Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Why I'm Cool -and- You're Not ❯ Sae’s Psyche ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Why I'm Cool -and- You're Not

© Fuu Hououji

Chapter Two: Sae's Psyche

Disclaimer: This is simply a PeachGirl fan fiction. PeachGirl is the creation of © Miwa Udea and all other subsequent parties. *Bows* Arigatou!

Warning: There might be some spoilers from GN's four & five in here.

Notes: I know after the last chapter you all probably want to hear more from Goro but I decided that it might be more interesting if I did parts of the story from other peoples POV's and not just from Goro's. Although we will get back to Goro soon enough! This chapter is from Sae's POV. And just for the books I'm not a Sae hater. ^_^

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Fuming was an understatement that people came to realize when they saw Sae marching down the hall. Her aura burnt with a raging hate part of which was fueled by her newly formed insecurity. What if Goro had been right in his accusation? Was she really becoming unpopular? What if everyone hated her behind her back again!? She didn't want people to think badly of her. All she wanted was to be loved and respected by her peers.

She had grown so used to being in the center of attention that she had felt lost without it before. When she had had Goro wrapped around her little finger it had been such an easy outlet to what she wanted. He had given her everything and she had given him nothing. Only now though did she start truly believing that Goro really was a great guy, because even though she had done everything wrong with him he didn't seem to hate her much. Then she remembered the dirty names her friends had called him after what he had said before and she wanted to laugh. The cold shoulder he had given her in the parking lot was nothing.

Sae peaked down the hall hoping to steal Toji's attention for a moment, but no such luck, Momo was with him. Instead of bothering her this sparked her curiosity for those two hadn't talked much lately. She walked up just in time to see their arms wrap around each other in a sickeningly sweet show of affection. Sae suddenly had the urge to gag so she whispered the word 'disgusting' in hopes that they might happen to hear her and break away from each other. But instead they came in for a kiss right in front of her.

Sae was tempted to scream something obnoxious, but she couldn't think of anything good enough to make them both burst out blushing. Sae's eyes were down cast as she turned on her heel and almost ran from the room. Just as she made it out the door she ran straight into someone. She almost fell backwards from the velocity but was taken by surprise when that person grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to her feet. She smiled sweetly, "Th-thank you." Then she looked up into the face of her savior and terror filled her eyes with she realized it was none other than Kairi.

"Wow, that's more than I would have expected from you, Sae." He said referring to the way she tended to play psychological games with whom ever she got her hands on. Kairi was one of the few people that could see right past her fake smile and cute face. It further angered her that this playboy thought he was better than her. If he though he knew her he was wrong, she decided scowling up at him. She jerked backwards trying to move out of the way but was held in place.

"Let go!" She yelled momentarily forgetting whom she was talking to she began playing the helpless card. Kairi wasn't giving her the time of day and after receiving only a couple of skeptical glance from him she began to fume once more. "What the hell do you want with me!?" she shrieked fiercely glaring him down in an extremely daring way that only went to feed his growing amusement. She was taken aback by his grin, now that just scared her.

"You," Her eyebrows furrowed, what kind of game was he playing here. There was no way in hell she would even think about having someone that made her this off balance as a boyfriend. "I want to know you, Sae." His hot breath against her ear sent shivers down her spine, "How does that maniacal little brain of yours ticks." She knew what he was trying to do all to well, this type of seduction. She struggled to pull her face away from his, a little shock and surprise were obvious in her eyes but her features hid any signs of it expertly.

"I hate you!! Get away from me!" She shouted, trying again to struggle away from him. She heard some giggling from behind and saw some of Kairi's fan club leaning against the wall opposite her. Her ego deflated slightly, they were all smiling at her, evil sniggering smiles. She heard one of the girls protest, telling Kairi that it was useless but that she would be willing to fill the gap. Instead of flirting back he simply asked the girls to go ahead of him and meet him back in the classroom they hung out in. She watched with an unimpressed gaze, as they happily obliged him walking off in the specified direction.

"How about we make a deal, us two. If I win, you do something for me and if you win, I'll leave you alone for good." She looked slightly miffed about the deal, but her eyes gave her away. She was egger to be rid of him and intrigued all at the same time. Was it really immense hate she felt for him or a burning passion? She stopped fighting at the though and let her hands fall into his. He grinned again and this time she blushed but as soon as her defenses fell they came back up full blast. She could hardly believe herself. Kami what did she think she was doing? And with Kairi baka no less!

"I think not…" She moved her body the couple feet space back she had left away from him, "Just because you think you're the big man on campus and a lot of stupid whores have crushes on you doesn't mean that you can harass me into anything." She tried her best not to growl out, again glaring daggers at the other teen that still held her wrists captive.

Kairi looked at the black-hared girl that stood before him. He knew he was only making her angrier by not replying but for some reason he found teasing her to be a lot more fun than flirting with his fan girls. His voice dropped an octave, "Is that a challenge?" he asked with a grin, but before she could bark back he had released her arms and walked off. This was the second time that day Kashiwagi Sae had been left in the dust by a man.

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AN: So Kairi-kun has new pray does he? I know a few of you probably really hate the way this story is turning out but the underlying element is simply forgiveness. This story is half about Goro finding himself and half about Kairi finding ways to change Sae. Oh and the reason I like Sae is because in some ways I am just like her. There's a Sae in all of us I guess. Sometimes I hurt people without thinking and some of the things I think are rather cruel. Of cores there's also a little Momo, Toji and Kairi there to balance things out! 0_-