Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow's Rebirth ❯ Tears ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shadow's Rebirth

A/N: As I said earlier, this story has another crossover series that has been incorporated into the story, try to guess which one

Chapter 10: Tears

"Project MechaChao, a project were we make a mechanical version of a Chao. Sentient with a personality that adjust how it's owner is. Also a transmitter, camera, radio, radar and hell it can hook into the internet. After the contest, I plan to use the popularity of Mobian Corp with the backing of my clan to sell different versions all over the world. The ones that will be built for the race will be advance models, while the ones we sell will be not as advance, so we can constantly upgrade. Guys this is going to be bigger than Pokemon"

Finishing my little speech, I saw the reactions of the others. Tails was still looking at the blueprints, occasionally whipping drool from his mouth with his sleeves. Sonic had dollar signs on his head, while Chaos was nodding her head in agreement. Knuckles was still knocked out in the pink frilly sun dress with Rouge on top of him. Shade was sitting on my head after he had gotten done humiliating Knuckles. He even put bows in his dreads.

Shade grinned. "Punk, no one can beat me" Kasumi than came down, "Hey Ranma, I thought I'll join you since I'm done studying" I really haven't seen Kasumi, funny isn't it, she has been living in the manor with me and momma and I haven't noticed her. Must be all the pressure from the Grind Race. "Hey Kasumi sit down." I said patting the couch. I point to the others. "You know Yoko, Kasumi, but this is Recca, Miles, Celes, Kay and Rick. Guys, this is Kasumi Tendo" She bowed, "Please to meet you"

Shade seemed to see a new target leapt from my head to Kasumi's arms, "Chao Chao" The others, still awake rolled their eyes. Kasumi, like the others, cooed, "Oh how cu..." I never seen Kasumi's eye twitched before like that. Shade had groped her. Kasumi held it out at arms length, "Chao Chao!" Shade said trying a new angle. Kasumi, still with the peaceful expression looked at the creature, "Why Ranma, this is an interesting creature, what is it's name" I grin, "Shade"

Kasumi looked at Shade closer, "There is a disturbance in the force" I heard Sonic say. Shade still had his super cute Chao act, I never seen a female resist it the first time. "I'll just put you down Shade" She did as she said and turned around to walk towards the couch. Shade made the motions of groping her butt as she turned. Kasumi paused. I could still see her face at the angle, and saw it twitch again. It's like she has a seven sense. She wirled around, again Shade was doing his cute act again. It was a battle of wills and timing.

I could see Kasumi get angry, I mean I only seen Kasumi angry once and that was when she pulled out the war hammer, otherwise I thought Kasumi was incapable of getting angry. "Ranma, you have a interesting pet." She said as she moved to get some snacks and that was when Shade made his mistake. He began reaching for her butt, but he should have remembered that glass tables are reflective. I jumped off the couch just in time to see Kasumi slam her war hammer slam into my partners head, flattening him like a pancake.

"Whoa, she has a bigger hammer than Yoko" Tails whispered. I have to admit, he was right. It is pretty intimidating to see gentle, kind Kasumi easily wielding a steel weapon three times her body. Shade groaned, "*^%&%" and was promptly slammed into a even flatter pancake. Kasumi shook her finger, "Now Mr. Shade, I may punish you for being a pervert, but I'm not going to let anyone get away with that kind of language!" Shade unflattened himself and actually looked guilty.

"Sorry Miss. Kasumi" He said politely and even made a little bow. "That is okay, as long as you learned your lesson" Shade grinned and jumped back onto my head, "I like her" He whispered. I rolled my eyes, I know that tone, Shade is just going to try again. "So Kasumi how is college?" She laughed, "Oh I'm not in college yet, I'm studying for the entrance exams" I grinned, "So what school? Are you going to?" Kasumi smiled, "I'm going for Tokyo University. I ran into this nice Inn, I'm saying at so I could be closer to the prep school. I met one of my childhood friends."

To my surprise Kasumi blushed, good for her. I smirked,

"So who is the lover boy?" Her blush just increased, "Oh just another test taker, Keitarou. He seems so sad all the time," She was getting sad so I decided to change the subject. "Hey Kasumi, do you wanna help us make this new project?" Kasumi perked up instantly when I told her about the MechaChao. It turns out, a good chunk of those books were on advance robotics. I ignored what happened to Amy and I in favor of working on the project.

