Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Freak Show ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Belle: No doubt, many of you think that Kagome and Kurama are moving a little fast.

~Inuyasha: It's just a rebound relationship anyway.

~Belle: No it isn't. You have to actually have a relationship first for it to be a rebound relationship.

~Kagome: Yeah, besides, I'm just a shard detector to you, so you have no say.

~Sesshoumaru: Enough with this idle chit-chat. Let's move on to the chapter.



Kagome and Youko Kurama decided to rejoin her old companions in order to be more effective at finding the shards. They had acquired quite a few pieces already while separated. They quickly approached the trail in which her traveling crew was currently undertaking. Kurama had carried her bridal style so as to avoid wasting traveling time.

"Do you think they found any shards during our absence?" Kurama asked Kagome as they landed near a tree about twenty yards from the group. He gently set his charge upon her feet, immediately missing the warmth of her body next to his.

Kagome released her tight grip upon his haori when he placed her feet on the ground and inspected her friends looking for signs of new shards other than the three Miroku had. She shook her head. "I doubt they had much success. Without a `shard detector' it is unlikely they were able to pinpoint any shard even if they defeated a demon carrying one. It is also doubtful that Kikyou would help them."

The two began to catch up with the group and it was obvious that without Kagome's presence it was quickly unraveling at the seams. Currently Shippo was riding on Miroku's shoulder and was whining much to the annoyance of all the adults. Inuyasha looked like he was about to swing Tetsusaiga to destroy the Kitsune youth and cease the noise, heedless of slicing through Miroku if he were to be in the way.

Suddenly, Shippo stopped whining and Inuyasha's face flashed with relief for a split second to be replaced with a fierce scowl.

"Hey wench. It's about time you showed up to do your duty. What's the matter? Flower boy get sick of you and want to get rid of you? Can't blame him really." Inuyasha taunted, however he was easily ignored with the warm welcome of the other group members.

"Kagome! I'm so glad you're back! I missed you!" Shippo wailed as he threw himself into Kagome's arms. "Kurama! You're back too! Yay! Now I feel safe!"

"Kagome! Where have you been?" Sango asked worried and relieved as she hugged her sister-like friend.

"I've only been gone for a day. Besides I was in safe hands." Kagome answered with a smile.

Inuyasha approached. "If you were so safe, why did you come back? Do you know how much time we wasted so you could go off and frolic with flower boy?"

Kagome simply smirked at the hanyou catching him off guard. She held up her chunk of the Shikon no Tama. "I was collecting shards. We got eight yesterday. How many did you get Inuyasha?"

"How are we supposed to find them without our shard detector?" Inuyasha demanded angrily.

Kurama emitted a low growl but quickly calmed his rising temper. He simply couldn't believe that Inuyasha could be so dense.

"What was wrong with your shard detector Inuyasha?" Kurama asked in a calm voice, completely hiding the growing resentment he harbored for him.

Inuyasha glared at him with golden eyes that flashed crimson for a second. "My shard detector is right here."

"Actually Inuyasha, I'm not your shard detector. I am the guardian of the Shikon no Tama, not a shard detector. Besides, I'm not here to help you." Kagome answered with a smug expression.

"Keh, whatever. You're here to help me. Why else would you be with us?"

"Actually, I'm here to help Miroku." Kagome answered catching everybody off guard, with the exception of Kurama for they had discussed this earlier that day. Kurama crossed his arms in front of his chest to enjoy Inuyasha's reaction. He and Kagome had several laughs on the journey there imagining what he would do when he heard that declaration.

"Miroku?" Sango sputtered taken aback as Miroku's face broke into a lecherous grin.

"My Kagome-sama, I had no idea I was so important to you." Miroku flashed his most charming smile while fighting with all his might to restrain his hands from doing any actions that would offend Sango. He was taking Kurama's previous advice to heart.

Kagome smiled at Miroku. "Hai, Miroku, you are in the most need for urgency. We must defeat Naraku soon for your sake. Kurama and I agreed that it would be the most efficient time-wise to work with this group."

"We've wasted enough time," Inuyasha declared as he spun on his heels and began to lead the group far away from the Western direction. "There is a rumor of a shard in a village not far from here."

"I'm glad you are back." Sango confided in Kagome as the two women followed behind Inuyasha.

"I wouldn't leave my friends, Sango. You know that." Kagome replied smiling with a slight skip to her step.

Sango watched her friend curiously. "You seem awfully happy. So do you care to explain why your friend with the red hair, now seems to have silver hair and bear an uncanny resemblance to another member of our little family?"

Kagome blushed furiously but then gathered her wits to answer. She knew Inuyasha was listening to the conversation, his twitching ears were a dead give away. "Just because someone may share a similar physical appearance doesn't mean they are anything like that other person. A person should be appreciated for who they are."

