Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Fit ❯ A Part Of Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Title: Perfect Fit

Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin and all it's characters do not belong to me. I am just borrowing them for a little while.

A/N: I just want to give a shout out to Loretta Claiborne! /falls down on knees and bows/ She's a Special Olympian who has overcome a lot of things. I just watched a movie based on her life story and I was so moved by what she's had to overcome. As a `normal' person, we have such a blessing and it's sad that a lot of us take the little things that people like Loretta work so hard to have. /sigh/ I love that movie. It's also sad that a lot of people are mean to those they consider different.

Pairings: this is sort of a love triangle between Kenshin, Kaoru and Aoshi…with the others thrown in the mix. ^_^

Premise: They inhabit a life of leisure and luxury. Kaoru Kamiya loves Kenshin Himura, but she's not sure about how he really feels about her. A boy comes, he is dark, brooding and mysterious and Kaoru finds herself thrown into situations where she has to spend time with him and gets to know him better.

Reminder: There are only three levels of high school in Japan. Freshmen, Junior and Senior, freshmen are usually sixteen years old. This is set in AU so their ages are different.

Freshmen: Misao

Junior: Kaoru, Tae, Aoshi

Senior: Sano, Kenshin



Chapter Two:


"He's been here an entire week! I can't believe he's your classmate! How lucky!" Misao said jumping up and down excitedly.

"Maa, maa Misao-chan, I believe a little restraint is in order, neh?" Tae admonished gently as she placed her hands on Misao's shoulders, in an effort to contain the younger girl's bounce.

Misao grinned. "I just can't believe I can see him every time I come to your classroom!" Misao grinned.

"And here I thought you came to our classroom because you appreciate us," Kaoru said dryly as she exchanged a smile with Tae.

"Of course I do," Misao grinned. "It's just lucky you two happened to be classmates with him too. It's like hitting two birds in one stone…or something like that."

"I think its two birds with one stone," Kaoru corrected absently.

Misao rolled her eyes. "Hai, Kaoru-dono…"

Kaoru smirked.

"So what's he like? I bet he's really smart and cool…" Misao gushed, practically drooling.

"Well we're not sure. Tae and I aren't exactly buddies with him. I don't think he hangs out with any group from our class…" Kaoru said.

Tae nodded. "I think he scares some of the guys in our class. He's so intimidating with his eyes, and he's so tall, I heard they tried to recruit him in basketball but he turned them down."

Kaoru nodded, "Oh yeah, Sano was saying something about their team manager wanting Aoshi in the club."

Tae leaned closer to Misao, "You know Misao-chan, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to try and get close to this guy…he doesn't seem friendly at all."

"He's just quiet and mysterious, that's all," Misao defended.

"A lot of girls seem to like that type," Tae brooded. "You know, the bad boy, silent type."

"Well a lot of girls also like red-heads with a penchant for saying `Oro'," Kaoru said with a grin.

"Especially you?" Misao ribbed.

Kaoru grinned.

"Honestly Kaoru-chan, you and Himura have been dancing circles around each other for years. When are you to going to be an, `official' couple? You two practically play the part already, it's just a matter of admitting your feelings to each other," Misao huffed.

Kaoru's smile dimmed a little.

Misao waited, unmindful to Kaoru's discomfiture.

Tae sighed to herself. Misao was such a sweet girl but she and Kaoru sometimes shared the trait of being totally oblivious. Tae tugged playfully on Misao's braid. "And who are you to point fingers, neh? I still haven't heard your declaration of love to Shinomori-san," she said, steering the subject away from Kaoru's love life and back to Misao's. "I heard Aya Tsukiyono finds him attractive…"

Misao's spine stiffened at the mention of the beautiful freshman. "Aya Tsukiyono already has a boyfriend. He's that kendo guy…that senior…"

"Yohji Hidaka," Kaoru provided helpfully. She also practiced kenjutsu and was aware of Yohji's reputation. He was actually very good and very powerful; it was just that he lost his temper too easily. "He's been suspended a few times for brawling with other students."

"Isn't Aya in your grade Misao? She's the pretty one with the possessive boyfriend, right?" Tae asked.

"Yeah, that guy. I'm sure he wouldn't let her be involved with anyone else," Misao stated firmly. "Especially not Aoshi-sama."

