Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction ❯ Unbreakable Bond ❯ Unanswerable Questions ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unbreakable Bond
Chapter IX Unanswerable Questions
Well I'm downright hurt. Where are all the beautiful reviews? I mean I'm on the alert list for well over 100 people and I only get 20 or so reviews? What happened guys? Why have you forsaken me? I know that a lot of you guys are silent readers who prefer not to leave a review but I'd like to hear your input once in a while. Oh sure there are some loyal reviewers such as dennisud, Fox of Anubis, and Innortal who drop a line and have their say. So please drop a line and say something so I don't feel like a complete idiot.
And wow…it's been almost a year since I've first started this fic? Wow! I'm so happy ^^ Despite the fact it's been only eight chapters, you've got to admit, they've been 8 well done chapters. Well…well done at the time they were written anyways LOL.
Normally I put notes at the end of the story but I feel that I should do my authors notes at the beginning, especially with the way I had ended this particular chapter. Anyways, so upon finishing this chapter, please give me your comments, your thoughts, your feelings towards what you've read and the like. The more you say the more I know how to please your appetite.
Also old readers please take a look at Chapter 1 and give me your opinions. It's a revised version, and I'm hoping that it's better than it was before.
Without further ado, let Chapter 9 begin.
The day came too quickly as crews prepared Evangelion Units 01 and 03v for activation. Tension mounted up as many recalling previous activation tests and how it amounted up in bills, and repairs. No one was willing to go through another event if they could help it, and worked diligently ensuring successful activations of both units. They were going to make sure nothing failed.
In the testing chambers Evangelion Unit 01 stood, locked in at the shoulders as crews scrambled about. Inside the control room, Ritsuko personally oversaw the preparations ensuring nothing would go wrong and the pilots would be fine. Everything rode on this experiment for anything to continue. The fate of humanity, NERV, everything required the successful activations of Unit 01 and 03. However Unit 01's activation was paramount due to Shinji's usefulness to NERV, and to other parties.
Looking to a screen on the console in front of her, she watched crews prepare Unit 03. The black behemoth loomed menacingly in the white room; crews nervously working around the beast. Not many were keen to be near the machine; its dark armour exuding an aura of despair and destruction. Some felt sorry for the pilot of the machine, believing it would bring bad luck. Taking small comfort in that fact they only had to maintain it, many picked up the pace, shortening the amount of time near the `Death Bringer'.
In another part of NERV the pilots sat on benches preparing for the test. Asuka would have a routine synchronization procedure while the couple across her activated their Evas. Hearing of previous violent activations with Rei involved, Asuka wondered if it would be the same with Unit 03. Spending time with the person she often treated second class had her begin evaluating her perception of her. Once a doll she saw emotions in the girl. She expressed herself, she felt things, and she's even scowled once or twice. But then again thinking about it didn't mean much to her. Rei was still a doll with an upgrade, and Shinji was no different. She was still number one, and her chances of staying number one were greater than ever, now that they had a hindrance. It was her chance, she wouldn't ruin it.
“So,” she drawled, “it seems that baka-Shinji and Rei aren't as good as they used to be, huh?” Both pilots looked up at her neutrally, waiting if she had anything else to say.
Taking advantage of their silence Asuka pressed on, “If you think about it now of your `bond' you have to stay near each other. Backing each other up, needing one another, never parting from one another, am I correct?” Both remained silent, nodding to her question. Asuka felt her anger boil, but suppressed it, opting to continue.
“So therefore your chances of being `effective' in battle are lower; therefore making me the better pilot. You two are just on the sidelines now because of this `issue', leaving me as number one!”
“Your point Soryu-san?” they deadpanned.
“My point,” she continued, “Is that I'm number one because I have nothing holding me back. You two with your, `bond' prevents you from going far from one another. And speaking of your bond, I feel sorry for you Ayanami. I bet Baka-Shinji probably already has some perverted ideas!”
“Shinji-kun does not bear such thoughts Soryu-san,” Rei calmly replied.
“Asuka cut it out,” Shinji added. “This is pointless.”
“Oh so the oh so great, Shinji,” heavily emphasizing his name, “now decides to speak on his own?! Oh how great. The `oh so great' prodigy thinks he can defend himself? Well now that's rich! I don't even know why I helped you in the first place!”
“Perhaps you felt a sense of kinship towards Shinji-kun?” Rei calmly suggested.
