Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 17

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: I made the big 100 yay! Hope you like the chapter!
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Chapter 17
The next morning instead of waking up to Nahuel's presence I found a note.
Happy Birthday! I went to hunt with Edward. I will meet you at school. I will think of you every minute I'm away.
“He's sooo sappy!” I said grinning from ear to ear, he knew I liked those kinds of things regardless what I said. When I got ready to leave for school Alice surprised me by taking Nahuel's vacant seat in my vehicle.
“I keep having this weird feeling that something is going to happen, but I can't see anything! At least when I'm around you two I can expect to see nothing, I'm really tired of trying.” She said holding her head. She sat in the back seat trying to minimize the nauseatingly sweet smell that she carries.
“Well does it seem like a good happening or a bad happening?” Ren asked obviously intrigued by this conversation, me not so much.
“I can't say” Alice frowned once more. After hanging out with Ren, Alice, and Shelly, I finally made my way to Nahuel's locker; I leaned against it as I waited for him to appear. That's when I heard Melissa's extremely high-pitched voiced talking about Nahuel.
“Nahuel's body was amazing and he totally knew what he was doing, I could stayed in bed with him forever, it was the best sex of my life, I knew it would be!” The other girl giggled hysterically.
“Oh wow, but what about Leah? Isn't he like in love with her or something?” she questioned.
“He wasn't acting like it this weekend, and besides who cares about Leah, nobody!” Melissa gloated. I had had enough. In my mind I tried to logically tell myself that it wasn't possible, but the jealous being that I am caused my hands to shake uncontrollably. I didn't have much time to make my exit. I made my way off the schools property and into the woods I clumsily stripped down to nothing and phased.
He didn't have sex with her. Did he? My mind went over every aspect of our weekend away, trying to find time where he could have fit in a betrayal of this magnitude.
No, he couldn't have had sex with her! Melissa's a lying whore!
Now that I had started to think semi logically I realized that it wasn't the brightest idea I'd ever had to phase in broad daylight. I had to try to maintain calm and think logically. The affects of the venom made this difficult, it always seemed like I was having a million thoughts at once. The reoccurring thought that plagued my mind now was nauseating, every five seconds I was envisioning the two of them in that hotel room, this thought wasn't that hard to imagine since I did find the girl practically nude in his room.
When I finally made my way back to school it was the second to last class of the day, English. I seriously had given thought to just getting in my vehicle and going home, instead my unrelenting desire to see Nahuel landed me in the pit of hell.
“Ms. Clearwater?” Mr. Copper said he was about to give me his already known and uncared about policy on tardiness.
“Sorry, Mr. Copper I'm not feeling well.” I said groaning, holding my stomach, hoping that excuse would satisfy him. The pained expression on my face I wore, was not an act, I was in severe pain. I took my place at my desk. Shelly looked back at me puzzled, she mouthed `are you okay', and I nodded and forced a smile to my lips.
“Where were you this morning?” Nahuel whispered.
“Out.” I said as coldly as I could muster, I immediately felt horrible, “I needed some air” I said in a softer tone.
“Oh I see” he said his voice was very mechanical, “I need to warn you about something before you . . .”
“Okay class you will be working in groups of four today.” Mr. Cooper said instructing the class to rearrange the desks so it was appropriate for the assignment. Then as luck would have it Nahuel, Shelly, and Melissa would be my partners on this assignment.
We sat at our table, Nahuel at my side, Melissa in front of him, (Shelly beside Melissa with her arms folded); silence and an awkward tension plagued the table.
“So the sooner we start this, the sooner we can leave.” Nahuel said picking up the worksheet and reading of the first question, it was something that pertained to the poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe.
Any suggestions?” Nahuel asked looking at all of us, Shelly was staring out the window and I was focusing on Melissa, one false move and she would be a one dead little slut.
“Leah?” he said begging me for a response.
“I don't know Nahuel, the Raven was a very depressing Poem about a man and his loss love. The bird was a constant reminder of his heartbreak . . . you know things like that.” I said twiddling my pencil between my fingers, I said still focusing in on Melissa.
“Excellent” he smiled nudging me; he looked as though he were proud of me I couldn't help but smile back. “Poe was an extremely depressed man but also extremely brilliant to turn his torment into art. This is one of my favorite pieces, I could actual feel his hurt through this piece,” he said flipping through the pages.
“That was so deep Nahuel” Melissa said as she reached across the table and placed her hand on his arm.
“Stop it, just stop.” I said trying to remain calm I removed her hand and placed it on her side of the table.
“What are you doing don't touch me!” she said as though she were disgusted by my touch.
