Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2:

Many times the word "tenshi" found its way into Kurama's school work. His story on Romeo and Juliet turned into his fantasies about the girl he had seen. The pictures in his history book became distorted and would form her face. She was all he could think about. In time, even his friends, however unobservant, noticed a change…

"What do you think is wrong with Kurama?" Yusuke asked his friend and rival, Kuwabara.

"It's that girl," Kuwabara replied, trying to catch a glimpse of Kurama's notebook.

"Girl?" Yusuke asked, puzzled.

"Yeah," Kuwabara answered, surrendering hope that he would see what Kurama had scrolled across the cover of his notebook. "Some girl he saw in the hall yesterday."

"Who is she?"

"Well," Kuwabara replied, "if I knew that, I wouldn't need to read what he's written ALL OVER HIS STUFF!"

With Kuwabara's last, resounding words, the entire class had turned their eyes on him. Whispers flew about, and girls giggled quietly.

"Mr. Kazuma," the teacher asked, "would you mind sharing with the class what you find so interesting?"

"Uh," Kuwabara managed, a sweat drop rolling down the side of his head. "Nothing."

"Well, then, I assume you would mind letting me continue my class. Am I correct?"

"Yeah," Kuwabara replied idiotically.

After a moment of tense silence, class returned to normal. Though, Kuwabara and Yusuke no longer had an interest in what the teacher was saying.

"So, you think he knows her name?" Yusuke asked quietly.

"Naturally," Kuwabara replied, green with envy. "He probably has the name and number of every girl in the school!"

"Nah," Yusuke argued. "He can't have EVERY girls' number…"

"I don't know Urameshi, the girls all go gah-gah over him…"

Yusuke looked down, his face full of dismay. "I gotta figure out his secret."

"You and me both," Kuwabara said, a goofy smile on his face.

"You know," Yusuke whispered, "you weren't supposed to hear that."

"Huh? I wasn't?"

"No. I was talking to myself, you baka."

"HEY! I'M NOT AN IDIOT!" Kuwabara shouted, jumping to his feet.

"MR. KAZUMA! IN THE HALL!" the teacher screeched, pointing at the door.

Extremely embarrassed, Kuwabara left the room. The teacher was in close pursuit, her eyes flashing menacingly.

The perfect opportunity, Yusuke thought to himself.

Seizing this brief moment of unsupervised class, Yusuke decided to find out what made Kurama so irresistible.

"Hey, Kurama," Yusuke asked, walking towards the desk.

"Yes?" Came Kurama's peaceful voice.

"I was just wanted to talk," he began, feeling as though this would be a piece of cake. "I was wondering, how do you get your hair to stay like that? The girls must love it."

"It's natural, I…hey, wait," Kurama said, looking at Yusuke. "Where is this coming from?"

"Oh, I was just curious…so it's natural?"

"Uh, yeah," Kurama replied, a sweat drop rolling down the side of his head.

"Excellent. And what about your eyes? Are they colored contacts?" Yusuke asked, sounding as innocent as possible.

"Forget it, Yusuke," Kurama said, returning to his "work". "I'm not going to do your assignment for you."

"No, you've got me all wrong. I merely wanted to compliment you on your impeccable style."

"Be sure not to choke on that word, Yusuke."

Yusuke ignored that comment. "Where do you find your outfit?"

"Okay, you're creeping me out," Kurama replied.

Yusuke pulled a pencil and paper from his binder. "'You're…Creeping…Me…Out," he said,

writing the words as he went. "Is that located down town?"

"No," Kurama replied. "It's located in your strange little mind. Please leave me alone."

Returning to his desk, Yusuke reviewed his list:

1)Naturally nappy hair

2)Natural green eyes

3)Artificial attitude

This is the end of another chapter! ^_^ I hope you enjoyed it as well! There's more to come, so be sure to check the story out from time to time. Bye!

Kawaii Youko ^_^