Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It was you all along ❯ Boys and Tears ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“It Was You all Along”
Ch. 2
Boys and Tears
*^_^*Hi Hi and welcome back to another chappy of my fanfic. This once kinda short. But bare with me people. Well on with the storey. *^_^*
“Huh? What just happened here?” she thought. “Aye! Ill never understand boys!” she screamed out load. She was watching Kurama as he ran into his house next door.
“What don't you understand sweetie?” Her grandpa asked as he came out the front porch to look for her.
“Oh nothing grampy.”
“Come here.” He waved for her to come sit with him on the porch swing. She walked over to him and sat on his lap.
“Yes grampy?”
Do you like it here?” She nodded her head. “Ah huh. I get to be with you all the time but I'm still mad at mommy and daddy for leaving me.” She frowned and crossed her arms.
Her grandpa let out a little laugh. “Silly girl your parents are geologists. They have to travel around the world. They can't take you with them because you have school. Besides they'll send you presents.”
Her eyes got wide. “Presents!? A lot!?”
“Yes.” She clapped her hands. “Yay!”
*Back at home Kurama buried his face into the pillow and cried. Then he heard a knock on his door.*
“Kurama?” Kurama quickly wiped his nose on his sleeve. He had accepted the fact that he was now partial human and now had human emotions, so it didn't bother him when he cried or got scared. But after what happened today he wasn't too sure of humans besides he was still really mad.
“Yes? Come in.” Then his mother came in. “What's wrong honey? Why are you crying?”
He shook his head. “Oh it's nothing mother.”
His mom looked around his room. “Where are your friends?”
Kurama tried his best not to cry. “They… they went home.” His mom hugged him. “Oh, you're sad that they had to go home so early?” Kurama held his mom tighter and didn't answer. His mom thought for a while.
“Hey I know. A new family just moved in next door. An old man and a little girl. You can go play with her. Do you want to?”
“Okay mother.”
*^_^*Sorry so short but that's it for this chappy. Next time Kurama will meet the little girl who saved them and it will be the beginning of a new and odd friend ship. So keep checking in. Later. *^_^*