Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Need Me, Anymore? ❯ Kurama's Explanation[Long Chapter] ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**Oh, and if someone ACTUALLY subscribed to this story, I apologize for the chapter editing stuff... I couldn't find a word processor besides notepad that the sentences and paragraphs wouldn't jumble up together. =[

Me: Haha! Victory! My fanfic has reached one person enough for them to write a review!

Yusuke: Er... Hurrah?

Kurama: ^-^;;

Hiei: So are any of us besides Kurama going to have a chance to talk in this chapter?

Kuwabara: Wurd.

Me: I don't know yet. Hehe. my fanfics are always better when I don't plan them!

Hiei: They aren't good, anyway -.-...

Me: O.O... You mean that?! *cries*

Kurama: Hiei... >,>

Yusuke: We've got to work on this kid's people skills -.-...

Kuwabara: Yea yea yea. Let's just get on with the chapter. The author of this story does not own Yu Yu Hakusho. If she did, who knows what would've happened to us? o.o...

***In the last chapter...

"Alright well enough about us. You still haven't explained your end," Yusuke stared at Kurama. Hiei turned his gaze away from the outside for a moment.

"Hm?" Kurama sat up in his seat.

"What do you mean, hmmmmm?!" Kuwabara nudged Kurama's arm.

"I mean I'm not sure what he's talking about. I'm rather tired," Kurama explained. Sabishii stared at him carefully. She sighed and shook her head. She hardly picked up that lie.

'He's getting good at this lying stuff,' Sabishii dropped her head on Yusuke's lap as he sat back to meet Kurama eye to eye.

"How did Sabishii get involved in your demon business?"***

Chapter 2 Part Two Kurama's Half of The Story

Kurama stared at Yusuke and recrossed his legs, a sudden ackwardness overcoming him now that he was in the spotlight. Kuwabara had inched closer to Kurama, anticipating his end of the story. Yusuke leaned forward, forgeting that Sabishii was on his lap. His upper body squished her slightly, and she jerked up, but then becoming dizzy from getting up too fast.

"I can't recall the exact details of the story..." Kurama started, trying to avoid telling the story. Yusuke slumped, disappointed. Sabishii giggled, stirring up the silence.

"Don't play coy with us, Shuiichi. You're not one to forget easily," Sabishii teased. Kurama's hope sank, and he frowned at her. Her lips curled up in a taunting smile, with her eyes giving him an intense stare.

"Fine, I'll tell," Kurama gave up, knowing that he probably couldn't have avoided it, anyway.

"Great! What would you have to hide, anyway?" Kuwabara said, playfully punching Kurama's arm. Hiei 'hn'ed and returned his gaze to the outside. Kurama chuckled nervously and Sabishii rolled her eyes at Kurama's hesitance.

"Alright... Let me see..."

---Six Years Earlier---

A twelve year old Kurama, or 'Shuiichi', sighed, counting the trees that went by as his mom drove. He was on his way to a new school. He had dreaded school since the first day of kindergarden. It wasn't because of the teachers, or even the work. In fact, he loved working. Human education had been a part of his new life, and he was pretty content with it. It was the students at the school that annoyed him. Shuiichi was a great student, and a polite one. He'd draw some attention from girls, but a lot of attention from bullies. Nerd they'd call him. Dweeb they'd scream in the halls. They hadn't the slightest idea of what Shuiichi could do to them if he had regained his demonic power.

"Why are you so down, Shuiichi? Now's a time to make new friends. You should be excited," Shiori said, smiling. Shuiichi glanced at his human 'mother.' She was sweet, and loved him with every once of her body, but he could've cared less at that time. He was planning to leave her just as soon as he got his energy back. And as for friends, he didn't want them.

"Yes, Mother..." Shuiichi sighed. Shiori looked at the mirror, admiring how her son had grown. Shifting her eyes back to the road, she caught sight of Shuiichi's new school. Children ran to school with their friends, swinging their lunch boxes with each step they took.