Kaoru grinned, "Anyway Misao-chan, you'll still have to fall in line. I can't believe how many girls are claiming to be in love with him already. I believe they are actually forming a fan club of sorts…it's ridiculous!"

Misao flipped her long braid, "It is so not ridiculous Kaoru and I'll have you know I'm actually in the running to be the president."

Kaoru and Tae both stopped walking to stare incredulously at Misao.

"What?" Misao asked with a shrug.




The stars overhead, were brilliant; shining like diamonds in a black velvet sky. Kenshin tilted his head back and tried to map each one of them in his mind. It was times like these he could almost believe in forever.

It was quiet with only the gentle sound of lapping water as he sunk his feet into the pool, feeling the heated water cover his skin.

Hiko caught a glimpse Kenshin as he passed by the kitchen that led to the outside garden.

He walked over, sake in hand to peer at the redhead.

Kenshin seemed to be contemplating something.

The kid was way too contemplative for his own good.

All he ever seemed to do was think.

For some people that was a good thing.

For Kenshin…

It was a different story.

Hiko walked out into the garden and looked up into the sky. "The stars are brilliant today but tomorrow…who knows? The only thing that ever really stays constant in this life is the taste of good sake."

Kenshin turned to look up at his guardian.

"You know why you're not growing any taller, don't you boy?"

"Oro?!" Kenshin exclaimed, feeling his cheeks flame in mortification. Just because he wasn't humongous like Sano or Hiko, it didn't mean he was a midget. Besides it wasn't his fault his DNA lacked the `tall' genes.

"It's all those burdens you shoulder…they keep you down so hard they've even stunted your growth."

Kenshin peered closely up at Hiko, wondering if the man was drunk.

"No matter how hard you think back…no matter how hard you wish for it…the past will never change. And each time you turn to look back, you miss what's going on in the present. Your life only goes by once, baka deshi…"




It was already late when Aoshi got home. He was wearing jeans and a simple white shirt, with his backpack slung over one shoulder. He carefully took off his shoes before entering the tiny apartment he shared with his mother and little sister.

Mameha sat by the corner of the room waiting for her son to arrive. She noticed his easy and graceful movements and felt her heart constrict with sadness.

He didn't belong in a place like this.

"I'm sorry, I know that this has been really hard for you…" she began.

Aoshi glanced over at his mother. Sometimes he was taken by surprise at how different she looked now. Growing up, he was used to seeing her primped and polished with nary a single hair out of place. Watching her now as she struggled to make ends-meet pained him more than he could ever express.

He had no one to confide in. He certainly could not tell his mother his feelings. It would hurt her and wound her pride to know that he pitied her sometimes. He kept his face expressionless as he shrugged. "It's harder for you and Amika."

"Amika is too young to be aware of what's happened. She just misses you because you rarely get to spend time with her anymore, that's all."

"I'll take her out this Sunday."

Mameha patted the space beside her and asked him to have a seat. Aoshi nodded and padded over to where she was.

She was so proud of him that her heart longed to burst sometimes. "You know, I would understand if you would rather go back to your father's house."


"Aoshi, your life is just beginning. Your future all depends on the choices that you make right now. Your father can give you a better…"

"I said no," Aoshi interrupted her quietly.

Mameha quieted and sighed. His voice had that distinct sound of finality and she knew nothing she said could change his mind. "You haven't told me much about school. Are you enjoying it?"

"It's fine."

"Are you having a hard time balancing it with work?"

"I can manage."

Mameha stared at her hands in silence as she tried to stay the tears that were threatening to fall. What was she doing to her son? She was ruining his life. Instead of being able to live like a teenager and have fun with his friends, he now worked to help support them. Even though he would never say it, she knew he probably missed their former life and the freedom it gave him. She could still remember how good he'd been in kenjutsu, all the trophies he'd won. He probably missed that most of all.

"I came with you because I wanted to. Don't think about anything else but that," Aoshi said quietly, not looking at his mother.

They were silent for a long time, each lost in their own thoughts.

Finally, Mameha patted his thigh and gracefully stood up. "You must be hungry, I'll go fix you some dinner now."





Tae grabbed a large Spongebob Squarepants pillow and rolled her eyes, studying the odd yellow creature with a critical eye. "What exactly do you find cute with this…this…thing?" she muttered.

