Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's Second Twin Sister ❯ Hiei's Second Twin Sister (Chapter One) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiei's Second Twin Sister

Disclaimer: Don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, but i do own Yukinei!

A/N: Hey BG16 here, this is my second Hakusho fic, hope u like this one.

Chapter One

Kurama and Hiei walked back to the others, who were waiting for them outside.

"Finally, can we go now? I would like a vacation someday!" sighed Yusuke.

"Yeah, all we have to do is to kill or capture this demon, but I prefer killing, it gets the job done easier!"

Hiei made a low growling sound that no body but Kurama to hear who put his hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Let's go kick some demon ass!" Yells Kuwabara as Botan opened the portal to the Makai.

"Hn, loud mouth idiot..."

"HEY! Wha-"

Kuwabara didn't finish as Hiei ignored him and walked in the portal followed by Kurama.

"What the hell is short stuffs problem!?"

"I don't know, but we'll find out later, but for once I have to agree with Hiei, you are a loud mouth idiot!" laughed Yusuke as he went in the portal followed by Botan.

Kuwabara was getting pissed off by the minute.

"Why the hell is everyone picking on me!?"

Before Kuwabara went in, a femine voice called his name.

"Kuwa! Wait for me! I'm coming too!" Yelled Yukina as she caught up to him.

(Yukina was there when Yusuke read the profile, but she was suppose to stay in the house until they returned.)

"Why? It's too dangerous for you..."

"I know, but this girl that you guys are hunting for reminds me of some one from long ago, please take me with you, I have to know if it's her or not!"

Kuwabara gave in, he couldn't stand her sad puppy dog face.

"All right, just stay close to me..."

Yukina smiled as he took her hand and entered the now closing portal. When the appeared on the other side, their were surprised looks when they saw Yukina.

"Yukina, what are you doing here?" asked Botan in surprise.

"Why did you bring her here, you damned oaf!? She could get killed!!" yelled Hiei.

"Please don't be angry with him, I wanted to come along, I begged him to take me along..."

"Why Yukina?" Kurama asked nicely.

"Because this girl reminds me of some one long ago, I just have to know if it's her or not, please let me come along, I promise not to get in the way of trouble..."

Yusuke sighed and put his hands in his pockets.

"Fine, just stay close to us, and don't wonder off..."

Yukina smiled thankfully as she stood between Botan and Kuwabara. Yusuke started walking east as everyone started to follow.

'Damn it! Now that Yukina is here this is going to be harder than I thought!' thought Hiei as he follwed the group in front of him.

About ten minutes of walking, Hiei and Kurama suddenly stopped as they sensed a strong spirit energy coming towards them, fast.

"What is it, you guys?"

All were quiet until Kurama spoke quietly.

"She's here..."

"SPEARS OF ICE!!!" A voice yelled out of no where.

"Everyone down!!" yelled Yusuke a dozens of icicles came towards them.

Yukina and Botan were laying on the ground covering their heads, while the boys were either dodging them or cutting them in pieces. Just then a black blur came down towards Hiei.

"Hiei above you!"

Hiei whirled around just in time to block the in coming attack. When the swords connected dark sparks flew as the dark clothed female pushed back disappearing into the shadows.

"Come for me did you!? I will not give up the book my master needs it! You'll have to kill me to get it!"

"Then come out you gothic bitch!" Yelled Yusuke.

"Don't tempt me boy! For that you'll die first!"

A black blur came bouncing through the trees as it slashed the upper part of his left shoulder, she came back and slashed his right leg.

'Damn, she's so fast! How can I stop her!? If I don't think fast I'll be in pieces in a couple of minutes!'


Yusuke was slashed again this time in the back which made him stumble forward.

'Shit... I need something to slow her down!'

Yukina watched in horror as Yusuke was continuously being slashed. In a slow motion state, Yukina saw the emptiness in her eyes and the wicked smile on her face, then she figured it out.

"Controlled... She's being controlled!! Somethings controlling her!" She yelled getting everyones attention.

Yukinei was distracted be Yukina's voice.


Yusuke saw the distraction and made the shot.


Yukinei turned back to Yusuke as her eyes went wide of life as she was blasted away through the forest breaking a couple of trees on the way. She landed on the ground twenty feet away from the group, before she went unconscious, she saw Hiei's worried eyes as he leaned over her body to pick her up then everything went black.

Kurama picked up her sword, which started to burn his hand. He quickly placed it in it's scabbard, and looked at his hand; it had a small burnt mark on it, but healed up quickly. He followed Hiei back to the others seeing Yukina healing Yusuke, he looked up and shook his head when he saw two Hiei's.

"Is it just me, or am I seeing doubles?"

Everyone except Kurama looked over to Hiei with wide eyes. Yukinei looks exactly like Hiei except the hair color which was black and light blue. He placed her next to Yukina and looked at the others.

"Is there something you like to tell us Hiei?" asked Botan.

Hiei looked down at Yukina and Yukinei and sighed as he spoke.

"Yes there is something and no I won't like it..."

He took another sigh.

"Oh Yukinei, I thought I'll never see you again, I thought you were killed so many years ago..." Yukina said as she hugged the unconscious girl tearfully.

"Was this the girl you were talking about Yukina?" asked Kuwabara.

"Yes, yes it is, for you see she is my sister..."

