Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Kuwabara Love Story ❯ On the Road Again ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Kuwabara love story-Chapter 4

Written by: Jesscheaux

Disclaimer: I did not invent, nor do I won, Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters, except for Sayo Azuke, whom I created.

Author's notes: You MUST go listen to the Yu Yu Hakusho song called "Never Say Goodbye" Its really pretty! I think it's the ending of one of the movies (Which I haven't seen, wah!) And now on with the show! Sayo has been recruited as the 5th member of Team Urameshi. Who will she be training with and how will they react to her presence?
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(Team Urameshi...) Sayo thought to herself for about the millionth time since she had met Botan.

(TEAM URAMESHI!) ~a million and one~ it dawned on her just then as she was sitting on the back of Botan's oar flying with her to see Lord Koenma: (The leader is that arrogant jerk Yusuke!!! Kazuma's best friend supposedly.)

"Ugh..." she muttered as she looked down on the world, all people and objects below appearing tiny as if they were plotted points on a giant map.

"Everything ok back there?" Botan asked as she heard Sayo, "Are you air sick? Don't worry, this happens everyone's first time flying."

"No, Botan, I'm fine. I'm just...nervous about the training and meeting Koenma. Yeah, that's it."

"Ok, if you're sure."

Sayo nodded, but she knew it was a lie. She was scared out of her mind. Her reputation at school was that of a tough girl, a rebel; but only she knew the truth that underneath it all, Sayo was just as shy and unsure of herself as anyone her age would be. This new undertaking wasn't like any other event in her life. She was finally going to meet the other members of Team Urameshi and she hoped to God that they wouldn't give her the same reaction that Yusuke did.

(Oh please Koenma, don't make me train with Yusuke! Anyone but him!) she sent out a silent mental plea to the Jr.

"Well, here we are!" Botan said cheerfully as she brought the oar close to the ground and Sayo hopped off. "Come, I'll escort you to see Lord Koenma."

"This Koenma guy, is he really the way that I've seen him?"

"Well, he's annoying that's for sure! But everyone obeys him because what can you do? He's Lord Enma's son!"

"Can't argue with you there."

"There's just one thing, whatever you do, DO NOT mention his size or call him a 'toddler' that just might banish you from being on Team Urameshi."

(That doesn't sound like such a bad idea.) thought Sayo as she cringed.

"Oh no you don't!" Botan reprimanded as she saw the look on Sayo's face then grabbed her by the arm, "Come on now, everything will be fine, I won't have Koenma put you with Yusuke."

Sayo let out a giant sigh of relief. "Wait..how did you know that?!"

Botan winked and tapped her head lightly, "Women's intuition. Besides, Yusuke is not an easy person to get along with."

Sayo rolled her eyes, "Well, let's get this over with."

* * *

STAMP! STAMP! STAMP! STAMP! The small red stamper with Koenma's symbol pounded over and over onto each paper as he gave his approval to them. Half the time, Koenma didn't even bother reading them. Ok, so he didn't bother reading them at all.

(Not my problem.) Koenma thought in while he was still in his toddler form, (I just do this because my father makes me.) He placed the stamp down and sat back in his chair, folding his arms and pouting. (I hate this, I wish Botan would hurry up and get here!)

As if on cue, a small knock sounded at the door.

"Come in!" Koenma answered.

There was a brief shuffling behind the door and Koenma swore that he heard protests from whoever was on the other side. The toddler quirked an eyelid and them remembered who was to be his guests.

(Oh No! It's BOTAN!) and with as much effort as he could muster, the young Lord transformed rapidly into his teen form.

At that very second, the door swung open, and Koenma saw a young girl samurai being pushed in by Botan.

"Lord Koenma, here is Sayo Azuke as you requested." Botan announced, then her face lit with a geniune smile as she saw he was in his teen form.

Koenma blushed briefly then cleared his throat, "Ah yes, thank you Botan." he spoke around his pacifier.

"Would you like me to stay?" the blue haired ferry girl asked him.

"YES!" shouted Sayo as her hand went instinctively for her sword as if she were in danger.

Koenma looked down from his desk then; "Why hello Miss Sayo, I don't believe we have been properly introduced," the young Lord said cordially as he stuck his hand out trying to make her feel more at ease, "I am Lord Koenma, son of Enma."

Sayo put her hands together in front of her and bowed, then lifted her hand out to Koenma and shook his quickly. "It is an honor to meet you, Koenma." She had expected a child and instead saw a teenager; but that didn't make her any less afraid. After all, no matter what he looked like, we were talking about Koenma here!

Koenma could sense her fear and nodded to Botan, "I want you to stay Botan."