“What?! Kinship?! Don't be absurd!” Asuka hotly screamed out. “I probably only did it because you surprised me when you came in. That and the room you're living in was a dump. I wasn't going to allow trash to bring in more trash whenever they visit.”
“Trash?” they asked.
“Well not trash…more like underlings,” she replied. Shinji and Rei stared at her, wondering the sudden change in attitude. Only a week ago Asuka had been kind to them, helping them around the house, doing homework with them and the like, only to have her suddenly change her attitude as the test drew on close. The approach of the test most likely brought back her sense of competition and resulted in her taunting them but far from the truth they were.
Asuka started to walk away, thinking back to what had just happened, and what happened during the week. The more she thought about it, the more she hated them. They had what she didn't. They had everything she had ever wanted. They had the praise from those who mattered most. They had the eye of the Commander, Misato, Ritsuko, the entire staff. Although their Evangelions were prone to accidents they were the most powerful, especially Unit 01, undergoing countless dangers, always coming out unscathed. But worst of all they had love. They loved each other, in a way she could only fathom. She had willingly dropped her shield when she saw that love, in hopes to possibly become part of that love. But it just wasn't meant to be. She hated them for it. Not because they didn't open up, but they shunned her. As far as she saw it, they shunned her from their love, believing she could be a third wheel. If they were going to do that then so be it.
But what infuriated her was how even the class respected them. Before they wouldn't even spare a glance at them but now it was different. They bowed before them, revered them, and even treated them as normal students. They had the awe of the student population with their so-called `special bond' in which they walked, talked, and did everything in perfect synchronization. She knew without the bond they would be nothing, but it didn't stop them from taking the glory that was rightfully hers. Before she had it all, the looks, the beauty, the popularity, the high sync scores, the best Eva, the best combat skills, even the attention of the NERV crews. But she lost it all to them; to the doll and the idiot of all people to her disbelief. Comfortable with the distance she sat herself down and waited.
Misato for her part had heard the entire exchange, was surprised. Asuka's attitude had turned around so suddenly. She had been decent towards them just yesterday, but suddenly she was confronting them like they were her worst enemies. She'd have to deal with it as soon as possible lest it affect their teamwork. Sighing to herself she left her hiding space and approached the three pilots.
“Asuka, Shinji-kun, Rei-chan,” she called out, “let's go.” All three pilots nodded, falling in step with their superior officer as she led them to their tests. After dropping off Asuka at the harmonics chamber, she proceeded to the testing chamber where Unit 01 and 03 were ready for activation. Misato soon brought them to the doors that would take them into the testing chambers. Taking her halt as her indication to enter, they were surprised when she stepped forward, and turned out, blocking their path. They looked at her mildly curious waiting for her to speak.
“Shinji-kun, Rei-chan, I just wanted to say that the time we've spent together, has been the best week of my life,” she began. “And I'd like it, if we could spend more time like this. So please be careful in there.”
“Hai Misato-san,” they replied in unison.
“And you know what? Keep the linked speech,” she added smiling at the two. Shinji and Rei mirrored her smile, before they walked past her, and entered.
“Please come home,” Misato prayed, as the doors closed behind her.
Shinji and Rei quietly walked along the catwalk as ahead they saw the entry plugs. Apprehension gnawing the backs of their minds, both reached out to one another, as their hands intertwined, holding onto one another supporting each other. The day of reckoning was at hand, and they were afraid. They feared they may not see each other again, that they may not feel each other's presence again. It was a feeling they feared. Both took solace in the warmth of each other's hands. Although yet to have any real communication, they could feel the other assuring them, trying to calm them down.
The moment ended too quickly for them as they stood before Shinji's entry plug. He turned to Rei and enveloped her in an endearing hug, wordlessly assuring her that he would be fine. Rei held on as long as she could; not wanting to let go. He was her light, the very being of her soul. It was he that bound her to life. His death would be her death, yet her resurrection would be his resurrection. Although bringing her to life would bring Shinji back to her, his death would bring her to him. It was to be with him she desired and prayed for; nothing more, and nothing less.
“I'll be alright, Rei-chan,” Shinji assured, looking her in the eye. He knew she could feel him saying it, but sometimes words always served the best at times like these.
