Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ What do you think? ❯ New Acquaintances ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Me+ not own= Vandread
Chapter four: New acquaintances
“Awww… come on, I really don't have time for this!”
I told you, you were not to interfereterfereterfereterfere…”
Mr. Bigvoice's mind felt like it was being eaten by termites. “Can you cut that out? “Your echoing is giving me a migraine”
“Buuut IIII liiiike the echo” The new voice said whiningly. “Hmph… fine!”
Back to the issue at hand, what was so important that you had to pull me away from the Nirvana?
“You were told not to mess with their lives” The new voice stated matter-of-factly.
Mr. Bigvoice feigned astonishment “What!” “Since when?”
“Don't give me that!” “You knew full well what you were doing is not allowed!”
“But… she just looked so helpless… and I felt so sorry for her…” Mr. Bigvoice trailed off.
“It doesn't matter!” “Look, I'm sorry that you feel this way, but you have to let these people…” The new voice knew what would result of his next words… “Work it out on their own…”
“WHAAAT!!!” “You can't be serious!” “You mean to say that we can't…”
The new voice interrupted “Yes! We need to let these people act in accordance to their own thoughts!”
Mr. Bigvoice couldn't believe what he was hearing! “But if we aren't involved” he said those two words as though they were a sin “then what's the point of them existing at all?!”
Mr. Bigvoice and his counterpart were now getting infuriated by each others ideas. “YOU DON'T KNOW IF THEY EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!” The new voice now sounded like it had been engorged with acid. “And why do you even care what happens to them?” “We've had countless others, so why are these so different?”
Mr. Bigvoice muttered unintelligibly.
“Speak up!”
I…don't know…”

The new voice was stunned. “What!” “You can't not know!” “It's just not possible!”
“Now I know you know that isn't true.” “I taught you better”
Both voices gasped. In unison, they stated “Overseer!”
“I taught you both that anything was possible.” Mr. Bigvoice could suddenly feel the great presence of the Overseer shift to his direction. “Even something such as this.”
Overseer!” “He has been accused of assisting the crew of the spaceship Nirvana in their trials”
“First off, get rid of you two's ridiculous voices.” “They're annoying.” “Especially your outlandishly bold-faced one.”
The second voiced sighed “First I lose my echo and now this…” “Alright then, what say you, oh great Overseer, will be the punishment for his most horrendous offense against your Grace?”
“Oh please… kill the formalities!” The Overseer once again turned his attention to Mr. Bigvoice. “Is this statement true?”
“Yes sir…” Mr. Bigvoice answered hesitantly but gradually gained strength as he went on “But if we are to not pay attention to these people then how are we to feel them dealing with their lives?” “I just don't see what the point of their existence is if we don't FEEL them being there.” “I mean come on, that is the meaning of life after all…”
He was suddenly cut off by the second voice. “But as I said before, we've done this many, many times before and you've never had a problem until now!” “And now you're telling me you don't know why?”
Mr. Bigvoice responded angrily “YES!” “I'm sorry, but I just don't!”
The second voice had had enough. “Overseer, this is preposterous.” “Just exile him or something so we won't have to deal with these nonsensical notions anymore.”
The overseer ignored the second voice completely. “Mr. Bigvoice this is unacceptable.” “I'm going to have to” Wait a minute…” “What kind of name is Mr. Bigvoice!?”
“Uhh… well… you see… Dita enjoys giving people certain names that match their attributes… And since you hadn't told us to get rid of our big voices yet, that's what she decided to call me…”
There was a small change in the Overseer's voice, as if suddenly realizing something very important. “And… you did not object to this name?”
The second voice interrupted once again (It was a bad habit of his). “Sir, I hardly think that's the point here.”
“Shut up and stop interrupting us.” The second voice gave an indignant “Fine I will!” as Mr. Bigvoice continued to talk.
