Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ False Pretenses ❯ Act 4: The Unlikely Couple (Part 2) ( Chapter 4 )

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False Pretenses

By: Myst-Lady

mbmflips@yahoo.com or myst_lady@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimer applies. Sailor Moon and Pokémon belongs to respective companies.

Credits: Sailor Tsunami (The Vacation: Sailor Moon and Pokémon) and Senerarey Chiba (The Shine has come: Sailor Moon and Pokémon) for these unique couples…

From Act 3 (Pt 1): Brock turns on his charm but it backfires. Jamie sees Mina in a new light. Rini tries to help Jigglypuff but ends up in a whole lot of trouble.

Act 4: The Unlikely Couple (Part 2)

Luna was sleeping comfortably on Serena's bed until she was awaken by a loud racketing noise coming from downstairs.

"Mom, I'm home!" Serena announced, closing the door behind her.

"I must be dreaming…. Serena home so early?" She glanced at the alarm clock on Serena's nightstand. It was 3:45 p.m. She sat up on the bed, patiently waiting for Serena to come into her bedroom.

The door opened and Serena barged inside her room like a mad bull. She dropped her school bag on the corner and rushed to change her school uniform.

"What's the rush, Serena?" Luna asked.

"No time…" She panted. "To talk right now." She slipped into a pink tank top and blue walking short. She rummaged through her closet. She took her two piece bikini, towel and a blanket. She placed it inside her duffel bag.

"Where do you think you're going? You have an obligation to go to study buddies this afternoon." Luna scolded her.

"Stuff it, Luna." Serena was annoyed. "You're coming with me." Luna squirmed when Serena picked her up and shoved her inside her duffel bag. Luna hissed at her.

"You'll be thanking me later." Serena said. She checked her reflection at the mirror and she headed for the door. She came downstairs and said her farewell. She went to the front door and left her house in a hurry. She came running down the street, hoping to catch a bus early.

* * *

"This is the life…" James murmured, gazing into the warm sun through his dark sunglasses. He stretched and yawned, lying lazily on his beach blanket.

"Is this your idea of fun?" Jessie asked, looking disdainfully at the crowded beach.

"We came all the way here with the boss. He's finally giving us the free time. And now, you want to waste it?" Meowth complained.

James sighed. "I didn't asked you guys to come along. Whatever you do with your free time, it's your business."

Jessie shrugged. "Suit yourself. Come on, Meowth. Let's go." She walked away.

"Well, if you get bored. You know where to find us." Meowth called back.

James waved and settled back to his blanket. "Hmmm… I need some refreshment." He thought. He got up and approached the juice bar to order.

* * *

Serena came out of the women's washroom, looking fresh as ever with her sexy, pink bikini. "This will attract some guys." She thought, admiring herself. She quickly remembered Darien in her mind. "Probably not…"

"Serena, this IS not what I had in mind." Luna said disapprovingly. "You should be more serious in your studies if you want to make it in high school."

"Luna, you can be such a pain sometimes!" Serena said, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure the girls won't mind. They'll get along without me interrupting their studies for a change."

"You should be more worried about the heart-snatchers. Who knows when they will strike next." Luna reminded her.

Serena waved her off. "Don't worry about, the girls and I have it covered. You have to learn to be more relax." She advised. She scanned the entire beach area for a free spot to chill. "Where to go? Aha! Jackpot!" She exclaimed. She went to a deserted spot where James was sitting earlier. There was a beach blanket lying by itself with no one to claim.

Serena gave a wicked smile and tossed James' beach blanket aside. She put hers instead.

"Serena!!" Luna was shocked. "How could you do such a thing?"

"Finders keepers." Serena shrugged her shoulders. "Now time to catch some serious rays." She put her sunglasses on and settled comfortably on her blanket with Luna beside her.

James came back with his drink, only to find his blanket gone and his spot taken by someone else.

"Miss, you better move somewhere else. I was here first after all." He said calmly.

"Well, better luck next time pal." Serena said. "Can you move away? You're blocking my view."

James felt his temper raising. "Miss, I think it's better if you go now. Don't force me to use brute strength." He muttered in anger.

Serena stood up without a warning. "Are you threatening me?" She asked, taking off her sunglasses. The boy was about a few inches taller than she was. He had a nice slim body and a short purple hair. Overall, he was a very good-looking guy.

"I'm sorry it was my fault. It was just a silly misunderstanding on my part." Serena sincerely apologized.

"No hard feelings." James said. She had the cutest hairstyle he'd ever seen. Her blonde hair was in a long ponytail adorned with two buns that looked like a pair of meatballs on the top of her head. "I've been a little too hard on her." James thought, feeling like a total jerk. He wanted to see that pretty smile lighting up on her face.

