Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ Velvet Flames ❯ Perfectly Okay ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
:: Velvet Flames ::

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

Disclaimer: I don't own Sorcerous Stabber Orphen or any of the characters mentioned.

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: Krylancelo+Azari, Hartia+Krylancelo, Childman+Azari/Azari+Childman, eventual Orphen/Majic

Warnings: AU, possible shounen ai, language (mostly on my part)

(( blah )) indicates flashbacks since I can't use italics still . . .

Notes: This is only in regard to Seeker. Everyone else can skip this unless you're in desperate need for amusement. It's just a waste of space so I can explain a few things. When you read the gap between this rant and the next paragraph that should be the start of the fic.

Okay, hun, listen. I'm glad that you love Rai. He's a great character and one of my favorites. But nowhere, NOWHERE in the summary did I mention Rai. I wasn't even planning on USING him until the idea just came at random. Rai WILL make a few more appearances, yes, but he is NOT a main character in this story. I'm sorry. When I get another idea for a Rai-fic, I'll be sure to write it. But he is NOT A MAIN CHARACTER IN THIS FIC. Let me make this clear: The two main characters are Krylancelo/Orphen and Majic. The sidefic was just an idea for those that WANTED to know about his strange behavior in chapter seven.

Maybe I will add Hartia/Rai at some point. But if someone's just reading an Orphen/Majic fic in hopes just to get a glimpse of another pairing, and that is the ONLY reason why, then screw it. I won't write it here.

Before you leave, please read the rest of this. It's also important.

I don't mind people having an opinion on their favorite pairings. But I HATE it when they refuse to see the potential of pairings and just say that they don't work JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE ONE OF THE CHARACTERS. In the summary, did I not say that there would be various pairings, but didn't I make it clear that there WOULD be Krylancelo(Orphen)/Majic? Didn't I CLEARLY SAY that this was a what-if story? What if Orphen met Majic at the Tower of Fangs? I'm quite sure I did.

The last two chapters WERE supposed to sound familiar. I'm still using the same plot as the series, the major things, anyway, like Azari changing and stuff. I felt it was okay to add Hartia and Rai to those scenes since we don't really see the parts I put them in since, well, Orphen never flashbacked to them. *sweatdrop*

If the fic bores you, stop reading. So far the only useful thing you've had to say about the fic was that Rai's other eye is actually still there. I'm sorry I missed that, but that's NOT important to the overall story. This story isn't about Rai. It's about Orphen and Majic. This is, undoubtedly, mostly a romance fic. I'll probably have a side of Hartia/Rai; I haven't decided. But the main points are Orphen and Majic. Okay?

*sigh* And about the "Orphen and Majic being impossible" thing . . . It's not. It's really not. If you went to my site or read my DJ, you'd notice that I point out a few instances that HINT that the pairing has potential. It's not as obvious as Orphen/Cleao, but then neither is Hartia/Rai. They're good friends, right? Well, Orphen and Majic each have an odd form of respect for each other (yes, Orphen DOES respect Majic, he just doesn't show it often; you have to really watch to notice). Especially in the Revenge series; I mean, it's THERE. It's SHOUNEN AI. It has GOOD POTENTIAL. It's not as clear as Orphen/Cleao or Childman/Azari, but IT IS THERE.

Majic is Orphen's apprentice. Yes, this has been established quite clearly in the series. But I there's so much more to it than that! That's just like saying, "Cleao is just an annoying cow to Orphen." (She's not; I like Cleao fine, so Cleao-lovers please don't flame me for that. ^^;) Orphen makes it SEEM like that's all the two are to him, apprentice and tag-along, but when things get serious we can see that he cares for them much more than that. I mean, yeah, overall Azari's most important to him, but Majic and Cleao have grown on him to the point that he cares for their overall well-being. There's just . . . There's just so much MORE to Majic and Orphen's relationship than just apprentice and master that it's unbelievable so many people can't see it!
Now let's get to the part that really pisses me off.

"I can't see why! What attraction is there? I GUESS this story has become like any other un-orignal."

What right have you to say that? I was prepared to be patient with you until that VERY LAST LINE. What right have you to say that just because I prefer to write Orphen/Majic, which is POSSIBLE, I'm unoriginal? I have yet to see someone on post their own Orphen/Majic fic. I know Ivy-san is working on one (^_^ Love ya, Ivy-san!) but other than that it is REALLY HARD to find Orphen/Majic. The last new one I recall finding sickened me because of the way Orphen's powers were abused and used for the wrong purposes. I find Orphen/Cleao scattered wherever in Orphen fandom, but rarely Orphen/Majic.