Inuyasha's ears plastered to his head in guilt and shame after eaves dropping on the women's conversation. He felt like such a jerk. It was obvious that Kagome was referring to his never seeing her as herself. He was constantly comparing her to Kikyou and yet expecting her to put up with this. He was always referring to her as his shard detector and made certain she didn't think she was important to him in any way other than that. Yet, she remained his faithful friend, never once being anything but honest. He knew in his heart that the one thing that Kagome would never do that Kikyou did was be dishonest with him.

No wonder she had left him for that flower boy. He would simply have to convince her that he was superior. Just because he wanted Kikyou, didn't mean that Kagome could just get with the next silver haired, triangular eared demon that crossed her path. He should be able to have her for whenever Kikyou wasn't around.

Satisfied with his decision, Inuyasha began to move a little faster.


Kurama had been walking in the back of the group along with Miroku and Shippo. The little Kitsune had hopped upon his shoulder at the first chance after embracing Kagome. Miroku wanted to talk to another male that would actually talk back with.

"I wanted to thank you Kurama, your advice on Sango has worked charms. I truly believe she has feelings for me." Miroku said with a wistful sigh as he watched said woman's back side.

Kurama followed his gaze and then fought the urge to roll his eyes. "I suppose it is not so bad to look as long as you can refrain from touching."

"Kurama! Kurama!" Shippo was trying to get his attention and was currently tugging on his ears.

"You realize I can hear you just fine. There is no need to pull the ears."

"I know, but Inuyasha never lets me touch his ears. I like you looking this way better than the other way. Do you think that you and Kagome could be mates? Because she's like my momma and you being a Kitsune and all would be perfect. You could be my pappa and then we'd be a family. Wouldn't that be great?" Shippo was jumping up and down upon the guy's shoulder in excitement.

Kurama lost his cool for a fraction of a second. "Pa…….pap……pappa? As in, father? I ----I-----I'll have to get back with you on that one." Kurama pat the cub on the head. "But I will teach you about being a Kitsune, I promise."

Suddenly Inuyasha in the front of the group halted in his steps and unsheathed Tetsusaiga taking a battle stance.

"I don't feel any malicious presence approaching." Miroku spoke confused about Inuyasha's actions.

"There are three shikon shards approaching us. However, it's strange, because whomever it is doesn't seem to be a threat and is approaching us almost casually." Kagome spoke slightly puzzled.

"It's Sesshoumaru." Inuyasha answered with venom lacing his voice.

Two seconds later, the tai-youkai emerged from the woods to the left of the group. He wore his normal white costume and his knee length silver hair blew around him giving him an almost ethereal look. He barely glanced at Inuyasha and strolled past his bewildered half brother staring intently at Kagome.

"What are you doing? You will not get the Tetsusaiga." Inuyasha ground out through clenched teeth. He was doing his best to refrain from rashly jumping in to battles and would wait for his enemy's first move.

Sesshoumaru gave a bored sigh. "Little brother, I am not here for the Tetsusaiga." He continued to approach Kagome as the group for some reason felt no threat and let him pass. It wasn't like they could stop a determined tai-youkai anyway. However, Kurama moved to stand beside the girl from the future regardless.

Sesshoumaru reached out his hand towards the young miko. She extended hers towards him with her palm open to receive his gift. He dropped three shikon shards into her palm. He gave a curt nod to Youko Kurama then addressed the miko.

"These were found on some foolish youkai who tried to trespass upon my lands." Sesshoumaru turned around and left the group who were all staring at his retreating figure.

Before he was out of hearing range the demon lord of the Western Lands turned to address his brother. "Inuyasha, you really are a fool and it can not all be blamed upon your human heritage."

Then Sesshoumaru was gone.

Kurama had moved to stand beside Kagome during Sesshoumaru's approach and now all the other group members were staring at the duo.

"Care to explain?" Inuyasha spit out at Kagome.

"Sesshoumaru and Kurama are old friends. He was there last night as well. He saw everything. We were at his palace earlier as guests." Kagome answered.

For a brief moment, a look of hurt crossed Inuyasha's face but it was quickly replaced with indifference. "Whatever."


About three hours later the group had entered the village. There was a weak youkai there with two shards that Inuyasha easily defeated with Tetsusaiga in a matter of seconds. It was still day light, so the group had decided to carry on.

A few hours later the sun began to set. "Well this has been a productive day. Where shall we set up camp?" Kagome inquired of her companions.

"Keh, weak humans. We'll set up here." Inuyasha decided as he sat in a tree.

Kagome flashed him one of her heart melting smiles. Miroku and Kurama attained some firewood and soon, Ramen was being served. Inuyasha had yanked his bowl rudely from Kagome's hands and jumped up in a tree to inhale his food.

Kurama sat beside Kagome and Shippo sat in her lap. Shippo was currently having a content dream about being a family once again. Sango and Miroku were actually having a decent conversation minus the wandering hands.

"Kagome, you realize that today we have collected more shards than we had in the past three weeks?" Sango asked her friend.

"Yeah, there can't be many more out there. There's the one in your brother, Kouga's, and Naraku's." Kagome noticed the look of sadness cross Sango's features as well as the men.

"Yes, one in Kohaku." Sango softly whispered.