'Filthy humans...' Shuiichi thought as he peered out the window. Secretly, he envied them. One of the only friends he had, or rather partner in crime, was dead. 'Kuronue... Damn me to hell if he sees how pathetic I am right now...' He sat up and unbuckled his seatbelt as the car pulled up infront of the school. He opened the door and wished his mother goodbye.

"Shuiichi! Wait!" Shiori called. Shuiichi turned around and cursed under his breath. He just wanted to get this day over with. Shiori was holding out his lunchbox from the window. He walked back to her and took the lunchbox with a muttered 'thank you.'

Students were running around the halls. It was crowded, and Shuiichi really didn't feel like getting trampled on his first day. He needed to get to class, and with the noise, he wouldn't be able to hear the bell. A room number caught his attention -A19- his homeroom. Shuiichi struggled through the crowd, and less than gracefully, fell through the doorway. He stood up and dusted his uniform off. Walking further inside, he noticed that there wasn't anyone there. 'Am I early?'

"Where are you supposed to be?"

Shuiichi turned around, slightly startled by the new voice. A tall man stood there; glasses, suit, and neat hair. He looked like a regular, serious, but friendly professor. He kneeled down to Shuiichi's height to look him in the face with a puzzled look. Shuiichi drew back slightly, a bit weirded out. The man studied Shuiichi carefully, and his eyes soon made their way down to his lunchbox. A small sticker on the side read: 'Minamino, Shuiichi.'

"AH! A NEW STUDENT!!!" Shuiichi jumped back, startled by the strange man's outburst. He watched as the professor threw open his briefcase and started shuffling through papers.

"Uh... Sir...?" The man looked up and Shuiichi shut his mouth.

"Takamoto. Professor Takamoto. I'm your homeroom teacher Mister... Mi-na-mi-no," the man slowed down as he pronounced Shuiichi's last name. He smiled and grabbed the little boy's hand.

"Uh Mister Takamoto? Where are you taking me???" Shuiichi tried to tug his arm back from professor Takamoto's grasp, but to no avail.

Mr. Takamoto didn't answer. He took Shuiichi down the hallways, quickly turning the corners and climbing a couple of stairways. Shuiichi was feeling increasingly ackward each step the two took, but was soon able to figure out where they were going. Some students passing by were speaking of a conference or assembly of some sort. He turned one last corner and saw a line of students, approximately his age, and some about a year or two older on the other side of the hall. A girl at the back of the line turned around and reached her hand up the highest she could.

"TAKAMOTO!" The small girl yelled, excitedly waving. The professor blinked and smiled at the girl.

"Sabishii, great to see that you didn't wander off again. Even IF your father warned me to keep an eye on you, I don't have time to be running around the building everytime you feel the need to explore," Takamoto chuckled. The girl smiled and giggled slightly. She looked over at Shuiichi and leaned to the side to get a better look of him. He blinked and sweatdropped a little at how close Sabishii was to his face.

"My name's Aiiyanara, Sabishii! Nice to meet you!" The girl threw her arms around Shuiichi's shoulders in a hug and drew back, leaving a very confused Shuiichi stumbling back into place.

"Minamino, Shuiichi," he said, with a soft pink brushing his cheeks.

"Awesome name! Oh! We're going inside. See ya Takamoto!" Sabishii took Shuiichi's free hand and pulled him into the auditorium for the welcoming assembly. Shuiichi shook his head and stopped abruptly. Sabishii's breath got tugged out of her. He pulled his hand away from her.

"Please don't touch me," Shuiichi said, slightly glaring at her. Sabishii's eyes widened slightly, and let Shuiichi push pass her. She turned around and watched him disappear into the crowd.

The whole assembly went by smoothly, but in a boring way. The older students gave speeches and the staff welcomed the new students. Shuiichi sat alone the entire assembly, now and then glancing at Sabishii three rows ahead of him - and then mentally smacking himself for even thinking about her. As soon as the assembly broke out, it was time for lunch. Shuiichi quickly walked through the cafeteria doors and made his way to the courtyard. He really did NOT want to make any new "friends." He sat down and sighed, suddenly realizing something was wrong.