“Trust me if you would keep your little hands to yourself, I would have nothing to do with you, however YOU seemed intent to flirt with MY boyfriend and I happen to have a problem with that!” She laughed hysterically.
“Is that all you think I've done with . . .” the look in my eyes must have brought her to a pause, I could smell the new fear in her, she looked toward the window as Shelly did earlier.
“Oh no Melissa, don't stop now go ahead and put your whole foot in your mouth” Shelly sad now fully invested in our conversation.
“Shut up Shelly!” Melissa said bluntly no longer able to look at any of us. In my side vision I noticed that the majority of our class had become aware of the conflict at our table. Today I had turned 26 years old, however I had been reduced to the antics and emotions a 16 year old should be feeling, embarrassment and jealousy, I smirked at my small revelation.
“So Melissa' I said leaning in towards her, using her fear of me to my advantage, “I heard about your rumor you've been spreading, I'm flattered that you find Nahuel attractive, but you are not his type.”
She looked at me dumbfounded as though she couldn't believe I called her out on her bluff, how was she going to lie on Nahuel to his face. She tried to say something then decided against it.
“I never touched you in that way. The only physical interaction we shared in that room was my attempt at trying to get you to leave. How could you make up such an impossible lie?” Nahuel said apparently he had heard about the lie too. People began to snicker as the self-proclaimed queen B of the school crumbled before them tears started to form and she excused herself from the classroom.
As she left I felt a little bad for her, then I thought about her sorry attempts at boyfriend theft and all those feeling of empathy vanished.
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Ren, Shelly, and I were the last ones to make it home today, for some reason Nahuel and Seth had decided to ride with Edward and Bella. I was the last to come through the door and I see a huge banner that said `Happy Birthday Leah!' Then I realized the new faces in the living area Embry, Paul, Rachel, Rebecca, Emily, and Sam had come to visit.
They all yell happy birthday as I am being pushed slightly by Ren from behind reminding me that I could not turn around and run away. I never thought I'd see the day when Sam would be in the same room as Nahuel, I suddenly felt uneasy.
As I moved into the living room the first people to approach me were Jacobs sisters.
“Goodness, look how girlie you look, I would have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it with my own two eyes” Rachel said referencing my new wardrobe.
“Shut up” I said hugging her, “How have you been?”
“Good, I'm a little married” she said showing me her ring, it was beautiful, her eyes gleamed and shined almost as much as the small diamond now on her finger. A twinge of jealousy stung me but I was still happy for her, I hugged her one more. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks, I also met your special someone, he is gorgeous by the way, you definitely upgraded,” We both laughed. In the background I heard Esme on the phone arguing with someone no she is not available right now, she hung up the phone almost breaking it. The only person she could have been talking about is Shelly's Uncle; lately he has been getting under all of our skin with his frequent calls. I wondered what could have sparked his interest in Shelly now? Honestly, I felt the guy needed a dose of his own medicine or may a straight jacket. I frowned at disgusting crimes he had committed, he was lucky he wasn't in jail.
“Hello, Earth to Leah!” Rebecca how chimed in.
“Oh, I am sorry, I got a little distracted” I said shaking my head.
“I was just complementing you on your contacts, you look good with gray eyes.”
“Girl, this is my actual eye color . . .it's a long story!” I laughed.
“Well I do plan to be here all night.” So I eventually caved and told them about how I had developed my new appearance.
“Awww how romantic!” Rachel squealed.
“I think it was a little desperate” Rebecca judged.
“I think it was a little of both.” I said as I made I contact with Nahuel, they both looked back in the direction I was looking, I heard one of say `wow' very low under their breathe, I waved at him, he waved back and I motioned for him to come over. He was at my side within an instant and placed his lips briefly on my cheek.
“Were you surprised?” he smiled.
“Of course I was! I didn't plan on seeing any of my family and friends again. Was this your idea?”
“It was a collective effort. Aren't you going to introduce me?” he said motioning toward Rachel and Rebecca.
“Oh right, Rach, Becca, this is My Nahuel,” I said wrapping my arms around him. After talking with Jacob's sisters for a while we found a corner that was left vacant by guests.
“I want to give you my . . .” Nahuel started to speak when we were joined by Sam and Emily.
“Happy Birthday Leah” Emily said as fearful as always, sometimes I think she believe I will rip her head off, the thought has crossed my mind but I would never act, I don't think. She handed me a medium sized blue box, I opened it and found a photo book filled with pictures from the past. Old memories of things, people, and places I had left behind came flooding back, my eyes watered. As I continued to flip through the book I saw a picture of my mom and Charlie and she was . . .
“Pregnant! Why didn't she tell me? My eyes bugged out of my head.” I left my other guests and found Bella and asked her if she knew about it.
