Pilot Candidate Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I Had an Angel ❯ Know Why the Nighingale Sings? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wish I Had an Angel
Chapter 6: Know Why the Nightingale Sings?
By: Steven Jester
Notes Disclaimers and Bullshit: Own absolutely nothing… see more disclaimers on chapter 1.
Landing safely to the blue lagoon
Don't know if this is the earth or the moon
Joy of living is no more a mask
The Eden I found will forever last
” Nightwish - Know Why the Nightingale Sings?
I don't know why I'm so comfortable around Kizna. Takeru thought as he rested his head against Kizna's as the two sat on the park bench silently. She's just so… Kizna, I can't explain it, but it's a comfortable feeling. I never had this feeling with Hikari… maybe…
“Hey Takeru?” Kizna asked shaking the boy from his thoughts.
“I think we're being watched…”
Takeru turned around and noticed Miyako and Ken walking up to them. He was about to answer Kizna when his cell phone went off. He answered it quickly, “Hello?”
Takeru, it's Sora. Listen, Daisuke just spotted you in the park and he and Hikari are heading your way. By the way, that park is clearly visible from my apartment, which is where they were.
“How's your ankle?” Takeru said before motioning to Kizna, Miyako, and Ken to follow him.
Broken, as Jyo thought. I'm fine though.
“Is there a way you can stall them?” Takeru said as he picked up speed despite his bum ankle.
Nope, sorry.
“Ah well, I'm getting the hell out of doge though. Thanks for the warning.”
No problem.
Takeru hung up the phone and looked in Kizna's direction, “Daisuke and Hikari are on their way, hence our hasty exit.” Takeru turned around and saw Miyako and Ken still following them, “I'm sure you two know that I'm not a huge fan of Daisuke and Hikari right now.”
“We'll stall them under one condition,” Miyako said smiling brightly.
“What… and remember, time is of the essence,” Takeru said impatiently.
“You tell us later why you two are so close,” Ken said ending in Ken and Miyako giving identical smirks.
“Sure, just make sure they don't follow us!” Takeru said before taking Kizna's hand and leading her down a side street.
Takeru and Kizna walked, unknowingly hand in hand, quietly down the street. Kizna rested her head on Takeru's shoulder again and closed her eyes. I don't know why I can trust him so easily. He just feels… right. I don't know how to explain it, even to myself. What if he breaks my heart? I don't know if I can go through that again. Not after my mother…
Meanwhile, in the Digital World, Vamdemon stood in front of a TV gate, pondering it curiously. “This is what those brats used to return to their human world. Fascinating. Hmm… let's see.” Vamdemon knelt down and put his hand on the screen. A dark light enclosed him and he was sucked into the TV. He returned seconds later in the exact position as he was before. “Hmm… I was almost through. Maybe, if I wasn't at Ultimate level… it's a small sacrifice. Now I need to provoke a fight where I'm `defeated' enough that I revert to a lesser state of myself. But whom to provoke…”
Daisuke and Hikari ran across the park when they noticed that Takeru wasn't on the bench that they saw him earlier. “Where could he have gone?” Daisuke asked as he looked around.
“I don't… Ah! There's Miyako and Ken!” Hikari said before running off to them. Maybe they know where Takeru is.
“Hey! Wait up!” Daisuke yelled before taking off towards his girlfriend.
Hikari ran up to Miyako and said, “Hey, have you seen Takeru?”
“No, I haven't. I saw someone that looked like him on a bench in the park, but it wasn't him,” Miyako lied calmly.
“Oh,” Hikari said getting disappointed.
Daisuke finally caught up to Hikari and noticed that she looked depressed, “I take it that wasn't Takeru…”
Takeru and Kizna were walking, still hand in hand, along the busy Odaiba street when Takeru noticed someone up ahead. “David?”
Kizna perked up at the name of her band mate. “David? What are you doing here?”
“Sightseeing,” David said nonchalantly, “And the sight before me is something to behold. When did you two decide to get together?”
“Get together?” the two teens said confusedly. David just pointed to their conjoined hands. Instantly the teens separated and blushed profusely.
David started to laugh, “It's ok! I don't mind!”
“But were not together!” Kizna said thoroughly embarrassed.
“We're…” Takeru had started but then Takeru's and Kizna's eyes met and Takeru couldn't find the words to describe their relationship.
David's laughing increased in volume. “Ok, ok… If you say nothing's going on, there's nothing going on.”
Kizna calmed down and looked David in the eye, “Listen, when do we have practice next?”
“Tomorrow after the short gig at Odaiba High. Then we have a gig at this club in Shibuya on Friday.”
“Good, do you know where the hotel is from here?”
David gave Kizna a strange look before saying, “Never mind, if you're taking him there I don't want to know why. It's that building over there.”