Kaoru was sitting up with her back against the mountain of pillow propped on her headboard. She smiled at Tae's look of disgust. "I don't know…I like weird creatures. Is that a crime?"

"When I have to sleep in the same bed with it, yes," Tae said as she tossed the pillow over to the rÄ-camier in Kaoru's bedroom.

"Tae!" Kaoru protested with a laugh as she watched the yellow pillow miss its target and flop down on the carpeted floor.

Tae grinned, glad that the troubled look had been momentarily erased in her friend's eyes. She and Kaoru had been friends since they were little children and she'd memorized every nuance of her friend's personality and expressions.

Tae knew something had been bothering her friend for a long time now. She usually hid it well and Kaoru was such a loud, sometimes temperamental, happy-go-lucky person that people sometimes forgot that there was a more serious side to her too.

A side that bled in silence

"Hey Kaoru-chan, what's wrong?" Tae asked as she sat down on Kaoru's bed and cocked her head to the side in inquiry. "Are you having problems with your dad?"

"How can I have problems with him when I hardly see him, Tae-chan?" Kaoru said jokingly.

They had already brought Misao home and Tae was staying over to sleep at Kaoru's house to accompany her since her father was out of the country again for business.

Tae smiled in understanding. Her own father was mostly away on business but at least Tae had a mother to take care of her, Kaoru had no one but the servants to keep her company.

Kaoru was frequently left alone, in a big house.

Kaoru linked her fingers together and turned them outward, raising her hands over her head in a stretch. "I'm just being ungrateful. A lot of girls would love to have a large room, live in a big house and be able to buy everything they want…" Kaoru smiled and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for being an ass Tae. Sorry."

"I think you should be an ass more often."

Kaoru blinked, "Excuse me?"

"You always act so strong, like you can handle everything. You know Kaoru; you act as the strength of everyone around you. Heaven knows I turned to you as my source of strength and comfort for a lot of reasons over the years…I just wish you let out the sad side of you sometimes."

Kaoru bit her lip and studied her friend's solemn expression. "I don't like being sad Tae."

"It's better than pretending everything's okay and you're happy even when you're not. So we're rich, so what? It doesn't mean that just because our parents have money, it's ungrateful if we feel bad about our life once in a while."

Kaoru smiled and reached beside her for a pillow and threw it at Tae's face. "Drama Queen!"

"Hey! Kaoru-chan!" Tae protested as she grabbed a pillow and pummeled Kaoru.

Their laughter rang out as the two girls indulged in the age-old sleep-over tradition of a pillow fight.

The sounds of their mirth did little to disperse the voiced truths that hung in the air, an omen of more truths unspoken; yet to be revealed.




A/N:This chapter was a long time coming, wasn't it?

RÄ-camier - It's a sort of sofa, really pretty.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Review, please! Thanks! Tell me what you think, suggestions for the story and my writing style…errors…thank you so much! To all those who reviewed, thank you so much!


WhiteRabbit5: I think the reason why we love Aoshi/Kaoru pairing so much is because they balance each other really well. Aoshi is such a reticent guy and Kaoru is such a friendly girl…they have that opposites attract factor plus you can do a lot of clashing personality bits before they finally realize they're in love! Right? Hmmm…anyway, I don't know how to explain why A/K is such a cool pairing either, I just like `em a lot too! ;-P


Orchidaceae: Hmmm, Kaoru learning to cook. I'll try and see if I can work it in the story, I have an idea I'm toying with…oh and please review neh? Thanks!


Goldmund: This is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy this and please review!


Clemen: Hi! I updated! Hope you liked this and please review!


Lady Dark Angel: Thanks for reviewing! This is the next chapter of Perfect Fit!


TimeWarper: Yeah, I don't like Misao/Aoshi pairings that much either. She's too…young and…well he raised her as his daughter. It would be weird if they all of a sudden fell in love. No offense to the Aoshi/Misao lovers, it's just that its not my cup of tea. ;-P


Linaalasmar: Hi there! I hope you like this next chapter of my story. Please review! Thank you so much for your encouraging words!


Animegurl_23: It's a love triangle! Read more so you can see which way I'll go! /dances around/ hope you like this chapter!


Alexis Barnes: Here you are! I updated! Hope you like this chapter!