“Hai, Shinji-kun,” she replied, taking his assurance to heart. Not feeling convinced, Shinji leaned his head down, capturing Rei's lips in a soft tender kiss.
Rei felt her body freeze as he kissed her. She had kissed Shinji prior but this was different. As his soft lips took hers her arms locked; her hands resting on his waist. She lightly moaned into his lips. She felt her world slip away as all feelings left her save for her lips as Shinji poured his emotions through. She felt his assurances, his love; his promise to be there when it was over. She had never felt so peaceful in her life until that moment. Words were beyond the feeling as it lingered, long after he had released her.
“I'll come back, Rei-chan,” he whispered into her ear, placing one last lingering kiss on her forehead. Offering a warm smile, he sat in entry plug and stared into her eyes as long as he could before the unit sealed itself shut.
“Good luck,” she whispered as she watched the plug lower itself. Gaining control, she calmed her emotions, and proceeded to the next entry plug set up ready for Unit 03. It was her original entry plug. She knew that it had been configured for her already, as it would take more time than was allowed to have Unit 03 ready to configure the entry plug for Unit 03. Steeling her resolve, Rei took a deep breath and sat in the entry plug. The plug sealed itself in a hiss, trapping inside the steel coffin.
In the control room Misato had just entered as she watched the entry plugs of Unit 00 and Unit 01 inserted into Unit 03 and 01 respectively. Apprehension occupied her mind as Ritsuko began the operation, as Gendo quietly watched from the back, knowing that Unit 01 and 03 had to be fully functional. The need for three Evangelions was still paramount if everything was to remain in accordance with the scenario.
“Shinji-kun, Rei, can you hear me?” Ritsuko asked over the radio.
“Hai,” they uniformly replied.
“Good, then we'll begin the activation of Unit 01 first,” said Ritsuko. “Start the first connection. Connect main power supply.”
“Voltage has exceeded critical point,” Makoto replied, in place for Maya who was over seeing Asuka's test.
“Good, move on to Phase 2,” Ritsuko ordered.
“The pilot is connecting to Unit 01. The circuits are opening” Shigeru reported. In Shinji's entry plug, it began to glow brilliantly as a series of flashes began throughout the plug.
“The conditions of pulses and harmonics are normal,” Makoto reported as Shinji's entry plug displayed the test room. “There are no problems with synchronization All nerve links are finished Nerve center devices are operational. No error in recalculated tolerances.” Shinji for his part, feeling Rei's presence felt his nerves calm down. Closing his eyes, his mind reached out to her in hopes of allaying not only her fears but that of his own as well.
As Rei listened to technicians speak throughout the activation Rei felt her heart warm up, and her fears allayed as Shinji's presence slowly consumed her. Letting go of the controls she gripped she slowly wrapped her arms around herself, letting herself go in the warmth Shinji enveloped her. She found it rather odd how she was strong before yet now without Shinji she felt weak, scared that Shinji may never return. It perturbed her, as it would hinder her ability to defend those whom she swore to protect. Or more so protect Shinji.
But perhaps it was prior to the accident she had no one. Gendo provide the support she needed to survive, but that was it. She was undeniably alone, but she had no problems at the time, as she had grown up in loneliness, with no real understanding of what it was, until she had met Shinji. But it was after the accident, she had begun to learn what real loneliness was. Through his experiences and the emotions he went through she learned how her life greatly paralleled his own. Yet it differed in early childhood. Whereas she only had Gendo teaching her things she only needed to know for her mission, Shinji experienced the joys of life and family. He had a mother and a father to show him the many ways of life. Gendo showed her the path he had set her upon.
It became clear how alone she was until they had bonded. Yet it still didn't explain how it came to be she felt so weak without Shinji's presence. Even Shinji couldn't answer it. They had pondered upon it, yet it just didn't come to them. Only recently they had come to the conclusion that perhaps Ritsuko would be best to explain their situation, providing they would be able to complete both tests without incident.
“It's passed. Borderline cleared?” Shinji and Rei held their breaths. The way Makoto spoke worried them for the worst.
“What's wrong?” Ritsuko asked, moments later, seeing nothing was wrong with the Evangelions physically.
“The sync ratio…it's only detecting half a ratio,” Makoto responded in a confused voice.
“How is that possible?” Ritsuko wondered aloud, sitting herself down examining the readings.
“Akagi report,” Gendo ordered, clearly unhappy of the situation.
