Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On Angel's Wings! ❯ Darkness and Light! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On Angel's Wings!
By Gogina
A/N: Thanks to my two loyal reviewers: dragonlady222 and tinkle time kelly.
Disclaimer: See previous chapters.
Last time:
“How so?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer.
“If you don't cooperate, little one, your friend here will never see daylight again!” came the reply as lightning streaked across the sky.
Chapter 7
Darkness and Light!
Yugi clenched his fists, knowing that the devil had full advantage of the situation as long as he controlled Yami's body. A stare-off ensued then, neither side giving way.
“Let him go,” Yugi demanded. “He has nothing to do with this!”
“Doesn't he?” Lucifer/Yami asked, smirking. “Think again, little Yugi. He has so much more to do with this than you realize.”
Yugi's face showed astonishment.
“Wh-What do you mean?” he asked, eyeing the evil being cautiously.
“Where there is light, there always has to be darkness,” came the reply. “So, if you're an angel, what does that make your precious yami?”
Yugi paled at the thought.
“A-A-“ he stammered, but his mouth refused to cooperate.
Lucifer chuckled.
“Allow me to help you with that statement,” he offered. “A demon, Yugi. Your yami is a dark being, making him the darkness that plagues your soul.”
The winged being shook his head vigorously, obviously refusing to believe such a thing could possibly be true.
(Inside Yami's Mind . . . )
Yami watched the events with a sad expression. It was all true. With Yugi now knowing the truth about being an angel, Lucifer had told Yami the truth about his very being. Before Yami was able to do anything, Lucifer had taken over his body, locking his soul in a far corner of his mind, but allowed Yami to watch all that transpired outside.
I'm sorry, Yugi, Yami thought, closing his eyes, sorrowfully. This is all my fault.
“Tell me, Yugi,” Lucifer's voice rang out loud and clear. “Why is it that this demon means so much to you?”
Yami gasped at the question, opening his eyes as he watched Yugi's facial expression change from shock, to guilt, to . . . was that . . . love?
“You know the answer to that as well as I do,” Yugi replied. “I'm in love with him.”
Yugi's heart beat faster with that statement, knowing Lucifer had somehow figured out a way to twist fate around. It was all true. Yugi's love for Yami had grown over the course of their friendship, which, the young angel reasoned, was all it was ever going to be. Yugi pulled his wings around himself, waiting and praying that, somehow, his announcement had made it through to Yami's soul.
A small smile played across Yami/Lucifer's lips.
“That was a good try, little Yugi,” Lucifer said, folding his arms. “Unfortunately, Yami will never be coming back. And now that I have control over his body, there's nothing that can stop me!”
Yugi shivered, but stood firmly as his sword materialized at his waist, clanging against his belt. Lucifer laughed at the sight, knowing full well that his enemy wouldn't use it for fear of hurting his love.
“Now, now, Yugi,” Lucifer said, “don't be so quick to act. Remember, your friend, or should I say `lover', is still in here.”
Hope lit up in Yugi's eyes as he reached out with his mind towards Yami, wishing with all his might that he could speak to the darker being.
“You have to know one thing, Lucifer,” Yugi said, smirking as he removed his sword, “it doesn't matter if Yami's light or dark. I'll love him all the same. Ra has already granted me one request. That my sword's ability makes it so I can vanquish the evil inside a person. Three guesses who I'm going to use it on, and the first two don't count.”
The devil's eyes widened as the truth sank in heavily. A scream tore from his throat as Yugi brought the sword down, expelling the evil being from his yami. A few minutes passed, giving Yugi enough time to put his sword away and catch Yami before he fell to the ground. Yami's dull eyes gradually regained life as Yami's soul reconnected with his body. Immediately, the former pharaoh rose to his feet swaying a little and causing Yugi hold his elbow to steady him.
“Easy, Yami,” Yugi warned, “you still have to get used to having control over your body again.”
Yugi's voice caused Yami to practically fall over in surprise.
“Y-Yugi,” he stammered. “What-What happened?”
His aibou sighed at his confusion, safely tucking his wings behind him. The sword he had used to get rid of Lucifer disappeared from his side as he knelt next to Yami, a small smile on his face.
“You just went away for a while,” came the reply to his question. “You just got back.”
Yami smiled at his friend.
Was it real? he wondered. Did Yugi really say that he loved me?
Before he had a chance to question Yugi, his light was helping him to his feet.
“I better get you back to the shop, Yami,” he said, smiling.
I'm so sorry, Yami, he thought. I just don't think this is going to work. What I told Lucifer was true, but I know soon I'll have to leave Earth, and you, behind. Angels aren't permitted to stay on Earth once their mission's carried out.
Yami noticed the faraway look in his friend's eyes and frowned.
“Yugi? Are you all right?” he asked, worriedly.
He seemed to snap out of his trance and locked gazes with Yami, a slight blush coming to his cheeks.
“Yeah, just thinking,” came the reply. “Come on, we're almost there.”
(The Game Shop . . .)
Yugi switched on the lights as he helped Yami sit down on the couch. His darker half smiled as the angel ruffled his wings a bit, trying to shake the last few drops of rain out of them to dry them off. A small, sad smile played across Yugi's lips as he sat on the other end of the couch.
“It's almost time for me to leave, Yami,” Yugi whispered, closing his eyes as they filled with tears. “I can't stay.”
Yami's eyes widened in shock at the announcement as Yugi rose from the couch and made his way to the front door. Placing his hand on the doorknob, he turned back to Yami sadly.
“I meant what I said, Yami. I do love you.”
With that being said, he opened the door, walked out, then closed the door again. Yami hurriedly got to his feet as fast as his drained body would allow, prepared to go after the angel, but something stopped him.
How didn't I see it before? he wondered, closing his eyes and clenching his fists in rage at his stupidity. Just in the way he spoke to me, about me, I should've realized what was going on. Out of all the friends he's had, I know all his fears, his secrets. Now, I'm going to lose him for good.
Light filtered in from outside in a flash, but it wasn't lightning. Yami jerked his head up, his ears picking up the sounds of metal clashing against metal. Without giving himself time to think about what was happening, the former pharaoh rushed to the door, almost collapsing against it as he did. Opening it, he gasped at the scene that met his eyes. Lucifer was back and was locked in a struggle with Yugi! Their swords caused sparks to fly between them as Yami watched on in horror.
“I told you it could never be, little Yugi,” Lucifer sneered.
“Maybe not, Lucifer, but I'm not allowing you to get to him without a fight!” Yugi replied, determinedly. “Even if it takes the last breath from my body to do it!”
A/N: Okay, yeah, I had a major streak of luck on this chapter. I can't believe I wrote all of this, but please, tell me what you think, k? R&R.