Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wipe It Away ❯ Hello Kitty Boxer ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Shout out to my mediaminer reviewers: Fireheart125 and Alana_the_lioness. Thank you! ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Chapter 3. Hello Kitty Boxer
Naruto looked at her brown leather watch. It was 5:10pm. She had just finished tutoring and was on her way to one of the many gates on campus.
It was nice and relaxing to not act like a lunatic in front of these young and innocent souls. She was glad that more and more little ones were warming up to her; moreover, the program has been in an exponential rise.
The tutoring zone was still a fairly new program run by Iruka-sensei. Most of the teachers were unwilling to donate their time to this new service and after much contemplation it was decided to open its door to volunteers from the upper class division.
At first it was something she did as a paid back for her favorite teacher but gradually the feeling of being needed by others motivated her continue to volunteer there.
Naruto scanned the area as she near the unpopular gate with least amount of students. Certain that the coast is clear, she quickly hopped on the waiting black hummer. It was time to go to her tutor.
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Standing on a corner of the cafeteria, a pair obsidian eyes roved the crowd, patiently waiting for its target.
This is one of the few opportunities he could be near him and he is never a one to let a chance slip by.
Another pair of black eyes watched the watcher waiting for events to unfold.
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Yes! Naruto's most favorite time of the day in school has finally arrived. She race down the corridor uncaring of the appalled looks she received. They're serving the heavenly food today! She must get one. She never gets to eat them at home no matter how much she whines or beg.
A long line already formed when she got there. Damn third lunch. Even worse the line was moving slower than the pace of a snail.
Come on come on. Naruto look on horridly as one by one bowls of the miso ramen got snatch away. Goodbye my love!
Yes! It was almost her turn and unfortunately the last cup was two people away from her. Naruto glared at them, heightened her killer intent to level 10, daring them to take the Ramen-chan. One of them gulped and quickly snatched a pizza, eager to move down the lane. The other poor boy quickly moved his hand away from the ramen to snatch up a ham and cheese sandwich.
Naruto hand was about to happily claim the last cup of ramen when a pale hand shot out to take her prize.
Naruto snap her head up to look none other than Uchiha Sasuke.
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Sasuke pounced the moment his target was within two feet of its destination.
Sinful bolts of electricity ran and spread throughout his body whenever wherever the blonde brushed against him making Sasuke drunk and giddy.
Yes, only Uzumaki Naruto makes me feel this way confirmed Sasuke for the one hundred and ninty-nine times.
“Teme! Get back in line!”
Sasuke smirked. “Need I to remind you that I'm in the student council?”
Naruto gritted her teeth. She would have long ago joined, if only she would have the time.
Naruto growled, jumping to snatch the ramen from Sasuke's raised hand. Even though she was taller than most girls of her age Sasuke was still taller. Grrrr….damn her short height. Damn his tall genes. “Give me that!”
The lunch line proceeded to move with the gathering of spectators but the lunch ladies ignored the on coming fight.
It was highly amusing and puzzling to see the golden blonde so fervent for such a cheap item. One would think he would go for more expensive cuisine considering the poor background he has.
Underneath unattractive baggy jumpsuit, Sasuke could feel that Naruto has a lithe figure.
He would even go as far as to say that the blondie is curvy.
They were earning stares. It was a tremendous blow to his ego to have others watching him being jump while he merely stood as stiff as a statue with the exception of waving his arm manically but it was worth it, he decided, he needed more proof.
Uchihas are simply not oriented that way.
Sasuke looked at closest girl to his left which happens to be a pink hair girl who batted her eyelashes at him.
He just hasn't found the right girl yet Sasuke told himself.
Sasuke turned back to look down at the jumping blond with cystalline blue eyes and his heart melted along with the thoughts of his father and Itachi.
Ever since they meet they were always clawing at each other. It was baffling yet exhilarating that there exists someone who had enough guts to challenge the Uchiha Sasuke.
Naruto is an enigma. Once he has identified why Naruto is the only being that can evoked such a `dirty' response from his betraying body, his fascination with loud blonde will finally cease.
He carefully kept his right hand up holding the ramen and with great difficulty kept his eyes from closing in bliss.
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Naruto somehow manage to push Sasuke down, sit on him to prevent him from escaping, and using one hand to hold his arm while the other hand quickly and carefully grabbed her objective.
At her excitement she missed the abnormally fast thumping emitting from person below her.
“Ah ha! I win!” It was then that she realized the ground was shaking. Naruto instantly scrambled off of Sasuke and mad dash toward the cashier before the angry herd of fangirls assault her.
A feeling missing warmth startled Naruto thinking maybe the air conditioner has suddenly turned lowered.
Immediately afterward she sensed of being watched. Naruto paused and looked around but only saw a boy with glasses, head bent down, walked by.
Naruto happily slurped down her prize splattering specks of soup all over the table. “So Shino, how did your meeting go yesterday?”
“…..good.” Thankfully, the boy with the sunglasses had a high collar coat to prevent any eyes from seeing the pink flush that spread generously across his nose.
“What's it called again? The `Secret Club' meeting? Why is it called that anyways? Wouldn't that make people more suspicious? It must be fun right especially if the Aburame Shino finds it `good'? I think I might drop by sometime.” Naruto rambled on. Chouji, Lee, and Tenten would make a comment here and there while Shikarmaru just dozed off.
“Hey, you guys notice anything weird about dogboy?”
“No. Naruto-kun. What ails your buRniNg yoUtH?” Lee asked glancing at the said brunet.
Naruto lowered her voice. “It feels like he's been gaping at me the whole day today.”
“But don't you always get stares.” Tenten said. Looking up to find plenty of stares directed at their table.
