Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Uh-oh the SD Boys are Pregnant! ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

this takes place 5 months after the story started

We had managed to talk the boys into getting scanned. (We had to bribe Hiei with a grape sucker) But when the results came we were really blown away; I was relieved that Kurama was going to have one kid, but the rest of the gang weren't so lucky. Kuwabara was expecting twins, boy was he ever shocked, he fainted. Hiei had it ever worse, he was expecting triplets! But Yusuke had it the worst, he was expect quintuplets!!!!

"I wonder why it was the hardest on Yusuke?" said Kieko as she looked over the results.

"Probably because he's the team leader," replied Kurama looking over at Yusuke, who was acting very grumpy.

"Good point," I said before I kissed him (on the lips).

When Kuwabara woke up he started telling us about the strange dream he had, until Raye pointed out that he had not been dreaming.

That made Yusuke laugh.

"Shut your mouth Urameshi!" said Kuwabara.

"I'm going to bed," he replied.

"So shall I," agreed Kurama as he followed Yusuke.

"Hn," said Hiei as he joined them.

Kuwabara just stayed where he was because Michelle had fallen asleep with her head by his leg.

'Wow, when she's asleep she looks like a fallen angel sleeping,' thought Kuwabara.

Soon he fell asleep as well.