“I…I'm not sure but it seems Unit 01 can only detect half a mind,” she explained as she worked. Looking over the data Ritsuko found no reason of why the system should be working as such. Going over the recently recorded data of what had occurred, she found no possible error. Technically there should be no reason of why the system only detected half a ratio, but clearly there was only half a ratio.
“How can this be,” she muttered to herself. “There shouldn't be such a problem unless…” That's when an idea dawned on her.
“Begin activation of Unit 03,” she ordered.
“Ritsuko?” Misato asked clearly confused at the sudden order.
“There is something I wish to test,” she explained. Following her orders crews began the activation sequence again, only for Unit 03. As the Evangelion activation, readings indicated the same readings, displaying only half a sync ratio.
“I thought so,” Ritsuko muttered as she worked on her console.
“Akagi, explain,” Gendo ordered, clearly unhappy of being in the dark.
“Because of the bond Shinji and Rei share a bond, the Evas can only read half a mind,” she explained. “I believe that if we were to have them pilot the same Evangelion, the sync ratio will be whole.”
“You mean like how Asuka and Shinji-kun piloted Unit 02?” Misato inquired. Ritsuko simply nodded as she looked to Gendo for his approval.
Gendo's mind was in a dilemma. He knew that he needed more Evangelions to fight the angels, but if he needed additional pilots, it would somewhat complicate matters. On one hand it would only prove to be a hindrance to ensure the pilots remain unaware of the inner workings, and it would be a drain of resources to ensure the Evangelions are working. But on the other hand, SEELE lately has been asking questions and demanding answers from him. Although both having favourable outcomes he unfortunately knew which of the two was more favourable.
“Being your experiment,” he said.
“Yes sir,” Ritsuko sharply replied before turning to the communication system. “Rei, you're finished with Unit 03. Dismount and prepare to enter Unit 01. Shinji-kun prepare for duel piloting.”
“Hai,” they both replied.
Ritsuko mentally giggled, feeling her heart race at the very thought of running such an experiment. She knew having the 4th Children arriving early would put another kink into his plans along with the other kinks that have made a home in his plans. That and she would be able to see the results of their bond and see the development. She had long since had an update of their progress and now was a good time as any for her to resume her research. She held her breath as she waited for Rei to transfer.
In the room behind the test chamber where the entry plugs would be docked prior to loading, Rei felt her heart race as she waited for her entry plug to drain. She couldn't wait to pilot with Shinji, and have a chance to be intimate with Shinji to a point. She had heard reports from the battles against the 6th Angel where Shinji and Asuka had shared physical contact; albeit accidental. Quickly dismounting from her place in her entry plug she quickly rushed over to Shinji's entry plug just as it hissed open.
“Shinji-kun,” Rei called out as she quickly leaped into the entry plug and into Shinji's waiting arms.
“Hey there,” he greeted, pulling her into a loving hug.
“Shinji-kun, Rei, please refrain from such acts while the test is in progress,” Ritsuko chided through the radio.
“Hai,” they uniformly responded. Rei quickly seated herself in front of Shinji, as she moulded her body into Shinji who had just sealed the entry plug. Shinji for his part settled himself into his entry plug suit as he wrapped his arms around Rei's lithe waist. Rei sighed contently relaxing in Shinji's arms. She didn't care if Gendo saw her nor if everyone else saw her. It felt right to be in Shinji's arms, but probably it was due to their bond, but at the moment she didn't care. She just relaxed and enjoyed the moment.
As the entry plug was inserted into Unit 01's spine Ritsuko began taking notes. From Gendo's perspective she was doing her job, but in truth she was taking notes on their brainwave patterns. She recalled distinctly how before their brainwaves were nearly the same. But looking at the data before her, she could clearly tell it was no longer the case. The bond had apparently evolved, and rapidly from what she could tell. Although there were some things that were familiar from her last scans, she could tell there were many aspects of their bond that had grown. Although unable to make off hand comprehension of all the data before her, she had found something that had not been there before. Noting it down, she would most likely have to discuss with Shinji and Rei about the developments. One thing that stood out was the need for proximity was no longer present. She could see that the addictive affects were no longer present in the scans. She wasn't sure what precipitated the change; further research was required. Putting that piece of work aside, she set up the MAGI to continue recording the data and forward it into her own lab when she was finished with the activation and discussions.