The next day I woke up, looking at another buzzing alarm clock, I just ignored it, not worth it. Looking out my window, I found it was raining. It matches my mood. Getting dressed in black slacks, matching long sleeve sweater and a red trench coat. I prepared to leave for school. I was about to walk out my room when I remember that Shade was still asleep. I didn't know where he was, but I had a way to find out. "Shade, Kasumi is flashing me!" A drawer popped open and the excited Chao searched around the room, floating in the air. He pouted, "What a mean trick" I laughed, "But it got you up. Now you can go to school with me, but you can't speak." I paused. I'm suppose to remember something else Shade can do. I look at him and he knows I don't know and grins. "Nor any other destruction. You are to act like a pet, understand?"

"(*&(&*:" Shade grumbled but agreed before sitting on his usual spot, my head. Greeting Mom and Kasumi, we grabbed an umbrella, then went out. "I like the Rain" Shade said, as we walked to school. It was raining so hard, people couldn't recognize me, so I didn't get hassled. "I do too Shade. Hey watch this" As we continued to walk, I cupped my palm and summoned my ki. Again it came out black with red swirls in it, but by concentrating the black and red fades to white. Seconds later I had a white glowing ball of ki. I squeezed the ball in my fist and then it happened. Beams of white light escaped my hand, through the fingers. They shot in every direction. When they touched the rain drops. Millions of rainbows were formed. They illuminated the whole area in color. Like a waterfall was painted.

"Wow" Shade whispered, speechless. Those that were walking by me stopped to watch the beautifull display. Using my compassion as a medium, turned the ki white. Using the same method, on my other hand and combining it with the soul of ice, the water in the area froze as it fell. It turned from a waterfall of color, to falling crystals of color. It looked like an aurora, but on the ground. Many more business man, students and wives stopped as I kept pumping white ki through my fingers.

"Oh my god" I turned and saw Amy frozen, watching my act. I ignore the depression or the ki would turn green. Time to wow these people "Chestnut fist revised. Enlightened Touch!" Using the Chestnut fist at the fastest speed I can before tapping the light speed dash. The ki moved in many patterns. The darkness called by the clouds was no longer noticed as everything for a couple miles was color moving like a giant strobe light. With twist of my wrist. I formed, light puppets. Dragons, Tigers, Angels and other shapes.

When I finally stopped pumping energy, the people around started clapping. I bowed, winked at Amy and continued with the satisfaction of making her blush. I arrived at school and lo and behold Kuno. "Evil Sorcerer! You can not defeat-" At that point Shade pointed to the nearby brick and slammed it into Kuno's head. "Moron" I said as I walked into the school.

Sitting in class staring out the window, I saw Akane rush into the school. She was still bald, but had even more facial hair. Her uniform was in rags and dirt was on her face. Surprisingly, a couple of guys charged at her. These people must be desperate to get a date, or they are really perverted. Again Akane was defeated, it's sad really, because she tripped and knocked her face with the guys fist. I saw Gosunkagi look at Akane, snort and walk away laughing.

Ms. Hinako walked in signaling the class to be quiet. "Class, we have several new students joining us. Wow we have so many people joining us. You may know them, Msu Tsu and Ryouga Habiki" I never expected this. Mousee and Ryouga came in and the class cheered for them, They must have been getting a lot of attention to. Many girls pointed and giggled at Mousse. "Ryouga take a seat by Kay, Mousse, take the one by Yuka" Akane's friend blushed and grinned happily.

Ryouga smiled and kissed Chaos as he sat down and Mousse smirked at Yuka, causing her to swoon. Mousse must be happy with those small box frame glasses Tails gave him. I couldn't imagine not being able to see. Akane came in after the bell and was sent to the hallways. She glared at me for some reason so when Ms. Hinako wasn't looking "Shade go out there, make sure you aren't seen and make her miserable" Shade grinned evilly and flew out the window. My classmates saw this but because this is Nerima didn't comment on it.

Minutes later I was treated to the sounds of someone getting splashed and sounds of cussing.