Sayo sighed with relief and Koenma let out a small chuckle. "I've heard alot of things about you, Sayo. Things that I like. I want you to be the 5th member of Team Urameshi. I believe that your skills will be a great asset to us. I see that you've already met two of my members, Kuwabara and Yusuke."

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Don't mind Yusuke, he's extremely difficult to get along with. I assure you, you will not be training with him."

"Thank you, Koenma, that means alot to me."

"Don't mention it. That boy has matters of his own to deal with, I can sense that he'll be training with GenKai, the psychic master. You will be training with Hiei, Kuwabara, and Kurama. Hiei is our fastest member and a master of swordsmanship, being a samurai yourself, you can appreciate that. Kuwabara, although he has much to learn, has the spirit of a true fighter, and the kind of heart we need for our endeavors, he also uses a sword and is closer to your own power, making him a good sparring partner. Kurama--wait! You already know all this, don't you?"

Sayo nodded slowly, she hadn't wanted to interrupt Koenma for fear of him. (So, I will see Kazuma again...I hope he doesn't react badly and refuse to train with me.) she thought and then glanced over at Botan who had a red flush covering her face and her glossy pink eyes were locked on Lord Koenma as he spoke. Sayo looked back and forth between the two and smiled to herself. (I wonder if we have a little romance going on here..)

Koenma spoke up again: "That is not the case, Miss Sayo."

Sayo looked down then; he had read her thoughts. "Forgive me, Lord Koenma, I had no right to think such a thing."

"Think nothing of it, now--"

He was suddenly interrupted:

"What's not the case?! What are you talking about, Koenma?!" Botan demanded as her sweet look turned thunderous.

"Quiet Botan! I'm having a briefing with Miss Sayo here! And you had to go interrupt like that, the nerve--"

"Listen, Mr! I have a right to know what's going on here too!"

"Nobody forced you to stay you know." he glared at her.

"HA! You wanted me to leave poor Sayo alone with you? She was terrified, you selfish pig!"

Koenma growled loudly and pulled his pacifier out of his mouth. "Listen here, you!" he was about to continue on with his angry tirade when Sayo cleared her throat loudly.

He quickly popped the pacifier back in his mouth, "Excuse us, Botan is just terribly annoying at times." he glanced over at her and was tempted to make a face but held his countenance because after all, he was Lord Koenma!

Botan stuck our her tongue and then turned her back to him.

"Big baby..." Koenma muttered under his breath.

"Hmmph! Look who's talking.....toddler!" she whipped around and called him that straight to his face.

Sayo gasped as she saw steam come out of Koenma's ears and he reverted back to his toddler form then got right up in Botan's face. The two stood in a locked stare growling at each other.

"Oh brother..." Sayo said as she watched the two act like children.

Botan was the first to break the stare, "Ohhh Koeennmaaa aren't you forgetting something?" a satisfied smirk came upon her lips as the young Lord face-faulted then flushed, realizing he had reverted back to his toddler form.

"Darnit Botan! I didn't want anyone else to see me like this...grrr..."

"I don't mind, Lord Koenma." Sayo spoke up then.

"Well thank goodness! Finally a member of my team who actually has some sense up top." he tapped his tall hat.

"That's because she's a woman." Botan said smugly.

"Botan..." He was about to go on another tirade when Sayo spoke up:

"Excuse me Lord Koenma, but how will I get to the training area? And will the others know I'm arriving?"

"Have no fear, Miss Sayo, I'm sending BOTAN," he said loudly and glared at her again, "with you and she'll tell the others everything when you both arrive. They can't refuse you as a member, if they do they'll have ME to deal with."

Sayo nodded.

"You'll have everything you need there and you'll learn alot from the other members. We only have two months until the Dark Tournament so train as diligently as you can. Team Urameshi will not be beaten!" the small Koenma said excitedly and pumped his fist in the air.

Botan grinned, she had to admit even though they didn't get along sometimes, Koenma was good for a laugh or two. (Maybe more...) she thought, thinking about him in his teen form.

"Well now, I wish you good luck, Miss Sayo, and I hope we meet again soon." Koenma told her.

"Thank you Lord Koenma, it's an honor to be a part of your team. Until we meet again..." she bowed once more and then left left Koenma's office with Botan then took off on the oar for the location of Hiei and Kurama.

"Thank goodness that's over." Koenma sighed. "That Botan can be so aggravating! She drives me insane..." (But overall, she's really not so bad...) he thought and then smiled to himself as he leaned back in his chair to take a small nap.

* * *

After the whole scene with Yusuke, Kuwabara went home to prepare for his trip, while Yusuke got dragged by the ear to the movie theater, courtesy of Keiko. She wasn't going to let him back out of their date because of one stupid incident.

