Romance Fan Fiction / Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Castle ❯ Life Gone Beyond Control ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A young girl of six or seven years stumbled through the woods. She was clad in only an over large tunic, despite the raging blizzard. She knew the way home, but never wanted to go back there again, never wanted to suffer such abuse. She had to do it now, now when she felt so lost and alone, before the cowardice in her heart moved her to go back. 
She looked around. Even with the snow blowing around her and into her eyes, she still felt normal, almost warm. This was not good. She knew where she was, where she ran to each time life was too hard; if she couldn't kill herself tonight, slowly getting colder and colder until she fell asleep, her papa could very well hurt her again. He could hurt her so bad that even the magic in her couldn't keep her from being permanently crippled. He could try, but he was never able to kill her. But he did try, every day.
"Hello, Mr. Bat," she said to her little pet. "I think I am going for real this time. Don't worry, you don't need the likes of me to live." She turned. This place was her sanctuary, and also her own personal hell. This was where she tried to do it herself, before he could. It wasstrange, though. Only the wounds she inflicted upon herself ever left scars. Her tools sat around her, miscellaneous tools she had slowly gathered. Her worst ones kept disappearing, and she wasn't sure if it was the work of a guardian angel, urging her to keep going on, or a devil, laughing in her face. But it didn't matter anymore. With the winds so fast, and the temperatures so cold, there was no way anyone would be there to try and stop her. This was where it had to end.
She stripped down to her underwear, and laid on the ground. Every once in a while, she would shift so that she wouldn't get buried. She was very smart for her age, and knew it would serve as a blanket. Maybe if she hadn't been born a monster, born with this magic, her parents would have loved her. But if's did her no good.
She laid like this for many hours, and eventually the blizzard stopped, reduced to a small snowfall. She still wasn't cold. Just tired from being up all night, without even a nap. Slowly she drifted out of consciousness.
Mr. Bat stopped fidgeting. With her being such a smart girl, it was surprising that she never realized bats hunt at night. He grew larger, into the form of a boy of the same age as her. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Maybe if you had a friend, you wouldn't go through this. I wish I could take you away, but I come from a family of B vampires." He sighed. "They would devour you." The little boy kissed her forehead and took her hand. As he was about to take a little blood, he stepped back, surprised. A comforter materialized over her body. "Well, that makes this easy. I thought I was going to have to snatch one from your house. See? I knew you didn't really want to die."
He took some blood as he checked her temperature. It was normal, so he didn't have to worry. He looked around. He had no idea what to do now. "I wish I could talk to you. I am sure that you, who are so familiar with death, would understand me." He whistled in appreciation as a large patch of moss grew under her head as a pillow.
The girl began to twist and murmur, as though in a nightmare. He grabbed her hand, and held on until she began to wake. At this point he began to transform as the blanket and makeshift pillow began to dissolve. 
She sat up, her eyes blurry from sleep. She saw his transformation and it wasn't the first time. She knew what he was, but never let on that she knew. She wanted to talk to him, but he didn't even care enough to tell her himself. "Goodbye, Mr. Bat. I need to get home before my mama comes to wake me up."
It was the night after this that the boy's family followed him and discovered the girl. That was the night that the boy lost his family forever. He never saw the girl again, but he made new friends of his own kind when he was taken in by his grandfather, the leader of a clan.
It was a month later when the girl was thrown off the side of a cliff into the forest below, permanently damaging her back. It was a year and a half later when she struck back, and was passed off onto other families, some that she never knew. Each time she was thrown on the streets as soon as her gift was discovered. She eventually was found by another woman with magic, who brought her to Uveriver. She never heard from that woman again.