Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy of Fire ❯ Infiltration ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author’s Note: Oh ho ho! If all of you only KNEW where this story was going (I’m so proud I can’t wait to finish writing it all!). I promise it’s about to get REAAAAALLLLLYYY good. Stay tuned ;D


Mirages had cast themselves across the neighboring rooftops and danced along the distant view to the orchestrated melodies of cicadas which were perched along the cracking plaster. Hiroshi and Kenshirou were perched the roof of the station hall across from Hokage Tower, both were sweating madly and trying to keep focused as the haze of carelessness set in from the heat. The previous day had agreed to help Aiko in committing the crime of the century. Little did they know the present day would be the hottest in Konoha’s history. “Jeez…Shirou, tell me why we agreed to do this again?” Hiroshi asked, desperately trying to cool down by fanning himself with his hand. Kenshirou looked at him with, seemingly unfazed by the heat, and replied “Because we are a team. From the first day we were put together we promised to help each other no matter what; to risk our lives for out comrades and to never give into pain and hopelessness.” Hiroshi sighed. That was their ninja way. Hiroshi reclined back into what little shade was available along the wall and began to recall what had transpired the previous day.


“You want us to do WHAT?!” Hiroshi paled. Commit the century’s biggest crime?!” Aiko must have one too many blows to the skull, Hiroshi thought, because this was impossible! “It’s just a little search and retrieve mission and when we get it, we go” Aiko smiled, attempting to portray the idea in the best possible light. It was completely possible as she remembered that something similar had already happened many years ago.

“My Dad stole the Forbidden Scroll when he was 12! And he said he was the lousiest ninja out there! If he can do it, than so can we!” she held her fist high, fire emanated from her eyes as she saw victory within her grasp, doing a proud victory stance.


Aiko put a finger to her chin and thought deeply. She then shook her head.

“Eh nope! I’m pretty sure Dad was telling the truth about being the lousiest ninja ever. Besides Kakashi always said Dad was the number-one-loudmouthed-knuckle-head ninja.”

Hiroshi began to flail his arms about trying to think up an excuse for getting out of a situation such as this. You could be a genius. You could know everything about being a shinobi. You could be the strongest ninja to ever walk the planet. But nothing could ever prepare you for how to say no to your teammate and steal a forbidden scroll. It just never happens!

“C-can’t we oh, I don’t know search the public archives?!”

“Already have on my time off. Nothing ‘bout a Bloodline like that.”

“Ask some Old Foggie!”

“They can’t hear me. Besides, old senile nin’s throw shuriken to get you to leave them alone.” Aiko crossed her arms, wrinkling her nose at the thought of stinky senile nin.

“Then ask Lord Hokage!”

“Don’t feel like it.” She smiled, her signature toothy grin brilliant as always.

“Aiko, I’m going to say this as nicely as I can but…YOU’RE A FEAKIN’ LUNATIC!!!”

Kenshirou sighed in defeat. She was persistent and stubborn. “Hiroshi, nothings going to change her mind. She’s determined and nothing can stop her.” Hiroshi knew his light-eyed relative had a point, but committing a serious crime is, is, well it’s a crime! Frustrated, he plopped down a ruffled his hair with both hands. He didn’t get her logic! Inner Aiko jumped for joy on the inside and smiled devilishly. She knew she Hiroshi gets frustrated easily and she knew how to do it. Now about Kenshirou, time to use her feminine grace to get him to comply.

“Kenshirou…” she said with a innocence, pouting “Don’t you want to help me find who saved me?” she put both of her hands against his chest and looked up to him. Kenshirou looked away, his cheeks stained with a familiar blush. She then brushed his chestnut bangs from his face with one hand and began to play with his braided hair that hung loosely on his shoulder.

“Hmm? It’s also part of our mission…please Kenshirou?”

Hiroshi wrinkled his brow and grunted, only to receive a quick back kick to the head which went unnoticed by Kenshirou.  “Aiko, is there any other way?” She shook her head. Defeated, he replied “If there isn’t any other way…”

Aiko giggled.

“GREAT! Now remember our promise boys? We shall fight to protect each other, and giving our lives if necessary; enduring pain and never giving in to hopelessness. Our nindo.”  They all put their hands together between them and said “That’s our ninja way!”



‘CHA! We have air conditioning…’

“We have air conditioning…”

Inner Aiko and Aiko were off in lala land, a sparkling and joyous expression present on her as she strolled casually into the Hokage Tower. She walked through the corridors, people watching as she went. There were casual faces, both jounin and chunin alike, giving her smiles and a casual wave as she passed which she of course, returned with gusto so not as to make this visit anything other than a casual one. However, there were also ANBU, something that made Aiko feel extremely uneasy. Approaching the main lobby of Hokage Tower, she quickly took the flight of stairs that spiraled in a complex labyrinth throughout the upper floors main building. It wasn’t a hard for her to get into the ’personnel’ only areas, nor into the inner works. Aiko was a very familiar face and on occasion, there were days her father would have her run errands for him. Of course today, was not one of those days. Aiko had planned everything out in a finely executable plan.

“Okay, just casually waltz into Dad’s office, break the seal, steal the scrolls, throw the bag out the window and go back down with the second bag. Simple.” Aiko schemed.

She had cleverly brought a bag along with a bunch of empty scrolls with false seals in it to replace the ones she needed to take and a replacement bag identical to the first.