“Shinji-kun, Rei, prepare for reactivation,” Ritsuko announced as she and other technicians went about preparing Unit 01 for a second reactivation.
“Roger,” they replied. As crews began the slow arduous process of bringing the Evangelion to life again, Shinji and Rei were in a world of their own. Shinji slowly began to rake his fingers across Rei's abdomen with his left as his right gently fiddled with Rei's hand. Rei for her part gently caressed Shinji's left thigh, taking in the warmth his leg gave off in comparison to the cool LCL they sat in. She felt the skin around her abdomen tingle as Shinji's fingers grazed over her. She revelled in the feel, welcoming in his touch. Feeling something bulge behind her she smiled as her cheeks reddened. Although she often did things to elicit such reactions she still blushed these days whenever she felt it. But perhaps it was due to her age, but she pushed the thought aside until she could ask Misato about it.
Shinji smiled as he rested his face behind Rei's head. He felt his member harden and he knew Rei had blushed. He wasn't sure of how he knew exactly what went on in Rei's head that moment, but didn't dwell on it. Instead he focused on the soft caress of Rei's hand against his thigh. He felt he was going to go crazy as she continue her work. He knew, and felt that she knew, that any actions further than this would promptly have Gendo ordering an immediate separation to prevent such actions. Although they would fight Gendo would probably have too much power for them to do anything. Although in a limited environment, he felt himself desiring for more. He didn't know what; he just felt a need, a craving for something that gnawed at the back of his mind like a ravenous piranha hungering for more meat.
Lost in their world of emotions and feelings neither heard Ritsuko speak to them. So lost it took the combined efforts of Ritsuko and Misato yelling into the communications system drawing them out. The sudden noise caused them to jump in fright, as both took defensive posture, despite their sitting positions.
“Wow, calm down you two, we just needed to get your attention,” Misato stated when they reacted defensively.
“Our apologies, Misato-san,” they replied.
“Eh it's fine, but I've got good news,” said Misato as she brought up her thumb. “You've got a ratio of 80%. You're best record yet, despite the fact it's the two of you.” Both pilots relaxed back into their seats, mirroring the same smile Misato wore.
“Good job,” Ritsuko stated. “That concludes this test, you may-”
“Sempai,” Maya called through the communications system, “the MAGI just reported reactions within Unit 00.”
“What?” Ritsuko nearly yelled as she sat down on a console. “How can that be? Unit 00 was completely inert just last week. How could it have suddenly restarted?” Further questions began to bombard her mind as she thought more about it. Her mind worked in overdrive as she tried to discern what was happening and why. But she kept drawing blanks, unable to answer the questions. She hadn't had any crews begin looking over the unit as she had planned to attempt to restore the unit herself. But now plain as day, Unit 00 had resumed normal status. It failed to make sense in her mind as she tried to figure out what happened.
“Akagi initiate an immediate reactivation of Unit 00,” Gendo ordered from behind the crews. Ritsuko looked back at the commander only to meet cold calculated tinted eyes that screamed death if she didn't comply. Sighing in resignation, she ordered for Unit 00 to be brought into the testing room in which the Eva was to be tested for an immediate reactivation.
“Shinji-kun, Rei, dismount, and prepare for reactivation of Unit 00,” Ritsuko ordered. They paled at the order but complied nonetheless knowing it would only mean trouble if they didn't comply. Nodding Unit 01 released the plug before Rei got off and entered her own entry plug.
“Shinji-kun, wait inside Unit 01,” Ritsuko called out before Shinji got up. “There is something I wish to attempt, but I require you inside.” Nodding in compliance, Shinji settled himself back inside the entry plug and soon enough was back inside Unit 01 in the dark.
Rei for her part nervously sat in her entry plug as she waited to be placed inside the unit that nearly killed her. She felt her heart race as she thought about all the possible results that could happen, such as the unit going berserk again and hurting her, or even shutting down again, sealing her in and immediately cutting all possible life support systems leaving her to die in the cold steel coffin. Many things ran through her mind to be immediately cut off as she felt her entry plug lock into place and flood with LCL once more. She often had no qualms against the viscous liquid. But she began to develop a new found dislike of the material. It was most non-agreeable to her.
