Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning/ A New World: Emerald Edition ❯ Chapter 7: To Grandma's House We Go ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: To Grandma's House We Go
Emerald Edition note: I'm leaving in the picture references even though I have no clue on when I'll have the time and money to restore the picture pages. For now, just ignore them…
Sorry that this is a day late, I had to take care of some important things after school. The next chapter will be posted on Friday on my lunch… my work schedule is kinda tight and I need to work on the next NGE and Ranma chapters.
Elsewhere in Japan... a brown-haired woman wearing jeans and a blue top is on her knees in front of a gravestone. She weeps for two losses, the one in front of her, from five years past, and the loss that just occurred recently... her poor cat died. Ritsuko begins to talk to the stone artifice that has her mother's name on it... she cannot help but weep.
“Mother... I'm such a fool.” She puts her hands over her face. “Why couldn't I see that he was using me... I am so blind... like mother, like daughter... how could he have picked that little bitch, Rei, over me?”
Ritsuko continues to cry, her mind filled with many emotions and much confusion over the recent events in her life. She thinks about what she did just after escaping Tokyo-3. `I totally made myself over… my hair is back to its natural color, brown… I got rid of the glasses… and here I am… in front of mother's grave. My poor kitty… she died while I was gone. I wish I had come home sooner…'
Eventually, the sun begins to set, and Ritsuko finally rouses herself up from the gravestone and walks back to her grandmother's house, which is just down the road. She enters the house and has a seat in the front room of the house. Her grandmother notices her come on and walks over to her...
“You've been gone for quite a while, is everything ok?”
Ritsuko wipes any remaining tears off of her face. “I'm fine. How's my other cat doing?”
“You mean Luna?”
A cat runs past Ritsuko's grandmother and jumps into Ritsuko's arms.
“There's Luna now…”
Ritsuko cradles the black cat in her arms and starts to talk to it softly...
Ritsuko's grandmother takes her leave. “I'll leave you two alone for a while... dinner will be ready shortly...”
Ritsuko begins talking to Luna. “I'm glad you're still ok... now's let's go and see what our `friends' at NERV are up to... “
After walking over to a computer that is sitting in the corner of the room, Ritsuko pulls up a chair and pats the chair. “Sit down, here, Luna.”
The black cat jumps out of her arms and sits next to the chair and lets out a meow. Ritsuko smiles and then flexes her fingers. “Let's see if I still got it...”
The keyboard creaks with the sounds of rapid typing as Ritsuko breaks into the NERV supercomputers with ease. She stops after getting past the firewalls and stares at the screen. “So that's what they released to the president and the leaders... hmm. It's almost all of the truth behind NERV and SEELE, sans a few incriminating details. Why would that bastard Ikari release these documents at all? It makes no sense to me. What does he plan to do with EVA Unit 01 and the NERV organization?”
Ritsuko sits there and studies the data for a few minutes. It just doesn't seem logical to her... and of all things, the JSSDF is protecting them, she muses to herself.
Ritsuko's Grandmother calls for her granddaughter from the kitchen. “Dinner's ready!”
Ritsuko puts the computer on standby. “Be right there.”
She begins thinking to herself… `Well, I guess that I shouldn't be too worried, after all, for some strange reason, I'm alive and the world is back like it was... it just isn't logical.'
“Right, Luna?” She asks her cat.
The cat meows in response to the question. Ritsuko gets up and walks into the kitchen, where dinner is waiting for her. Luna hops into the now warm chair that Ritsuko was sitting in, curls up into a ball, and falls asleep.
“ Go ahead, sit down and eat. I hope you like it.”
Ritsuko sits down at the table. “Looks good.“ She stares at the plate of food, which has rice and various vegetables on it, a sort of rice medley. “I haven't had this in a long time...” Ritsuko says as she begins to eat.
“It was nice of you to come by and stay with me for a while. It's been too long... three years, I believe.” Ritsuko's grandmother says with a smile, happy to see her granddaughter again.
“Yes, it has. I wanted to see mother's grave again, and see you, of course.”
“So, that's why you stopped by. They gave you a break from work, right? It's been a while since you got a chance to escape from NERV...”
“Grandma, it's a long story...” Ritsuko pauses to make up a valid excuse. “They're doing something new at headquarters, and I'm able to take a break for a while. I'm sure Maya will be able to handle it. Besides, I needed a vacation anyway, right?”
“Yes, that's true. How long do you plan on staying?”
“I'm not sure yet. I think I'll stay for a while, if you don't mind.”
“No problem. Will you be around for your birthday? It is only a few weeks away...” The older woman asks, hoping for a “yes” answer.
