Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ The Song That Never Ends ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Yo! Jo has decided that she will behave herself now, so she is back.

Jo: *Looks up from her dictionary with headphones on* Hello.

Feith: Okay, Kurama could you please do the disclaimer.

Kurama: Why? You killed the last one.

Feith: *puppy eyes* It was being mean. *sniffle*

Kurama: *sigh* why do I put up with you?

Feith: `Cuz I'm so sweet and adorable that you can't help but like me.

Hiei: hn, dream on Feith.

Feith: Shut up, Hiei! I was talking to Kurama; besides, it's Jo's job to make snide remarks about me.

Kurama: *another sigh* Feith doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho or "The Song that Never Ends"


When we last left off, we had met the mysterious attacker (A/N: MA for short), who had been assigned to kill off the Mistress of Wolves, Hiro. He had also noticed that Hiro seemed closest to Kurama (Feith: SSHM, Hiro is currently closest to Kurama because she's his best friend in Ningenkai that also goes to his school), so he decided that Kurama would die right after Hiro (Jo: You know, I think that I would decide to kill him last if I was evil; Feith: Shut up, Jo, so that the readers can enjoy the story; Jo: What readers?). Now that you, the reader(s), are caught up with the story so far, we shall rejoin our heroes of the story. Also, I think that you will want your videocameras again; either that or you will want your taperecorders.


MA continued to stalk the five travelers, planning out how he would capture and kill the Mistress of Wolves. He finally decided that it would be most embarrassing for Hiro to hang her up in a tree, so he set upon the ultimate task of setting a trap that all five travelers would end up caught in.


Hiro and the Reikai Tantei walked through the Makai forest discussing different general topics of conversation. Well, actually, Hiro and Yusuke were arguing over who would win a fight between Genkai and Senirp (A/N: I just kinda made up Senirp at the last minute, so don't expect huge things form her).

"What are you talking about? Senirp could blow Genkai away with her daggers. No spirit gun could ever beat the wind of knives," Hiro reasoned.

Yusuke contradicted, "Well, actually I was thinking in terms of just plain old fisticuffs."

"Oh, well, then are we talking Genkai at her strongest or as she is right now? Reason being that if we're talkin' her at her strongest, then I might grant you that one. Senirp isn't exactly that great at plain old fist fights," agreed Hiro. "On the other hand, the previous Mistress of Wolves would've beaten Genkai hands tied behind her back. I've never heard of anybody greater than her at fisticuffs."

Kuwabara decided to step in, "Well, what if she were to fight against Yusuke?"

"Heh, you're funny. She would've chewed him up and spit him out because he tasted bad."

"Hey, that's me you're talking about!"

"Gomen, Yusuke-san, but it's the truth. Sevra was the best at fisticuffs. Too bad she was a bandit for a general living. She could've made millions just off of the gamblers. Although she could never compare to Yoko Kurama in thievery, she did give most others a run for their money."

Kurama blushed at this rather odd compliment from Hiro. She still hadn't learned that he was Yoko Kurama, but that still didn't change the fact that she just complimented him. Hiro noticed this and asked, "Hey, stuck up, what's the matter? Why are you blushing? Strange thoughts running through your head?" Kurama just blushed even more deeply. Hiro just shrugged it off figuring that Kurama was thinking about some girl and continued her conversation with Yusuke and Kuwabara. Both Yusuke and Kuwabara got into another argument over who the next champion of Tokyo Dome was going to be. Since Hiro really didn't know much about Tokyo Dome, she just stayed out of the conversation and listened. Because Yusuke and Kuwabara were causing such a ruckus amongst the five travelers, nobody noticed that MA had set up his trap until it caught Hiro.

Seeing her dangling upside down from a tree branch, Kuwabara shouted out, "Don't worry, Hiro. The Great Kazuma Kuwabara shall save you."

Hiro sweatdropped and commented, "And I thought that Kyoko had a big ego. (A/N: In case you readers forgot, Kyoko is Hiro's older sister.) If you are going to save me Mr. Great Kazuma Kuwabara, I suggest that you start right now. Otherwise, just let me figure out how get myself out of this mess."

Then MA appeared on the tree branch that Hiro was swinging from. Sliding down on a rope nearby, MA began to cut her gently with a knife. Now this really made Hiro mad, so she started to sing, "This is the song that never ends. It's just goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends…" Hiro continued singing it occasionally throwing in strange comments like "I'm waiting Mr. Great and Mighty Kazuma Kuwabara" and "Come on you bakas; join me in this delightful singing of `The Song That Never Ends'"

Hiro's sudden burst into song surprised MA, so he accidentally dug the knife in her thigh much deeper than he had intentionally planned. Taking the initiative, Hiro swung away from MA and dragged the knife out of her thigh. Knife in hand, Hiro stabbed MA in the gut with such force that he died right then and there. Hiei then jumped into the tree and sliced through Hiro's bonds causing her to fall right into Yusuke's outstretched arms. Kurama had noticed Hiro got a deep wound in her thigh and gone to search for the proper herbs to treat the wound.


Feith: Does that count as a long chapter? Oh, well, if it doesn't I've got even more explaining to do the next chapter.

Jo: *Not looking up from her dictionary* Review or Feith shall not update. The only reason that Feith has updated today is because she was on the phone with someone while they were reading this fic.