SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ PYP ❯ Chapter 8: Command ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pick Your Pairing
By: May-VeggieGirl1
The gist is: YOU all tell me what you want me to write. ^_^ Pairings, pretty much pairings, but I will do introspective views of characters and friendships. It'll be short and sweet, staying in character as much as I can. So, I don't have anything else to say, get going with the requests!

Idea Contrived/
Requested by: Melady! More Dark Axis goodness, another hard one to write! :3 Yay!

Chapter 8: Command
Warning: sexual hints, yaoi (male x male)

Grappler was walking down the metal hallways of the Dark Axis, simply with his normal little strut, chest held out and head up, eyes ready to face whatever should come. This place in the base was never really a comfort much less a place he would want to stay forever, walking in the halls like this. But this was his position, and it was important to look like he was on a constant mission, patrolling even when he wasn't.
Sazabi smiled in his position behind the walls; it always pleased him to watch the solider go on. Putting his interesting view of the entire base aside, he stepped out and appeared from around a corner. Grappler immediately halted and, though thrown off guard slightly from the unexpected intrusion, stood at attention upon seeing his commander.


Sazabi moved over to him fluidly, pinning Grappler up against the wall with ease and with grace of someone who controlled all and yet nothing. Grappler visably tensed, but did nothing to retaliate the sudden approach other than turn his head slightly away from the commander's encasing mouth. He traveled hungrily over the mouth, down his neck, muttering quietly behind each touch. Sazabi growled low, "The Zakos are doing a horrible job cleaning the Magna Musai interior halls," keeping purpose then pressed his teeth lightly against the nape of Grappler's neck to suck. He shuddered and, pleased, the commander stepped off, disappearing with more shadows in the metal frames.

Still startled, but not so much questioning, Grappler regained his composure after a moment in silence and went off to speak with the Zakos about slacking.

Sazabi smiled again with a deep breath. He loved the chain of command.