Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ What it'll take ❯ Risen Issues ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

* As is standard, I have to say sailor moon is not mine. Hmph. *

Serena sat a table with her cider in front of her.

Andrew and Darien weren't there. Andrew was getting their drinks, while Darien had gone to use a bathroom.

"Hey baby," a guy said, stopping at the rock wall.

Serena looked at him skeptically.

"Here with anyone?"

"That'll depend."

"On what?" the guy grinned, readjusting his sunglasses.

Serena thought he was cute with his dirty blond hair.

"On you and what you want," she stated, taking a sip of her drink.

The guy grinned, leaning against the railing. "I'd like to buy you another drink."

Serena spotted Andrew making his way towards her. She grinned mischievously.

"Well?" he prodded.

She bit her lip.

"Oh, why not."

He jumped the railing and took a seat beside her.

"Just so you know…" Serena started to say.

"Who the hell are you?" Andrew asked as he stared at the guy beside Serena.

"Andrew, this is…" she turned to the guy sitting beside her.

He was looking nervously at her brother.

"Yes, who the hell are you?" Andrew asked, cocking his head.

"Keetan," he managed to say.

"Well, Keetan, what the hell are you doing here with my sister?"

"I-I was going t-to b-buy…"

"Not if you want to live boy."

Keetan rose. "Ah, I think I see my friends. It was nice meeting you," and he darted off.

Serena sighed, then turned to stare hard at her brother.

"Do you plan to do that for the rest of my life. H just wanted to buy me a drink."

"Serena if his intentions were just, he wouldn't have fled like that."

"God! You're impossible."

Darien joined them then. "What's going on?" he asked them.

Serena turned and stared at him. "Andrew scared off a guy that just wanted to buy me a drink."

Darien arched an eyebrow. "Oh, like you need anymore guys around you," he teased.

Darien and Andrew sat down, then. She was listening to the music, when she rose.

"What?" Andrew asked.

"Just going to go to the bathroom," she smiled gingerly.

She grabbed her purse, and left them.

"So, what happened?" Darien asked Andrew.

"Oh," he grinned. "Some young twerp just trying to hit on her. It was no big deal, but I guess I didn't feel like dealing with a guy trying to fawn over her."

Darien shook his head.

His cell rang then. He checked the call display, and grimaced.

"Beryl," he greeted coldly.

"Where are you Darien?"

"None of your goddamn business."

Andrew watched Darien. "You tell her to stay away from Sere," he said quietly.

Darien nodded.

"Since last night was disturbed by that little slut, I figure tonight we could make up for it."

"Listen, if you ever call me again, I'll make sure Diamond has your neck under the axe," he said coldly.

There was silence.

"I mean it. Like I told you, I don't want anything to do with you, and you stay the hell away from Serena."

He hung up, and tossed the phone onto the table.

"God, she's such a fucking whore!"

Andrew nodded. "Diamond will be tightening the leash once he realizes you're back in town.

Darien nodded. "She just can't take rejection. She'll be over it in a couple of weeks."

Serena was on her way back to the table, when her cell phone rang.


"Serena? It's Rubeus."

"Oh," she smiled. "Hey."

"I called your house, but someone, I think your mother gave me your cell number. Hope you don't mind?"

"No, not at all."

"So, you want to go out sometime?" he asked.

"Yeah, that would be great."

She kept walking, nearing the table.

"Well, how about tomorrow night," Rubeus suggested.

"That should work out good. We can celebrate my last final."

"So, dinner and dancing would be good," he laughed.

"Hell yeah," she laughed, as she saw Andrew wave at her. She nodded then put up her hand, indicating that she would be a minute.

"So, where do I go to pick you up?"

Serena gave him directions to her house, then they bid each other goodbye.

She went then and rejoined Andrew and Darien at the table.

She had a smile on her face, brightening her features, to make her look like a goddess, or at least Darien thought so.

"What's up?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, nothing much."

Andrew couldn't help but notice how warm her smile was.

Darien glanced at his watch.

"Please don't say that we have to go. We're going to stay till the last band plays," she said determinedly.

Her brother shrugged. "Hey, it's only your final tomorrow."

She laughed. "I have literature down. I have no worries of failing. I've already taken like ten of the damn things, and I passed all of them."

"My, someone's confident," Darien said sipping his cider.

She stuck her tongue at him.

He grinned. "I can see why you'll be teaching little kids, you act like one," he teased.

Her eyes widened. "Excuse me," she said with a grin, "you know where it counts I'm certainly not a kid."

Darien stared at her. His emotions froze. "I'll take your word on it," he said, trying to smile.

The music continued to play, and soon the dj host announced that the last band was performing.

The sky was darkening, as the sun slowly descended to the ground.

"So, who was on the phone?" Andrew asked suddenly.

Serena turned to him. "Nosy, eh," she laughed.

"I've got a right to know."

"Just settled some plans for tomorrow."

Darien took a guess. "Rubeus?"

She only smiled at them.

Darien sipped his cider, quietly. Running through his mind were images of Serena getting ready for a date, getting all hot for a guy.

Jealous his mind mocked.

Hell no he retorted.

Sure, and that's why your clenching your jaw, and getting all tense.

Shut up!

They stayed on the patio for a while, until the last band went on. They watched from their seats.

After the last song was played, they started towards the blazer. Quite a few guys hit on Serena, and she noticed quite a few girls checking out her brother and Darien.

Andrew made it clear that he was taken, while Darien didn't notice. He never really did. He always felt that the girls that flirted with him were only after looks. Superficial girls, in his opinion were a pain in the ass.

"Weren't any of them pretty?" she asked him when she was getting into the truck.

He shrugged.

There was one, he told himself. But he saw her beauty every day in his mind like the sun. He woke up with thoughts of her, like a rising sun, and when he went to sleep, she was a setting sun, descending into his dreams.

* Bet it's not all that great. But let me know I need a boost of confidence. I mean I really need it. I did think of a good twist to throw into this whole mix, hope you enjoy it!! *