Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled: A Leah Clearwater Story ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 25

“I didn’t know you drove?” I asked as I placed my hand out of the car window and let the wind whip against my hand.  

“I just started about a week ago.  The others seemed so enamored with the activity that I decided to try it.  It is a fairly easy task.” He smiled in my direction and he navigated the road easily even though his speed was unnecessarily fast, which didn’t surprise me because all of the vampires drove this way. Within thirty minutes we had traveled to Lake Abyss.  We made our way to the boat port and stood in front of the dark green boat.  

“This one belongs to Jasper” He hopped on board of the boat and I stood back hesitantly.

“That’s nice, real nice, now get down!” I said taking another step back.  I hadn’t been on a boat since I was six years old and my dad took me fishing and the stupid thing tipped over.  I couldn’t swim at the time so the whole thing makes a little hesitant, not scared, but hesitant around boats. Jasper’s boat was way bigger than my dad’s boat it was like a mini cruise ship and I wasn’t about to die in one of those things, memories from the movie Titanic ran through my mind.  

“You’re scared,” he laughed, “that is pretty amusing after the past few days this should be a minor task for you.”  

“I am not scared!  I am just cautious, I just found out you know how to operate a car, and now you want be to believe you can maneuver this thing!” I stepped back yet again, “You have fun I’ll wait for you in the car.”  I went to walk back to the vehicle.  

“Leah, stop” I did but I didn’t come any closer, “Fifteen minutes and if you don’t like it I will bring you back.” He tried to use his voodoo mine tricks on me and I closed my eyes and shook my head profusely. “Very well then.”  Within seconds I was lifted into the air and placed roughly onto the boat.  

“Thought you said you liked giving me a choice.” I huffed and readjusted my shirt.  

“Sorry, that’s the last time I will use it . . .. Tomorrow I will stop.”  

“Well which one is it?” I asked still frustrated.  

“What do you mean?”  

“Was that the last time or will you stop tomorrow?”

“We’ll see how the night goes,” he said starting the boat.  He sped across the lake and the wind slapped me in the face.  After I got over the initial shock of being placed on the boat against my will, I actually began to enjoy the experience. I couldn’t help but laugh at the silly stunts Nahuel was using to astound me.  

“Impressive!”  I laughed sarcastically, I stood by his side now enjoying the view of the water and the moonlight, looking out on something so beautiful was just what I needed after being held by that vile and horrible man.

“I know I have ‘mad skills’ as Seth would say” Nahuel said laughing at his own attempt at slang.  

“You may have to stop hanging out with Seth if you are going to start talking like him” I said moving closer to the edge of the boat to get a better look, and then I heard him cut the engine.  

“Umm what are you doing?” My knowledge on boats is minimal at best but I knew enough to know that if they aren’t anchored down they had the tendency to drift.  

“Would join me for a midnight swim?” he said taking off his shirt.  

“No, I am okay, but again go ahead and enjoy yourself,” my eyes where drawn to his bare chest like magnets like they always were but that still didn’t take away all of my senses, “and don’t you dare force me into that water!”

“The temperature doesn’t effect you does it?” he seemed generally concerned as if he hadn’t considered it before.  

“No, it’s not that, cold or hot it doesn’t matter to me, I can feel when something is really cold like for example vampires but they are the only real cold things that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable . . . and I think I am actually starting to get use to that with all of the makeovers Alice has forced on me I really have had no choice.” I shrugged.  

“Well then are you afraid of the water, that would be odd, I thought felines were afraid of water, not canines?” he laughed.  

“I’m not afraid of anything and I am NOT a canine . . .at the moment.”  

“Clearly” he said taking a minute to admire my figure, which made me turn away from his stare, “So you’ll join me?” I heard him as he unzipped his pants and they dropped to his ankles, I shook my head never turning to face him for fear attacking him.

“Suit yourself but it seems as if you really want to.” He laughed at the way I was clinging to the edge of the boat and willing myself not to turn around, he stood on the edge of the boat and back flipped into the water.  