'My lunchbox...' Shuiichi mentally smacked himself AGAIN and stood up to go look for it when he saw a familiar brown haired girl running toward him. 'Not her, again... I'm tired of these humans pestering me...' He turned away and began to run away. With a bit of his demonic strength regained, he'd be able to lose her easily - or so he thought. Just as soon as he advanced a few feet, a force knocked him down to the ground. He kicked and punched the weight on top of him and rolled away from whatever - or whoever - it was.

"I... I just..." Shuiichi looked down at who was whimpering and his breath got caught in his throat. Sabishii was on the ground crying, and not too far from her was Shuiichi's [now dented] lunchbox. Her big baby blue eyes picked their gaze off the floor and captured Shuiichi's green orbs. "I... I just wanted to..." Sabishii burst out in fresh tears and grabbed her side. "... Give you your lunch!!!"

Shuiichi stood there, dumb-founded, to say the least. What was he supposed to do? His natural instincts were to fight back. It's not like he knew that Sabishii would be quick enough to catch up to him. He stared at her, unable to blink for a while. Suddenly snapping out of his daze, he kneeled down and put a hand on her shoulder. She was just sniffling now, which he hoped meant that the pain had lessened. Sabishii looked up at him again, her eyes pink from crying. Shuiichi sighed and adjusted her position so he could look at her ribs.

"Not broken... Probably bruised," Shuiichi said, pressing her ribs slightly with his thumb. She winced, and he stopped, but didn't dare look at her. He turned away and the two sat in silence for a few minutes.

"You can have my lunch."

"What?" Shuiichi turned around and stared at Sabishii, who was carefully reaching into her backpack. She took out her lunchbox and put it infront of him.

"It's pork fried rice and some sausage. It's not special, but I think you should have it..." Sabishii muttered, a bit shyly. Her eyes were fixed on Shuiichi's dented lunchbox a few feet away from them. "I made it myself... But it's good. I promise..."

Shuiichi stared at the lunchbox in his hand. 'This girl is crazy... That's it. She's just GOT to be crazy...' He repeated that thought in his head over and over again. What else was he supposed to think? He told the girl not to touch him. He damaged her ribs. He can't even look at her. Why was she being so nice? That's it. She just HAD to be crazy. Or stupid. Damn his sensitive nose. He can smell the food... And he didn't have breakfast. He untied the handkerchief around the box and then lifted the lid off. The lunch was... Well, cute. The carrots were cut to look like flowers, and they topped the perfectly yellow fried rice, decorated with bits of diced pork, string beans, and bean sprouts. His eyes looked at the sausage surrounding the rice and he blinked. They looked like little squids. The end of each one was carefully curled to look like legs and little sesame seeds took the place for the eyes. It was just plain cute. Sabishii took a fork from a small plastic bag in her backpack and put it on the lunch. She stood up wincing from the pain on her side and decided to walk away. Shuiichi snapped out of his daze.

"Does it still hurt?" Sabishii turned around. Shuiichi had put the lunch down and had stood up. She shifted her feet a little.

"Not so much, anymore. I think I'm going to go inside. There's still time for me to buy lunch," Sabishii answered, with a small smile. Shuiichi couldn't believe this girl. She just HAD to be crazy. He advanced toward her and grabbed her arm. Sabishii stared at him. He put her arm around his shoulder, at the same time carefully picking her up bridal style. Her face turned pink. "What...?" Shuiichi took her back to the tree and set her down.

"I can't eat this much food. You're eating half of it," Shuiichi muttered, grabbing the lunch box. He took a piece of sausage and stuck it in his mouth. She wasn't lieing. It was good. He took another one and held it infront of Sabishii's face. It remained untouched for a bit and he looked up. She was crying again. His eyes widened. "What?! It still hurts that bad??? Wait here, I'll get the nurse!" Sabishii grabbed his arm.