It's not as original as Hartia/Rai. SO WHAT? Orphen and Majic is so much CLEARER than Hartia and Rai! This is mostly because the former have more screen time, but even still, it's much clearer! It makes SENSE. Majic totally looks up to Orphen to the point he leaves FIENA, the one girl I believe he actually loved, to follow Orphen. THAT is dedication. And Orphen cares for Majic! I mean, it SEEMS more plausible for Orphen/Cleao since Cleao is saved much more than Majic, so they have more . . . erm . . . tender moments. But Orphen helps Majic when he really needs it, such as in episode nineteen when he encouraged Majic, DESPITE MAJIC HAVING DISOBEYED HIM, to use magic to save the water in the crystal.

If nothing else, the possibility is AT LEAST one-sided. Majic is devoted to Orphen. He leaves Fiena to follow him. He leaves the most ELITE SORCERER'S ACADEMY to follow him, even though in comparison Orphen is most likely second-rate. Majic COMPLETELY IGNORES Erris' feelings for him in the second series, despite how obvious they are, because he's blinded by his dedication to Orphen. Erris said so herself! Majic would risk his life for Orphen (he did once!). No matter how many times Orphen has hit him, no matter how many times the older sorcerer puts him down, no matter what bad things Orphen says to or about him, MAJIC DOESN'T CARE. He STAYS with him, and most likely will until he's a full-fledged sorcerer and Orphen has to FORCE him to leave . . . IF Orphen forces him to leave.

It's a lot harder to see Orphen's affection for Majic, no matter how slight, unless you have seen the second series. I will only say this so as not to give too many spoilers: Orphen is NOT to type to think, repeatedly, "Majic, wait for me," if he doesn't give a rat's ass about him. Orphen is NOT the type to hold an injured teenager like that unless he is seriously concerned. Orphen didn't think about the enemy all the way to the base. He hardly gave them a second thought until Majic was safe and out of immediate harm's way.

But anyway, my point about your last comment is that I have YET to see someone write a story like this. I have YET to see someone make only a few differences in an actual anime's plot just to make certain things work out, and actually pull it off. And I don't want to sound conceited, but I have fucking YET for someone to tell me a fic of mine is unoriginal. You go from saying I have original concepts to saying my entire fic is unoriginal. For God's sake, child, please make up your mind!

With Rai, I know only as much as anyone else. He's mysterious, quiet, and has clairvoyant powers. His past; I made it up. It's never revealed, so I made one up for him. I know NOTHING except what we see in the series. After that I can only improvise.

I didn't mean to make it this long. I apologize. But I hope it got my point across, and if you still have a complaint, E-MAIL it to me so I don't have to indirectly involve anyone else in this. Please. Out of sheer courtesy. If you want to know what little I DO know about Rai, e-mail me. My e-mail isn't hidden on my bio page. And I'm done wasting space here. I have so much more to say, but I'm sick of this and am DONE.

Sorry if I offended anyone else.

He dreaded doing this, knowing the answer he would receive, but concern overrode all anxiety. It had been three days already since Azari had "broken the rules" as the adults put it. "Practically committed suicide" was more like it to him.

Hartia rapped gently on Krylancelo's bedroom door. "Go away!" was the instant response.

He sighed. "Krylancelo, please come out."

"NO!" was the indignant cry. "Not until I wake up!" Hartia cringed; his friend had been saying such strange things like that ever since he'd found him standing stock-still in shock exactly three nights ago. He had clearly driven himself into denial, though he also clearly realized that if he came out of his room, into the hallways where Azari walked no more, then reality would slap him hard in the face . . . And it would hurt like hell.

"At least get something to eat," he said in a voice just above a whisper, fearing his voice would crack. Tears filled his eyes, both of frustration and sadness, but he tried to blink them away. "Please, Krylancelo. You'll starve yourself."

"I'm fine. GO AWAY!" Something crashed into the door and shattered. Hartia choked on the air that rushed into his lungs from the surprised gasp, taking a step back. Krylancelo was getting worse. If something wasn't done soon . . .

But even Childman had tried, once, to get Krylancelo out. All he'd gotten was Krylancelo to lock the door. He didn't dare intrude with magic; God only knew what Krylancelo would do in defense. He was becoming severely unstable.

It was useless, at least right now. Hartia sighed again and slowly walked away, feeling depressed and, quite honestly, worthless. He was supposed to be Krylancelo's best friend. So why couldn't he help him when he most needed help?

He was completely worthless in this situation . . .

Childman leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. It had been rather stressful the past couple of days, though the only strain he showed was a flicker of pain in his eyes. In all honesty, Flameheart wasn't making the situation any easier.