Kizna blushed a bit before hitting David hard on the head, “You are a piece of work David. Come on Takeru, I need to change.” Takeru, still embarrassed at David's antics, followed quickly.
Meanwhile Taichi had just exited an elevator in an apartment complex. Walking over to the familiar door he knocked twice before the door opened revealing a shocked Yamato clad in only a towel. “Dude, get dressed,” was all Taichi said before coming in.
“What's going on Yamato?” a masculine voice said from the direction of Yamato's bedroom.
“Get your clothes on,” Yamato said has he disappeared into his room. Taichi, however, could still hear them, “one of my friends is here; we will have to continue this later.”
“Awww… can't we wash up first, if you catch what I'm saying?” the other guy said causing Taichi to gag.
A few minutes later the other two teenagers walked into the living room fully clothed. “Sorry Taichi,” Yamato said, “didn't realize you were coming over.”
“I'm going to go…” the other guy, whose name Taichi couldn't remember, “Bye, Yamato, Taichi.”
After the guy left Taichi spoke up, “Yamato, I don't care if your bi, but please at least pick up the phone when I call you.”
“You called?”
“Five times! I figured you were just sleeping so I came over to wake you, turns out you weren't sleeping.”
“Sorry, anyway, what's the occasion?”
“I'm madly in love with you and I want you to dump that loser and screw me,” Taichi deadpanned.
Yamato made a cocky grin before sarcastically saying, “Why Taichi, I didn't know you cared!”
“I actually came to talk about the situation brewing involving your brother…”
“Well there went the mood,” Yamato said earning a death glare from Taichi, “Right, right, so what situation?”
“I got these e-mails this morning,” Taichi said taking a piece of paper out of his pocket, “One's from the self-proclaimed successor to my position of leader of the chosen…”
“Daisuke,” Yamato said taking the paper.
“Yep, and the other is from an unknown sender addressed to Takeru, but look at the signature at the end.”
Yamato read the second e-mail quickly, noticing the signature at the end, “Vamdemon?!”
Kizna unlocked her hotel room door and went to the bedroom part of it, “Make yourself at home. I've got to take a shower.”
Takeru walked over to sit on the couch. “I'll be right here,” he said before lying down and closing his eyes, resting.
Kizna grabbed her red swim suit, a yellow tank-top, and a pair of cutoff shorts before going into the bathroom and closing the door.
On the couch, Takeru reflected on the pink-haired songstress. I can't explain myself… I was in love with Hikari yesterday. I could think of all the reasons why I loved Hikari yesterday. But… all I can think about now is Kizna. And I can't explain it, not even to myself. She's just so… is this for real? Am I in love with her? Or am I just thinking that I am because of Hikari? Maybe I'm just over analyzing the whole thing. Kizna… I just have to give it a chance. But she couldn't… she couldn't possibly…
*FLASH* “You're warm,” Kizna replied lazily. *FLASH*
Hmm… maybe. Takeru thought before smiling to himself. His thoughts now filled with only Kizna.
Meanwhile, in the shower, Kizna was having a mental battle of her own. Hmm… Takeru… it's like I've found joy… it's like he completes me. But… it doesn't matter. Even if he wasn't in love with Hikari… he wouldn't want me.
*FLASH* Takeru turned to Kizna and blushed before asking, “Does that sound good to you?” *FLASH*
Maybe… just maybe… Kizna thought giving herself a smile before turning off the shower.
Takeru heard the water turn off and waited for Kizna to dry herself off and get dressed. He got up and walked over to the bathroom. When the door opened he first made sure Kizna was dressed before turning to face her, “Kizna, I think we need to talk.”
“Yea and I think I know about what,” she said before motioning to the living room. Both teens sat on the couch really close together. Neither one wanted to start, but they knew one of them had to. “So… Takeru.”
“Kizna… I know yesterday I told you that I loved Hikari. But after last night, today, I'm not sure if that's the case. I'm not even sure if what I am feeling now is love. I am sure, however, that you are now the focus of all those thoughts. But instead of the million and one reasons I could say that I loved Hikari, there isn't even a word, not one syllable, not one letter, that can describe what I feel for you. The only thing I can think of is that you complete me, more that Hikari ever could. My question is what do you feel for me? I know what I feel, even if I can't describe it. But what do you feel?”
Kizna sighed before getting up slowly. She walked over to the far wall and looked out window before beginning her practiced singing, “The Child will be born again; that siren carried him to me. First of them true loves, singing on the shoulders of an angel, without care for love n' loss.” Kizna turned to Takeru quickly, “That song I made after a crazy dream. A dream that involved going back to Tokyo. That verse, I believe describes my true love. I believe you are him. To answer your question, I agree that you complete me; you are like that part of my soul that is missing. Other than that, I can't describe it. But I think it's what you're feeling too. I'd even hazard a guess and say that what were feeling is love. So Takeru, do you love me?”
