Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's New Found Love ❯ Chapter 34

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Sorry for the wait, I’ve been busy, working on my site I’m creating. Plus, I wasn’t inspired to write anyway…don’t seem to be feeling any inspiration much lately. I was honestly thinking about calling it quits on this story…but I couldn’t do that ^_^ too many people like it. SO IM GOING ON!!! Plus I’m curious to see how I’m going to end the story myself. Hehehe!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this fic!

Out in the woods

17 and 18 sat on a log…staring, staring upon a certain android, an android named 16. 17 scratched his head, shifting on the log, nibbling on his lip. He stood up, paced from side to side, then sat back down. Turning to 18 who’s eyes were locked on 16’s figure.

“OK!, what the hell is he doing?,” asked 17, turning his eyes from 18 to 16.

18 turned to 17, running a hand through her blonde hair, “Well…from my observations during this past hour, I have come to an conclusion,”

17 narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his shoulders, “Which is?!?”

She turned to him with a grin on her face, “He’s playing!,”

17’s face faulted and he growled, “I COULD HAVE GUESSED THAT!,”

“Well, you shouldn’t have asked then,” said 18. 17 stood to his feet once again and placed a foot down on the log and leaned his weight onto it, eyes staring upon 16. “He’s a freak,”

18 cocked an eyebrow, looking up at 17, “And you say that why?,”

“Look at him 18!…he’s playing with those furry things!,” exclaimed 17.

“So,” said 18.

17’s mouth opened wide and he throws his arms out on either side of him exasperated, “18!, we’re not programmed to do that!…we’re suppose to blow up things…not go off and play with…these fuzzy… rodents!,”

“Well 17, the doc did said that he was not right,” said 18. 17 straightened, then grabbed the waists of his pants, pulling them high up, “I’m going to talk him straight,” said 17 in a tough-like voice, puffing out his chest.

18 rolled her eyes, standing from her seat, she grabbed a hold of 17’s arm, “Leave him alone,” She looked down at her clothing and grimaced at them, then a small smile appeared on her face, “I need to go shopping”

17 frowned, crossing his arms over his shoulders, “No way in hell 18,” No male, human or machine, wants to go through the horror of shopping with females. It’s pure instinct to try all their might to avoid it, to do anything…just the idea, makes them shudder with pure horror.

**********2 Hours Later***********

17 sat on a bench with a tower of clothing sitting on his lap. He had a very pissed and miserable look on his face and was ready to leave…NOW. “I cant believe I’m sitting here…surrounded by….these…EVIL! WOMANLY THINGS!,”

He turned over to 16 who was sitting beside him, and equal amount of clothing placed on his lap. He had a blank, expressionless look on his face which made 17 stare at him oddly. Turning his head, 17 muttered “freak” under his breath and sighed.

17 suddenly stood, taking the load of clothing off his lap and placing them onto the bench. He scanned the store and looked at the articles of clothing that were around the store. He became curious and walked over to an rack of under garments.

He picked up a G-String and looked at it in confusion, “What the hell is this ?,”

He began to look it over, stretching it with his fingers, “Where…is it suppose to go?…is it some sort of hat?,”

He put it on his head and quirked an eyebrow. “What a weird hat,”

He looked into a mirror that was beside him and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw 18 standing behind him with her hands on her hips.

“What are you doing?,” she asked, tapping her foot onto the ground.

17 looked around the whole store and noticed that everyone in there was laughing at him, he turned to 18 and gave her a sheepish smile, “Playing with the hat?,”

18 rolled her eyes and went to gather her things from the bench, causing 17 to ‘hmpf’, “It’s alright for the Freak to play with the fuzzy things and I cant play with a hat?!?,”

18 turned to 17 with an annoyed expression. “That is not a hat, they are panties that woman put between their butt cracks,”

17’s eyes widened and he snatched the garment off his head and threw them to the ground making a disgusted gasp sort of sound, “Eww man!,”

18 busted out into a fit of laughter, causing 17 to glare daggers upon her. He turned to 16 who was looking at him with a small smile on his face. He glared at the giant android and crossed his arms over his chest…”Can we leave now?,”

18 nodded, lowering her laughter to mere nothingness. She grabbed her clothing and 16 kept a hold of the clothing that he held in his hands. They were about to walk out of the store when a security guard walked up and made them stop, “Where do you think you’re going?,” asked the big-bellied man.

18 gave him a very dirty look, “Leaving, what does it look like?,”

The guard frowned at her rudeness, “Well, ma’am you have to pay for that stuff or…,”

18 got into his face, her eyes cold as ice, “Or what?,”

The guard gulped, feeling beads of sweat roll down his face. He took in a deep breath and regained his posture, “Or I’ll have to arrest you for the account of shop lifting,”

18 smirked a smirk that sent a chill of fear to wash through the guard. Her eyes went dark, “Ohhhh, arrest me? I’m quaking in my boots,”

The guard pulled out his handcuffs, “Now ma’am, I warned you and you brought me no choice but to arrest you,”

18 looked down at the cuffs, then back at the man as if he were crazy. She raised an hand and a beam of light began to form. She was about to blow the man to smithereens, when a hand clasped around her wrist. She turned to see who would stand in her way, and was surprised to see that it was 16 who had interfered. He stared down at her with calm empty eyes.