"No, it doesn't hurt," Sabishii pulled him down. He got on one knee and checked her side. "IT DOESN'T HURT!" Sabishii brushed his hand away.

"Then why are you crying?!" Shuiichi growled. He hated worrying about this girl. She was crazy.

"You're so nice! You're so so so nice! THAT'S why!" Shuiichi drew back. Sabishii was sobbing uncontrolably, hugging herself, trying to stop.

'THAT'S why you're crying?! How stupid can you be?!' Shuiichi blinked. Why hadn't that come out of his mouth like he wanted? He couldn't answer his own question.

Shuiichi cursed himself. Even when he was trying to be nice, he was still able to hurt someone. He pulled her toward him in an embrace and stroked her hair. His mom used to do this to him when he was little, and it helped him feel better. Would it work for her? Apparently it was. She was down to sniffling now. He took the fork again and put the sausage near her mouth. Sabishii ate it. He let out a breath in relief. The two sat in silence for a bit when a new scent brushed his nose. Moon flowers. His nose twitched. He loved that smell, second only to roses. But where was it coming from? He looked around, but there was no sight of the flowers. Shuiichi sighed and put his head down, disappointed. The scent flew into his nose again, tickling his senses.

'It's her!' Shuiichi realized. He stroked her hair again, enjoying the smell, and for the first time all day - he smiled. 'Perhaps I could get used to being a human's friend.' They sat there until it was time for class again. Neither of them ate another bite of food.

---Four Months Later---

Shuiichi watched the clock. It was friday, and winter break was only a few minutes away. He turned around to look at the back of the room. Sabishii was swinging her feet under her desk, and braiding a lock of her brown hair. He and her had gotten so close over the past few months, and he had to admit, he's been enjoying it. Unfortunately, since his powers were returning, he had a growing paranoia that nagged him everyday. Demons would soon be able to find him. Sabishii looked up from her notebook and waved at Shuiichi. He smiled and waved back. She pointed at the clock and jumped in her seat, excitedly. Shuiichi glanced at the time. One more minute. He looked back at her. She held up her notebook.

*~*You and Me - Park???*~*

Shuiichi smiled and nodded. Sabishii grinned and packed her things into her backpack. Shuiichi did the same, and just in time. He stood up, immediately greeted with a hug from his favorite human. He had grown fonder of his life and the people in them, but his two favorites were Sabishii and his mother. His mother, because just a couple of months recently, there had been an accident where his mother protected his head from landing on shattered dishes. Unfortunately, his mother's arms were deeply scraped in the incident. That earned her a lot of respect from him, so instead of his original plan to leave the woman, he decided to stay. Shuiichi had even come to terms with his growing love for his human mother. And as for his little human friend, he had grown used to her, but his original thought of her stayed - She definately HAD to be crazy.

"WE'RE FREE!!!" Sabishii cheered, with a jump in the air. He laughed. Even when the small girl jumped, she didn't top his height. Not that he was that tall, but that she was short. She took his hand and ran out of the classroom. Strange looks were passed their way, as what happens everytime the two are together. Soon they were out of the school.

It had been snowing for a little over two hours, and had been able to get up to people's knees. Nevertheless, the two friends were heading to the park. That was their favorite place to be together; playing on the slides and swings and monkey bars. A brisk wind blew through their hair as they walked. Shuiichi took a deep breath, taking in the aroma of moon flowers. That was perhaps one of the things he loved about the human; her irresistable fragrance.

"I found a quicker way to the park, Shuiichi," Sabishii said, pulling her muffler(A/N: Hopefully most of you know this, but just in case, it's a huge square scarf. You fold it in a triangle and tie it around your neck. Uhm... Cowboy style? Haha simplest way to explain it) up to cover half her face from the cold. He baby blue eyes glanced at Shuiichi.