Takeru didn't answer verbally right away. He inched closer to Kizna's face, staring into her deep purple eyes. The closer he got the more he could feel her breath. Pausing right before his lips touched hers he whispered so only they she could hear, “I love you Kizna.” He then closed the distance and gave Kizna his first kiss. His lips first touched softly. Then they embraced into a passionate kiss that looked as if the planned it.
Taichi was very pissed off. Not even twelve hours after beating Vamdemon, the bastard had the balls to call out a member of his team. Of course Vamdemon didn't choose Taichi, no. He didn't choose Yamato either. Sora, Koushiro, Mimi, Jyo, Hikari, Daisuke, Ken Miyako, and Iori, all of them weren't worth the air they breathed to Vamdemon. All he wanted was Takeru. Takeru, the one Taichi didn't want to send out alone. Takeru, the one who right now was emotionally unstable because of what Hikari didn't do. Takeru, the one who, when pushed, was the most violent of the group. Taichi didn't want to send Takeru. The team, minus Takeru, gathered in Yamato's apartment. Taichi stood at the head of the room, pacing around worriedly. “Taichi, stop pacing and tell us what's wrong!” Sora said getting frustrated with her boyfriend.
Taichi stopped and faced the group. Most of them wearing looks of worry, all deadly silent. Taichi sighed before saying, “This morning I got an e-mail from Vamdemon.”
“”Wait a second,” Mimi said having ported over when she got the news of a bug meeting, “shouldn't we wait for Takeru?”
“I hadn't called Takeru,” Taichi said pointedly. “Because I want to talk about this without him first.”
“Why?” Koushiro said, “Unless there's something…”
“Would you want to send him out alone against Vamdemon in the state he's in?!” Taichi snapped scaring some of the younger Chosen.
“The e-mail calls out Takeru and Patamon, in no pleasant terms, to a one on one duel,” Yamato said. “But Taichi's right, Takeru's at that point right now where he's hankering for a fight.”
“And… that's a bad thing?” Daisuke asked, “I mean Vamdemon's doing this on his own right? He's not being controlled. He needs to be defeated…”
“Because when Takeru starts fighting, and I mean really fighting, it's very hard for him to stop,” Yamato said solemnly.
“And he doesn't distinguish between friend or foe,” Taichi added, “He'll go until he's calm, unconscious, or the object of his aggression is a bloody pulp.”
“Why's Takeru so pissed?” Miyako asked, “I mean I know what you mean because I can tell he is but I was slightly out of it last night.”
“Well Miyako,” Taichi said deciding to go for the flair of the dramatic, “I know why Takeru's pissed.” He walked over to in front of Daisuke and Hikari, “And I'm looking right at them. Now Hikari already knows my displeasure but you Daisuke, as of yet, haven't heard my rant.”
“Please let's stick on topic,” Yamato said. Although he would have loved to see Taichi lower Daisuke down a peg or two.
“Right,” Taichi said getting back to the front of the room. “Now, I don't want to send Takeru out there, but unfortunately I don't see any alternative.”
“Um Taichi,” Koushiro said timidly, “If you don't have any alternative, why'd you call us here?”
“Because I wanted to see if you guys had any ideas,” Taichi said honestly before sitting on the floor where he was, “Because otherwise we'll have to hope for the best.”
Back in the hotel Takeru and Kizna were deep into a make-out session. They were so into it that Takeru barely heard his cell phone ring. He broke away slowly from his latest kiss and looked into Kizna's eyes. “Damn phone,” Kizna whispered in a slightly disappointed tone. Both teens laughed before Takeru got up and walked over to his backpack, taking out his cell phone.
“Whoever this is, it better be urgent,” Takeru said in a slightly mock pissed off tone.
Urgent doesn't even begin describe it little bro',” Yamato said on the other end.
“What's up?” Takeru said dropping the attitude.
Why don't you come over to my place and we'll fill you in. By the way, why'd it take so long for you to answer?
“I was…” Takeru looked over at Kizna before smiling at her, “kinda in the middle of something.”
Takeru… I know that tone… who's there with you?
“You'll find out because we're going to see you in a few minutes!” Takeru said before hanging up the phone and turning it off.
“I take it we're taking a trip?” Kizna asked.
“To my brother's apartment,” Takeru said nodding.
“Now Takeru, this is up to you but do you want to keep this relationship secret? Revenge on Hikari and Daisuke.”
“Nah… I'll do the exact opposite and announce it to him in the plainest of terms!” Takeru said laughing sending Kizna into a fit of giggles. Takeru wrapped an arm around Kizna before the two teens left the hotel.
AN: Over 2,600 words! I think we can cut it there. Remember! I love reviews! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed! I love reviews!!