“Why are you being such a show off tonight?” I yelled to him but I couldn’t find him, this caused me to panic, even though I knew nothing in the water could possibly be stronger than him. “Nahuel!  Nahuel!” I leaned in closer hoping he would resurface.  All of a sudden Nahuel’s face was right in front of mine and he kissed me.  
“You are going to hate me for this.” He grabbed me and physically pulled me off the boat and into the water.  

“ARE YOU CRAZY?” I said trying to swim back towards the boat.  Nahuel disappeared again this time reappearing underneath me carrying me on his shoulders and then he threw me backwards away from the boat.  

“Stop!” I was trying to be serious but I found myself laughing at his silly behavior.  

“Come on Leah, lets have a little fun” he tried to eye me seductively but I covered his eyes with my hands.  

“Oh no you don’t.  I play your little games but don’t try to razzle me or whatever.”  

“I think the term is dazzle.” He laughed and went underwater again.  

“Like I said whatever.” He swam deep underwater and I followed him until I had the urge to inhale; he looked back and realized that I was struggling to make it back to the surface he helped me and within seconds I was able to inhale.  

“I guess that wasn’t the best idea”  

“You think?” I splashed him still catching my breath.  

“Hey that’s real mature Leah.” He said wiping his face and splashing water in my direction at the same time.  

“Well you’re doing it too!” I laughed and the fight continued as we splashed around and he moved in closer.  

“Stop!  I’m going to tell momma-Esme on you!” I said in a little girl voice laughing until it hurt.  

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry please don’t tell on me!” He played along poking his lip out and placing his arms around my waist, “What can I do to make it up to you?”  

“I don’t know I may never recover, I have been traumatized, it is a very serious thing.” I laughed swimming away from him towards the boat, this time he didn’t stop me instead he assisted me in my attempt to climb aboard and followed me pulling himself aboard with ease.  

Once we got on the boat he sped down the stairs and retrieved two big towels.  He had already dried off for the most part and proceeded to dry me off too.  

“I’m a big girl, I think I can handle it,” I said as I grabbed on end of the towel.   

“Why ruin my fun?” He smirked devilishly as he held tightly the other end of the towel.  

“Because I can.” I smiled and then kissed his lips.  He deepened our kiss and wrapped the towel around me pulling me closer to him at the same time.  

“You’ll never dry off in all of these wet clothes.” He said as he broke or kiss I could feel his heartbeat pounding against his chest.  He focused his attention on my shirt and tried to ring some of the water from the bottom.  

“Well I guess we should hurry home so I can change.” I said not really wanting the night to be over, but now that he had mentioned it my clothing was kind of uncomfortable.  

“I have a better idea . . .wait here.”

“Where else am I going to go?” I laughed and he rolled his eyes and went downstairs and came back with an oversized tee shirt.  

“Put his on, I wouldn’t want you to catch cold,” he laughed; I think he was trying to be funny.  

“Ha. Ha.  I wouldn’t even begin to remember what one of those feels like.”  

“All the more reason not to tempt fate, when we are around each other crazy things do tend to happen.”  I stood looking at the shirt debating if I was actually going to put it on or just wait until I got back home to change and he frowned at me.

“Is this why it takes you so long to change into you clothing, must you sit there and examine each item” he laughed, “here let me help you.”  In one swoop I had been I had been undressed and redressed, he had picked me up and sat down placing e in his lap, “Is this not better?”

“It could be worse,” I said as buried my face in his chest.  We sat together in silence enjoying the gentle rocking of the boat as we drifted into never never land.  I thought I should be concerned that we would get lost but I wasn’t.  I had all I needed right here on the boat.  He was holding my in his arms making me feel safe, loving me, caring for me and nobody else.  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment, Nahuel began to softly sing:  

Manha tao bonita manha!Na vida uma nova cançao,Cantando só teus olhos,Teu riso e tuas maos,Pois ha de haver um diaEm que virás. Das cordas do meu violao,Que só teu amor procurou,Vem uma voz falarDos beijos perdidosNos lábios teus.

“What does all of that mean?” I said repositioning myself in his arms.  

