Spirited Away Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Ninja'd Away ❯ Train Rides Rock! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ninja'd Away
by Lauren Bermudez
disclaimer: i don't own naruto or spirited away but i wish i did T_T

Chapter 7- Train rides rock!

Team 7 stared blankly at Chihiro.
"Train? What train?" asked Sakura. She turned to Kakashi. "Do you know what's she talking about, Kakashi-sensei?"
"Of course I do." Now Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were even more confused.
Aki grinned. "How about we show you what we mean?" He snapped his fingers.


"AHHHH!" Naruto yelled. He covered his eyes, cringing at the superbright sunlight.
"Shut up dobe" Sasuke said. "It's just the sun."
"I know, but it's so bright after that tunnel thing!"
Sakura rolled her eyes and gave Chihiro an exasperated smile. Chihiro returned it grinning. Aki had transported the group of them to the station just outside of the bathouse at Aburaya. They had gone through the same vortex that Chihiro and Aki used getting there.
"Aki? Can you see anything?" called Chihiro.
Aki, who was standing at the end of the platform, shook his head. "Nothing ye-- wait! Yeah, I see the train!"
"Where?" Everyone turned to look at the enormous red steam engine pulling into the station.
The shadowy ticket inspector held out his hand. Aki gave him a warning glance and tapped the symbol on his head protector. The inspector moved aside and everyone piled on.
Sakura nudged Chihiro as they stepped onto the train. "How did they manage to build a train station in the middle of the sea?"
"I'm not quite sure..." It was true. Chihiro had no clue. But, she looked back at the vermillion lacquered building behind her, it probably had something to do with magic.
"Chihiro..." Aki smiled and gestured at the seat next to him, so she sat there, her cheeks tinted pink. Kakashi settled himself in the corner and took out Icha Icha Paradise. Sakura sat across from Aki; Sasuke, across from Chihiro and next to Sakura; and Naruto sat on the other side of Sakura.
"Chihiro-san?" asked Naruto as soon as the train started moving.
"Yes, Naruto?"
"How long does it take to get to Damp Bottom?"
Chihiro giggled. "It's called Swamp Bottom... it takes about an hour." Then she grimaced and clutched her stomach.
Aki turned to her. "Is everything alright?" Sasuke also had his eyes on her but didn't say anything.
"Nnnn" She had her eyes shut tight. "I think I'm hungry..."
Aki covered his mouth to stifle his laugh. "Here..." He reached into his pack and brought out a wrapped package.

"..Just eat it."
Sen took a rice ball from Haku's hand. She started to shove it into her mouth. Then she started to cry. Haku put his arm around her shoulder and held the rest in front of her. "Have some more, you'll be alright."

Aki shook his head. Dejavu can be weird.
"Mmmm" Chihiro said, taking a big bite.
Sasuke watched her eat one his favorite foods. 'Man, I'm hungry... what time is it... lunch? Damn and I didn't have breakfast...' He clenched his teeth. 'Just don't look at the other rice balls... it'll just make you more--' But then his stomach gave him away.
Aki looked up, smirking. "Hungry, Uchiha?" He held out the package.
Sasuke debated whether he should take one or not. He wanted to avoid giving into this Tanaka kid. But... he was so hungry... He grudgingly reached out and took a riceball. (A/N: Sasuke's weakness: onigiri when he's hungry!!! Hehe ignore me ^-^)
"Do you want any Naruto?" asked Aki.
"No thanks, I always keep ramen with me!" Naruto proudly displayed two Maruchan cups.
Chihiro laughed as Naruto began to prepare the ramen. Aki smiled. "Fine by me... Sakura-chan?"
Sakura blushed, and took one as well. "Arigatou, Aki-kun. Kakashi-sensei..."she sweatdropped... "never mind..."
Naruto and Sasuke looked over at their teacher and sweatdropped. Kakashi had fallen alseep with his book on top of him.
"Pshh... loser." said Sasuke.
Chihiro scowled at him. "Do you really talk that way about Kakashi-san?"Sasuke's face heated up. "...."
"Helloo?" Chihiro reached over and tapped him on the head. "Anybody home?"
Naruto snorted into his ramen as Sasuke sat frozen, his face red.
Chihiro giggled and sat back down next to Aki. Then she saw the odd look on his face and frowned. "What's wrong Sasuke?"
"... nothing."
Chihiro giggled again. "Something is definitely wrong! Just look at you!" She went and sat down on the other side of Sasuke, smirking. 'What the heck am I doing!? This is SASUKE... that stuck up angsty loser!! Why am I having so much.... fun!?' She hit his arm, giggling.
Naruto and Sakura burst out laughing. Aki frowned a little. Sasuke, turned to stare at her turning redder. He edged away.
Chihiro decided to mess with him a little. "You know, Sasuke-KUN..." she said cutely. "maybe you're just being shy..."
Chihiro moved closer to Sasuke. "I think I can help you..."

Sakura's head was buried in Naruto's jacket, the both of them shaking with laughter. Aki's mouth had dropped open.
Sasuke finally found his voice. "Chihiro s-san?" 'What is she doing?!'
"Shhhh." She had come even closer.
"What are y-you do--" but he was cut off. His eyes widened. Aki, Sakura and Naruto stared at the two of them.
Chihiro pulled away, smirking. "Heh heh..."
Naruto gaped at Chihiro. "Did she just...?"
"Yeah, she did..." said Sakura in an awestruck voice.
"YOU ROCK CHIHIRO-SAN!" exclaimed Naruto high-fiving her.
"You know, Naruto, she should have done that to YOU... it would've been funnier." said Sakura grinning.
Sasuke sat there, not believing what had just happened to him. He reached up to his forehead.
Chihiro pouted. "No, leave it there Sasuke! Please?" she giggled and adjusted the sticker so that the words "I TALK TOO MUCH" were slanted at an angle. She smiled. "Perfect...."

HA!! I fooled you guys... and if you are slightly confused at the scene above, Chihiro was trying to trick everybody into thinking that she was gonna kiss Sasuke, but she just put this sticker on his forehead. xD Haha. Well, thankee. R&R plz, thx!!