Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Pirate's Man ❯ Vyokami ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six

"What the hell is going on here? Who the fuck are you?" screamed Ryoko, struggling to get out of the girl's arms.

"Uhh, I'm carrying you, and I'm Vyokami?" replied the girl, confusedly, as she tightened her grip on Ryoko's squirming body. It seemed she was trying to hold something back, but was having a difficult time. "Hey, well I have a question for you now. Why are you so heavy?" she changed the subject.

"I'm not a hu-"she was about to finish her sentence when she caught herself. "Never tell anyone that you're not human, Ryoko," she could remember Kiyone telling her that a year ago at the Masaki household. "I'm not a, uhh, er, hu . . . ngry sort of girl, but, well, you know, I tend to - uhh, retain food." Ryoko looked away as the girl stared at her like she was the biggest idiot in the world. Ryoko tilted her head back and looked towards the sky. "What planet are we on?" she asked out of the blue.

"Earth." Ryoko was surprised by the answer, but even more surprised by the tone of the girl's voice. She didn't seem surprised, or even the slightest bit confused, as most earthlings would.

"You're not surprised by that question?" Ryoko asked.

"Oh, yes! I'm very surprised, I can't possibly fathom why you would ask such a thing - " replied Vyokami, too late. "Ummm, well, anyway, we're here. I'll go tell Jett."

(AN: I know "Jett" isn't Japanese but I like it anyway, and I am so done trying to come up with Japanese sounding names!)

"Who the hell is Jett?" asked Ryoko suspiciously. "I don't want some little girl tending me."

"Fine, I'll go get dad. Geez, you're so touchy!" Vyokami brought her inside, dropped her on the couch, and then ran off through the hallway.

Ryoko looked after her, in a daze. Tails? She had resolved to see the last of THOSE fighter signs when she had left Vegetasei. She sat up and almost walked out the door when she saw blonde spikes sticking out from behind a big dome in the yard. "Come to think of it, that dome looks a whole helluva lot like that weird thing that Vegeta and I sparred in . . . Geez, do I have NO self control whatsoever? STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! I must be seeing things. I HAVE to be seeing things," thought Ryoko as she tossed around the voices in her head. "And anyway, Vegeta has black hair, so even though that short guy over there looks exactly like him and has the same hair style, it can't be him because - oh Jesus, never mind!" Ryoko flopped back on the couch and squeezed her eyes shut, as if the harder she squeezed, the less she would remember. Well, it partially worked until she heard the door slam.

Vyokami walked back into the room, her golden eyes burning with frustration, as if she longed to blast something to China, then fly and get it back, only to beat it up some more. "Sorry, miss . . . uhh, sorry, did you tell me your name?"

"It's - uhh, my name is, uhhh, Kryoko." (AN: I know, I know, you don't have to tell me!)

"Sorry, miss Kryoko, but my father is busy at the moment." She put her hand up to her cheek, where Ryoko saw a faint tint of red. "Umm, I think I can go get Bulma, but she might be busy right now. Just stay put," said Vyokami quietly as she turned and sped off again, but this time in a completely different direction, leaving Ryoko alone in the big, luxurious house. Ryoko normally would have gotten up and wandered, but she still felt tired, and laid back on the couch arm.

She was dropping off to sleep when she saw a short girl with black hair, which was in a braid, and bright blue eyes, looking over at her. Ryoko couldn't help but think that she looked an awful lot like Tenchi . . . and come to think of it, Vyokami looked a lot like Vegeta . . . and with that thought she drifted off to sleep.