Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Hope of Revenge ❯ One Down, Eight to Go ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ahh, finally chapter one. Hope you all enjoy it ^_^! It's mainly meant to establish a few things for the rest of the story, as well as provide a first taste of drama. Anja.

Chapter 1
One Down, Eight to Go

Dawn came and dawn left every morning. Each day brought about it's own challenges and victories. For the residence of the castle, no victory was big enough, not yet. The battles that they fought were nothing when compared to the big picture, the big war.

Serenity put these thoughts out of her head as she stretched her arms above her head, savouring the warmth that enveloped her body. Beside her, Darien slumbered peacefully. Darien…she had not been able to let go of that name even after she had found out he was Endymion. Granted, he still called her Usagi even after he had found out that she was Serenity. She couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, the way that they had concealed their identities from one another and the way they had discovered who the other really was. That didn't matter now though. They had found out who they were and been able to look past that and focus on building a stable relationship.

The morning air beckoned Usagi to get out of bed. The sky was still dark, but the horizon was already starting to glow with the rising of the sun. Over the past four years she had learned to get up earlier and earlier. There was no time for sleeping in, everyone knew that. Some weeks she and Darien would go days without sleep, forced to battle and hold the palace walls from attacking enemies. Life was not easy in such a state. Gone were the days of splendour and court life, the times of parties and dancing and good food. All those things disappeared four years before when Queen Beryl had returned.

Queen Beryl. That very name brought a frown to Usagi's face. The first time she had heard that name was a day she would never forget. That day was the beginning of woe for their solar system.

"What's wrong?" a smooth, sleepy voice asked. Usagi turned her head and found herself staring into two blue pools of concern. She hadn't even heard him shift and was surprised to see him propped up on an elbow, staring at her.

"Nothing's wrong," she replied, pecking him quickly on the lips.

"You had that look on your face again," he said with a yawn.

"What look?" she asked innocently, making him grin.

"That look that makes it seem as though the fate of all the plants and solar systems rests on your shoulders alone."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replied with an impish grin. Darien quickly leaned down and captured her lips with his, giving her a firm and tender kiss.

"Well good morning to you too," Usagi purred as they pulled apart. Darien chuckled and swung his legs off the bed. Usagi sighed and followed suite, and both got dressed for the day. They headed to the main hall after that for the morning briefing. Usagi always felt a tinge of sadness whenever she entered the hall. It used to be the main ballroom, an elegant, beautiful room where graceful ladies in sweeping, colourful gowns would waltz around with well groomed gentlemen. Now it was converted to a war hall, with tables everywhere filled with maps, plans, reports, strategies, and statistics. Soldiers, Generals, Captains, and occasionally rulers, milled about or sat for formal discussions. In the mornings there was never a formal meeting going on though.

Usagi and Endymion entered the hall and walked over to where Queen Selenity and the former Master of the Sword were pouring over some papers. Yokiro who had taken his position as General back when the war began, reserving the title of Master of the Sword for when the war was over. General Malachite was not too far from them having a discussion with a few of the younger soldiers.

Queen Selenity looked up and smiled at the pair. "Good morning you two."

"Good morning. Anything new?" Usagi could hear the eagerness in Darien's voice. He never lost the desire to bring the end of the war as soon as possible, and each day she was amazed how he could wake up with a renewed vigour and keep going.

Queen Selenity frowned and looked at General Yokiro. He sighed. "We have gotten some news that Pluto is under heavy attack, and they're not sure if they can hold out until we can send help. Frankly I don't know how much help we can send since we're already spread so thin."

"We can send some help, but not much," Queen Selenity remarked, but the look on her face did not hold out much promise.

"How heavy of an attack?" Usagi asked, quickly arranging their forces in her mind. That was something else she had to develop a knack for.

"Fairly heavy. We think that Queen Beryl has changed her strategy and is going to try and pick off the planets from the inside out," General Yokiro replied.

Usagi sighed. "What do you have planned then?"

"We don't know yet, we're having a meeting early this afternoon. Helen and Paris are supposed to be here as well as Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus," Queen Selenity said as she began ruffling through the papers before her.

"What do you want me to do before then?" Usagi asked. There was always so much to do and she was never sure where to jump first. She had come to learn to that her mother always knew where to put her where she would be of the most use.

