Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Coming Out ❯ Chapter 2 The Tearful Side ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer- You get the picture I have to say that all of the Sonic characters in this fic or mentioned do not belong to me they belong to Sega. I would like to thank everyone for reviewing and telling me Cheese is a boy and plus I do have Sonic Heroes it just was not made clear if Cheese was a boy or not. Now as usual on with the story.

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Coming Out

Chapter 2 The Tearful Side.

After dropping Cheese off with his friends Amy and Cream walked a little ways into a secluded spot of the chao garden, this spot is where the lake is it was that clean that there reflection could be seen in the water and the sun would shine so bright into it.

Amy looked towards the doe to see her smiling and then resting her head on the pink hedgehog’s shoulder. Amy started to stoke her head and ears lovingly they both felt like no one could ever find them.

Cream then said something “Amy.”

Amy replied “Yeah.”

“You know when should we tell them?” Cream asked politely.

Amy answered back “We will tell them at first chance we get ok.”

Cream noticed she did not sound very confident and asked “Amy are you sure you are ok?”

Amy replied in her usual happy tone “Yeah, I am fine why don’t we talk about something else.”

Cream then said in a romantic tone “You know” at this point she twiddled with her lover’s three hairs on her head and carried on talking “no one could probably find us here.”

Amy looked at her to see that her eyes were full of love, Cream moved closer to Amy who knew what was coming next, the doe caught her lips, they started to kiss each other, Amy started to lay down on the soft grass while Cream kept her lips locked onto hers and laid on top of her, their bodies touched as well as they started to roll, to wrestle for who was on top. It went back and forth until Cream pinned her down with her hands on Amy’s soft slender arms. Their tongues started to play with each other inside their mouths, after what felt like forever they broke the kiss, Cream then started to kiss her cheek right down to her neck Amy then thought knowing full well what was to happen due to the fact Cream never did this before “Make love here? Is she serious?”

Amy then heard someone walking towards them and quickly pushed Cream off, but poor Cream she was pushed so far she fell into the lake, Amy was trying to look normal as possible as Cream came out of the lake with eyes wondering why.

Sonic walked in to see Amy sitting down and Cream standing a bit of ways from her with her back turned, Sonic walked towards them and said “I thought I find you here.”

Sonic continued talking “I went to your apartment but you were not there, so I came here I knew you and Cream like to hang out here so I ran here, luckily I did not run over Cheese and his friends cause they got in my way so I had to slow down when I came here.”

Amy then asked “What brings you here.”

Sonic then replied “I came to tell you that I will be having the usual shin dig at my place tomorrow night will you be coming?”

Amy nodded, before Sonic left he noticed Cream with her back turned away wet and asked “Is there something wrong with her?”

Amy lied “No, no she is fine she just tripped into the lake.”

Sonic looked at Amy with wonder and said “You know if there is a problem you two should talk.” Amy pretend nothing was wrong by saying calmly “Look everything is fine, there is nothing wrong.”

Sonic took that as an explanation and ran out of the beautiful lush green garden.

Amy looked towards Cream and walked over to her, she tried to put a hand on the rabbit’s shoulder, Cream just shrugged her hand off, she sniffled and said “Amy you lied you said you would tell anyone at the first chance but you didn’t why?”

Amy still looked towards Cream as she turned around with tears that stained her cheeks and Amy said to the tearful rabbit “Cream I did not mean to..”

“NO!” Cream shouted as she carried on talking tears running down her face that could make anyone feel sorry “You promised ‘sniff’ me that we would not hide it anymore, you promised that we would be able to tell anyone but you…”

The doe came to a conclusion “You’re ashamed of me aren’t you?”

Amy said “Creamy..”

Cream then stopped Amy “Oh no do not Creamy me, I waited so long for someone to love but it appears that you are afraid to love me bac…”

This time Amy cut Cream off “SHUT UP! Do you know how hard it is on me to love you with you asking for almost everything trying to be dominant in this relationship every time we kiss or talk.”

Cream started to cry more, Amy knew she said something wrong since she did not mean to say it so she tried to hug her and say “Cream I am..”

The peaceful doe pushed her to the ground and ran off on her own. Cheese saw Cream run away and tried to follow but he was too far away to catch up to her as she flew with her ears away from the garden, Amy looked around as she came out from the secluded spot.

The little chao then asked “Chao chao Cream chao chao choa chao chao chao chao.” which translated ‘Where is Cream going and what is wrong with her?’

Amy looked to Cheese who looked worried as did the other chaos who were his friends.

Amy could not say a word, she started to feel very bad and cry as she clutched her chest where her heart is and go on her knees crying for what she had done and for not being supportive.

Amy then thought to herself she was stupid and was never going to find Cream again, Cheese tried to comfort her “Choa, choa chao chao chao chao.” which
translated ‘There, there everything will be ok.’

To her nothing felt like it was going to be okay and there would be no more great kisses that Cream shared with her.


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Please review that’s all I ask for advice or even show me that I am doing fine. Well an authors job is never done till next time readers.