Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ K&K: The Search For Two Brothers ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Yukinas Death~

"Hiei!! We have to go!! That trees gona collapse within seconds!!" Peril yelled concerned. Hiei just put his face into Yukinas. He didnt want to leave her to burn in the woods. "Hiei!!" Peril yelled. Hiei then got up and put the crystals in his pocket. Just as he was getting off his knees he tree began to collapse toward Peril, Hiei jumped and pushed Peril out of the way but the tree came falling at them anyway... Kurama was getting off his feet but was feeling a bit lite headed and couldnt really see much. He saw the redness and orange and yellow from the fire, he saw the burning trees out of focus. The smoke was getting thicker by the minute and Kurama began to wonder off looking for Yukina. "Yukina?!" Kurama yelled squinting his eyes. He kept on walking and used the heat to guide him.

~A Small House In A Village~

Sango was listening to the radio when she heard that there was a fire reported in the woods. "A fire has been reported in the deep forest... there will not be any personal going to fire because some fireman have reported that the fire is out of control... please stay away from the forest... just in... there are multiple people in this fire... but still no personal will attempt to put this fire out!" A radio spokesman reported. "The forest!? Miroku said that they would be around the forest..." Sango said to herself shocked. "I have to find him!" She said before running out to to find the love of her life.

~The Forest~

Miroku crawls around the floor coughing his lungs out. "Kouga!!" He yelled shaking him to wake up. "Kouga!! Wake up!!" Miroku struggled to wake him up but there was no use. He tried to find his pulse but he felt nothing. "Kouga... im so sorry..." He told his lifeless body. Kouga had gotten smoke himulation and died in his sleep. Miroku crawled trying to get out of the worse part of the fire... the base where it all started. He coughed and coughed. He had no feeling in his legs and was just able to crawl.

~The Other Part Of The Forest~

Kagome and Inuyasha continued to walk coughing through the smoke and burning trees. "Kagome! No... you cant stop now!" Inuyasha yelled as Kagome began to get tired and slow down. "In-u-yasha... i cant..." Kagome said before a cough interupted her. "Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled before he picked her up. He ran and ran through the smoke of the fire and still not getting anywhere nere any water. "KAGOME!!" Shippo called out trying to find her and Inuyasha. "KAGOME!!!" Shippo called again just when Inuyasha could just hear him throught the loudness of the flames. Shippo continued to call out her name. "ahhh..." Kagome said weakly. "Kagome! You hear that!" Inuyasha aaked her. "ahhhh.... Shippo..." She continued still weak. "Thats who it is! SHIPPOO!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled. "KAGO... Huh? He heared Inuyashas yells. "INUYASHA!?!?!?" Shippo yelled above the trees. "YEAH!!" Inuyasha yelled back. "WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" Shippo asked loudly. "SOMEWHERE IN THE FIRE!!! ILL THROW SOMETHING UP IN THE AIR!!!" Inyasha said. Just then Inuyasha put Kagome on the ground to rest and Inuyasha picked up a big piece of a branch and tossed it up through the smoke. "I SEE IT!!!!" Shippo yelled before he flew down to Inuyasha and Kagome. "Kagome!!" Shippo yelled approaching them. "Ahhhh... Shippo?" She said still weakly. "Here take her Shippo... get her out of here." Inuyasha told him while picking her up and handing her to him. "Okay." Shippo replied. "No... Inuyasha... not without you..." She said in her weakish voice. "Kagome you have to get out of here... you know me I'm strong and Ill make it out of here." Inuyasha informed her. "No... Im not leaving without you..." She replied. "Kagome we have to go!" Shippo told her. "No... Inuyasha!" She touched his hands as Shippo was flying off. "Inuyasha..." She said with a tear coming down her cheek and cleaning the sut off her face. Shippo was flying off and Kagome looked back and watched as she got farther and farther away from the spot her and Inuyasha were at. Just as she was watching the trees burn, a huge explosion took place right where she left Inuyasha. "NOOO!!!!" She yelled as flying away from the burning forest.

