Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Marietta ❯ Five Years Later... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Five Years Later...

Disclaimer:READ PROLOGUE!!!!

It's been five years since that disaster. News all over the world spread about the celeb and his family, killed by men with guns. Many others were killed as well, one of them was Gene's father, Richard Starwind. The only confirmed survivor was his aunt--Nathalie--who by the way had fled to Paris to tell her father what happened to her sister and family. Well, two years ago, he died of a stroke and he gave the estate and stuff to Nathalie, so now she's a multi-billionairess. She may be famous but something's missing in her life....her dear neice....

Well it was winter in Portland, again, this time in 1978. Actually, it was early March, but it was still snowing and was cold as all get out! Anyway, everything was as it was then.

It was afternoon, about 3 pm, though it looked like it was 5-6 pm at summer. It was partly sunny out. At the city streets, you see a guy with dark hair with a red band around his forehead running. People were in the dang way!

"Excuse me, please!!" He was trying to hurry up. When he finally got to where he was heading to, which was an abandoned warehouse, he knocked on the door. There were some boys sitting on the fence with eggs and snowballs on their hands! The guy turned around and saw the boys' evil smirks. "Not again! Boys, please, cut me some slack!!"

"Well," One of the boys said. "Alright. We'll let you off the hook...NOT!" The boys began throwing the eggs and snowballs at the guy! The door opened, and the guy hurried into the warehouse. He looked up to the guy who opened the door.

"Geez! What the hell happened you, Fred?" A familiar red-headed guy who opened the door snickered.

"Gene! This isn't funny! Those boys threw eggs and snowballs at me, again!" Fred yelled.

That's right! Gene's back. He's 20 now, but he has grown into a con-man. Unfortunately,he never did find his mother, and since his father was killed, he was an orphan. But all he cared about now was to get rich.

"I know one thing. The sooner we find a Marietta look-alike, the sooner we can get the hell outta here," Gene said. You see, Nathalie knows that Marietta is alive somehow. So, she promised that she would give an million dollar reward to anyone who finds her. Gene overheard that and decided to find a girl who looks like her, since he figured Marietta didn't make it that night. All he needs to do is find a girl and get to Paris.

"Gene, I'm telling you the chance of finding a Marietta look-alike is a thousand to one!" Fred said. "And besides, they aren't many dark-haired girls, let alone a single girl with raven hair and golden brown eyes!"

"Look! I just know there is at least one," Gene assured.

"I hope so," Fred frowned, not sure of this at all.

"Let's get started."

"Right." They began making signs for auditions.

(Well, how d'you like that? It was pretty short, I know. And Fred's a little out of character....^^;;;; Anyway, will Gene find a Marietta look-alike???? Find out!)