Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Free Holiday...Yeah Right ❯ A Very High Chilling Experiance ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chibi Free Holiday Chapter Seven
Uh head pains these days…I need to see a doctor and soon…if the Chibi's aren't hallucinations then I don't know what is…
And while I'm at it I'll just throw in this…ahem…
Hm…Didn't know that…
A Very High Chilling Experience
I sighed while I sat on my chair, on the bus again who'd thought it. Well the little terrors are at the hotel…I made sure that the door was locked this time…but…just to make sure…I looked into my bag… lucky me no chibi…sigh…
“Hmmm…so we're going to the London's eye huh?” I jumped. The person next to me looked at me frightened at my current out burst.
“You alright?” said the boy that was beside me. I looked at him and nodded with a smile plastered to my face. “Um…yeah just a little…chilly…” I hissed.
There was a slight tap on my right shoulder, I froze…no it can't be…I turned my head slowly round to see a little Hakkai smiling “Hello there…” Well I'll be damned…you know if this was a dream then a pretty good old fashioned wake up call would do me some good now…
I closed my eyes tightly hoping that I might wake up now…any moment now… I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Hakkai looking at me with a worried expression…
“Is something wrong?”
The boy next to me looked over my shoulder to see Hakkai sitting on my shoulder, Hakkai looked at the boy. I looked at the boy to see him sweating a bit and his face was going blue…um no wait purple…
Hakkai raised one hand up as he smiled cheerfully “Hello there” The boy then panicked as he fainted in his seat. I poked him in the shoulder the only thing I got was a slight twitch…huh death by cuteness? Didn't think that existed yet…
Two girls were looking at me and I just smiled and giggled a bit as they went back into their business I snatched Hakkai and looked at him, turning my back at the boy and the others.
“Hakkai what the hell are you doing here?” I snapped angrily. Hakkai smiled and cheerfully replied “We came to accompany you…” I blinked in shock…”Wait we?” I looked into my handbag, yet I see no one…
“We as in…” Hakkai pointed to my coat pocket…I narrowed my eyes as I peered into the pocket seeing Gojyo and Kou there. Hm funny no Sanzo or Goku…or the others in fact…I looked at Hakkai who was still smiling.
“Um…hello…” I jumped again seeing Yaone on my knees. I narrowed my eyes once again. I should've known…
“We're not troubling you are we?” asked Yaone kindly. I looked at her and smiled nervously “Oh no, no…you're not the one who I would say is troubling me…” I turned my gaze to Hakkai “It's him and the little terrors that are the ones who trouble me…”
“This wasn't my idea it was Sanzo's…”
“And why doesn't his Bitchiness grace us with his presence instead?” Hakkai made a face at that sarcastic remark that I threw at him. He looked at me then smiled once again “Because he's probably painting his nails this very moment and also putting on blush on his little cheeks…placing lipstick on his pouting lips and…”
“Hey I don't need to know about his whole makeup timetable…I just want to know why his awfulness isn't here.” I snapped angrily. Yaone quivered a bit at the angriness in my voice. I gave her a quick gentle smile then turned my attention back to Hakkai…
“And Goku?”
Hakkai made another face at the question and replied “Well...he's…he's…kind a vanished on us…”
I stared at him “Vanished! What do you mean vanished?!”
“Well in other words…we can't find him…” Dammit… where could he have gone…maybe he's disappeared into the secret wardrobe of stuffed animals…or has escaped my room and is continuously gorging himself in the refrigerator that is in a restaurant? Or worse is running away from Mr. Bunny thinking that he's one of the…ugh Dust Bunnies…
“Well were could've he disa…oh wait I mean Vanished too?” I asked as I did that little motion with my two bunny fingers. Hakkai sweat dropped a bit…
“Well…I don't know…?”
“Hm…sure he's not in an all eat buffet? Or wondering the endless corridors of an……hm let me think…convenient store…” Hakkai looked up for a moment…
“There are no convenient stores in the complex…” I closed my eyes feeling tired all of a sudden…lack of sleep is a terrible thing… Damn those mini karaoke machines that Lirin brought out of her…
“Um…wakey wakey…we're here…”
I looked out and saw that we were directly under the London's eyes…oh dear god…
“Hey are you coming?” I jumped and looked over seeing Phillip with a smile on his face; I sweated a bit and took out a book as I buried my face into it…
“Um…no I think I'll stay here…” Phillip made a face as he came closer.
“You're coming…” he said firmly
“Wow…” muttered my pocket.
“He's veeeerrrry good” blabbed my other pocket.
“Um…no thank you…” Phillip grabbed my arm and tugged my out of the group of seats. He completely dragged me all they way out of the bus and into the line that was for the London's Eye.
Dear Diary
Today has been a frustrating day…Sanzo has raided my mother's make up bag and continues to place blush on his cheeks…for a bastard he sure knows how to put on makeup…He told me that there were many things to do with blush you can use it as camouflage…he was drunk okay…he even said to me `I know how to make you feel pretty'…Feminine little bitch…is he a monk Chibi or a …
Sanzo looked up from my diary and slammed it shut.