He had just finished packing his things for his training in a small white duffle bag and went to say goodbye to his sister. He would miss her, but a Spirit fighter's gotta do, what a Spirit fighter's gotta do.

"Hey Shizuru!!!" he called to her from the front door, "I'm going off for a few months...so I'll see you later."

His older sister popped her head into the room, "Wait a minute baby brother, just where do you think you're going?"

Kuwabara sweatdropped. "Um...well it's this summer camp type program. Yeah! I'm going to be a counselor!" he said quickly, and patted himself on the back mentally for making up such a good lie.

Shizuru rolled her eyes, "What kind of camp is this? A 'How to beat the hell out of random people' camp?"

"Hmmph. Very funny, sis."

"Whatever Kazuma, just be careful."

"Don't worry I will." he said with a smile and then left for the two months of alotted training time.

Kuwabara started hiking to the remote location that Hiei and Kurama had insisted on using. It would probably take him all
day to get there, if he was lucky. The sun hung high in the Saturday sky and Kuwabara wished that he was old enough to drive.

(I'd already be there by now...man...Wonder where Urameshi went for his training. Just glad he's not training with me, that way I can surprise him when I'm so much better than he is!) he grinned at the prospect of overpowering Yusuke and it fueled him to keep going.

His thoughts suddenly drifted to someone, and it wasn't the person he thought it would be. (Sayo Azuke..Now that I think about it, she was kinda pretty, if not too tough. Man! What am I thinking!) He hit himself mentally and started trying to think about Yukina. (Yukinaaa...um...I wonder where Sayo got that outfit, she probably has them specially made for her or makes them herself--YUKINA!!!)

Kuwabara kept trying to think of Yukina, but every time the thought of her would be pushed aside with thoughts of Sayo. (Ugh. She's a tough girl, I don't like tough girls. Stupid Sayo...thought she could beat me up...Well, I guess I'll never see her again, Urameshi took care of that.) he thought with a snarl.

The day wore on and just as the last rays of the sun were sinking beneath the hill, sending their purples and reds all over the evening sky, Kuwabara finally reached the camp. Or so he thought.

The forest was dark and deserted and not a sound could be heard save for the chirping crickets and an occasional owl's hoot. A feeling of aloneness ran down Kuwabara's spine and he shuddered as a breeze suddenly hit his body.

But it was no breeze.

Kuwabara suddenly felt the sharp pain of a sword slash down his back, putting the second tear of the day on his uniform, and his flesh.

"What the---" he turned around to see Hiei standing there, sword unsheathed and without his dark cape on, showing off his bare chest.

Hiei sheathed the sword quickly and looked at Kuwabara with something close to hopelessness. "Lesson #1, never let your guard down."

"Grr, Listen here, Shrimp! I don't have to take this from you!" Kuwabara was still wary of Hiei from the last battles they had fought in together. He just didn't like his attitude.

"You came here for our training, correct?" Hiei couldn't stand Kuwabara either, he was only doing this because he had to.


"Then you will listen to me and do as I say." Hiei stated matter-of-factly as he folded his arms.

Kuwabara really wanted to protest, but he knew that Hiei was right. "Fine." he finally said and then felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

He looked to the right to see Kurama.

"Don't mind Hiei." the fox demon spoke quietly, "He's always like that, you'll learn to see the true him pretty soon. He'll be able to teach many new things also, as will I."

Kuwabara was glad for his reassurance. He didn't know these two demons all that well, but they had been a huge help with the Saint Beasts and he knew that as a team they were pretty near invincible.

"Hey, uh thanks man." Kuwabara said appreciatively. Even though he thought Kurama looked incredibly girly, he had to admit that the guy was nice and an awesome fighter to boot. (I can't wait for my training to begin.) he thought with a grin.

Hiei spoke up: "We begin our training tomorrow morning at dawn, I suggest you rest." he finished and put on his dark cape and then vanished into the trees.

Kuwabara shrugged and got out his sleeping bag and spread it out on the cold, hard ground. Kurama started a small fire and sat indian style next to it as he fed the flames.

"Sleep well my friend, for no one knows what tomorrow will bring." Kurama said warmly to his comrade.

"G'night Kurama..." Kuwabara mumbled as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

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Isn't evil Hiei the best? Hehehehe ^_^ Even when I hated him, I had so much fun writing him! Let the world know that I do not hate Hiei (Just Yukina) and I respect him and understand him, GO HIEI! However, I will never never love him anywhere near as much as I do Kuwabara. I think of Hiei as a reluctant brother and he's tons of fun to fight with!

So....YAY! Training begins! When will Sayo arrive and when she does, what will Hiei and Kurama think of her? Kuwabara has no idea she's coming, what's going to happen when the meet again? FIND OUT NEXT TIME!