"Really? I didn't think there was another way," Shuiichi turned his head to her. She smiled under her scarf and tightened her grip on his hand. He blinked. It was amazing how he was so used to holding her hand. Ofcourse, there wasn't any more to it? They were friends.

"Come with me," Sabishii laughed, turning a corner.

The two turned into a narrower street. Strange. Shuiichi hadn't remembered there ever being a path this way. Apparently there was. The road was lined with houses, but all of the houses seemed vacant and old. All of the windows were boarded up. Worn caution tape covered two houses that they passed. Shuiichi's eyes narrowed. It was definately a strange neighborhood.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Shuiichi asked, reluctantly following Sabishii.

"Yeah. I came down this way with my dad when I went to work with him last weekend," Sabishii answered.

"Well you were with your dad, weren't you? He's a cop. Ofcourse you'd be safe with him," Shuiichi's eyes darted from side to side, feeling very uneasy. "What was he doing working around here, anyway?"

"There were reports of weird stuff happening here at night. Disappearances or whatever. But it's not night. We're fine."

Shuiichi cocked an eyebrow at the back of his friend's head. She was so... Crazy. He stopped in his tracks, pulling Sabishii closer to him. He put a finger on her mouth as she was about to question him. 'What was that...?' Shuiichi opened his senses, and gripped Sabishii tightly. 'Such bloodlust... But where is it coming from...?' His eyes traced over the facade of a house infront of them. An open window drew his attention. All the others were boarded up. He growled and picked up Sabishii. He began to run. Shuiichi looked back when they were a good distance away. The house they had been infront of seemed to have exploded. Wood and bricks flew everywhere. Dust clouds flew into the air.

"Shuiichi, what's going on?!" Sabishii trembled in fright. Shuiichi held her tight, refusing to let her escape from his grasp. Something was advancing on them. Suddenly, a demon jumped out of the smoke.

"Fuck!" Shuiichi jumped out of the way, gripping Sabishii close to him.

The demon landed where they once were and snarled at Shuiichi. He was ugly, and terrifying. The demon stood tall over them, and saliva dripped from his sharp teeth. A forked tongue slithered out from between his two front teeth as he took a step toward the two. He was hunched over, leaning on his wrists like a gorilla. A spiny, reptile-like tail dragged behind him. All seven of his eyes followed Shuiichi's movement.

"Sabishii, I need you to run, do you understand? I need you to run home, forget what you saw here, and forget about me," Shuiichi whispered, backing them both away from the creature. Sabishii was petrified, unable to give Shuiichi an answer. He stood infront of her and looked around for a plant to use as a weapon. Curse the winter.

"We're finaly face to face, Kurama..." The demon said, the smell of rotten flesh on his breath.

"Kurama?" Sabishii said, in a low whisper. Shuiichi turned to her and growled, warningly.

"I told you to run," he hissed. Sabishii backed away, and realizing his seriousness, ran away accordingly, now and again glancing after her friend, who was standing his ground against the monster. As she disappeared, a wind took the unforgetable aroma of moon flowers his way.

"I had heard you were living in the Ningenkai as a human, and i long anticipated the moment I would find you and taste your flesh," the demon cackled, loudly. He pounced forward and Kurama dodged him, easily. The demon laughed and struck Kurama down with his tail.

"Ugh..." Kurama winced as his body struck the ground. The demon's spiked tail had stabbed his abdomen. The monster lifted his tail and threw Kurama away, leaving a trail of red tainted snow. 'There's no way I can win with such little power...' Kurama struggled to his feet. He began to run, but didn't make it far. His body gave way, no muscle cooperating with him. Poison.

"And now the Makai shall know the name Quadaku - as the demon who killed the infamous Youko Kurama," the demon let out an evil laugh as he walked toward Kurama's helpless form.

A gun shot. The demon screeched. His eye was pierced.

A second gun shot. The demon screeched again.

