Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Butterflies & The Net ❯ Author's Note ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay, soul-searching, time...
When I began `Butterflies & the Net', I was excited and really wanted to do my best. I had a good beginning and ending in my head and thought the story had potential—still do, actually—but, I'm having the damnedest time with the middle. UGH!!!!!
Also, first-time insecurities towards writing, coupled with my own sickeningly intense leanings towards perfectionism, thwarted me on SEVERAL occasions. I almost gave up NUMEROUS times, honestly with the mantra in my head on loop: I'm a POET, not an AUTHOR! Only my cousin, niece, cyber buds Mangluva and gin-hayashi, and Beta kept me writing when I wanted to consult good ol' “file 13”—they actually looked forward to new chapters and character development so I guess the sense of obligation kept my writing. But, I don't want to write garbage for the sake of satisfying others; to me, that's insulting to them.
For a good while, now, I've been plagued by the Terrible Trio: Writer's Block/Rabid Plot Bunnies/stress and family drama that, honestly, took a helluva lot of my concentration away from my written works. I KNOW I wrote that I'd attempt to write a least two chapters a month, but that doesn't look to be happening anytime soon.
As much as it pains me to type this, it looks like this story's on HIATUS for now, which kinda sucks since I recently entered it into the MM.org annual writing challenge…but, hey, what can ya do, right? Yeah…
To my five fans, thanks for your words of encouragement and interest in the fic. To my reviewers, you made me Kool-Aid smile and LOL—thanks so much! To my wonderful beta, thanks for all you do, fic-wise and other—you're a great person, Girl! To the forum members who had my back, critiqued my story, and played games with me when my brain turned to mush, thanks a million.
My bad—I will, however, be posting a TEASER ASAP with hopes of finishing it by the end of this month but I make no promises.
Till next chapter, or written work, in general, Peace!
Oh, Have a Happy 4th of July, too!