Ritsuko smiles. “Yeah, I think I can swing that by headquarters...”
“That's great. It'll be nice to have you around, and we can catch up on old times...“ The grandmother taps her fingers on the table and brings up something that's been on her mind. “It's mighty strange how your facility was attacked, and yet is now under the protection of the Japanese government. And what about those other NERV facilities? The UN is in shambles right now. There is just too much going here for my tastes...”
Ritsuko passively responds to that. “I wouldn't be too worried about it. I'm sure the government will figure it all out, and the UN will be restored. It served humanity for 14 years; it'll be restored, once this SEELE thing is figured out.”
“I do hope your right. We don't need any world wars or anything like that now. Oh, by the way… I was cleaning today, and I found some of your stuff from college. When you're done eating, take a look and see if you want any of these...” A pile of papers is pushed across the table to Ritsuko. “It's all right here. I have to go to the store; I'll be back in a little while. Look through those papers, ok?”
Ritsuko grabs the stack of papers on the table and looks through them after her grandmother leaves the house. “Let's see what we have here...”
She goes through the papers, notices that some of her old college assignments are in the stack. “Those are useless... but, what's this?” An old pencil sketch is at the bottom of the pile… she pulls it out and gasps. “I don't believe it; I thought this was lost...”
To see the drawing, go to picture 23 on picture page 3 of my website.
`I wish I could see you again, Misato... and Kaji, it was too bad you had to die...' A few tears fall off of her face. `I can't risk contacting Misato. If Gendo learns that I'm alive, I'm sure he'll try and kill me again...'
Ritsuko slams her fist down on the table and then there's a long pause. `I wonder what happened in Terminal Dogma after I was shot?'
The blond scientist gets up, walks back into the front room, and sits down in front of the computer again. She inputs commands into the computer, hacking into NERV computer system totally undetected once again.
Ritsuko is surprised by what she finds after doing a little more research. “There going to do WHAT?” She does a double take and looks at the screen again in disbelief. “They're going to rebuild Unit 02 and reactivate Unit 01? What the hell for? There are no more angels...”
A few seconds later, Ritsuko is shocked again. “A community organization? That's what the UN is going to do with NERV to "cover" up its continued existence? Are they nuts?”
Ritsuko sits back on the chair, deep in thought. She thinks to herself... 'What should I do now?'
Later that evening, back in Tokyo-3, three people vie for control and dominance in an apartment near the edge of the city... the main objective is very important to all three people...
Misato grabs the remote from Shinji. “Hey, it's my TV, let me pick the station...” The purple hair woman says as she starts to flips through the channels.
Asuka begins to complain. “Shinji and I wanted to watch something...” She puts on best happy/cute face and proceeds to try her best to sway her guardian's opinion. “Please, Misato…”
There's no answer… Asuka turns to Shinji, who is sitting next to her and nudges him with her elbow. “You wanna watch something with me, right Shinji?”
Shinji is afraid to aggravate the situation and can only manage to say one word. “Uhh...”
Asuka gets angry because Shinji is not standing up to help her. “Come on, Shinji... stand up for yourself and be a man here... and stand up for me.” She then looks at him with a look that could paralyze any who come upon it. “Resistance is futile, Shinji...”
Shinji finally responds, albeit nervously. “Uh... Misato... c... c... could you let us watch something?”
Misato shrugs her shoulders and gives up the remote. “Oh all right. You two can watch something together. I'm going to get another beer.” She says as she gets up and heads into the kitchen for another cold beer.
Shinji and Asuka hear Misato call out to them from the kitchen. “I'm going to my room now; I got some paperwork to do. After that I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late, you two have a sync test tomorrow, remember?”
“We knowwww...” Asuka says, faking excitement about said test.
“Yeah... how could we forget?” Shinji says with a sigh.
Misato remembers one more detail that she needs to mention. “Don't forget, it's your turn to make breakfast, Asuka. Don't stay up too late, and behave you two... no funny stuff!”
The two teens look at Misato and see her wink and then waves at them. “I'll see you two in the morning.”
Misato disappears into her room, leaving two unnerved pilots sitting in the front room. Shinji quickly brings the situation
Both pilots are slightly unnerved by her comments... but quickly return to the matter at hand- what to watch on the television...
“What did you want to watch, Asuka?”
Asuka begins changing stations with the remote. “How about this show? I know its pre-second impact, but its still good.”
Shinji isn't very thrilled about the program on the TV. “Yeah, whatever you want, Asuka.”
Asuka has another idea. “We could talk… instead of watching TV…”
Shinji begins to sweat. “Uh... talking would be nice. Being with you now... is... nice.”