Kurama's eyes looked to the direction the bullets had come from. A silouette stood against the setting sun. A fresh smell of moon flowers flew his way. 'Sabishii...?' The figure ran forward, a gun in each hand. The demon let out an ear splitting screech and lunged forward. The figure was in sight now. It really was Sabishii. She was holding the guns her father kept in the basement. She did go home... But she came back. 'Damn that girl can run fast.' Shuiichi's eyes were fixed on her. Her eyes were narrow, and she ran with no hesitation. Her face was streaked with sweat - and tears.

"No one - DEMON or NOT - NOBODY - "

Her legs kicked off the ground, and she jumped high, higher than Shuiichi had ever expected her to be able to. " - HURTS MY BEST FRIEND!!!" The demon's tail swung after her, and whipped her toward his open mouth. Sabishii spiraled in the air, shooting every last bullet through Quadaku's throat. She kicked off one of his teeth and fell to the floor. Quadaku grabbed his throat and screeched one last time before falling, dead. Kurama was shocked. Coincidentally, just like the moon flower that she smelled of, Sabishii was deadly. The demon's body whithered away into dust, and the poison plaguing Kurama's body lifted. He sat up, grabbing his stomach, and carefully crawled over to where Sabishii lay. Her head turned to his direction.

"Are you okay?" Sabishii asked. She was still crying. Her arms had flopped down in exhaustion, and the guns she used fell into the snow a few feet away from her. Kurama set himself next to her.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Kurama questioned, still shocked that his little friend was able to do such a thing. She nodded, and sighed. She sat up and shook the snow from her hair.

"So... Who's Kurama?" Sabishii questioned, after a long moment of silence. Kurama looked to the floor. He hadn't expected her to get involved. Taking his arm from his stomach, he observed what he was able to heal with the energy he had used. The wound was closed, but still vulnerable.

"I... am Kurama," Kurama admitted. Sabishii blinked, and the two sat in silence for a long time.

"So... You're a demon?" Sabishii inched closer in curiosity. Kurama stared at her.

"...Yes," Kurama looked to the floor again. "Please... Don't tell anyone."

"Cool," Sabishii giggled. Kurama's head snapped up in surprise. Sabishii stared into his eyes and smiled. "I have a secret, too." Kurama blinked. Sabishii leaned close to his face, so close as to have their noses touch.

"Uhm..." Kurama stared at her. The sun had set and the moon's light played in her eyes.

"I love you," Sabishii whispered, pressing her lips against Kurama's. His eyes flew wide, but he didn't draw back.

'Love? Are you crazy? You've GOT to be crazy. I'm a DEMON,' Kurama was still. As much as he wanted to move away, as much as he told himself it was wrong, he couldn't part from her. Her scent, the wonderful fragrance of moon flowers called him. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her to deepen the kiss. SHE loved him. The one human in the Ningenkai that knows who he really is - ACTUALLY loves him. She knew the truth, but she STILL loves him??? He had to admit, it felt right. She was, afterall, his favorite human.

But that was the problem. She was human. What if he had not told her to run? What if she had stayed there? What if he hadn't sensed the demon's presense? What if it happens again? WHAT IF - she gets killed?! Kurama's eyes snapped open and he shoved her away. She fell several feet from him, and stared as he stood up. He couldn't get involved with her. Not her. Not anyone else. He threw her a cold glare.

"Don't touch me," Kurama turned around and left her.

He couldn't have her involved with him. He couldn't have her friendship or her love. He couldn't even have the memories of her. But he wanted all of it. He never wanted to see such a hurt expression on her face. He never wanted to leave her. Kurama took a deep breath, convincing himself that his eyes weren't wattery - and that his lips didn't long to be kissed by her again. Suddenly realizing the air smelled bitter, he sighed. He definately never wanted to let go of her wonderful scent of moon flowers.