"There's plenty of room to share…. Unless of course, if you don't mind having a little company?" James asked.

"Not at all…" Serena said happily. "Who could asked for a better day with a gorgeous guy to spend the entire afternoon?" She thought to herself….

* * *

Ash Ketchem was spending the afternoon at the Downtown Nature Park. He declined his friends' invitation to go along with them on a walking tour. He wasn't alone. He and his pokémon were happily playing with a beach ball.

"Alright, let's see if you can catch this!" Ash said. He threw the ball and soared in the air. His pokémon rushed to get the ball, almost colliding in the process. Instead, the ball bounced in the other direction.

"Sorry, guys. I've got carried away." Ash said sheepishly. "Don't worry, I'll get the ball. Pikachu, watch out for Togepi!" He advised. He went to retrieve the ball back.

"Choki, Choki, Preeeeeeee!" Togepi twittered happily.

"Pikachu! (Don't cause any trouble now!!)" Pikachu said. He sat down next to Misty's mischievous pokémon while waiting for Ash to come back.

"Choki!!!" Togepi was looking at the lush surrounding. The park maintained its clean and friendly environment unlike the noisy, polluted downtown Tokyo. Togepi decided for a little walk….

* * *

Hotaru Tomoe was sitting quietly on the bench, reading a book on her hand. She glanced at her watch to check the time. She was waiting for her best friend, Rini to show up at the park. Rini was running a little late than usual.

"I hope she gets here alright…" Hotaru said worriedly, glancing up from her book. Then, she spotted a strange a baby chick inside a half broken egg walking towards the bushes and a yellow rat trailing behind.

"What was that?" Hotaru asked. She got up from her seat and put her book down. Ever so curious, she decided to follow the strange creatures into the bushes. The strange baby chick was waving happily, standing near at the edge of a cliff. The yellow rat screamed. "Pika, Pikachu…"

"Be careful!" Hotaru called out, emerging out of the bushes.

"Pikachu, Togepi!" Ash exclaimed. He came right behind Hotaru. He brought his other pokémon.

"Are those your pets?" Hotaru asked. She seemed fascinated with the other strange looking creatures.

"Kind of." Ash explained. "They were wandering around. I'm sorry if they cause you any trouble…"

"No, they weren't" Hotaru replied. "I just followed when they went through the bushes."

Pikachu carefully approached Togepi to get the little squirt into safety. The little absentminded pokémon had other ideas of its own. Togepi slipped and stumbled. It came rolling down the hill, laughing gleefully.

"Oh no," Hotaru rushed to get Pikachu. She too slipped and rolled down the hill along with Pikachu.

"Why did I even agree to baby-sit Togepi in the first place?" Ash said mournfully, shaking his head sadly. "C'mon guys." He left immediately.

"That was a wild ride." Hotaru said. "Are you guys alright?"


"Choki, Choki…"

"Miss, are you okay?" Ash questioned. He had a distress look on his face

"I'm okay… A little weak though…" Hotaru responded. "I don't know about your other pet." She noticed Pikachu limping.

"Oh Pikachu. You're hurt!" Ash exclaimed, gathering Pikachu in his arms. "Prof. Oak is not in the hotel. There's no Pokémon Centre available in this town."

"I'll fix him for you. He'll be as good as new." Hotaru said. "Trust me…"

"Oh, okay…" Ash gave Pikachu took to Hotaru without asking further questions. Hotaru held Pikachu in her arms and she began to glow.

"There… that didn't hurt one bit." Hotaru said. She put Pikachu down on the ground and he started walking again.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu exclaimed. He came to her and stood on his hind legs. He licked Hotaru's face and she giggled.

"Oh wow," Ash was amazed. "How did you do that?"

"I…." Hotaru began. She slightly fainted.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ash questioned. He looked worried.

"I'm fine… Just a little fainting spell." Hotaru said weakly.

"By the way, I'm Ash Ketchem from Pallet Town." He introduced himself, extending his hand to her.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Hotaru Tomoe." She said shyly, shaking his hand. "I can't believe I made a new friend. Wait till I tell Rini about this!" She thought excitedly.

To be continued….

Chibizoo, I hope you like the other acts with your favorite scouts: Michelle and Hotaru. Ember Blaze… I included James for you. I hope I made you happy! K-Money, I'll try to remember about experimenting… It's not so bad to try new things… E.A. Simpson, I'm not going to bash poor Darien…. Just in case for you readers out there… I'm again experimenting… I've decided to give Serena a try for a change.