Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3:

I wonder what Yusuke was up to when he was asking me all of those questions yesterday, Kurama thought to himself as he walked away from his English class. However, that thought was soon driven out of his mind by the sight of the girl he'd had his eye on.

Once again, Kurama found himself lost for words, let alone whole thoughts. His mouth sagged slightly as the girl gently brushed by him in the hallway. Her skin is so smooth, he thought, wondering if she used lotion.

Unfortunately, he hadn't the time to ponder this mystery; he had to get to lunch. With one last glance at her, he began towards the cafeteria.

"Yo, Kurama!" Kuwabara shouted. He quickly lumbered up to where Kurama stood. "I've got it! I know who the girl is!"

"Do you?" this was a question, a stupid one in fact. Kuwabara barely knew how to multiply, so how could he possibly figure out which girl Kurama had his eye on?

"It's Botan!" he shouted, feeling superior.

"Yeah, that's it Kuwabara, you've got me. I guess you're too smart for me," Kurama replied sarcastically.

"That's right," Kuwabara boasted. Obviously, the fact that Kurama wasn't serious had passed him by. "I am too smart for you."

"Cut it out baka," said a drawling voice; Hiei. "You miss everything…figures."

"What do you mean?" Kuwabara asked stupidly.

"Do you honestly think Kurama loves Botan? It would take a complete moron to believe that…"

"Hey! Are you calling me stupid?" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"Very good, Kuwabara," Hiei taunted. "That was just under the buzzer."

A muscle in Kuwabara's forehead twitched, as did one in his beady left eye. He was dumbfounded, to say the least.

"Come on, Kurama," Hiei said, motioning for his friend to follow.

Still Kuwabara stood there, a ridiculous look on his face.

"Buzzer?" he asked no one in particular. "What was that shrimp talking about?"

As Kurama arrived with Hiei in the lunch room, he was pleasantly surprised. The only table available was the one with the mysteriously beautiful girl.

"Come on, let's sit outside," Hiei suggested.

"Why not in here?" Kurama asked inconspicuously.

"It's too crowded," he replied. "Besides, the only table we could sit at has ningen girls at it."

"So?" Kurama asked.

"So, we should sit outside," Hiei said, agitated. "Unless, of course, there's a reason you want to sit with that particular group of girls…"

"Of course not!" Kurama replied hastily, too hastily.

"Okay, which one is it?"

"The one with brown hair," Kurama asked. "Why?"

Too late. Hiei was already headed towards the girl's table.

"Hiei," Kurama hissed, following him. "What are you doing?"

"You wanted to sit by her, so sit we shall," Hiei said. An evil smirk was on his face, Kurama found it rather unnerving.

Hiei strolled up to the girl in charge; the same one as Kurama desired. He set his lunch box on the table, and took a seat, without as much as a hello.

"Um, pardon me," the girl asked politely. "Is there a reason you're sitting here?"

"Nope," answered Hiei, opening his lunch box.

"Well then, could you please move so my friend can sit there?"

"Nope," Hiei replied once more, taking out an apple. "Why should I?"

"Well," the girl replied, dropping her polite manner, "I was saving that seat. Move."

"I said no," Hiei replied, looking her in the eye.

The girl, knowing she couldn't fight the stubborn Youkai, returned to her seat. All the while, the other girls giggled wildly.

"Hey Kurama! You gonna just stand there?" Hiei called to his friend.

Reluctantly, Kurama took a seat next to the brown hair girl. He deliberately avoided making eye contact. He knew it would only cause trouble…

"Hey! Look!" one of the girls exclaimed. "It's the weirdo's girlfriend!"

Kurama hid his face, he figured that it was best just to ignore their remarks. Hopefully Hiei would do the same…nope. Hiei didn't get the hint.

"What did you say?" he asked, rising to his feet.

The girl who spoke rose to her feet, she was nearly a foot taller than Hiei.

"I said, that she must be your girlfriend, you short freak," she replied threateningly.

"Who are you calling a short freak, you baka ningen?" Hiei asked, standing on the table to level their eyes.

"You," she replied firmly. "Do you see anyone else under five foot?"

"You'd better shut up, before I make you," Hiei said, raising a fist.

"Ooh, what are you going to do? Hurt me with your tiny fist?" she taunted.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do," he said, advancing on her.

Whether it was voluntary or not, the girl backed away. She found Hiei's unconcerned manner menacing. Just as it looked as though Hiei would hit her, Kurama also stood and placed a hand on the fire Youkai's shoulder.

"Don't bother with her," he said calmly. Kurama had always been the peaceful one.

"You're probably right," Hiei agreed slowly. "She isn't worth the ground I spit on."

With those words the girl exploded. "You little shrimp! How dare you?! I outta kick your dress wearing' butt!" The girl, who was taller and much stronger than the others, struggled to get at Hiei. "Let me at HIM!"

Hiei, unphased, threw his head back and laughed manically.

"So, puny girl, you wish to fight a fire Youkai? Well, have at me!" Hiei shouted, egging her on.


"You want to see something scary do you?" Hiei asked, his hand going for the headband covering his Jagan eye. "Then prepare to look fear straight in the eye!"

With his last words, he ripped the headband off, throwing it to the ground. The cafeteria went silent, dead silent. The girl who had so eagerly challenged Hiei went pale, as did her friends. Hiei smirked, a triumphant look in his mortal eyes.

Kurama did not find this funny in the least, Hiei's mistake would surely cause an uproar. "Hiei, hide that thing before everyone sees it!" Kurama whispered, a concerned look in his eyes.

"Why?" Hiei asked defiantly. "She wished to see something that would scare her, so she has."

A sound came from the girl who had so willingly challenged him. "Is that real?" she asked, coming closer.

"OF COURSE IT'S REAL!" Hiei shouted, holding his ground.

"It looks pretty fake to me," the girl said off-handishly. "It's probably glued on."

"HOW CAN A PERSON BE SO STUPID?? IT'S REAL WHETHER IT LOOKS LIKE IT OR NOT!" Hiei shouted, picking up his headband and slipping it back into place.

Hiei marched off, leaving his lunch box at the table. Kurama, not wanting to be left alone with a group of riled up girls, grabbed his things, as well as Hiei's and got up. Just as he left the room, he realized that his sketchbook was missing, the same one that contained pictures of that girl…

Wow, another chapter finished. Well, though some things may seem slightly out of character, such as Hiei leaving the fight, were intended to be that way. In response to a comment from a reader, boys, not only girls, sometimes write the names of the girls they like, or draw their faces in places. Though it may seem odd, it's true. Another chapter is coming soon!

Kawaii Youko, 14