“True…” Naruto muttered. It was disturbing how people were always staring weirdly at her talking about who knows what. Heck, she even received stares from the “Konoha's Heartthrobs” no matter how loud and idiotic she acted.
It's true she wanted attention but she wanted the bad kind of attention; once they glanced at her they should associate her as the number one hyperactive knuckle headed idiot not stares she's been getting lately that eerily resembles Jiraiya when he found another busty hot chick. Has her acting have gone too far? Or was she just thinking too much?
“Hey, guys. I gotta get to my lockers. Later.”
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Shino shoved Kiba onto the lockers gripping his coat and whispered threateningly, “I know you just got inducted yesterday and popular or not, I will wring your little neck should any harm comes to Uzumaki.” With that one statement Shino released Kiba and walked on as if one of the class quietest people did not just threaten to murder.
Students were starting to crowd the hallways. Few who saw what had just transpired merely threw a curious glance before scurrying away.
Kiba watch the retreating back of the taller boy and release a breathe he did not knew he was holding. Despite their class blatant aversion toward Naruto, the blondie has got more backups than he has ever realized.
“Surprised?” Neji was leaning against the locker. “I was pretty shock myself when I found out that someone from our class is a member of the club.”
“You guys have twisted sense of humor man. There's no way he could be her. Naruto's girly looking but he is still a he.” Kiba emphasized the masculine pronoun. Besides, the one I like is Hinata.
“You didn't deny that he's cute.”
“Che, I'm straight Neji.” Kiba walk towards his locker getting his books out.
“You still in?”
“No way. I told you. I'm I not staying within a three foot radius-” WHAM. The books fell out of Kiba's grip.
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“Sorry.” She should have paid attention instead of thinking about that again. Naruto picked up the dropped papers and looked up only to find the creep who had been staring at her all morning. It did not help that he's one of the school's idol and isn't that `soul seeing' guy next to him? Great.
She definitely does not like to be near that guy especially when he looks as her with those pupil-less eyes; feels like he could see through her disguised!
She quickly handed him the papers while keeping her signature grin in place; eager to get away lest more rabid fangirls and fanboys attack her .
Naruto halted her steps and bounce back to the brunette as if thrilled to be called on. “Sup Kiba. You need something?”
“Look, I need to tell you something. Ac-actually more like clear some misunderstanding.”
Whoa. Is his face reddening?
“I- I'm not into you.”
“Huh?” What is the dog boy talking about?
“He means that he's into you when you are pole dancing in a black short belly revealing top and hip scarf.” Neji came forward.
“What?!” Naruto heart almost stopped. Did they just blow her cover?!
“Back off, Neji!” At this point, Kiba's face was making a ripen tomato glowed in envy, “I- I mean I wasn't staring at y-you and I was not st-stalking you.”
“Errr…Okay. Glad to hear that.” Naruto willed her racing heart to calm down. “Well, see you guys at class tomorrow.” Naruto turned to skip away.
“Wait! I'm serious! I'm not-” Kiba ruggedly handsome face looked on in horror as he accidentally slipped on one of his fallen papers and on instinct grabbed onto the closest thing.
Naruto hands reflexively flew to hold her pants in place but the momentum of Kiba falling was too strong. Naruto could only watched in horror as her pant went down and down and down.
“…gay?” Kiba's eyes widened. His orbicularis oculi were working hard these days. Kiba did not see a pair of hairy, stubby legs that the baggy orange pant gave the impression of but...
Long bronze American legs were revealed for the world to see. Its smooth unblemished skin seems to glisten under the lights. From the round smooth thigh dipping to the knee then slowly to the tan creamy calves, everything was all in the right place. These perfect pair of legs would make models green with envy.
Those pair of legs is to die for.
A cloak of silence be felled the hallways. The only sounds heard were the buzzing and murmurs from the cafeteria.
So shocked and awed were the spectators that they miss the short black Hello Kitty boxer that adorned the amazing thighs.
Oh Lord. My pants did NOT just get pulled down.
Reality of this nightmare hit her; after what seems like ages her body overcame the shock and immediately a pretty pink blush bloom across her face unsure whether to be livid or to be dying from embarrassment. She hastily pulled her pants up and practically flew out the school, making to sure to not step on puddles of red liquids on the way out.
Two whole minutes after those incredible legs disappeared, time once again unfroze. Murmurs erupted throughout the halls.
Neji picked up his jaw from the ground but Kiba...poor Kiba was still laying on his stomach with his right hand still outreach.
“Oh. My. God. Did you see those legs?!”
“He shaves?”
“Wait what happened? I didn't see anything!”
“Did anybody get a picture of that?”
“Why does he hide those under that hideous outfit?!”
“I wonder what's underneath his top piece!” *giggles*
“I wish I could have those legs.”
“I should start getting tans!”
Meanwhile there was a fast approaching fiery purple aura. Those unfortunate who came in contact with it were once sent into a suffocating fit.
“You...” Sasuke grabbed Kiba's collar, effortlessly lifting the swirly eyes suspect. “…are going to pay.”
“Lucky bastard, I want to get a front seat too,” murmured a voice. Furious red eyes turned to speaker. “Just joking,” Neji quickly added.
“Vice President! Vice President!” Neji turn his head towards the running girl with twin vertical pillars of orange hair.
“Our spy has discovered that Heartthrob plans to attack Naruto-niichan!” The girl whispered urgently.
“Alert the others and call an emergency meeting tonight at 6:00pm.” Neji took his leave brows furrowed.
Sasuke eyes narrowed. Something to do with Naruto? “Neji. I'm coming too.”
A/N: Reviews are really encouraging. I understand why some authors refresh their stats page every other minute. lol