“Well, no sir… I mean that's what she wanted to call me, and I didn't want to disappoint her any more than she already had been... seeing as how things were looking so grim for her…” “I just couldn't bear the thought of causing any more pain for that poor girl… so; yeah I let her call me that” The voice paused, thinking what would happen to him when he said what he planned to say next, but then decided that even though the consequences would be severe, he really didn't care enough to let that stop him. “Besides... I think it's kinda cute.”
The second voice was outraged and amazed at this new turn of events. “WHAT! KINDA CUTE!” “YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND!”
The Overseer was on his final straw THAT'S ENOUGH OF YOUR INTERRUPING!” “Leave, now!”
Now there is something you should know about the second voice. Throughout his existence, he has always been what one would say, “Intellectually challenged”, thus he was always made fun of by all the other voices. In fact, him obtaining a role as a main voice was a huge accomplishment in itself. One might think that after countless millennia, he just might have obtained a smidgen of common sense, right?”
Sadly, this was not the case.
For the second voice said “But sir, I…”
Any one who was listening at that time could hear the muffled screams of the second voice growing fainter and fainter until there was nothing left.
My god, he's annoying!” Mr. Bigvoice could hear the Overseer breathing heavily.
“Just calm down sir, he's gone now, everything will be alright…” Mr. Bigvoice felt awkward trying to console his superior.
“Okay…I'm good… I'm good…” “So… where were we?”
“Ummm… I believe I was saying how I thought Dita's nickname for me was… cute.”
“Right, right…so, let's continue...
All throughout the pirate ship Nirvana people were not in their respective places. Gascongne wasn't in the register constantly encouraging people to “smile, smile”. Magno's vacant chair overlooked the bridge, which normally contained Ezra, her newborn child Kalulah, Amarone, Belvedere, and Misty, but no one was there now. Jura was not at the salon nor in her room doing her daily routine of brushing her hair for half an hour. Meia's normal hangout spot, the Tactical control room, was empty. Paiway was nowhere to be found in the secret corridors of the ship that she used for her “Pai checks”. The main engine room, which under normal circumstances, housed the majority of the tech crew, including Parfait, was bare of any activity except for the quiet pulsing of the Pyxis. Bart, who was the source of power that enabled the Nirvana to move, was not in his standard spot. Even Duero, who was arguably the least likely person on the ship to not be where he was supposed to be, wasn't in the infirmary. In fact, the only two people on board this shadow of a spaceship was a unconscious young man trying to fight for his life, and a girl who was right there beside him, holding his hand and praying that somehow, her “Mr. Alien” would be alright.
It was early “morning” (since they live on a spaceship there really is no day or night) and Dita had just woken up from her dreams of aliens and UFO's and had started to go looking for Hibiki (That girl has a one-track mind). “Hmmm… now I wonder if Mr. Alien is already up?” She smiled to herself. “He still hasn't kept his promise to me, but I'm going to make sure that today he visits me in my room.” “But every time I bring it up, he always tries to run away” she thought to herself. “Hmm… I have to make sure that he's too tired, that way he won't be able to!” Sometimes Dita wondered if she spent too much time thinking about Hibiki. She should be using her brainpower to find ways to outsmart the Harvesters, not him. That was what all her friends told her, at least. She sighed. “I just can't help it though” ”I don't know why, but I just can't seem to get him out of my head” “And every time I see him I just want to do something for him that makes him happy.” She sat down against one of the corridor walls. “It just seems… that no matter what I do though…it always makes him mad at me…” “It just seems… like he never wants to be around me…” Dita began to feel sad. “Maybe if I really wanted… to make him feel happy… maybe I should just leave him alone...” It was strange. Normally, Dita was a constant optimist, always trying to make people feel better about themselves, and always, always encouraging them to be happy. “But…” she thought sorrowfully to herself, “Whenever I think about Mr. Alien not liking me…” “It just makes me feel so sad…”
“Huh? What makes you feel sad?”
