Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ Denial ❯ Denial Pt 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Pet Shop of Horrors and I make no money from this or any fanfic I write
Pairing: Leon + D
Category: General/Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shonen Ai, Language
Title: Denial
Author: yellowhorde
Status: In Progress
Notes: Thanks to everyone who has read/reviewed this story. I really appreciate it.
Part Eight
D set the first aid kit down on the table and stepped over to where Leon was standing. Leon watched him approach and his eyes flicked towards the case nervously. He didn't really care for doctors and all of the things associated with them. And he wasn't entirely sure he wanted the Count to use any of that stuff on him.
Yes, he realized that it looked just like any other ordinary first aid kit he had ever seen but, as he was constantly reminded during his almost daily interactions with the smaller man, looks could be deceiving. What if that little white box contained some weird and ancient herbal concoctions mixed with ground up human bones or something equally disturbing? He honestly wouldn't put it past D to possess such things.
D's ever present smile widened a little and his miss-matched eyes twinkled in the flickering light of the fire as he gazed at Leon, his eyes darting here and there as he examined the outfit he now wore. The young detective felt his cheeks flush under the Count's careful scrutiny and he grimly fought off the urge to cover himself with his hands. After all, he wasn't standing before the man clad only in his underwear - the robe's hem fell almost to the floor! - and yet he felt an undeniable sense of vulnerability.
Something in the way D was looking at him now unnerved him and he found himself taking a faltering step backwards. The back of his leg bumped into the edge of the couch and he realized that he had unintentionally backed away from the man standing before him. It was ridiculous that he should feel this way around the Count. He never had before. After all, he was taller and stronger than the slender Chinese man, though D had proven on several occasions that he definitely had the advantage when it came to speed.
D extended one hand and Leon noticed that he had a blanket draped over his arm. The Count held the blanket out to him, nodding his head in encouragement. "You must still be cold, Detective. This blanket should help warm you up a bit."
Leon accepted the offered blanket, sweeping it over his shoulders like a cape. It was incredibly soft and like so many things in D's pet shop it had highly decorative designs covering its thickly woven surface. It was a distinctively Oriental motif with many swirls of red, green and gold worked into the design. Again, it was a bit too fancy for his own personal tastes, but the blanket's weight was light and it was indeed very warm. He was starting to feel a bit better already.
"You're most welcome, dear Detective." D gestured towards the couch, "Now if you will just sit down, we can take care of that nasty wound."
Leon sat on the couch, clutching the blanket about him. D knelt on the ground between the couch and the coffee table so that he rested lightly between his thighs. The sight of D kneeling between his spread thighs, gazing up at him with that serene face and those beautiful eyes, caused all sorts of wild images to go zinging through his brain, but Leon ruthlessly wrestled these thoughts into submission and sent them packing... or least he tried.
"If I may have your arm please, Detective?"
Reluctantly Leon held out his injured arm. D grasped his wrist lightly with one hand and pushed the roomy sleeve up over the elbow with the other. The Count's hands were so soft and a tingling wave of electric power surged through the Detective's body raising the fine hairs on his arm.
D glanced up as he noticed this reaction. "Are you okay, Detective?"
Leon flushed slightly. "Y-yeah. Just a little cold."
D nodded his understanding and bent his head back to the task at hand. "Bend your elbow, please."
Again, Leon did as he was told. He watched D's actions carefully as he examined the wound then reached towards the first aid kit. When he flipped the metal latch and raised the lid, he was relieved to see that it contained the exact same emergency medical supplies found in first aid kits across the country. He sighed in exaggerated relief and muscles he hadn't even know were tense relaxed.
"May I say that you look very dashing in that outfit, Detective." D said as he poured a cleaning solution over a cotton swab and began to gently wipe away dried blood and small particles of dirt from the wound. "I think the colors suit your skin, hair, and eye tones wonderfully."
"Uh... yeah... I'll have to take your word on that." Leon muttered, lost and slightly embarrassed at D's praise. What did he know about such things? He was, after all, a guy.
The scent of D's hair, warm and almost flowery, tickled his nose while the gentle touch of his hands sent hot and cold flashed rushing through his body. He tried to distract himself from his thoughts and concentrated on D's actions. But he wasn't having much success. It wasn't really a bad cut, he noticed, but it was rather long. Idly he wondered what he had fallen on. Probably a piece of glass.
"There we go, Detective, all clean." D dabbed at the wound with a dry cotton swab. "And it is unlikely that it will leave much of a scar."
"Thanks." Leon muttered.
"How did you know my size, D?" He asked after a small pause, ignoring the slowly building heat that surged through his flesh. He found himself grateful that he was wearing this robe instead of his jeans. "An outfit like this obviously wasn't bought off the rack and yet it fits like a glove."
D poured some clear liquid from a small brown bottle carefully onto yet another cotton ball. He glanced up from his work and smiled, his eyes sparkling with what could only be amusement. "You are correct. This outfit was custom made by a dear friend of mine. And as to your question of knowing your size, I can tell just by looking. It's a knack."
"Really?" Leon asked, his voice strangled. "Just by looking, huh?"
"Oh yes," D practically purred, "I have an eye for such things."
D gently pressed the wet cotton swab against the cut on Leon's elbow. He drew a hissing breath through clenched teeth when the antiseptic liquid touched his skin. Froths of white bubbles formed and began to slowly ooze down his skin.
"I'm sorry," D murmured apologetically. "Does that hurt?"
"No," Leon gasped, "not hurt exactly. But that shit sure does sting."
"Yes, I suppose it does at that. Perhaps this will help."
D pressed his body closer and the heat and feel of his body against Leon's nearly blew the young detective's mind. A small helpless moan escaped his throat as D began to gently blow on the wound, pursing his lips so that his breath flowed cooly over his skin, as if he were trying to cool a cup of hot tea. Goose bumps exploded along his skin.
"Is that better, Detective?" D asked, smiling mischievously.
Leon cleared his throat and croaked, "A-a little."
D reached out and took hold of one of Leon's hands, cupping it between his own. It was a bit warmer than it had been before but still much cooler than it should be. He patted it gently and turning, gathered up the first aid supplies and used cotton swabs before taking out a small tube of anti-biotic ointment and a large, sterile Band-Aid. He glanced up at Leon who stared back down at him, his beautiful blue eyes a touch wide.
D's lips twitched in amusement. "Shall I kiss it and make it better, Detective?"
"What?" Leon exclaimed, startled. His face did a slow burn and he adverted his face angrily. "Hell no! Stop messing around, D!"
"As you wish, Detective," D sighed, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
Diligently he smeared the ointment onto the wound with the tip of one long finger before covering it with the Band-Aid. He sat back on his heels to admire his handy work.
"A very nice job, if I do say so myself." He beamed a smile up at the scowling Leon, rose gracefully to his feet, and gathered the first aid kit and the used cotton balls. He then walked towards the door where he stopped and turned back to the Detective.
"I'll just take care of these and then we can enjoy our tea, Detective."
Then he was gone once more leaving a confused Leon alone to deal with his troubling thoughts.