Everyone gasped except Kurama and Hiei.

"If you're her sister and that must mean that Hiei is..."

'Sigh' "Yes, I'm there brother, TWIN brother..."

Chins fell to the ground except for Botan who just fainted. Yukina was surprised, but Hiei was more surprised when she smiled and hugged him.

"Yu-Yukina!? Aren't you mad at me for not telling you??"

"Oh Hiei, of course I'm mad at you for that, but I'm just so happy that I have a brother and a sister to take care of and love! Did you think that you were too ashamed to tell me because of your past?"

"Well... yeah..."

"Silly, I don't care what happened in the past, the past is the past. You should be concerned about what's happening now in the present... not the past; you have two sisters to take care of that love you very much and I know you do the same for us too." Yukina smiled and hugged him tighter.

For the first time in years he actually smiled and hugged her back. Kuwabara was silently crying to himself, while Yusuke was trying to fight back the tears in his eyes and turned away from the sight. Botan came around and looked over to the siblings and also had a few tears when she saw Hiei actually smile. Kurama was happy for his friend and looked down at the unconscious girl.

'Hmm... she seems familiar to me... it can't be her can it? It's been so long, but she disappeared 16 year ago before I died and came into this world... I wonder what happened to her...' Kurama thought as he looked back up at the two siblings.

"Thank you..." he whispered as he let go and let Yukina heal Yukinei.

"Uh... guys, we have a slight problem..."

"What is it Botan?" Yusuke asked drying up his eyes.

"The book... it's not here..."

"What do you mean 'it's not here'!? It has to be here!!"

Yusuke started to search around the premisses.

"Well it's not! We can't leave until it's found!"

"Aww damn it!! I'm goin out with Kieko in a few hours, she's going to beat the hell out of me for missing our date!"

Slight laughter was heard below them as they saw the girl who attacked them earlier starting to sit up.

"You let a Nigen take control of your life? Especially a female, I pitty you halfling..." says Yukinei with a smirk while wrapping her hands around her left knee.

'At least I have a life...' thought Yusuke as he crossed his arms.

Beware of what you think halfling, I can read your mind...

Yusuke's eyes went wide.


Yukinei smirked and nodded.

'Wow... freaky...' thought Kuwabara.

You'll be surprised, moron...

"I'm not a moron!!" he yelled outloud.

Hiei smirked and gave a little laugh.

"Couldn't of fooled me..."

'She's my sister all right...'

"And you dear 'brother' haven't change a bit, still as sneaky, quiet and still a smart ass as ever..."

Everyone started to laugh as Yukina giggled, Hiei gave them each a death glare to shut up, and gave Yukina please be quiet look, then smirked at her.

You'll be surprised of what I can do... how about a spar match later on??

Yukinei smirked.

You're on, dear brother...

"Um... Yukinei... I'm Botan, um how may I ask you know him already?"

"When I was ten, we met each other on a stealing heist, but we didn't know that we were related, I had a haircut then, and couldn't really tell if we were brother and sister. Yukina wasnt there at the time, she was the healer in the group and stayed with the rest of the theives..."


"We were raised by theives since we were still babies, our village was destroyed along with the villagers and our mother..."

"How come I don't remember meeting you all those years ago??" Hiei asked confused.

"Probably when you recieved your so called Jagan after stealing that god forsaken sword! That's what made you forget!"

"Uh... Yukinei, have you any idea wher the bookd of the dead is?" Botan asked getting kind of nervous around the girl.

"If your looking for it, it's no longer here... my so called 'master' has it when he controlled me to go into the spirit world and steal the book for him, he took it a half hour ago I think..."

"Have you any ideas of where he could be right now?" Kurama asked as he looked at her.

Yukinei lifted an eyebrow at Kurama.

'That aura... it seems so familiar... it couldn't be him could it?'

"He's in the Nigen world, disguised as a human, but i don't know why though, he goes to this prison where young nigens like yourself go to learn..."

Kurama gave a slight chuckle.

"Well that 'prison' is called a school; so you're saying that that this 'master' of yours is going to our school?"

"If you put it that way, yes he is, but I don't know what he looks like everything is too blurry for me to remember..."

"Too blurry!? Come on, you have to remember his eye color or something!?"

"Don't push me halfling! For being controlled for almost all your life and finally being free for the first time in your miserable life, YES MY HEAD WILL BE BLURRY, SO LAY OFF YOU HALFING PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Yukinei yelled standing up as Yusuke covered his ears.

"Yukinei, please be careful, if you stand up too fast, you'll get dizzy and pass out..."

"Now...you tell me..."

Yukinei put her hand on the side of her head as she started to sway side to side, then stumbled backwards falling into Kurama's arms just before she hit the ground; she passed out when he picked her up. Hiei then smirked when he picked up her sword and muttured to himself.

"Thank god I'm not a halfling... or she'll be yelling at me more than you..."

"I HEARD THAT!!" Yusuke yelled.

"Anyways...," Kuwabara said as he turned to Botan. "What do we do now??"

"We should go back and report to Koenama about this and what we should do about this and what we should do about Yukinei's trial."

With that said Botan opened the portal to the spirit world and walked in followed by Yukina, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei. Kurama stood there for a second looking at the female youkai, he then smiled.

"It is you..." He whispered as he hugged her tightly before walking inside the portal.