~Another Part Of The Forest~

Kioto ran with Tiena throughout the burning woods and was approaching the lake when they heard a mans yell. "YUKINA?" "Wait... what was that?" Kioto asked as he stopped running. "It sounded like... a man..." Tiena replied. "Tiena run off to the lake... it strait that way. Im gona go find that man." He told her. "No! We have to get the heck out of this fire and fast!" She yelled at him. "I have to see who it is! Now go!" He told her. "Kioto!" She yelled back. "Teina go!!" He replied. Tiena was reluctant to run off leaving Kioto by himself in the woods but she continued her way to the lake. "YUKINA!!" The mans voice screamed again. Kioto ran to the sound of the voice hearing it over and over again. As he approached where the man was the smoke had gotten so thick that it was almost impossible to see anything. "Hello!?!" Kioto yelled as the man was right in front of him. "Yukina?!" The man who was infact Kurama yelled back. "Are you okay?!" Kioto asked not being able to see then man. "Hiei?!" Kurama asked. Just then as Kioto was getting even closer to his brother that he did not even know was him, Kioto tripped over a branch on the floor. "Ahhh." He yelled going down and landing on top of Kurama! "HIEI!? That you!?" Kurama yelled in the face he could barely see. "Inuyasha?!" Kioto yelled into Kuramas face only able to make out his long hair. Kioto began to get up and as did Kurama but the two could not see each other. Just then Kioto was grabbed and pulled by his arm away not able to see who was pulling on him and moving farther away from Kurama. Kurama could not see Kioto move away from him but then began running slowly because of his injured leg in the opposite direction. Kioto and the person holding onto his arm were now out of the smoke and Kioto realized it was Tiena who had grabbed him. "Kioto are you crazy going smoke like that?!" She asked. "I thought I told you to go to the lake!?" He yelled at her. "I..." She continued. "You what?!" He asked. "I couldnt find it... come on before we both get smoke inhelation and die..." She said as the two began to walk away and Kioto looking back wondering who that was. Kurama was now being able to see an opening out of the forest through the smoke.

~Crawling, Found~

Miroku continued to crawl his way through the firey woods. "Ahhh..." Miroku whined hurt and crawling. "MIROKU!?!?!" Sango yelled as she ran through the woods. "Sango!?" Miroku yelled weakishly. Just then a huge burning branch fell from above Miroku falling on his head. He just lyed there with the branch on top of his head. Sango kept calling out his name when she could just see a little bit of a dark blue cloth through the firy trees and smoke. "Miroku?" She asked herself. She ran closer and seen that it was indeed him. "MIROKU!!!" She yelled. She seen him lying on the ground with his face in the ground and a burning tree branch on top of his head. "OH MY GOSH!!" She yelled as she picked up the branch burning her hands a bit. "AHH..." She yelled. "Miroku!" She cryed pulling up his head. "Miroku!? Are you okay!?" She began crying heavily. She picked him up as he didnt answer her. She flew up and through the burning trees and out into the open fresh air. She flew over the burning forest and seen Neonnas house. She flew right there...

~Saving, Making It Out Of The Woods~

"Hiei... you saved my life..." Peril said while Hiei lyed on top of her. Hiei then looked into her eyes. Peril looked deeply into his eyes. There faces began getting closer to each other. Just then Hiei got a glimps of an opening out of the forest. "Look!" He said getting off of Peril. She got up and looked in the direction he was pointing in. "An opening!!" She yelled. Just then they heard a voice from outside the burning woods. "Hiei come on its an opening!!" It was Yusuke! Hiei grabbed Perils hand and they ran out of the burning forest to Yusuke seeing Kurama walk from in the distance. "KURAMA!!" Hiei yelled. "Its Kurama!! Look!" He said pointing in the distance to injured Kurama walking toward them.

~Neonna's Cabin~

A very worried Sango layed the burned and unconcious Miroku on a bed in one of the rooms. "Ahhh..." Miroku suffered. "MIROKU!!! Oh Miroku!" She said cryingly and concerdly. "Sango! I... I cant see you." Miroku was blinded by branch hitting his head. "Oh Miroku dont talk!" Sango said crying. "I cant see you!" Miroku yelled again. Sango began to cry more more looking at Miroku's burned, injured, and looking into his blinded eyes. "Miroku Im gona get you something..." Sango left the room and cryed remembering the look off him.

~Hours Later~

Miroku had slept and Sango had calmed down entering the room. Shippo and Kagome were in the next room. Kagome was lying on the couch with the tears in her eyes. Sango went into Mirokus room, she rubbed his face and kissed his lips. "I love you Miroku." She said. She then was getting up and was leaving the room whe she heard, "I love you too." Sango heard Mirokus weakishly voice say to her. She cryed facing the door. "Dont leave me..." He said. She turned around and walked over to him. He felt for her hand. He found it and was holding her hand in his. He put her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingers. "I can see a little bit of light." Miroku told her. "Go stand over by the window." He told her as she walked over to the window and stood in the light. Miroku squinted his eyes to try and see Sango's face. He squinted more. She started to become more clear to him... finally he could see Sango in the light of the window very clear and all. Miroku opened his squinted eyes very big with tears in his eyes. "I can see you! I can see you Sango!" He told her. Sango walked over to him as he shut his eyes and died. "Miroku..." She touched his face and lyed next to him in bed and put his hand around her. "I love you..." She said and kissed his cheek. She then closed her eyes.