“No I'm just as shocked as you are!” she said, and then I examined her face. She was probably lying, after all her husband read minds and her best friend sees the future.
“You liar!”
“Well I . . .” she starts to spew some nonsense.
“Why didn't you tell me?” I whined.
“Why didn't you ask?” She murmured, “Look, we'll talk later, until then Happy Birthday!” she hugged me (Ewww!)
After fuming for a few more minutes and telling Seth the news, I found Emily and continued to look through the book with her. She even put some old pictures of Sam and me in the book, I smiled a little knowing she only did that to watch my reaction and to see if I was really over him. I was expecting to feel some ounce of dread or hurt but I felt nothing, it was like looking at a picture of Jacob and me, sweet and funny but nothing more. I sighed deeply, on the last page there was a ripped photo of Emily and me, I had split the picture down the middle after they had told me of Sam's imprint.
“Can we fix this?” she said pointing to the picture, “I would r4eally like my best friend back.”
“Emily . . . “ I looked at her and she waited anxiously for me to finish my statement. “Sure.” My main reason for caving was that the anger I had been carrying had left a long time ago; I felt no need to be spiteful. We could be friends again, I personally don't think we will ever be as close as we once were, I've been through so many things she would never be able to relate to.
“Oh Leah, I'm so happy” she said near tears, “I've missed you so much, there is so much I have to fill you in on.”
With that she stated to ramble on like only she does, I had forgotten how fast Emily talked. I then started to wonder why all of my friends talked so fast. I started staring off into never-never land.
“May I borrow the birthday girl for a minute” Ren came and rescued me.
“Thanks!” I said walking into the kitchen with Ren.
“No problem” she said, “Happy Birthday! It's from Shelly and me” She held out a golden bag, and Shelly came running into the kitchen.
“You gave it to her without me!” she huffed.
“Don't worry I haven't opened it yet.” I said sitting on a stool and laughing at her behavior.
“Good” she said taking a seat at the bar too, “Well open it then!”
“Okay, okay, okay!” I said sticking my hand in the bag. I pulled out a variety of different lip-glosses in several different varieties of cinnamon.
“Thanks . . . I guess” I looked at all of the versions lip-gloss there were at least fifty of them in there. I touched my lips I never thought I had dry lips.
“You don't get it do you?” Ren said narrowing her eyes and smirking.
“Come oh, Leah, even I know this one.” Shelly said rolling her eyes.
“What?” I said a little annoyed with this game.
“You smell like cinnamon to Nahuel, so now you will taste like it too” Shelly bubbled over with laughter.
“Cinnamon really?”
“Yeah he says you are spicy but sweet something he can't ignore,” They both laughed. I was flattered and very embarrassed.
“He never told you that?” Ren said fixing snacks on a tray.
“No he didn't, probably because he knew I would laugh at him.”
“I thought it was funny too, but he's right though you do smell better now that you DNA's been all scrambled.” She said pulling on my ponytail.
“Ha. Ha.” I said following them back into the party. I immediately did a room scan trying to find Nahuel. I couldn't find him.
“Hey Leah, we have gifts too!” One by one the I was bombarded with gifts, I thank them and put on a good front but I kept wondering were Nahuel went. Edward wasn't there either having him around was as good as having a tracking device on Nahuel, but when neither of them are immediately accessible I begin to worry.
I stepped outside, and his honey scent seemed stronger there.
“Nahuel?” I whispered, “You come back here, how dare you run off on my birthday!”
“Who are talking too?” A familiar voice whispered behind.
“My currently MIA boyfriend.” I said turning around to face Sam.
“Oh, you left the room so fast I didn't have a chance to give you this. He held out the little white box.”
“What is it?” I said almost as if I were scared.
“Just open it, no need for the dramatics” I snatched the box and there was Sam's promise ring he gave me years ago.
“Sam I . . .”
“It hurt me when you gave this back. You were the only girl I ever chose to love. I want you to keep it as a way to remember the good times we shared.” I nodded and stuck the ring on my right hand's ring finger; I smiled slightly at the memories it represented and then at Sam.
“I really did love you Leah, I still do . . . in a way.”
“I know,” I said hugging him, “and its okay now, I'm happy.”
“Who ever thought we'd see the day that you'd see the day that you'd be happy with a leech!”
“Half” I corrected him, “and I believe the proper term is vampire.” I laughed at how now defensive I seemed and Sam laughed too.
“Wow do you remember this!” I then focused in on the music coming from inside the house it was our song.
“You know what that means,” he said extending his hand.
“No, what does it mean?” I mean said even though it was evident what he wanted.
“Come on Leah one dance won't kill or your leechy boyfriend.”
“He's not a . . .”