"I want you to go and pack up. Later today you, and the girls are going to go with Helen and Paris back to the Earth to go herb hunting in the southern provinces. We're running out of a lot of our healing herbs and painkillers and right now there should be some new ones there. Darien and Artemis will be going with you too," Selenity explained.

Usagi nodded and smiled. She liked the trips they took to Earth. It gave her a chance to see the world that Darien knew and grew up in, and besides that, she though the planet was breathtaking.

"My Lady, I was going to ask if I could claim Endymion and a small legion to do a quick survey of the northern territories where Queen Beryl's attacks have been focused the past few times. I wish to see how much damage she is inflicting and get an idea of her energy usage and thus send a list of supplies to the Earth with Endymion when he goes," Malachite said as he walked up to the group.

Queen Selenity nodded. "That's fine."

"We should head out now so we have time for everything," General Malachite said to Darien, who nodded in agreement.

"I'll see you later today," Darien murmured as he turned to look at Usagi. He leaned down to give her a quick peck on her cheek before following the silver haired general out of the hall.

Usagi turned to her mother. "Is there going to be anything else you want brought back?"

Selenity shook her head, her eyes already focusing on the papers before her. "No, I don't think so. Anything you might think will be useful." She paused and looked up at Usagi. "Just be careful. Don't go anywhere alone."

"I will be, don't worry," Usagi replied with a smile and roll of the eyes. "Do you think Darien would let me go anywhere alone?"

The Queen smiled. "No, I suppose not. Still, I have to worry."

Usagi gave her mother a quick hug "I know. I'll be fine though." She let go and started to walk to the doors. Packing wouldn't take too long, but she had a few things to do before she left.

She walked down the hallway back to her and Darien's room. It was small since the larger rooms were used to house families and groups. It was easier to protect the palace than the entire city, and since the palace and the palace grounds were large enough to house all the people, they decided to make the palace into their city. Children ran through the hallways playing, squealing in delight. Usagi couldn't help but smile. The palace really did feel like a bustling city, but she didn't mind. The population of the Moon had been small to begin with, but with the war it had gotten even smaller. Not by much, bit still.

Usagi loved the fact that everyone from town was so close now. Both Motoki and Naru had brought their families and Usagi had gotten even closer to them over the years. They helped out in the kitchens, taking turns with several other cooks and tavern keepers. Everyone pitched in to keep things running, even the former courtiers and nobility. Of course, the only ones exempt from duties such as cooking, cleaning, etc were the generals, soldiers, and Royals, since they were forever involved in the war.

Usagi, though, found herself helping out every so often. She was not allowed to wander outside very much and always had to be in the presence of others. She was never allowed to be alone. The thought made her sigh. Every so often, Queen Beryl would try and attack the Moon with the objective of catching her in mind. Beryl knew that she was the one thing Selenity would willingly end the war for by surrendering. It was the way that Beryl was hoping to gain her revenge. Serenity didn't remember what had happened all those years ago, she had been too young. She had heard the full story for the first time only four years before, right when Beryl began her assault against the solar system. Her mother, Selenity, had killed Beryl's mother, the Dark Queen, Queen Aminiha. Queen Aminiha had been the one to kill Serenity's father when he took a hit to save his wife and daughter. Serenity knew that part of the story all too well now.

Whatever the details of the story were, Usagi knew she was in danger. That was why whenever she was outside the palace she still had to have her Senshi with her, as well as Darien whenever possible. Those were the minimal requirements. Most of the time there were many more people with her. The only planet she could go to was the Earth. It was simply too dangerous to go on longer trips.

She reached the room and pulled out a few bags, throwing in the few personal things they would need to take along. Usagi had to admit that she missed the life of gowns and pretty decorative accessories. All she had now were practical clothing: pants, shirts, vests, etc. Nothing fancy. Her nightgown was the only luxurious piece of clothing she had, but that was something Darien didn't allow her to wear too often. Usagi blushed. No, he really didn't like her wearing it, unless they were in an active battle where anyone could run into their room at any time for help or to move them to another location because the invaders were simply too close. At those times they slept fully dressed, ready to leave at a moments notice.

Usagi finished packing and headed down to the kitchen. Breakfast would already be finished, and people would be wandering in and out of the dining hall for food. The hall was not big enough to fit everyone plus all the food, so people would take turns coming in. There was never a problem. If the hall was full, people would simply come back later. There hall was only about half full at the moment and Usagi was happy to see Motoki, Rei, and Lita sitting at one of the tables. She quickly went to get some food then sat down by her friends.