After the class laughed at the wet Akane, the lessons went on. Soon lunch came and everyone was sitting around enjoying our lunches. We were joined by Mousse and Ryouga. The former tucking more numbers and love letters in his sleeves while the latter was kissing Chaos. Speaking of that, "Hey how did you two get together." Ryouga blushed while Chaos smiled. "It turns out I was trying to get somewhere, but I was lost. So I asked the nearest person for directions and Ryo-chan here was nice enough to try and escort me to my location" I blinked and then grinned, "So where you end up?" She smiled, "In Brazil, we spent a week there hanging out getting to know each other, and I couldn't stand to see such a nice guy depressed over stupid things." Ryouga's blush just increased. That must be why I don't sense that depression aura he seems to always carry around. "Good for you two"

I was about to say more, but I felt a presence behind me. I look behind me to see Akane staring at Ryouga. I ignored her, cause it looks like she isn't here to talk to me. "Hi Ryouga. I think its cool you're going to school with us." Ryouga shrugged. "I guess" She twiddled her thumbs as she got closer to him with that glint in her eyes. "I was wondering sense the pervert is no longer engaged to me, would you well like to go out to dinner sometime? Cause I've always sort of had a crush on you Ryouga" Everyone was silent. I wasn't really insulted because I figured out a long time ago that Akane was missing a whole bunch of brain cells.

Chaos looked calm, but I could swear her skin was turning a transparent blue. Ryouga looked at Akane with pity, "I'm sorry Akane, but I'm dating someone." He gestured to Chaos who turned back to normal and gave a wide smile. "Also Ranma and I are friends again, it would be to awkward for me to date his ex-fiance" Akane still kept the smile, "So will you go, I'm sure you would rather date me instead of that blue-haired bimbo" I grabbed Amy under one hand, Tails under the other and ran behind the nearest building. I glance around, Sonic is on the roof, praying, Knuckles had somehow dug a trench and was wearing an army helmet and Rouge was hanging upside down on the closest streetlight. Somehow her dress, didn't fall down, curious. Mousse was hanging off another streetlight with a chain wrapped around it.

Tails sighed in relief as did Amy, "That was close" I said. They nodded in agreement. I peeked around the corner, yep the shit has hit the fan. Chaos was now completely a transparent blue and her clothes melted into her body. It looked like she was a gel like woman. Her eyes turned into crystals. Ryouga was nervous, but not as nervous someone would be had they seen that for the first time. He must of known of her transformation ability. Even more powerful now that she has a Guardian Emerald. "HOW DARE YOU!" She yelled.

Akane, like the idiot she is stood there and yelled back. Kasumi's mom must have cheated on Mr. Tendo because the rest of the family are retarded. She actually yelled back "SHUT UP YOU BIMBO!!! RYOUGA IS MINE!!!" Ryouga blinked. "MOLE DIG" He yelled and he was gone in the blink of a eye, reappearing next to Knuckles in the trench. Knuckles handed him a helmet and they both proceeded to duck deeper in the trench.

Chaos was pissed now, she sprouted four more arms. "YOU BITCH!!" Akane laughed, "You think changing shape will help you. I am Akane Tendo. I am the heir to the Tendo School of Anything Goes!! I am the best martial artist in I am the best in the world!! I have defeated dragons and killed gods!"

Oh hell no! She did not just try to take my reputation. She must be tripping! "Cough Cough Bullshit Cough Cough" Akane turned to see her two best friends coughing. Hell even Kuno was trying not to laugh. Ryouga was trying not to laugh or cry I couldn't tell which. Mousse has fallen off the pole as was rolling on the ground laughing. Chaos was still glaring with her gem like eyes and said with a bell like voice, "Come on little brat face your fate"

Akane screamed and charged at her. She punched and her fist just bounced off Chaos's gel like skin. I think I will remember Akane's expression for the rest of my life. The realization that you are so screwed. Akane tried again, this time with a kick. Chaos yawned as the kick bounced. Akane growled turned and ran like a bat out of hell. "Oh don't think you'll get away from me" Her arms stretched and flew towards the running Akane, who was too slow and too clumsy to dodge it.

One of Chaos's arms wrapped around Akane's neck and lifted her into the air. Her arms shortened and brought Akane to Chaos. Holding her with one arm, her other five was free to act, and I'm pretty sure she could make more. I was right as six more sprouted out her body. Her arms blurred and I watched one of the nastiest beatings I ever saw. When she was done, Akane was just one big bruise. It reminded me of a giant purple prune, only hairier in certain spots. Chaos threw her over her shoulder and onto the branch of a nearby tree, Akane was put in a spot were she was accidentally flashing her panties to everyone.

Chaos clapped each set of hands as to wipe off dirt. Then shifted. Her extra arms melted into her body, and her body turned fleshy then her skin changed from blue to her regular skin tone. Finally her eyes turned from gems into regular ones. She turned to the rest of the school that started watching during Akane's beating, "What are you looking at?" All my peers turned their hands.

