Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Wish ❯ Part 4: A Cruise ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Wish

Part 4: A Cruise

Hisoka stared at the open window while sitting behind the counter of the shop. It was so bo~ring. He didn't know what else to do. Actually he was thinking about a few nights ago. His mind was arguing with him a lot. He wanted to believe what Muraki said but from past experiences always held him back. He looked around out of boredom. He wished something would pop up, anything, like someone attacking someone or something or maybe some vampire attack. Heh, he wished.

"Bon there's no need to stay up human hours. I heard even vampire's need their rest," Watari said from beside him.

"You won't make anything without me here so why are you concerned?" Hisoka countered back.

"You've been spacing out lately since we found you in front of the burning building after you were taken by that vampire. I wonder how did you manage to get out of there."

"None of your business."

"Let me guess you like someone? Am I right? Huh? Huh?" Watari pestered grinning at the blushing vampire.

"N-no I don't," Hisoka denied. He wasn't even sure so he was partially telling the truth.

"Who is it?"

"No one. Now back off and quit pestering me!" Hisoka said pushing the other blond lightly so he wouldn't hurt him. If his food supply were hospitalized for a few days he'd go berserk and actually might be hunted down by the two hunters, which he didn't want. Before Watari could respond the doors of the shop opened for Hijiri, Tsuzuki, and Tatsumi.

"Hi Hisoka, Watari," said Hijiri in greeting.

"Okay what's up? You never usually bring your lover here unless you need to," Watari said suspiciously eyeing the two hunters.

"Okay you caught us. Actually we were wondering if you two would join us on our next mission. The boss said it's all paid for," Tsuzuki said.

"Oh and just what have we poor unfortunate victims got ourselves into?" Hisoka asked sarcastically. The others laughed.

"We're going on a cruise for two weeks while we try to catch the vampire that killed passengers on the ship," Tatsumi said seeming to be the only one to calm down first.

"And what might be the name of this ship are we going on?" Hisoka asked. He and Hijiri knew a few vampires who own cruise ships for a living.

"The Queen Camellia."


They got themselves settled in on the ship. Tsuzuki and Hijiri were in one room, Tatsumi and Watari were in another, request by Hisoka insisting that he needed his own room, and Hisoka is by himself.

Hisoka and Hijiri went off together, they said they had an important meeting to get to. Much to Tsuzuki's dismay, he was starting to feel left out. Ever since Hisoka and Hijiri were introduced to each other fishy things were going on. Much like the burning building a few days ago when Hisoka was captured. But when they found him he was outside, safe, with no injuries or anything. He told them that someone got him out and he didn't know whom it was. That didn't seem too suspicious at the time but Tatsumi and Tsuzuki bought it. They had a feeling that both Hijiri and Watari knew something about it. They were keeping hidden information.

The twins went off to see the owner and his family because they were old friends. Ah and what luck that they just happened to run across a familiar and non-familiar face.

"Hisoka, Hijiri!" A familiar voice called out to them. Hisoka and Hijiri looked in the direction of the speaker and saw a girl about their age and other one their age.

"Tsubaki?" Hijiri questioned as he saw the familiar girl.

"Nice to see you too. It's been how long? Three hundred years? Oh I'd like you to meet my friend, Eileen. Eileen this is Hisoka and Hijiri. Guys this is Eileen."

"Nice to meet you," she said politely.

"Nice to meet you too," the twins said.

"I'm curious, are you two twins or is it a coincidence?" she asked.

"Coincidence I assure you," Hisoka answered and the four found a table and sat. They put three hundred years into a few minutes occasionally letting Eileen know what she'd miss during her two hundred year sleep. Her family put her into a deep sleep until it was safe to come out again.

"So what made you guys catch the attention of the hunters?" Hisoka asked curious.

"People keep disappearing. But I assure you that it wasn't us. It could be one of the crewmembers or something. We get our supply from a useful source. There's no way that we'd be doing that. We're trying to keep a low profile on that subject," Tsubaki explained.

"Oh? Maybe it's a passenger on this ship," Hijiri offered a theory.

They talked for a while until Tsuzuki walked up to them. He tapped Hijiri on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you?" he said seriously. Hijiri looked surprised as did Hisoka but he shook it off. He said a temporary bye and left with Tsuzuki.

"Um…wasn't that the hunter?" Eileen asked a bit frightened.

"Don't worry. They're lovers. Tsuzuki was just joking. He feels left out so he had to drag Hijiri back," Hisoka said amused.

"But I thought he was with Khayyam."

"Was. Khayyam died a few years ago. You wouldn't believe who did it."

"But isn't Tsuzuki the infamous vampire hunter? He was one of them that murdered almost the entire clan! Oh! Hijiri's been bad, sleeping with the enemy." Tsubaki exclaimed in somewhat excitement.

"Funny that's what I said too."

Hisoka turned around to see Maria behind him. She gave him a smile and sat beside him.

"What are you doing here?" Hisoka asked surprised.

"I was invited. Tsubaki personally recommended me. Though I don't think I really need all that appreciation," Maria said winking at Tsubaki.

Hisoka thought about this. It was weird how they were all together but it was a great feeling of seeing others of his kind in a long time. It was refreshing.

"Tell your dad I said high, Tsubaki," Hisoka stated and stood up. He was sleepy and he a little bit tired.

"Where are you going?" Maria asked.

"I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. Is that a problem?"

"Um…no, its just that it's still after twilight and dawn isn't up for another few hours. I'm just surprised that's all." Maria said defending herself since Hisoka seemed a bit off today, which was very rare to catch the elder, younger looking vampire in such a state.

"Sorry, I'm just out of it right now." Hisoka apologized.

"That's okay, we all get annoyed sometimes," Tsubaki said. Maria noticed his somewhat distant look.

"So you saw him?" she asked knowingly. Hisoka looked at her not answering since he knew she knew. Tsubaki and Eileen were clueless on them so they had nothing else to do except stay quiet and listen.

"It's been four hundred years. You should give him a chance." She stated before he walked off.

It was peaceful with the cool breeze blowing, even if he couldn't feel it. He wondered how Hijiri was able to keep himself in normal human temperature. If Tsuzuki felt Hijiri's skin then wouldn't he be suspicious that he doesn't have a fever? He shook his head at the thought. There was no way that would happen. Somehow Hijiri was able to control his body temperature. He was jealous.

Though luckily they probably won't be found out. Since the files on them are somewhat erased from history. Maria's he wondered how they were discovered. Maybe someone else recognized her from history and had some old photo they took. That was very odd. He erased that thought from his head and just continued looking at the scenery. Hisoka was aware that someone was heading in his direction; thought would only pass by so he ignored it.

"Well I'm surprise to see you here."


Kinshin: Sorry I took so long but here's the next chapter and I'm sorry that it's probably boring I'll try to make it better next time with sommore shounen-ai action! Thanks to you visitors!

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