an idea,' said one guy. 'We'll throw you down and then you can put the ladder back up.'
'Do you think I'm stupid?' the other guy said. 'I have an idea. I'll shine my flashlight down there and you climbed down the beam of light.'
'What! Do you think I'm stupid?' said the first guy. 'You'll just turn off the light when I'm halfway down!'
Their laughter was cut short when a knock on the door interrupted them. Genma got up and answered it. "Kay, it's for you."
Kay jumped up off the couch and walked to the front door. "Yes?"
"I knew you would be here when you weren't in your room. I got some great news." Kurenai said excitedly. "I also got your clothes. But I found out more on your 'brother'."
Kay grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room, shutting the door behind her.
"Okay what have you got," Kay asked once they where sitting on the couch. Hayate and Genma were also interested.
"Okay, get this, most of his family moved out of Konoha 14 years ago. It didn't say where but I must say that's pretty close to you." Kurenai said and handed her a file. "This is his file. It's got things about his parents and stuff. I don't know about your parents so I thought that you would have to see it and such."
She handed the file to Kay who handed it to Hayate to read out loud.
"Okay, Kamizuki Izumo. Age: 17. Born: November 25, Konoha. Father: Kamizuki Takai. Mother: Kamizuki Kameko. Family left Konoha 14 years ago. And a bit on his ninja career."
Everyone was now looking at Kay. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pants pocket and handed it to Hayate who read it out.
"Kamizuki Kaylana. Age: 16. Born: February 23, Konoha. Father: Kamizuki Takai. Mother: Kamizuki Kameko, " he looked up at her. "Is this your birth certificate?"
"Yah," Kay said quietly. "I carry it around everywhere cause you never know when you need it."
"Oh my gosh! Kay!" Kurenai squealed. "You have a brother! You have to tell him right now!"
Without giving any chance to protest, Kurenai pulled Kay up and was dragging her down the hall. She stopped a few doors down the hall and knocked on the door. Genma and Hayate caught up to them when the door opened.
"Um hi. Can I help you with anything?" a surprised Izumo asked. Starring in shock at the group of people in front of his door.
"Yes," Kurenai said. "You can let us in."
Izumo quickly side stepped as an excited Kurenai marched past him, dragging the girl he met in the elevator.
"Sorry about that," Genma said as he followed them into the room. "But it's pretty big news."
Hearing all the commotion in his apartment, Kotestu came out of his bedroom to the kitchen. He spied Kay and recognized her from earlier.
"Hey, Izumo, it's your female twin!"
"Actually," Kurenai corrected. "They're a year apart."
"What!" Kotestu yelled.
"Izumo's a year older. She's only sixteen," she told him.
Izumo walked into the kitchen area. He hadn't heard what Kurenai had just said.
"Why didn't you tell me that you had a sister!" Kotestu demanded, grabbing Izumo's shoulders and shaking him.
"What do you mean? I don't have a sister," he said, confused.
Hayate walked over to him and handed him Kay's birth certificate that he was still holding. He read over it quickly, glancing up at Kay after every new piece of information. They had the same family name and parents, but he was never told that he had a sister.
'Well, welcome to my family,' he thought.
He sat down at the kitchen table in a daze. So many thoughts were racing around in his head. Most of them consisted of 'I have a sister'. He stared blankly at the group in his kitchen. Kotetsu was poking her in the shoulder which wasn't helping the fact that she was shaking like mad. Hayate sat down beside him.
"She's real nervous you know," he said."She just returned to Konoha after 14 years. She's really afraid that you wont like her."
Izumo just nodded his head. He was shocked to say the least.
"She's more shy around family that she's never met than other people. Especially older men." he continued, now with a big smile. "If you ever need black mail on her I already got some that will be at your disposal."
Izumo looked up at him. "What do you mean 'older men' and what black mail?"
"Older as in Genma and blackmail as in do you want to see it?"
Izumo nodded wordlessly as Hayate searched through his pockets for his Polaroid picture. Grinning as he found it and showed it to Izumo.
"I give you your little sister, Kamizuki Kaylana and my roommate, Shiranui Genma."
Izumo looked down at the picture of Kay being held in the arms of a shirtless Genma and then up and Hayate and then down at the picture and then back up at Hayate. "When was this. I thought she just got here?"
"That was today," he said, grinning. "Right after Genma got out of the shower too. Don't worry, there's nothing going on between them. It's Hatake Kakashi you should be more worried about."
Izumo looked at him, obviously confused at the last statment.
"He's helping her train," he informed him. "Starting tomorrow."
Kotestu sat down before he could say anything about that.
"You should talk to her you know," he said. "She fun to talk to once she stopped shacking. And she's your sister for crying out loud! You should talk to her. Get to know each other more. She can tell a mean corny joke too."
They looked over at where she was sitting between Genma and Kurenai on the couch. They were talking and laughing quietly so no one else could tell what they were talking about. After a few minutes of watching they brought their chairs over to sit with them.
You learn a lot about people when you find out their most embarrassing moment.
Genma was dared to run around his neighborhood naked and nearly completed it but when he was cutting through his neighbors yard he tripped the alarm and got stuck. The police and all of the neighborhood were there laughing at him.
Kurenai was taking off her sweatshirt one day in the academy and the static electricity made her t-shirt on underneath stuck to her sweater. It all came off leaving her in just her bra and she didn't realize it untill people started laughing. Everyone except for her teacher saw.
Kay was at the public pool with her friends during public and she was going down the water slide when her bathing suit got caught on something and got ripped off leaving her naked in the pool. Being blind she couldn't even see where her bathing suit was so she ended up groping around the edge of a pool for a towel. She found one eventually and ran to the change room with her friends that saw the whole thing along with half the pool.
Everyone was just talking about missions and life in general. They asked Kay about what her old village was like. She explained that it was very basic and that was all there was to it.
After a while Kay got really quiet and started falling asleep on the couch. With her arms and legs crossed and her chin tucked she could of been mistaken for being in deep thought. Kuernai waved goodbye left when she started to yawn, just before Kay fell completely asleep.
Everyone decided to call it a night when Kay's leg gave a big twitch, alerting the others that she was asleep. Genma stood up, stretching his arms over his head and started walking to the door, Hayate following him.
"See ya tomorrow," he said waving over his shoulder.
"Wait!" Izumo called, standing up to stop him. "What about Kay?"
"What about her?" Genma said shrugging and continuing out the door. "She's your sister."
Hayate turned around but kept walking. "Her key is hanging on the ribbon around her neck. Good night."
Izumo looked at Kay and then to the key around her neck. Sighing, he picked her up and put her on his back, before walking out the door.
Once they got into her apartment, he took her to her bedroom, pulled the covers back on her bed and gently layed her down, removing her of her shoes and covering her with the blanket. With one last look at he her left her room whispering,"Good night, imouto."

Kaylana: 16
Kakashi: 19
Izumo and Kotestu: 17
Hayate: 16
Genma: 19 (I had a hard time figuring out Genma ages since every place I went to had a different age. They ranged for 23 to 30 so I decided that he is Kakashi's age of 26 thus making him 19, 7 years younger.)
Okay there you have the first chapter of my first full length story. It took me a couple of days to finish since my parents don't like me being on the computer for long lengths of time so the next chapter will take about a week to finish(with the time that I'm getting to type it), I'm guessing, but it should be worth the wait if you liked this chapter.
Please review on what you think needs to be improved enjoy constructive criticism, it helps me write better with something to improve on.