Ryouga suck his head out the trench, "Is it safe to come out?" I heard him whisper to Knuckles. In response Knuckles stuck his head out far enough only to peek and quickly ducked down. "I don't know" Their questions were answered when Chaos walked to the trench and held out a hand to help them out. "Sorry about that, I don't like the ideas of someone owning another person. Much less the person, I'm dating." Ryouga blushed as the others came down from their spots.

The wind shifted hard enough to knock Akane out the tree

Shade hopped of my head and stood over Akane, "You got knocked the (%^%$$ out" Then he robbed her. Shade will never change. Getting back to lunch Mousse and Ryouga came to me, "I heard you're having another contest, a treasure search?" I nod, already figuring out their next question, "We want to participate." I grin. "Great! Maybe you'll win something" The others looked at me, "I thought the only prize was a Chaos Emerald"

I shake my head, "That is what wins the contest, but in the ruins is a whole bunch of treasure, gems, precious metals, powerful weapons.." I paused and took out a calculator, "At current value rates, the whole treasure is worth about-" I pause when the numbers compute. Oh my god. "How much?" Rouge said clearly interested. I looked around and didn't see anyone that would hear me, "Guys you got to keep quiet when I tell you this. Ryouga hand out some bandanas and everyone tie them to their mouths" They looked confused but did so. "Guys the treasure is worth 90 and I mean 90 billion yen"

They all screamed out in shock but the bandanas muffled there voices. "I say whoever wins keeps the Chaos Emerald, but we all evenly split the money, cause we'll all be set for life." They all agreed and everyone was excited, Tails grinned, "With the money we get Mobian Corp doesn't need your families money to put out the MechaChao." I nod, "So Tails you come over and we will begin building it tonight."

Lunch passed and the rest of the day was quiet, most of the students were annoying Chaos about her transformation. Me and Shade were walking home. The street was oddly deserted and it begin to rain again, cloaking everything in a blurry shroud. Is was so bad I couldn't see ten feet ahead of me, so I focused my ki senses to make sure I couldn't be snuck up on.

That was when my danger senses went off the scales. Right ahead of me!! I jumped and missed a ball of energy hitting the spot where I was at. Another sense kicked in and the matter that was struck rapidly aged until it broke down in dust. It is a temporal attack. I grin, time attacks never affect those that can stop it one's whim. Also the guardian emeralds, when fully activated, protect it's user from all other energies except those of the Chaos Emeralds, and can reduce the damage caused by it fellow emeralds.

My danger sense flares again, the attack uses kinetic energy to, so unless I fully activate my emerald, I'll have to block or dodge. It isn't that big of a deal because the ball of energy is to weak to hurt me. Using my senses I dodge at the last minute as the ball comes from each direction. "Too Slow" I mock. The next one is twice as strong, but I'm starting to see the pattern of how the attack works. A couple more and I'll have my self a new attack "YOU COULDN'T HIT A FISH IN A BARREL!!!" The next ball has even more strength. Two more...there I know how to do it. Now to put the ol' Saotome touch.

While dodging I tap that new energy, my attacker gasps. I didn't shield my energy, they now know I'm tapping their energy source. Placing both hands over my head as to throw something over my head, I mix the new energy and my ki to form a giant ball of energy over my head. I have to say I got the inspiration for this from that anime, Digimon, I drooled when I saw that Giga Destroyer attack. Sensing my attacker's position. "CHAOTIC DESTROYER!!!" Like on the cartoon, it was a giant ball of pure destruction, only colored black, red and surprisingly green. Must be the new energy. Before my attacker can move, "CHAOS CONTROL!!!" Everything froze, except my attackers face, with a guess from my senses.

I have to admit, making the rain stop was a very cool effect. "Holy (&%^%" Oh yeah, Shade. Forgot about him. Walking past my attack and feeling the total lack of warmth of it I shivered. I think it is even sucking up heat. I see my attacker, and was surprised. "Whoa momma. That &^%&&* is totally (*&*^&^* hot" I sighed, "Shut up Shade" I do have to admit my attacker would look hot, if it wasn't for the look of utter hate on her face. "What's with you. I don't even know you yet I'm being attacked. I bet you were surprised when I tapped your energy." I was answered by silence and a stronger glare. I sat on a nearby bench.

I pointed to my frozen attack "As you know that attack is heading towards you. If I wish. I'll unfreeze everything but you and let it hit. It's not full strength, but I'm pretty sure it'll hurt like hell. Not enough to kill, but you'll be in the hospital for months." To prove my point I let go of the energy holding on the ball a bit and it moved slowly until it was feet from my attacker. "So tell me, why did you attack me?" She glared and eventually surrendered. "Fine, you are a threat."

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