“Basically it means I love you.” He kissed me on the forehead, “Everything about you, your eyes, your smile, your hands” He squeezed me tighter, “I thought I was going to lose you.  Why do crazy things keep trying to take you away from me?”  

“Well if the fortune teller is right it is bound to happen two more times.” I said opening my eyes for the first time since sitting there to see Nahuel looking at me totally confused.  

“What fortune teller?”  

“The one Alice took me to see for my bachelorette party.  Hey did you know witches really exist?”

“Yes, I had heard that they did but I have never met one.”

“Well I have,” I said playing with a piece of his hair.  

“And she said that I will lose you two more times?” I nodded and he inhaled deeply and stressed took over his face, “Well she must be wrong because I will NOT allow it.”  

“She said the only way it will end is if Joham is killed or if one of us . . .” I didn’t want to finish the sentence or thought for that matter.  

“Well then my father must die and soon.  Where else did Alice take you that I wasn’t informed about?”  

“We went to a club in New York and I thought I saw you there but actually that was the first time I saw your father.”

“Really at a club?  I can’t believe he has been following you for that long.  I really wish Alice had seen his presence sooner.” He rubbed my arm anxiously.  

“Why so you could have tried to leave me sooner?  I don’t think so.”  I placed my hand on his to stop his motion and intertwined our fingers.  I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes once more, “This is the most relaxed I have felt in a long time, thank you for bringing me.”  

“I was really being selfish.  I had no intentions of sharing you company with anyone.” He kissed my shoulder, “Three days seemed like an eternity without you.  It was one of the most painful events I have had to suffer through especially knowing what my father is capable of.  

“So I guess all this means you will never try to leave me again.  It seems your poor little heart can’t stand a minute without me!”  I laughed and turned to look at him, his face was still serious but it seemed like my laughter lightened his mood.  

“No, it means I can’t even think about leaving you for fear you may get mad and get yourself kidnapped . . . or worse.”

“I can take care of myself . . . for the most part.”  I got up and stretched.  

“I guess that is a sign that you are ready to return home.  I should get you back before Esme starts to worry.”  

----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

When walked through the door Esme and Carlisle greeted us.

“I’m sorry we were out so late I didn’t mean to worry you.” Esme patted me on the shoulder.  

“Not to worry dear.” She smiled sweetly, however she still looked as if she were worried about something.  

“Is everything okay Esme?”  Esme went to speak but then we were joined by three strangers all females with dark hair and caramel like complexions, and they were followed by Rosalie, Alice, Emmett, and Jasper.

“No, everything is not okay.”  One of the females step forward she was lighter than the other and her eyes were almost black with hints of amber in them. “My nephew has unfortunately brought our problems to your doorstep.  Nahuel, it is time to cut your loses and come home.”

“We have tried repeatedly to explain to them that Joham is after all of us now it would be pointless for Nahuel to leave.” Rosalie said directing her statement to me she seemed as if she was annoyed by something.

“We still feel that your coven would be safer if he cut his ties here.  Did you know that Ana is here?  We have been looking for her and have not been able to track her sent.”  His Aunt glanced at me and now stood in front of him barely an inch between them. “May I speak with you in private.”

“No”, I answered for him, “If you are going to try and convince him to leave he doesn’t want to hear it.”

“And who are you to speak for him.” She glared at me, not as if she were angry it was more of a condescending expression.

“She is my future wife.” He tightened his embrace and moved me slightly behind him, “Aunt this is Leah, Leah this is my Aunt Huilen.”

“Nice to meet you.” I said curtly and extended my hand and she just looked at it.

“Nahuel!” she whispered, “She smells foul.  How could you even consider such a thing?”  

“Hello?  I can hear you!” She looked at me again now her face was angry.  I was personally glad that she was mad.  What reason did she have to act as though her family was better than me anyway?

“I love her, so I am marrying her, it’s that simple.” He arched his eyebrow almost as if to dare her to say something else; she didn’t she just nodded.  There was a long silence between the two it seemed like they were having some kind of a power struggle.  