After that night, Kurama and Sabishii didn't speak to eachother. Kurama tried to restrain himself from looking at her, and whenever he couldn't restrain himself, she was always looking to the floor. She never spoke of their secret to anyone, and when her father asked about her using the guns, she said she was practicing aim just incase she ever has to defend herself. Kurama was relieved to know that Sabishii had the mind not to spread around the secrets he shared with her. He didn't want any unnecessary trouble in his life. Soon, he was able to lock her up at the back of his mind, because she and her family moved to Kyoto, and he never heard from, or of her since.

---Present Day---

Kuwabara was sobbing. He flung himself onto Kurama. "THAT WAS SO SAD!!!" Kurama winced, mentally cursing his sensitive ears. Yusuke's mouth was agape, the story was freakishly long! It almost put him to sleep. Infact, if it wasn't for Sabishii smacking him every five minutes, he probably would've been snoozing. Kurama began to claw Kuwabara off his shoulders. His sobbing was hurting his ears, and staining his shirt.

"Ku-Kuwabara, please! Please get off... Please!!!" Kurama and Kuwabara fell to the floor, now in a frantic struggle. Sabishii and Yusuke bursted out in laughter and fell onto eachother, holding their stomachs.

"Hn," Hiei grew tired of his teammates. They were idiotic, and they found to be growing more idiotic everyday. He couldn't stand humans.

But Sabishii seemed to capture his curiousity a bit. Counting from the story, she wasn't an ordinary kind of human. 'Or perhaps she isn't one of human descent?' He watched her a little bit longer, the question wavering in his mind. She, after all, wasn't taken back by the fact that her friend was a demon, but her emotions and actions were definately human-like. Sabishii stood up and cleared her throat. Sitting back on the couch, she looked from Kuwabara, Kurama, and Yusuke to where Hiei was, and gave him a small wave. He turned away from her, wishing the fox would just get off the floor and dismiss everyone from the house. A few minutes later, everyone settled down and were calmly talking again.

"So, Sabishii?" Kurama started. Sabishii looked at him and smiled.


"How long, exactly... Are you going to be staying in town?" Kurama asked. A light flickered in Sabishii's eyes.

"Oh, your mom didn't tell you? My family and I moved back here, yesterday. Our house is a block away," Sabishii informed. Kurama stared at her, dumbfounded. Yusuke muttered a 'YES!' under his breath and hugged Sabishii. She laughed and stretched. There was an ackward silence. "So... Sleep over?"

"YEAH!!! BREAK OUT THE SODA AND SNACKS AND LET'S PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER!" Yusuke and Kuwabara charged into the kitchen. Kurama sat back into the couch and slumped.

Hiei growled. He had sworn to the fox that he'd stay for the whole celebration - but he didn't expect it to run through the night. Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to observe whether or not Sabishii was really human. He winced, seeing Yusuke and Kuwabara stuffing food down their throats. Or perhaps he would leave and suffer the kitsune's wrath for leaving, later. Suddenly, he felt as if he was being watched and shifted his head to the side. Sabishii's eyes caught his, andshe smiled, waving him over to join them. He narrowed his eyes at her and turned his gaze back to the outside.

End Chapter 2 Part 2

Me: So... That was... Long xDDD! I hope some people actually had enough patience to read all that hehe.

Yusuke: X.X... It took you a while to write this didn't you?

Me: Well it's not like I type it all at one time. On this one, it took three days, but about an hour or so each day. At first, I wanted to break Kurama's side of the story into two chapters, but since their friendship was cut short, I didn't see much reason to.

Kurama: I didn't expect my part of the story to be so lengthy.

Kuwabara: Atleast YOU got more than two sentences...

Me: Hey, this is how it works out. Yusuke got one chapter, Kurama got another chapter, so now I've got to decide whether it's your turn, or Hiei's.

Kuwabara: I deserve it more than the shrimp!

Hiei: I believe you have a death wish -.-...

Me: Hehe. Well I don't know yet, but I'm pretty damn sure the next chapter's gonna be a lot shorter =D. If you're enjoying my story so far, please review =].