“I know, I know, I know.” He said pulling me off the steps and into his arms. He rocked my back and forth and I in turn placed my head on his shoulder like I used to, the act was familiar not better, not worst, just familiar nothing special, no tingles, no sparks. It was like dancing with my family member. Then I smell it.
“Honey” I sniffed.
“What?” Sam said confused.
“No, I mean I smell honey, I mean Nahuel.” I forgot how dense Sam acted at times. Then Nahuel and Edward appeared almost on cue, he seemed angry. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. I'm his imprint and I would never leave him no man could ever draw me away.
“I'm going to check on Emily. Leah thanks for the dance” he shot a glare at Nahuel and went back into the house.
“Where'd you run off to?” I asked as I went to hug him.
“Leah don't” His face was cold, I smiled he was jealous it was cute; I wrapped my arms around him anyway.
“I will see you two inside,” Edward said excusing himself.
“I can smell him on you,” he attempted to pull away from me, “It disgusts me.” He pouted.
“I smell bad?” I sniffed.
“Not bad different. I wouldn't have cared if I hadn't known the reason behind it,” he said glaring at me still obviously annoyed.
“So no cinnamon, huh?” I said laughing. He frowned and looked at me, “I'm glad you think I'm spicy.” I said nudging him hoping he would get the hint.
“Shelly told you.” A smile unwilling painted his face, “Nobody was suppose to tell you.”
“Ren was in on it too!” I said still holding their gift, “Look at all the cinnamon lip glosses they found it will take years to use them all!”
“That wasn't necessary you taste wonderful regardless.” He said using his pointer to trace my lips.
“Actually that brings my to my gift” he said and I closed my eyes and leaned in thinking he was about to kiss me. He grabbed my hand and placed an envelop in it.
“What is it?” I said a little disappointed. When I opening the envelope I saw lab results, I frowned at them I didn't understand any of it. Nahuel laughed at my confusion.
“Basically they mean this.” He wrapped his arms around my waists and we engage in a passionate kiss. His mouth was better than I had remembered, lightly sweet and devastatingly delicious. He controlled the kiss and moved slowly using his tongue to circle my mouth, after a while we both became lost in the moment and eager and hungry for more.
“Come here” Nahuel said his voice raspy and low. He lifted me and ran into the forest out of the vision of any of the guests inside the house. He pressed my back against the tree and we began to make out once more. I've never had a kiss feel on intrusive so personal and intimate. My heart began to race my hands were now buried in his hair and one leg was wrapped around his waist. His hands were about to travel up my shirt when a small buzzing comes from his phone.
“Yes” he said agitated by the interruption, “Okay we are coming” he hung up the phone.
“Noooo!” I whined pulling him back into a kiss.
“We have to go.” He carried me back to the front lawn and put me down to walk the rest of the way. I stopped him once more my need for him seemed uncontrollable.
“Leah, your guests” he laughed pulling away once more.
“They can entertain themselves.” I smiled.
“But the rain” he said trying to pull me toward the house.
“What rain.” With that a million raindrops decide to fall from the sky.
“Alice said it was about to rain.” He laughed watching the shock on my face. Honestly I didn't care about the weather, but it would look awkward returning to the house soaked.
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Once we entered the door Esme immediately met us with towels.
“Shoes off don't track that in here.” She said cheerful yet serious at the same time. I dried myself off then used my towel and ruffled his hair.
“Where'd the others go?” Nahuel asked.
“They retired about an hour ago” Esme said sitting beside Carlisle.
“Oh.” Nahuel and I said at the same time, there was a brief moment of silence.
“So we're going to . . .,” I said trying to think of an appropriate lie.
“Goodnight Leah, see you later Nahuel.” Esme said politely.
“Goodnight” I walked as quickly up the stair as possible I got to my door I went to turn around and speak to Nahuel and his lips immediately connected with mine. His enthusiasm was so intense it took my breath away.
“I thought I would help you change tonight, it always takes you so long” he kissed me once more picking up where we left off placing his hand on my bare stomach. “Is that alright with you?” he murmured in my ear his breathing slightly irregular. I nodded unable to control my breathing, he went to lift my shirt I raised my arms to assist him endeavor. He then kissed a trail from my collarbone to my belly button.
“Wait!” he said, “There's something is missing,” he said reaching into his pocket.
“Leah, I love you . . . be my wife”
“Wow, WOW!” was all I could say I was not expecting him to do this so soon.
“Well?” he said holding the beautiful black diamond ring.
“Yeah, duh!” I laughed. Instead of placing the ring on my finger he had the ring placed on a sliver necklace.
“This way you can wear it all the time.” He said as he place the necklace around my neck. I nodded and we kissed once more.