Although her tactics seemed a bit childish, it was the most logical way to go about this without arousing too much suspicion and using any chakra. Nonchalantly strolling the halls, Aiko glanced around. “Hmm…no body here…ANBU has to be watching me from somewhere. They’re everywhere.” She thought, her hands tightly clutching the bag slung over her shoulder. The Hokage Tower was tightly guarded by incognito ANBU and several security measures even she was not completely aware of. However she knew if all went as planned she could get the information and take back the scrolls as soon as she was finished. Aiko was prepared to lie herself all the way in and out if need be. A small grin quirked up the sides of her mouth. If it was only ANBU, she could manage. Unfortunately, fate indeed had other ideas.

“Aiko, to what do I owe the special visit?” Aiko froze, a chill traveled up her spine. She had opened the door and been greeted by her father, Shizune, and Tsunade with a sake bottle in hand. Her azure eyes became panicked and she placed her hands behind her head and laughed nervously.

“Hehe…nothing special Dad…just decided to visit.” She sweat dropped.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. She never visited unless:
1) Sakura sent something
2) Aiko was there to receive a mission and/or drop something off.
3) She “needed” money to go buy something because she had spent all her previous earnings on new kunai or a new set of hand guards

Promptly putting down his watermark stamp, Naruto sighed and placed his head on the desk. “I hate paperwork!” Tsunade and Shizune chuckled. He wanted the job didn’t he? “Say Dad, is the meeting already over? I thought I could wait till it was over but I guess…never mind.” On the outside she was playing it cool, on the inside she was cursing and cringing. This was absolutely not part of the plan!

Stretching across the desk Naruto replied “Nah…it got moved an hour to 2:45. I was hoping to get a break but I see the council just wants to work me to the bone. Be careful what you wish for.” The last part was said under his breathe as he patted the giant mounds of paperwork, his usual trademark grin nowhere in sight but was replaced with a defeated frown. Aiko had her best act on, deciding to wait and pretend to leave “Dad…how bout a break?” Naruto picked his head up. That was a brilliant idea for both parties.

After half an hour of playing cards with Tsunade and Shizune (winning mind you, Aiko was not going to be having any money trouble anytime soon) and watching her father in turmoil, Aiko reminded everyone it was almost time for the meeting. Naruto wanted to run out the door and jump for joy. He’d much rather listen to complaints from senile old granny’s and listen to the usual clean the yard missions (he hated those!) than sit around staring at tiny letters all day on thousands of papers and scrolls. Giving her father a quick peck on the cheek she said she’d see him at home then gave hugs to both Shizune and Tsunade as they left it was time to steal some scrolls.

When the door shut she prepared herself. Quickly bounding towards the door she pressed her ear against it and she heard footsteps fading into the depth of the stairwell. As soon as she was sure no one was in the vicinity she was ready to execute “Mission Scroll Retrieval”.

Staring towards the seemingly blank wall, her hands glided through the required signs, a tremendous amount of chakra flowing into them. “Release!” She said quietly, as both of her hands touched the spot and the wall opened. She had to do this quickly for the burst of chakra was sure to rouse some suspicions. So, Aiko then created a shadow clone to go out of the building with the identical bag while she finished her job. Looking over the room she scanned the files. Aiko cursed. There was too many! How the hell was she supposed to find what she needed? Aiko ruffled her hair in frustration. She had no time to think only react so swiftly gathering random dust laden scrolls from the clan histories file, she crammed them into her bag. Then setting a genjutsu on the phony ones, Aiko hoped that this would work. It was risky but she was a ninja and all ninja are high rollers. Besides, they were covered in dust which meant they hadn’t been touched in a while. So she nodded her head and mentally reassured herself this plan would work.

Her heart was racing. She had finished what she came for and it seemed that her actions had attracted unwanted attention that was cautiously nearing the office. Sealing the wall, she opened a window and jumped onto the roof tiling below. With any luck, she could avoid confrontation.


Kenshirou spotted Aiko on the fringes of the Hokage Tower bolting towards her home. “Hiroshi, let’s go.” He said as he pushed himself off the wall of a building a few blocks away and onto the heat of the road; Hiroshi followed suit. Aiko saw them and immediately dropped from her perch, the bag of scrolls slung over her shoulder. The cousins and Bin made haste towards Aiko’s home, keeping alert for any other unwanted ninja that may be following. As they barreled through the streets, Hiroshi couldn’t help but feel completely skittish and uneasy and Bin was feeling his master’s discomfort. What they were doing was so illegal there probably hadn’t been a punishment invented because no one had dared to do it. Promptly arriving to the ornately landscaped tea garden behind the Hokage’s home, Hiroshi and Kenshirou took a breather and waited for Aiko to say the perimeter was clear.

Aiko jumped soundlessly down from a large oak tree before being met with questions about the retrieval. “So how did it go?” Hiroshi asked, wiping his brow. Aiko smiled but replied “Details later. We need to get out of here, this isn’t a completely secure location. Towards training ground eight. BREAK!” No sooner than she said that, the team was off at top speed across the skyline of Konoha and towards the Main Gate. Uncertainty was definitely ahead as all three contemplated how to go about the facts once the scrolls were opened especially Aiko, who was more than ready to expose the truth behind her memories and encounter. There was something bigger going on and she had a feeling that whatever the scrolls contained, would reveal just what secrets had been hidden away. However, not far away, a peculiar set of eyes watched her with intrigue. “I think it’s time I introduce myself…”

< /i>