“Lies!!!” he hissed as he flung it unto the bed.
“I never put on makeup in my life…Last time I read that…” Sanzo stared at my diary for a moment then reached his tiny deformed hands and opened it as he begun to read it again. Doku removed himself from the bathroom.
“He's not in the bathroom either”
“Hmm hmph” went Sanzo. Doku noticed the book and walked over to him as he climbed unto the bed.
“Hey what's that you reading?” Doku asked as his eyes were fixed unto the book.
“A diary…” Doku tutted
“You shouldn't be reading her diary…” There was a moment's silence between them. “Did she write anything about me?”
I sat on the seats that were currently on the capsule that were on the London's Eye. I have a confession to make…I'm afraid of heights. Phillip looked back at me as he was standing near the window.
“Hey you should see how high up we are…” I gave him one of my terrifying gazes
“Phillip don't tempt me…” Phillip shrugged as he turned his attention back to the window.
“Hey can we go see…” suggested Gojyo as he escaped my pocket and landed on my knees. I narrowed my eyes at him angrily. “No” Hakkai climbed unto my shoulder again “What's the big deal might I ask?” I sweated a bit as I closed my eyes and whispered. “I'm afraid of heights…”
“Ah…I see…”
“Oh that's awful” chimed a sadistic Yaone. Kou brought his little head up from my pocket and stared at me.
“So what…we're not going to die…”
“Why the fuck are you afraid of heights anyways?” Gojyo snapped. I opened my eyes and pouted. “Because I was pushed off the peer when I was six alright!!!”
“Let's see…Dear diary…today my nightmare came true…I am now suffering from irony as the kitten named Mittens is biting my leg…I am still trying to recover from that little incident that happened in the kitchen…somehow Gojyo managed to burn my underwear in the oven…how he ever got those I'll never know…Sanzo is putting on nail polish as we speak…and is putting on my favorite lipstick… for a priest that carries a gun he's a master at make up…”
Doku and Lirin began to laugh as Sanzo went bright red. Sanzo slammed the book shut and threw it away as it landed soundly on the floor. The two terrors behind him still laughing.
“I'm dying….stop it your killing me….” Lirin begged as tears were squeezing from her tightly closed eyes.
Doku slammed his fist down on the ground as he laid his whole body on the bed. “The irony…” He squealed. Sanzo frowned at them as he slowly went through his robes and brought out his small pistol.
“All witnesses must die!!” he shouted as he pointed the gun, Doku and Lirin froze as the trigger was slowly being squeezed. Then when Sanzo clicked it, there was a small bang as a stick came out of the barrel with a little flag untwining saying the words `Bang' in bold, red writing.
There was a moment of silence.
Silence still…
Until it was broken by more of Doku and Lirin's laughing as they suddenly fell off the bed. Sanzo stomped over to the diary and opened it as he began to read again.
“Oh my…the great Genjyo Sanzo invading a young woman's privacy!!” Sanzo looked behind him to see a very spacey Nii and his possessed assistant Mr. Bunny behind him.
“Oh go smoke a bunny pipe”
“Now, now that's not very nice is it Mr. Bunny?” Sanzo looked up as he seen Nii cuddling his strange little rabbit with his eyes narrowed.
“Please do that some where else I'm trying to read!” Nii directed his attention back to the diary invading bastard priest.
Nii extended his hand and snatched the diary off him, as his skipped off the bed cheerfully. “Not anymore” he sang as he continued to skip.
“Or you'll what? Make me die of laughter from that gun with the flag saying BANG!!! Which was done by my handy work by the way…”
THAT WAS YOU!!” Sanzo jumped of the bed and chased after him.
“It's all right, nothing to be ashamed off…” Hakkai smiled as he continued to pat my back. “Everyone has a fear of something…” Gojyo stood up firmly on my lap, trying to look fearless.
“Not me!” The chibi Kou looked at him as he jumped down behind him.
“Gojyo…” Gojyo turned round as his antenna's twitched with his big dinner plate eyes. Kou pointed to Gojyo's hair with a mischievous grin.
“Gojyo is that a bug in your hair!?”
Gojyo jumped as he started to smack his head fiercely…I never knew that he had so many tiny hands.
Then he took the liberty to jump into my pocket while he shouted
Kou stared at the quivering kappa who was crying his eyes out while muttering the words `Bugs, bugs every where…' and said in a firm tone…
Not me” he chimed in a childish tone. “Yeah right”
Right I've made two choices…look down on London or sit here and suffer more of the chattering gremlins? Hm…all of a sudden I'm guessing that walking to the window and peer down's not such a bad idea.
To Be Continued
Sanzo's Guardian Angel: Yayie I got chapter seven done I hope you all enjoy…although this isn't as funny…but on another hand at least I'm working on it… oh and another thing any Saiyuki characters you want me to Chibierise (Chibi sized) then I am open for suggestions.