"She was your student," he had pointed out in what was for Flameheart, innocent. "I think you can handle the situation perfectly well." It didn't help that one of the elders completely backed Flameheart up. So Childman was left to deal with the messy situation and rumors.

That was the least of his worries, however. One thing that bothered him was the threat Flameheart had made the night after what people were calling "The Azari Incident." The words had been branded into his mind like hot iron and refused to leave him alone, popping up just when he had found a nice calm space in which to NOT think.

(( "The elders are planning to kill her, Childman. You know that, right? Better be careful . . . You already seem to be quite suspicious to them. It seems one or two of your students are practicing illicit spells. You know better, right? Ah, as I thought. Just be wary, Childman. I'm watching your every move ever day . . . " ))

Disturbing as it was, it was also not his major concern. What he was worried about most, or rather who, was Azari.

(( "Childman-sensei . . . May . . . May I speak with you alone, please?" ))

He sighed heavily, pressing his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose to quell the oncoming headache. 'I am sorry, Azari. I only did what I thought was best . . . But I shall take responsibility for it all.'

Resolution in mind, he stood and strode out to the hallway. For the past couple of days, Hartia had been spending most of his time in the library, something he had noticed quickly. What the child was doing he honestly didn't know, but if it had anything to do with Krylancelo, which it most likely did, then . . .

He found him exactly where he had expected to. Sitting alone at a table, surrounded by various books, was a fifteen-year-old red-haired teenager. He looked tired, eyes quickly scanning pages as he flipped through numerous titles. Out of all his students, Hartia was definitely the closest to Krylancelo, and thus the most concerned.

"Hartia," he said softly, bringing the boy to attention.

"Y-yes, Sensei?" he asked, stammering from being taken off guard.

"I need you to go tell Krylancelo that the funeral will begin in a couple hours," he said smoothly. They were holding a funeral for Azari, the sorceress. She had died in a sense . . . Or perhaps had just been hidden from sight.

Mildly startled by the request, Hartia closed the book he had been reading. "Yes, Sensei." He departed quickly, which left Childman virtually alone.

He glanced at one of the books, picking it up to read the title. Whatever he had been expecting, it certainly wasn't there. His eyes widened visibly, if only slightly, as he read the title aloud.

"Interpreting Dreams of a Psychic: Past and Future Lives . . . ?"

A small hand hovered, hesitant, before drawing back. Majic bit a knuckle, easily portraying his worry. 'Krylancelo-sama . . . ' he thought sadly. 'I... I don't know if I should . . . '

Now was one of the times he desperately wished he could have someone close to confide in. Oh, sure, Hartia was nice enough to him and he had told him a few things he was too embarrassed to tell Krylancelo, and Rai didn't seem to mind him much, but he felt this was too important to tell them. It concerned Krylancelo only, at least, he believed it did . . .

Taking a steadying breath, he mustered up his courage and knocked.

"What?" came the irritable snap. "Hartia, go away!"

Majic leaned forward, resting his forehead on the door. "I... It's me, Krylancelo-sama," he called.

A slight pause, and then . . . "Go away." He didn't sound quite as angry, perhaps because up until this point Majic hadn't tried to bother him while he had locked himself in his room.

"I... I can't, Krylancelo-sama."

When Krylancelo spoke next, he sounded a lot closer, like he had moved toward the door. "I don't want to talk, Majic, and quite frankly, you annoy me. So just go."

Tears stung the blonde boy's eyes, but he blinked them back. "It's about Azari," he finally confessed.

There was a long, elongated pause before the door finally cracked open and one sienna-coloured eye peered out at him. "What?" Krylancelo asked sharply. "If you're lying--"

"I wouldn't lie!"

This time the silence seemed to stretch into forever. Majic's eyebrows furrowed, staring at Krylancelo with pleading eyes that begged him to understand. Finally, to his surprise, the other boy's eye disappeared and the door opened a few more inches.

"What about her?"

Hartia blinked, startled to see that Krylancelo's door had been left ajar. What was going on? He walked toward it, knocking just enough to be heard but not enough to swing the door open any further. He would respect Krylancelo's distance; that he had opened the door even a crack was a miracle and blessing. "Krylancelo?"


Once again surprise, this time by the normalcy in his friend's voice, Hartia relaxed marginally. "Sensei says that the funeral is going to start in a couple hours."


"Azari's funeral, Krylancelo."

His friend didn't answer for so long that Hartia thought he might have fallen asleep or something, but then soft murmuring caught his attention. Someone else was in there with him? "Krylancelo?"

"All right," came the clear response. "I'll be there."

Well. That had been surprisingly easy. Hartia allowed himself a small smile. It looked like Krylancelo would be okay after all . . .