Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5:

Something just wasn't right.

As Kurama walked down the lonely streets leading to the school, he couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

The sky was a dull gray, plain and more mundane than Kurama had ever seen it. A chilly wind blew, ruffling Kurama's hair. The breeze wasn't refreshing, not at all.

The plants lining the sidewalk seemed to wilt, as if in mourning. Though, what perplexed Kurama most was the absence of people; the absence of life.

There were no cars driving down the road, no children on bicycles, nor was there any sign of life in general. Only emptiness; utter emptiness.

"Where is everyone?" Kurama asked aloud.

"The true question is; where are you?" said a misty voice.

"Who said that?" Kurama asked, searching for the source of the seemingly disembodied voice.

"Why, me of course," replied the voice.

"Show yourself," Kurama said in a firm voice.

"If you wish," said the voice, sounding downtrodden.

Before Kurama appeared a girl, or at least he thought it was a girl. She was unlike any girl he'd ever seen, whether it be demon or ningen.

She was beautiful, he could not deny that. Long, silvery hair fell just past her waist, several pieces hanging in her pale face. Her eyes, a soft purple, had something of a shimmer to them. Kurama found it hard to look away.

"Staring isn't polite," she commented with a devious smile.

"I apologize," Kurama replied, tearing his eyes from her.

A smirk curled on her lips.

"I get that often from you ningen boys," she said with a skyward glance. "What is your fascination with exterior beauty?"

She took a second to ponder that, while Kurama simply smiled.

"Well no matter," she said, looking at him. "I have not come to ningenkai to discuss such things."

"What are you here for then?" Kurama asked, casting a serious glance in her direction.

"Why you're no fun," she replied, teasing him. "Well, on to business. My name is Shiro, and I'm very pleased to meet you, Kurama."

"How do you know who I am?" Kurama asked in mild surprise.

"Don't be so surprised, Chikyuu-jin," she said, flipping her hair. "I know many things."

"Are you a demon by chance?" he asked, still observing her un-earthly appearance.

"You could say that," she replied with a smile. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, really," he said, looking away from her.

"Oh, you find me attractive, do you?" she asked in a slightly cocky manner.

"Now that's not something you ask someone right away, now is it?" he laughed.

"Perhaps not," she said thoughtfully. "Well, anyway, I've come on business."

"And what might that be?" he asked curiously.

"Do you know this girl?" she asked, holding up a picture of Kurama's crush.

"Yeah," he replied slowly, certain that he was blushing.

"Well, she's been kidnapped and I was sent to inform you," she said lightheartedly. "But not to worry, no harm will befall her, as long as you reach her before sunset."

"Sunset?" Kurama asked, staring at the quickly rising sun.

So ends my 5th chapter. I know this took an awful long time to get posted, but it was worth it wasn't it? Kurama's crush has been kidnapped, there's allegedly a demon running around school and this strange girl, Shiro, appears. What could happen next?

Kawaii Youko ^_~