Dita looked up at the mysterious voice that had interrupted her thoughts. “Oh, it's nothing Mr. Pilot…”
“Hmm…Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something?” Bart asked quizzically.
Dita waved her hands in front of her face and gave a nervous smile “No, no, I'm fine, really!”
Bart had been on the Nirvana for quite a while now and had gotten rid of most of his propaganda-induced fear of women. He also liked Dita and knew that something, was indeed, troubling the usually jovial girl. But he also felt like whatever it was, he, a man, really wouldn't be able to help with a woman's issues (for once he keeps his big mouth shut.) He eyed her suspiciously. “Hmmm… well alright.” “Anyways, Gascongne told me I'm supposed to help prepare for the turkey dinner we're having tonight, so that's where I'm going.”
Dita was confused. “But why would she ask you?” “You don't know anything about real food.” She made a face. “All you men ate were those icky pills.”
“That's what I said!” “I told her it would make a lot more sense to have one of the other women take care of things like that, but she told me that if I didn't, she would lock me in the storage room with Jura for the rest of the day!”
Dita shivered “That's sounds scary!” She knew how stuffy it was in there and could only imagine what would happen…
Bart: (nervously) Hey… don't look at me like that…
Jura: (menacingly) My beautiful hair needs serious moisturizing and since you're the one who got us stuck here, you had better find some sort of hairspray or else!
Bart: (scared) Uhh… Jura, whach'a doin'?
Jura: (laughing evilly as she takes out a knife) If I don't keep my hair in tip top condition, I MIGHT get a little… CRAZY!”
Bart: (screaming and running away) AAAH! WHERE WERE YOU KEEPING THAT!
Bart: (crying) Help! Anyone! Jura's gone mad! Duero! Barnette! Hibiki! Oh great Grandpa, I'm asking for help with a woman from HIBIKI! AAAHHH! I ALWAYS KNEW WOMEN WERE EVILLLLL…
Dita trembled as she came back to reality. “Well Mr. Pilot, it's always been said that you knew how to save your own skin.”
“I swear Gascongne is doing this on purpose…” He sighed pitifully. “Well, I guess I'd better go and start on that turkey…”
A light bulb suddenly shone over Dita's head (not literally). “Hey, Mr. Pilot?… How about you let me take care of that for you?” “You said so yourself, this really is a woman's job!” she gave her most compelling smile.
Bart couldn't believe his ears! He knew that Dita was nice, but this… “Wow! Really! You mean it? Thanks!” “Now that that's out of the way, I can…” He paused, realizing that he really didn't have any thing else to do. “I can go… and…help with other… things…” He tried hard to be convincing, but failed miserably.
Dita laughed, knowing full well that he would probably just go and hide from
Ms. Gascongne for the rest of the day. “Okay, Mr. Pilot.” “Have a nice day!” She cheerfully waved goodbye. “Now to put my plan into action!” she said giddily as she nearly skipped to the kitchen.
(end flashback)
Dita lifted her head from the tearstained sheets as she wiped her face on her sleeve. She looked at Hibiki's face, hoping to see him open his eyes and tell her to stop crying and smile like she normally does. She would even settle for him to get mad at her for continuously calling him Mr. Alien and start running away right now. But all she saw was a cold sweat running down his neck and his face uncontrollably twitching at a rapid rate. “Oh… Mr. Alien, please be okay” Her big blue eyes began to water once more at the sight of him lying there in pain. “I have to do something!” “Duero and Paiway may not be here, but I am going to save Mr. Alien if it's the last thing I do!”
She walked over to the computer panel, which had several diagrams and charts listed on it from a previous patient. “Umm… I'm sure these aren't TOO important…” *click* Deleted. Now there was a menu of special commands for the operator to choose. As she scrolled down the list she read them aloud “Let's see…” “History… index… Ah!” “How about `diagnosis'?”
Author's note: Oh no! Dita with computers! Will the Nirvana survive this new threat? If I get some reviews you might find out. (I'll continue it anyway.)