“Begin the activation,” Gendo ordered. In compliance, Ritsuko for the third time of the day issued orders after orders as they went through the step-by-step procedure of activating another Evangelion. Stress began to build in the crews as they felt the strain placed by on from activating so many Evangelions. Step after step, command after command the NERV crew sighed as the reactivation of Unit 00 went by smoothly, albeit strange considering what had occurred prior.
“Odd,” Ritsuko commented as she went over the readings.
“Report,” Gendo ordered.
“It's the same as before,” Ritsuko replied. “Unit 00 is only detecting half a ratio. It's like she's only half there…but I wonder…activate Unit 01 immediately.” Following her orders crews quickly complied and brought Unit 01 without having to go through the arduous process they had just underwent.
“I thought so,” she muttered before turning to Gendo. “Individually Evangelion Units 00 and 01 will only sense half a ratio, or half a mind per se. But if the pilots occupy the same entry plug, it's a whole. But alternatively if both Evangelions are active, the sync is then complete.”
“Explain how you came to such a conclusion,” Gendo quickly asked, not wanting to stay much longer.
“We had already ascertained that Unit 01 could operate with two pilots, and when Unit 00 displayed the same problem, we had already proved two pilots in one would work. That left the possibility of both Units active to solve the problem. As you can see, providing both pilots are within their respective Evas they shall function properly. It won't work with Unit 03 however for I believe that only the Units involved with the accident shall be able to function with only one pilot.” Gendo grimly nodded, accepting the explanation. However the need for the Fourth Children greatly diminished now that Unit 00 and 01 could operate with their individual pilots.
“However the requirement for both pilots to be near each other is still required,” Ritsuko suddenly added, bringing the undesirable need to bring in the Fourth Child early up again.
“Commander Ikari” Misato began, drawing the man's attention, “I recommend that we proceed with recruiting the Fourth Children.”

“On what grounds Major?”
“Because of the limited distance Units 00 and 01 can put between, it would be a serious tactical disadvantage against the angels for then we would have to consider the two units as a single entity. Although they would fight as one, they're natural synchronized state would most likely impair their ability to fight if one was injured during combat. Therefore the Fourth Children in Unit 03 would act as the back-up allowing us to maintain our 3-Unit team in terms of the radar sir.” Gendo pondered on the proposition. And unfortunately she had covered a lot of basis. The required proximity between Unit 00 and 01 would limit the formations. And from reports Ritsuko had provided concerning the bond it would be likely that once one was incapacitated or injured the other would be near useless. Although plenty of holes to find the likelihood that the committee of standing by and allowing the passing of the Fourth Children was next to none. Sighing to himself he did the only thing he felt was the available option.
“Select the Fourth immediately,” he ordered.
“SEELE will most likely have to revise the schedule,” Fuyutsuki muttered, having quietly entered during Unit 00's activation.
“End the tests,” Gendo ordered, turned around, and left with Fuyutsuki close behind him.
“Shinji-kun, Rei, the tests are over, you may go now,” said Ritsuko over the communications system.
“Hai,” they replied over. “However we wish to speak to you immediately.”
“Then meet me in my office after your shower,” Ritsuko replied before leaving the room, allowing the technicians to clean up at their own pace. It had been a long afternoon. Misato for her part smiled at the two before leaving as well.
“C'mon Rei-chan, let's take that shower and then speak with Ritsuko-san,” said Shinji as he helped Rei out of her entry plug.
“Hai, Shinji-kun,” she replied as the two left the chamber, arms wrapped around each other's waists.
Meanwhile in Central Dogma, Gendo sat on his perch looming over as people worked. His visage seemed normal, but in his head he was contemplating what had recently occurred. Unit 01 and 03 could only detect half a mind, while Unit 01, and possibly Unit 00 could sense a whole mind when both pilots were present. Then there was the mysterious restore of Unit 00 which lead to a successful reactivation, but also the bond that had limited how far Shinji and Rei could separate also seemed to have affected Units 00 and 01's effectiveness in combat, and perhaps his plans. He required Unit 01 only, but the bond now hampered that plan. And despite the answers Ritsuko had provided him, he still had questions.
He wondered how and why did Unit 00 shut down, and then start up when it did? Why was it that the Evas could only sense half a mind when it came to Shinji and Rei sitting individually in separate Evas unless it was Unit 01 and 00? So many questions came to his mind but nothing came to mind to quell his angered mind. Staring across Central Dogma with a blank expression, he continued to brood, answers never coming to mind.