“No,” he said.

18 dropped her hand, surprising her self by 16’s sudden command, and by the fact that she listened to him. She turned to the guard that was shaking and he looked as if he was deciding to run off or not. 18 pushed passed the guard, who didn’t protest or try to stop them. 16 and 17 followed after the blonde.

The owner of the store ran towards the guard, anger burning on her pudgy pale face. “What are you doing! Go after them!,”

The guard turned towards the lady, fear in his eyes. “They are not something you want to mess with,” He wiped his brow with the back of his arm, “That woman could have just killed me just a minute ago if that man didn’t stop her,” said the guard.

The pudgy faced woman looked at guard in surprise. She turned her shocked eyes towards the trio that had just walked off with a load of clothing, “ I’m starting to get a bad feeling, a real bad feeling,”


The trio walked out of the building and 18 didn’t look too pleased. 17 looked at the quiet giant, then looked at the clothing, “We’re going to need a car guys,”

18 turned to him, a deep frown on her face, “Why don’t you go fetch one then,”

17 eyed her, mumbling “Someone has an attitude…must got one of those underwear things shoved to high up her ass,” before walking off.

18 heard the comment and flipped 17 the bird behind his back, then dropped the clothing she held onto the ground. She turned to 16 who was staring off up into the sky.

“Why did you do that?, asked 18, through clenched teeth.

16 turned to her, “Do what?,”

18 growled, “Don’t play dumb with me! Why did you stop me from blowing that man to dust?!,”

16 plopped down in the grass and stared ahead, “It wasn’t necessary,”

“NOT NECESSARY!? He tried to arrest me!,” exclaimed 18 in disbelief.

16 shifted his eyes over to her, the calm and empty look held within them, “You took something you didn’t pay for…he was only doing his job,”

18 clenched her hands into tight fists, “What the hell is wrong with you!? We are programmed to kill, it is our destiny. This…,” she said, pointing at the people and their surroundings around them, “is what we are suppose to destroy. We are superior. These--these humans and animals are nothing, just toys!,”

18 watched the empty calm look in 16’s eyes change…change to something dark and scary. Though, it was only for a mere second and they changed back to their empty calm look, “Your problem is that you don’t appreciate anything,”

18 was about to retort, but 17 drove up in a van, a smirk on his face, “Got us a ride!,”

16 stood, grabbing the clothes and went to the back of the van. Opening up the back doors, seeing there was no seats in the back, he placed the clothes in there and climbed in and took a seat on the floor. 18 walked over, putting her clothes in as well, she closed the door and went up to the front and climbed into the front seat.

She turned her head and looked at the back of 16’s head, then turned back to the front, “What was that look I saw?,” she whispered to herself.

17, who heard her speak turned towards her, “What did you say?,”

“Nothing, nothing at all,”

17 shrugged his shoulders, “Ok,” He turned on the radio and turned to a punk rock station. He gripped his hands onto the steering wheel and slammed his feel down on the gas pedal, “This is going to be one great joy ride!,” he exclaimed.

“A joy ride into hell,” mumbled 18, as she quickly fastened her seat belt.

17 turned to 18 and grinned, “Aw cheer up! This is going to be great,” He then stomped down harder onto the pedal, causing the car to go faster.

18’s eyes widened and she gripped onto her pant legs, ‘Oh dear God!, We’re all going to die!,”

17 turned up the music even louder, bobbing his head. He took his hands off the steering wheel, maneuvering his hands as if he were playing an electric guitar, “Hey look, no hands!,”

“17 cut it out…I swear…I’ll kill you!,” threatened 18, gripping her hands on her pant legs even tighter.

17 rolled his eyes, “Geeze 18, you need to learn to live a little,” he replied, placing his hands back on the steering wheel, but still didn’t slow his speed down. He suddenly turned onto the wrong side of the road, making cars swerve off the road.

“Oh yea, this is so sweet!,” he exclaimed, as a truck flew off the road and crashed into a tree. 18 watched as the truck ran into the tree, and turned her wide eyes to 17.

17 then rode off into a grassy area, starting to do doughnuts in the grass. 18 screamed curses and threatening 17 as she did so. 16 sat in the back calmly, staring off into space.

17 suddenly stopped the car and laughed, “So sick!,” he shouted, then made the car drive off back on the road. The road he drove on that had many cars on it, and they passed by many trees. 18 looked to 17 again, then lunged at him wrapping her hands around his throat. 17 gagged, trying to drive, missing cars surprisingly.

“PULL OVER NOW!,” screamed 18.

17 listened and pulled the car over to the side the best he could. When the car stopped ,she told him to get out. Once the both of them were out of the car, 18 nearly collapsed to the floor when her knees went weak. “You wait, I’m going to rip your arms of f and beat you with them,” she somewhat yelled and she was crouched forward, hands resting onto her knees.

She suddenly sat up and walked over to 17, “Give me the keys!,”

He handed her the keys and walked over to the passenger side and climbed in, as 18 climbed into the driver’s side. She started the car and drove off like a normal, careful, person would do. She looked at 17 with angry eyes, then turned back to the road, “You’re going to get it…I’m going to hurt you so bad,”

Author: Well I’m going to stop there ^^