"Good morning, Usagi!" Motoki said cheerfully as the Princess plopped herself down. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I slept fine." She glanced at Rei and Lita. "Are you two ready to leave later today?"

Lita nodded. "Almost. I just have to run down to the training grounds to grab a few things but then I'll be ready."

"I haven't even started yet," Rei admitted. "I didn't know we were going until an hour ago or so."

"Where are you going?" Motoki asked. "To the Earth?"

Lita nodded. "Yeah, Queen Selenity wants us to go herb hunting. We'll be gone a couple of weeks probably." She let out a sigh. "It's going to be nice to have a change of scenery."

"Well I'm going to miss all of you," Motoki exclaimed, feigning pain.

Usagi smiled. "Don't worry, you'll still have Naru here to keep you company."

"True," Motoki agreed, "but that's just one person. It's going to seem so empty here with the six of you gone."

"Six?" Lita asked, her eyebrow arching.

"Yes," Motoki replied with a nod, "six. Five of you ladies, and Darien."

"You have an entire city of people around you," Rei pointed out. "I don't think us leaving is going to make this place seem more empty."

Motoki laughed. "I see I have no way of winning this argument against you."

"Nope," Lita confirmed, making all of them laugh.

"Where are Ami and Mina?" Usagi asked, noticing the two girls absence.

"Ami is busy saying goodbye to Ziosite," Lita answered with a cheeky grin. "He's not coming with us. You can also guess where Mina is, since Malachite isn't coming either."

Usagi smiled. Ami and Zoisite had been married the previous summer in a small ceremony on the earth. King Mercury had originally wanted it to happen back at his palace, but due to the fact that travel was restricted he had allowed the ceremony to take place on the Earth. Now that Usagi was married, the Senshi were free to marry as well. Ami, thus far, was the only one who was though. Of course, Usagi had not failed to notice how close her Senshi were to the Earth Generals. Whenever they had a girls night together, Usagi always heard the latest in their relationships. Rei and Jedite were the closest to tying the knot now. All the girls, especially Rei, were anticipating 'the question' from him, but he was giving them no hints, even though they had all subtly hinted about the subject. Mina and Malachite were moving very slowly. The stern, serious general had been a challenge even for Mina, but slowly she had made her way to his heart. The only girl who did not have her heart set on one of Earth's general's was Lita, and none of the girls could find out who she did have in mind. They did know that the last remaining general, General Nephrite, had his eye set on Naru, but that was a completely different tale.

"So both Nephrite and Jedite are coming along?" Usagi asked, nibbling on a piece of bread.

Rei nodded. "Yes, both of them. They're supposed to act as extra body guards."

Usagi couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Why doesn't that surprise me."

Lita turned to Motoki. "Is there anything you want brought back this time?"

Motoki looked thoughtfully at the ceiling, tapping his chin gently. "Hmm, let me think. I don't think so, not unless you run across some of those spices that you brought last time." He smiled. "Those were fun to play around with in the kitchen."

Lita grinned and nodded. "I'll see if I can find any."

They finished their breakfasts in fairly cheerful moods and then parted ways. Motoki went along with Serenity while Lita and Rei went to their rooms to prepare for their departure.

Motoki fell into step next to Usagi. "Be careful when you go, all right?" he said as he nudged her shoulder with his.

"I will, I always am," she replied with a smile, nudging him back. "Besides, I'm going to have a pack of protectors with me.

"You know I always worry about you," he replied, "especially when you travel."

"I know. Try not to worry too much though." She punched him playfully in the arm. "You can't always be there protecting me."

"Yeah, that's Darien's job now," Motoki replied cheekily as he avoided another hit from Usagi. "Just be extra careful. Don't make me come and kill anyone to get you back."

Usagi nodded. "I'll be careful."

"Serenity!" The sound of Luna's voice caused both of them to stop and turn around. Luna was walking towards them with a rapid pace, worry written all over her face.

Usagi felt her heart freeze. "What's wrong Luna?" she asked quickly, trying not to let any panic show on her face.

"You're to come to the War Hall immediately. Ships from Pluto have just arrived and Queen Selenity has called together an emergency meeting." Luna glanced at Motoki. "You can come too."