"Well, now that Sesshoumaru has agreed to help I'm sure he could use Tensaiga to revive your brother after we remove the shard." Kagome replied cheerfully.

"You think he would really do that?" Miroku asked in disbelief.

"I don't see why he wouldn't. It's not like he's heartless or anything." Kurama replied a little confused about their reaction to Sesshoumaru doing an act of kindness.

Inuyasha was watching the interaction between his friends and `Flower Boy' with annoyance. `They are my friends. Am I so easily replaced?' He was most bothered by the casual relationship that Kagome seemed to have with this new boy.

`It's not fair really. She's only known him a few days and would prefer his company over mine. And how can she have become friends with Sesshoumaru?' Suddenly Inuyasha felt the need to run away and burn off some of his burning frustration.

"Hey, where did Inuyasha go?" Kagome asked when she felt that her friend was no longer present.

"I am not sure, Kagome-sama. He probably just needed time to himself after that odd encounter with his brother. I imagine he is upset that his brother treated you so civilly while he treats him, his own flesh and blood the way that he does." Miroku answered.

"I shall have to talk to Sesshoumaru about that." Kurama replied distracted, noticing the hint of sadness that seemed to contaminate Kagome's aura. As much as he hated to admit it, that hanyou had a special place in her heart, despite the fact that he treated her so poorly.

It was now dark, and Shippo was snuggled deep within Kagome's sleeping bag. Sango and Miroku slept on the other side of the fire while Kurama had placed his bedding near Kagome's.

Kurama couldn't sleep. Kagome's shivering was distracting and he kept peaking over at her. He has a very clever idea and scoots his sleeping bag right beside hers and gently rouses her from her troubled sleep.

"Kagome, are you cold?" He needless asked as her chattering teeth gave her away. He softly chuckled at her response.

"I have an idea. You trust me right?" He asked and she answered with a nod. "Okay, I'm going to combine our sleeping bags. I'm very warm blooded and we can not afford for you to become the sick girl that your grandfather claims you to be." Kurama smiled at the blush that rose in her cheeks that was followed with a quick nod of acceptance.

They unzipped the sleeping bags. Kurama used his tail to hoist Shippo from his slumbering position upon Kagome's stomach as they zipped the two bags together. Kagome's would serve as the mattress and Kurama's as the comforter. They both slipped within the folds of warmth.

Kurama still clutched Shippo in his tail. Kagome was still shivering so Kurama smiled and moved in closer to her and wrapped her in his arms. She laid her face upon his chest. He gave a start when her freezing cheek made contact with his torse.

"My Kagome, I didn't realize you were this cold." Kurama whispered in her ear as he laid Shippo on top of their stomachs, still wrapped in his tail.

Kagome giggled slightly. "You realize how ticklish your tail is right?" She whispered back. She was too red in the face to seek Youko's golden eyes and kept her face buried in his chest. He rested his chin upon the crown of her head.

"You realize you're the best pillow ever? I think there must be some kind of ice demon nearby, because it is still late summer," Kurama observed.

Kagome took a deep breath and immediately fell asleep while muttering something about fresh roses. She was no longer plagued by the frigid temperatures or Inuyasha's recent behaviors and she certainly didn't care about some ice demon as long as she had someone that cared about her to protect her.

Kurama sighed to himself. Kagome had started twirling one of his silver locks around her fingers and he began to run his clawed fingers through her raven tresses. `Why am I so attracted to her? We just met a few days ago, it doesn't make sense why I'm so protective.'

`Well you are in your overly protective highly promiscuous form of Youko.' Shuuichi answered him.

`This is interesting. Why aren't you the dominate form anyway?' Youko asked his human half.

`You figured it out earlier. Being in Sengoku Jidai brings out the demon in us.' Shuuichi replied.

`I don't think it's my promiscuous side at all that's causing this fierce need to protect her. I think that we sympathize with her leading a double life and the fact that her best friend, being that idiot Inuyasha, doesn't seem to appreciate her.' Youko replied.

`I'm glad to hear that you have finally matured, Youko.' Shuuichi answered.

`Whatever, it doesn't really mater,' Youko decided as he snuggled deeper under the covers with the fragile girl safely nestled within his arms and the Kitsune cub wrapped securely in his silky fox tail.

A few moments later, Sango is woken up by Miroku. He points to the trio on the other side of the fire.

"They really do look like a family, don't they?" Sango whispered to Miroku who nodded in agreement.

However, someone else had recently returned to camp and did not agree that they looked like a family. Golden eyes flashed crimson, as his grip on the Tetsusaiga tightened as he fought to control his youkai temper from taking over.


~Miroku: Inuyasha, you really must learn to control that temper of yours.

~Inuyasha: Keh, shutup monk. As if you are anyone to talk about controlling yourself.

~Sango: He actually has gotten much improved about controlling himself.

~Inuyasha: Whatever.

~Belle: Shutup you guys. So readers, do you think it's getting to be about that time to come back to the future? Or should we have another run in with perhaps either Kouga, Naraku, or Kagura? You decide!