Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance ❯ Woof, Woof! Meow, Meow! How's A Double Date Sound? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Hey.” The handsome cat said coolly. “Sup?”
“Not much! By the way who are you?” I said cheerfully. Becky shot me an annoyed glance because I didn't let her talk.
“I'm Justin. You?”
“I'm Krissy and this is Becky.”
“Uh, hi.” Becky always made everything she did look cute, and that rule applied when she was shy as well. Justin seemed to notice her cutesy-ness and almost lost his cool stature.
“Nice to meet you… Where were you going?” he asked, obviously uncomfortable with Becky.
“Well, uh, we were, um…” Becky was still making Justin feel uncomfortable so I answered instead.
“We'll tell you if you tell us.” I was stubborn when it came to guys. If we got in arguments, lets just say they didn't stand a chance.
“I was going to my friends house to visit. He's just across this hedge. So?”
“We were also going there. We were going to see his owner though. Well, might as well go together.” I smiled brightly; while Becky hung her head low. Maybe I could get both of us dates. We walked into the hedge and Jeremy instantly perked his head from his bone. Ryan looked up to see two extras following behind me.
“Hey there Krissy, Justin. Who's your friend?” Ryan was very interested in Becky and her cute-ness. “She's cute.”
Meow. Becky meowed at Ryan and he picked her up. “I know where you got this bow! That pet salon I took Jeremy to must allow strays in there too.”
Even though it's impossible for you to see dogs blush because of the fur, I new Jeremy was blushing like the sun itself. I decided flirting would do me some good right about now.
“What'd you get there? Is that why you're so cute?” I asked un-shyly. His embarrassment seemed to have melted away and he was in a flirty mood as well.
“Not as cute as you.” I trotted away from him, moving towards Becky.
“You're good at flirting.” She said to me with envy.
“You are too, every one thinks you're cute so it's gotta be easy for you.” I looked at her and smiled.
“Believe me, it's torture being cute!” It was weird, but as she said this, she looked cute!
“How so?” Justin had over heard this, and was looking at her curiously. “I don't think that would be torture to have a guy date you when you wanted.” No on would be able to tell that he was actually uncomfortable with saying this, but he was.
“Uhhhhh, well, I, err, uumm…” Becky was so predictable sometimes.
“Hey, how about we all go on a double date?” it was Jeremy who had spoke. I was fine with this, but I didn't want Becky to feel uncomfortable, or Justin for that matter. They would probably be the same as they were now. Justin cool and collected, Becky shy and stumbling.
“You don't have to if you don't want to.” I said to her sympathetically, she looked at me and considered backing out, but just nodded at Jeremy and Justin instead. I was actually quite surprised.
“Okay, We'll pick you guys up tomorrow night at 6:00! See you then girls!” Jeremy was really enthusiastic, Justin, however, was a whole other story.
“See you.” Was all he said before we left. Becky looked like she could cry, and I knew that she wouldn't look so cute while crying. I felt like going back and slapping that no-good-self-centered-cool cat! I stopped for a moment to consider doing this, but decided that it wouldn't make Becky feel and better. We went home and fell asleep together like we always would.