Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon: Crystal Chronicles ❯ The Senshi Also Rises ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just as Sailor Pluto foretold, I, Sailor Saturn awaited the arrival of my fellow Outer Sailor Senshi. A looming spirit as well as the oracle, I am trapped in the cracks of time and space. Sailor Pluto is my link to the Moon Kingdom, and I respect and will always serve Queen Usagi. In this time of impending death and destruction, she is the light that will carry us all to victory, instead of damnation. If I play my cards correctly, I can get Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune to join with the Sailor Senshi. But considering their stubbornness, it'll take me some time; which we do not have the luxury to spend. Finally, the three Outer Senshi has come to the gates of time and space.
“Good evening Outer Sailor Senshi.” I told them as I walked toward them with stride. My Glaive had trickled and clicked with every footstep I made. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus as I noticed were very twitchy at my presence I noticed.
“Why so nervous, we're all Sailor Soldiers aren't we?” I asked with a little smile.
“Yeah we are, but you…you're Sailor Saturn, dammit! You have the power to destroy an entire planet! Anywhere you go death and destruction lurks!” Sailor Uranus said yelling at me.
“True, but as any Sailor Senshi, I can control my power. I am here to warn you all of the Chronus Knights, and why you should join up with the Inner Sailor Senshi.” I told them. Instantly they had problems.
“There's no way in hell we'll team with the Moon Kingdom! They are all too unreasonable.” Sailor Neptune spoke venomously toward me.
“Listen and you'll understand why. To put it bluntly, war will come to us very shortly. The winners of this war will either control the universe or preserve it. It'll be the time when all the Chronus Knights arrive, and will be up to us; all ten of the Sailor Senshi plus two more will have to defend the universe in a great war. Only one side will prevail while the others will die.” I explained to them. Of course they looked perplexed as I had previously realized.
“But there are only nine Sailor Senshi in total. Who are the other three, Sailor Saturn?” Sailor Uranus questioned.
“Chibiusa is on her way of becoming a Sailor Senshi, her training begins tomorrow. Well the other two, see for yourself.” I told them as I pointed to the gates of Time and Space. Opening them were two young girls, all mature looking however. One girl wore a silver gown with long, flailing red hair that greeted the wind. The other had an identical gown but had shimmering silver hair.
“Who are you two?” Sailor Neptune questioned with a blank stare.
“My name is Pai, and this is my sister, Kari.” The one with silver hair spoke. They inched their way toward us, and they bowed before Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Afterward, they took out their transformation pens and raised them to the sky.
“Millennium Star Power, Make-up!” Pai called out as she began to twirl around at a fast speed and glitter as she donned a sailor outfit similar to Sailor Uranus, and she became Sailor Millennium.
“Orbit Star Power, Make-up!” Kari called out as she too began to twirl and glitter around as she began to don an outfit very similar to Sailor Pluto, and held a mini-cannon with her, as she became Sailor Orbit.
“Sailor Orbit and Sailor Millennium are our new recruits in this war. They are the cause of this beautiful star shower tonight, because I took two of the most powerful stars in our galaxy and made them into Sailor Senshi. Orbit and Millennium are here to help us fight.” I told them.
“So here and now, Outer Senshi, I declare that we make a pact with the Inner Senshi to agree to fight with them and preserve the universe against the Chronus Knights and the Chronos Crystal.” Sailor Millennium said as she looked around at me and the other Senshi. Sailor Uranus was not truly convinced but I really hoped that she would.
“Whatever, Sailor Millennium. I just want the world to be protected. And if we have to join up with the other Senshi to do it, then I'll suck it up and join them.” Sailor Uranus said as she and Neptune fell into an embrace. And with that, we all stood united.
Kind of nervous and anxious all in one cute bundle, Chibiusa ran down the halls of the Moon Kingdom the next day to get to the outside. Who would be awaiting her would be most of the Inner Sailor Senshi as well as Sailor Pluto. Chibiusa was just itching to start her training. She was ready to fight the threat of the Chronus Knights and would go through anything to protect the Kingdom and her family. But for some reason, Chibiusa did not have any fear about them at all.
“Good morning, Chibiusa-chan.” Usagi told her daughter as she met them outside. Kissing her mother, Chibiusa noticed that already outside with Queen Usagi, was Minako, Ami, Makoto, Rei and Sailor Pluto who was already transformed.
“Gosh, I was dreaming of this moment, now I'll become a Pretty Soldier!” Chibiusa said with a blushed face.
“But Chibiusa-chan, being a Pretty Soldier means responsibility and teamwork. We are saving the world here, baby.” Queen Usagi said to her.
“I know mommy. I'm ready to help the Senshi defend the world from any intruder no matter how tough or big the kaiju or daimon may be!” Chibiusa said raising a fist to the air. Sailor Pluto was very impressed by the girl's determination, and muttered out, “Oh, Small Lady…”
“I think it's time then Usagi-chan. Chibiusa is one tough cookie.” Makoto said as she patted a smiling Chibiusa on her head.
With all that said, Queen Usagi tilted her crown a bit, and held her hand to the beaming sky. Forming and then jumping into her palm was a pink brooch embedded with a crescent moon and heart. It resembled Usagi's own brooch, but it was more suited for a child. Handing it over to her daughter, Usagi had tears swelling in her eyes.