“Thanks, Shinji.” Asuka turns off the TV with the remote and then puts it off to the side. “You wait here; I'm going to get changed for bed.”
Shinji feels a little nervous and then notices that Asuka is staring at him. When their eyes meet, Asuka winks at him. “I'll be right back…”
Shinji decides to get ready for bed himself… the two teens go to their separate rooms and get ready for bed. He changes into a black T-Shirt and black sweatpants and returns to the living room to wait for Asuka. About a minute later, Asuka comes out of her room wearing blue short-shorts and a pink shirt; she walks over to Shinji, dragging two blankets and a pillow behind her.
To see what Asuka looks like at this point, go to picture 37 on picture page 5 of my website.
Shinji gets very nervous as he notices what she's brought into the room. “What's with the blankets and pillow?”
Asuka notices his discomfort and tries to calm him down. “Oh, those... I thought we would need something to sit on here, while we talk. Besides, it is getting cold in this apartment. I think that the gas company must be fixing the heating system in the area... it has been getting colder in here the last hour or so... I need to keep warm, yah know.”
Shinji is still apprehensive about the situation but helps Asuka one of the blankets on the floor. He then sits down on top of it… Asuka joins him a moment later. She puts the other blanket around both of them and snuggles up to Shinji.
“Let's talk, Shinji. I know it sounds silly...” She looks down at the blanket before continuing. “I'm... a little bit apprehensive about getting into your EVA. I've never tried to sync with another EVA before...”
Shinji tries his best to say some comforting words to Asuka. “You'll be fine. I'm sure you can sync with it. My mother had no problem with you coming back with me to the earth after Third impact; she wanted me to be happy... so I'm sure the EVA will sync with you.”
Asuka looks at Shinji skeptically. “Are you sure about that?”
“Of course.” Shinji says with a smile. “It'll only be temporary, anyway. They'll have your EVA up and running in no time. I know how much you love piloting EVA... me on the other hand, well...”
Asuka continues his thought. “You never liked piloting too much at all. Maybe now it won't be too bad, since you know that your mother will be with you.”
Shinji shrugs his shoulders. “I guess...”
Asuka begins to tire of Shinji's passiveness- she gently nudges him and tries to encourage him. “Hey, cheer up! Besides, who knows how much we'll actually have to use the EVA's, anyway. What could they need it for but for our own defense, I mean, there are no more angels, right? Still... I have a weird feeling... like your father is up to something.”
Shinji agrees with her words 100% “Yeah... but I don't know if he is or not. I'm sure Misato would tell us if she knew...” Shinji says, sighing aloud at the end of his statement.
“Don't get depressed on me again...” Asuka says, trying to stop his depressing line of thought before it goes any further.
“Sorry, Asuka...”
Asuka gives Shinji's hand a little squeeze to reassure him. “It's ok... I get depressed too, yah now. I'm actually glad in a way that we're going back to class. I did miss Hikari, and I'm sure you wanted to see the other stooges again, right? I could do without seeing those goofballs, especially Toji, but they're still your friends...”
Shinji is a little bit happier after hearing those words from Asuka. “Yeah... it'll be nice to see Toji and Kensuke again on Monday. I guess I'm responsible for Toji's leg being all better... I mean, what else could have made it feel like new all of the sudden? And it started feeling better two days ago, it couldn't be anything else but my wish.” After pausing to think, he decides to ask another question. “How's Hikari doing?””
Asuka responds excitedly. “She's doing fine, on the phone she said that her family will be moving into the apartment complex just down the road from us, that'll be so cool! As for Toji, I'm sure there were a lot of things that happened that you didn't wish for, but felt in your heart. That's my guess on what happened...”
Asuka pauses and then looks at Shinji intently. “Shinji... did... you want to do something else now?”
Shinji blushes and tries to find the courage to ask what she means by "something else". He speaks a few seconds later...
“What do... you... mean, Asuka?” Shinji says, stammering his question.
“I was... thinking that we could... maybe...” Asuka says slowly, making sure he can understand all of what she's saying. Her teasing is beginning to have an effect on Shinji; her pausing on purpose makes him draw the wrong conclusion.
Shinji's face starts to turn red... and Asuka decides to ask another question.
“Do you wanna... kiss me?”
Shinji is confused for a moment and then nods his head. He had been thinking that Asuka wanted to do something more intimate then that with him...
“I had you going there for a moment, huh?”
Shinji nods his head and Asuka continues. “Did you think I was going to say `sex'?”
“Umm... yeah... you are a tease, Asuka.“
Asuka winks at Shinji. “I guess I am sometimes... but it's fun to tease you, Shinji. Now, about that kiss... you brushed your teeth, right?”