"Lead the way, Luna," Usagi ordered. As they walked, Usagi found herself worrying more and more. It was not often an emergency meeting was called, unless they were under an unexpected attack. What could the arrival of the ships signify?

The War Hall was buzzing with voices. Usagi saw her mother stand up and walk to the small podium they had set up so speakers could be seen and heard, signalling without any words for the crowd to be silent. Behind her stood the Queen of Pluto as well as her daughter, Setsuna, and a few other people with the garments of Pluto. Usagi didn't want to disturb her mother so she simply took her place near the back of the crowd where her Senshi were standing. Luna and Motoki followed her, and the entire crowd hushed down and listened to what the Queen had to say.

"Today we have received tragic news," she began, her voice loud and clear, carrying across the entire hall. "As we had heard, Queen Beryl deployed a heavy attack onto Pluto. The ships that arrived today with their people are all that is left of the planet now. Pluto has been destroyed."

There was an eerie silence in the room. No one knew what to say or do. The words were a hard blow to everyone. Usagi felt her heart begin to beat in her chest wildly. Had she not heard her mother say it, she probably would not have believed it.

"This is a very strong reminder as to how powerful Queen Beryl is," Queen Selenity continued. "It shows our need for unity against her. There is a great need for us to rally together now, more so than ever before, and fight with more determination than ever. In three days we will have a meeting of all the kings and queens of our solar system, here on the Moon. At that time we will discuss what we shall do now. I beseech everyone to think about how they can contribute to this cause more so than they already have. I know that we are all stretched thin as it is, but in view of the new circumstances, we need to put forth an even greater effort. Pluto will never be inhabited again, and we want to make sure that does not happen again. The surviving citizens of Pluto will remain here on the Moon for the time being, until they wish to leave. I ask that you show our new guests respect and courtesy, and help them at this difficult time. Many have perished, including King Pluto himself. We must honour his courage and determination, and now have a moment of silence for him and all who fell in this battle."

Even if Selenity had not asked for a moment of respectful silence, she would have gotten one anyway. Heads bowed as the words hit home, and Usagi found herself staring at the Queen and Princess of Pluto. They both looked incredibly calm and serious, showing no hint of emotion. Usagi couldn't help but marvel at their strength. Her heart went out to them in pity and concern, and all she wanted to do at the moment was cry. She had met Setsuna on only a handful of occasions, all of which made Usagi learn to appreciate the older princess. She had wisdom well beyond her years and carried herself with an air of dignity and elegance, although she was by no means egotistical or snobbish.

After a couple of minutes passed, Selenity began to speak again. "In three days we will have an open discussion here again at noon, after which all the leaders will meet to discuss what we are to do. Until then, keep in mind your duty to the people around you, the people of this entire solar system." With those words said she stepped down from the podium. Her speech had not been long, but it had given everyone something to ponder about in the coming days.

Usagi felt a hand on her shoulder. Motoki was staring down at her with concern in his eyes, concern that was mirrored in the faces of all the Senshi. "Are you all right?" he asked gently. Usagi blinked and touched her fingers to her face. She was surprised to find her cheeks wet with tears that were still streaming down her face.

She shook her head gently. "I'm ok," she said, then redirected her gaze back to where her mother was now speaking with the Queen of Pluto. "I just feel so helpless at the moment. The pain those two, and all those with them, must be feeling, and yet they look so poised and strong…They don't deserve any of this. It wasn't their choice to go to war."

"It wasn't your choice either," Mina pointed out. "Don't you dare feel guilty."

"I won't," Usagi replied, drying her face with the back of her hand. "I just wish there was something I could do to help Setsuna and her mother."

"We'll think of something," Ami replied gently. "First we have to go to the Earth, then we can help them."

Usagi nodded. She had almost forgotten they were leaving in only a few short hours. With a sigh she glanced at the Princess of Pluto one last time, surprised to see the girl staring back at her. Their eyes locked for a few seconds before Setsuna looked away. The glimmer of tears that was almost invisible did not go unnoticed by Usagi and her heart went out to the girl even more. "What's going to happen now?" Usagi wondered out loud.

"Only time will tell," Luna said quietly.

They stood for a moment in silence before exiting the hall. There was nothing they could do at the moment except see what time did have planned for them yet.

Disclaime r
I do not own the rights to Sailormoon or any of the characters. That honour belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and I am simply a lowly author who can use her characters for my plots.