“Why do you cry mommy?” Chibiusa asked caringly as she looked at her mother.
“Because I am so proud of you, Chibiusa-chan. Just yesterday you were a baby in my arms, now my Small Lady has grown up into a Sailor Senshi. A Pretty Soldier in the making.” Usagi said smiling at her. Chibiusa looked at her mother and the other Senshi and bowed. She knew the words in her heart as she held the brooch up to the sky.
“Moon Prism Power, Make-up!” Chibiusa called out as the heart brooch began to power up and play a musical ditty. Floating around and covered with hearts and lights, Chibiusa began to transform into a Sailor Senshi similar to Sailor Moon, but with pink as her signature color, getting into a pose, Chibiusa finally became a Sailor Senshi!
“Protector of the Moon Kingdom, the Pretty Soldier in training, I am Sailor Chibi Moon! In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!” Sailor Chibi Moon told the group as she was overwhelmed by claps.
“Very good, and I like that name Sailor Chibi Moon!” Rei said as she looked at the girl. Now, she and the other Inner Sailor Senshi unearthed their transformation pens and began to transform.
“Mercury Crystal Power, Make-up!” Ami said as she transformed into the powerful and intelligent, Sailor Mercury.
“Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!” Rei said as she transformed into the fiery and clever, Sailor Mars.
“Jupiter Crystal Power, Make-up!” Makoto said as she transformed into the thunderous and spontaneous, Sailor Jupiter.
“Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!” Minako said as she transformed into the lovely and spirited, Sailor Venus.
“Neo Moon Crystal Power, Make-up!” Usagi said as she used her brooch with the silver crystal to transform into the friendly, powerful, and intriguing Pretty Soldier, Sailor Moon.
“Sailor Moon, are you sure you're up to this, in your condition?” Sailor Mercury questioned looking at her.
“I'll be fine, Mercury. Why don't we start this demonstration with Chibi Moon?” Sailor Moon told her advisor, and good friend Sailor Mercury. “Here Chibi Moon, this is your new rod. Use this to attack enemies by saying `Pink Sugar Heart Attack.' Okay?” Sailor Moon said as she handed the girl the rod.
“Hai! I'm ready now!” Sailor Chibi Moon said.
“Now, out of all of us, choose who you would like to spar with.” Sailor Jupiter told her. Looking around a bit, Chibi Moon had found her target.
“How about you, Sailor Moon?” Chibi Moon questioned.
“Okay, why not.” Sailor Moon said as she went into battle stance, as did her daughter. Everyone was in awe and thought Sailor Moon was kind of in over her head, considering her pregnancy, but Sailor Moon didn't see any harm in sparring.
Jumping into the air, Sailor Moon went for a kick but Chibi Moon just dodged the assault, and tried to sweep kick Sailor Moon, and succeeded. Sailor Moon however did not find her way to the grass, because she flipped over and kicked Chibi Moon straight in her face.
“Ouch, mommy that hurt!” Chibi Moon said rubbing a red spot in her face.
“Sorry honey, but the enemy won't care if you're hurt or not. So fight back!” Sailor Moon told her as she went for a punch. Chibi Moon took her mother's advice though, and clutched the arm, and kicked her in her face. Flinching was the other Sailor Senshi who knew that Sailor Moon was pregnant and even Sailor Pluto became worried.
Chibi Moon who was tired of the assault her mother had just given to her used the rod she was issued and it began to glitter and she felt the words forming in her heart.
“Pink Sugar, Heart Attack-u!” Chibi Moon called out as the rod began to twinkle and spit out a ditty. Suddenly huge hearts ravaged Sailor Moon by surprise and she began to dimorph from her Sailor outfit, and back into Usagi. At her pregnant abdomen, Usagi began to bleed and all of the Sailor Senshi ran to her side.
“Usagi! We warned you not to do that!” Sailor Mars called out.
“I'm sorry mommy!” Chibi Moon said as tears began to swell in her eyes.
“It's okay Chibiusa. You didn't know I was pregnant.” Usagi said with tender care to her daughter who looked bewildered. But, the bewilderment began to spread to all of the other Senshi when something bizarre occurred. The tear in Usagi's abdomen began to heal very quickly and the blood and the cut vanished. Usagi got up and she was completely healed.
“What in Kami's name happened?” Usagi questioned holding her pregnant stomach where she felt no pain.
“The baby healed itself. That's amazing.” Sailor Pluto said looking at a blank Usagi. However, they all stopped when King Endymion, Zoicite and Kunzite came running toward the Senshi.
“We have a traitor in our midst! Sailor Pluto, how could you? She helped to free Sailor Uranus and Neptune from the chambers!” King Endymion pointed his sword to Sailor Pluto who sighed and then knocked it away from him.
“Wait, Endymion-sama. It is time for me to explain the new crisis. You will all soon learn that my betrayal was not that of which you think.” Sailor Pluto said. Quite suddenly, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Orbit and Sailor Millennium made themselves appear and they began to talk about the impending threat of the Chronus Knights.
-Xtreme Slayer