“Of course, right after dinner. How about you?”
“Of course I did, dummkopf. Now, close your eyes and we'll get started...”
Asuka starts to move even closer to Shinji… she reaches out her right hand to pinch his nose again when Shinji suddenly speaks up.
“Hey! Don't pinch my nose again!” He puts his hand up to catch hers. “Asuka...”
Asuka playfully protests what he's doing. “But your breath tickles me...” She starts to push his hand away and he grabs it again.
“Asuka... uh... can we do a real kiss... I didn't get a chance to enjoy it that one time... I want a REAL kiss from you, Asuka...”
Asuka smiles. “I guess so... that's actually romantic of you to ask for a real kiss from me... all right then. No nose pinching...”
She lowers her hand down to the ground and begins to speak softly. “I'm glad you FINALLY got some guts about something...”
Shinji does his best to try and be romantic at this point in time.
“Your beautiful blue eyes look like they're back to normal, and your arm...” He runs his hand gently over her now unbandaged arm as he continues speaking. “Your arm is looking much better...”
Asuka blushes. “Oh... Shinji...” An emotional Asuka puts her arms around him and pulls him very close to her body. “You can be romantic, if you really try...”

The moment of truth has arrived. Asuka closes her eyes and moves forward to kiss Shinji. He sees Asuka's lips moving towards his own. He closes his eyes and moves forward to meet her kiss...
`Here we go' Is the thought passing through Shinji's mind as Asuka's lips press against his. Many different emotions are brought to the fore inside of him. A feeling of warmth envelops him, along with love and a strong desire to be with this beautiful young woman... to hold her close... to...
Shinji's mind races as thoughts and desires long buried are expressed through the now passionate kisses that Asuka is placing upon his lips... he returns her affection as best he can. Asuka pulls him even closer- almost pressing her entire body against him... Shinji lets his inner feelings take over and starts to passionately kiss Asuka...
Asuka, at the same time, continues to kiss Shinji, trying to get him to open up to her. She wants to be close to him...she feels warm inside as the kissing continues. She conveys all of her love, emotions and passions to Shinji with her kisses, pulling him even closer. Shinji finally opens up and returns her affections, like she knew that he would...
The two pilots continue to enjoy each other's kisses, blissfully unaware that Misato Katsuragi has been listening in on their entire exchange, ever since the TV went off.
`I knew those two would do something... but I shouldn't spoil their fun... as long as it doesn't go too far...' She puts her ear back on the door and continues to listen. `I'll just stay up 'till they go to sleep, just to make sure...'
Back in the front room, Asuka and Shinji slowly break the kiss and begin to hold each other…
Shinji is red in the face and is almost out of breath. “Wow... that was... great... Asuka… you have such warm lips…”
Asuka blushes. “T-thank you…” She quickly regains her composure and looks intently at Shinji. “You know… you were kissing the prettiest girl in Tokyo, what did you expect, ne?”
She pauses to let that sink into Shinji's mind and then continues speaking a playful tone of voice. “You did good for your first REAL kiss...”
`We should do this more often, he kisses pretty good...' Asuka cannot help but think as Shinji tries to form some words… any words… back in response to Asuka's last comment.
“Uh... thanks, Asuka... what did you want to do now?”
Asuka yawns. “Shinji, I'm tired... I want to go to sleep. I think that I'll stay here; the blanket is already set up.”
The 2nd child grabs the pillow and props it under her head as she lies down on the blanket.
“Good night, Asuka.” Shinji says as he starts to get up. However, Asuka grabs Shinji before he gets on his feet.
“Please stay, Shinji...” Asuka says, almost begging.
“Uh... uh... ok. I'll stay... for you.” Shinji says as he slowly sits back down. Asuka grabs the other blanket and covers them both. Shinji slowly lies down and tries to fall asleep... he feels Asuka's hand in his and notices that she's looking at him…
“Good night, Shinji.” Asuka says softly before falling fast asleep.
“Good night, Asuka.” Shinji says in a whisper. He holds Asuka's hand as he drifts off to sleep…
After a few minutes of silence pass, Misato quietly walks out of her room and sneaks a look in the front room. She sees Asuka and Shinji sleeping on a blanket on the floor, hand in hand. She thinks to herself... `How cute! I still got to watch them, though...' and then returns to her own bedroom to get some well deserved rest. A new day soon is at hand for Tokyo and the rest of the world...
In the pre-dawn hours of the new day, a man makes his way through the shadows to a secret base, untouched for many weeks, in the bowels of the city of Kyoto, to meet with a friend...
To be continued in Chapter 8: Kyoto and the Sync Test