“Well I think it is wonderful!” One of the other vampires embraced him destroying the animosity in the air, “I am very happy for you brother!”

“Leah this is my sister Maria and the hesitant one over there is Marisol.”  

“Nice to meet you both.”  

“A pleasure” they said in unison, the twins where identical but there was something about their personalities that made it easy for me to tell them apart. Maria reminded me a lot of Ren very bright and optimistic and Marisol seemed was very cautious with her emotions and reactions.  

“You do smell a little off; what are you exactly, if you don’t mind me asking?”  Her question seemed to be directed more towards Nahuel since she was looking at him and not me.  I looked at him too to see if he was going to answer her question.  

“I am a shape shifter.” His family asked the obvious questions that my answer provoked. I filled them in on our history, imprinting, the other members of my pack, and why my smell is different from theirs.  Maria gushed and the others frowned at the mention of our first kiss.  The last question they asked was the first Nahuel asked me when he found out.  

“Can I see?”  Marisol asked she glanced at Nahuel but this time the question was directed to me.  It was weird how they all seemed to seek his approval.  They were older than him but it seemed almost as if he were their leader or something.  

“Sure.  Why not.” I hopped up, I’m not usually so eager to engage people’s curiosity about my more “monstrous side”, but I wanted to make a good impression on his sisters, I knew how much they meant to him and I wanted them to like me so I could try to make them understand that I couldn’t lose Nahuel.  

We all traveled into the forest and I phased.  One of them gasped but they all looked at me as if they were studying me, which I hated but it was for a good cause, I guess.  I rolled my eyes and flopped down on my paws.  

“I’m sorry our stares must be annoying . . . but I have never . . . we have never seen anything like you before.” Maria said almost as if she were in awe of my presence, I nodded in response to let them know I understood.  

“I witnessed the others in the clearing over six years ago, you were not with them?”  Huilen reflected.  

“She was.  Her fur changed color due to the venom, she used to be gray, she is also much bigger now” Emmett said and I growled in his direction, “Well not much bigger, just bigger.” He laughed.  

“Does Joham know she . . . is what she is?”  Nahuel simply nodded, “He will not let her live, you know that.”  His aunt now looked at me with sympathy in her eyes, “It is a shame you are truly a beautiful creature.”  

“There is plenty of protection for her here.” He said almost hissing at her.  

“But you know how father is when he wants something.”  Marisol said shaking her head as if someone had died, they all looked as if they were now staring at a ghost a memory.  

“She will be fine, we will all be fine.” As I looked at him I could tell he didn’t believe the words he had spoken.  I growled at his family for making him angry and causing him to doubt our safety yet again.  

“You are right there is no reason for you to leave her.  He will hunt her and all of her loved ones until she is captured, whether or not you are with her now is irrelevant.” Marisol butted in once more causing him to pull at his hair in response to the stressful thoughts she was placing in his head.  I went found my clothes and changed back.  

“Shut up!  Can’t you see you are stressing him out!”  I stepped in front of him. “Nahuel we are going to be fine!  It’s your father’s army I feel sorry for, with all of the skill and power the Cullen family possesses and I am sure they will be able to find some extra help if necessary.”  I touched his face and tried to smooth away the worry lines from his forehead and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.  

“You are right the odds are in our favor.” He slowly smiled at me however his eyes seemed unsure.  

“Nahuel I need you to really believe me okay?”

“If that is what you really need then I guess I must oblige you.” He smirked and I shoved him. “Seriously, I believe you.”  

“So that’s it because she said you will be fine, you believe just like that?” His Aunt seemed furious and I had to fight back a grin.  

“Yeah, why not?” I laughed at his attempt simplify the situation and then I yawned immediately after.  

“Bed.” He frowned and pointed at me, sunrise was just around the corner, he grabbed my hand and we started to walk toward the house.  

“Wait!” Maria said, “If you are determined to take on father then I will fight by your side.”

“As will I.” Marisol said now at Maria’s side.  

“Thank you” he said.  

“Well if you all are determined to commit suicide, then I might as well join you!” Huilen grumbled.