Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ Another Explanation ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: *sigh* another explanation is due.

Jo: Do you always have to explain everything?

Feith: Not unless I want to completely confuse the readers. Hiei!

Hiei: *flits into view* hn?

Feith: It's your turn to do the disclaimer.

Hiei: Feith doesn't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its characters.


Alright, now that we have put away the videocameras and taperecorders, we shall continue the story. Hiro had just gotten a huge wound in her right thigh as well as some minor wounds on her arms and abdomen. Kurama had gone in search of herbs to prevent infection in the wounds. Yusuke caught Hiro in his arms and Hiei had set her free from her restraints. Okay, I think that that is a good enough summary, so let's continue the fic.


Yusuke slowly set Hiro down upon the ground. She smiled at him and said, "Well, there's another way to get out of that type of situation."

Yusuke laughed and asked, "You aren't going to get hurt as often as Kurama does, are you?"

Hiro looked at him blankly and replied, "Well, I do plan on getting hurt less often." Then she looked around and asked, "Where's Mr. Grumpykins? I wanted to thank him for cutting my restraints. Also, thank you, Yusuke for catching me. I would also like to thank you, Mr. Great and Mighty Kazuma Kuwabara, for at least trying to think of a way to save me."

Hiei flitted over to Hiro and commented, "You don't have to call the baka that."

Hiro laughed and replied, "Well, I haven't had any proof over whether or not he is a baka, so I'll go with what I know. How about egotist?"

Kurama had then walked in and heard the last bit of the conversation. He responded, "That should be fine."

Kuwabara and Yusuke were completely confused, so Yusuke asked, "What does that word mean?"

Hiro answered, "An egotist is someone who thinks very highly of themselves. Kyoko, my older sister, is a huge egotist."

Kurama continued after Hiro, "Usually, an egotist is not as great as they think they are."

Yusuke thought about that for a moment and commented, "Well, that definitely suits Kuwabara. He is always calling himself the Great Kazuma Kuwabara when he really isn't that great."

"Well, at least I try, Urameshi!" protested Kuwabara, and the two friends got into another argument over whether or not Kuwabara was as great as he thought he was. While they were arguing, Hiei had flitted off to who knows where and Kurama knelt by Hiro to help heal her. Hiro pulled out some bandages from her mini-backpack and began to bandage up all of her minor wounds. Meanwhile, Kurama inspected her wound and cleaned it out. (A/N: I don't believe that Kurama has healing powers persay, but I do believe that he can speed up the healing process). When Kurama finished treating the wound, Hiro bandaged it up and attempted to stand on her feet. Pain seized her right leg, and she stumbled. Quickly grabbing a nearby branch, Hiro managed to put all of her weight on her left leg while searching for a makeshift crutch.

Listening to the argument going on between Yusuke and Kuwabara, Kurama sweatdropped and suggested, "Perhaps we should stop for lunch while Hiro is getting used to her new `condition'"

The two friends replied, "Alright," and went right back to their argument. Hiro, unable to find a makeshift crutch, sat down on a rock and contemplated her problem for a minute or two. Hiei flitted back to the group and asked, "Are we going to move on yet?"

Hiro sighed and said, "Yes, we'll probably move on after we eat lunch and I find a makeshift crutch."

Hiei snorted his contempt for delaying the end of the mission and replied, "Well, then I should probably go hunt."

Hiro looked up at him and answered, "I don't think that we need to hunt. I saved some leftovers of meat from breakfast. We caught way too many rabbits." As she was saying this, Hiro pulled out some packets wrapped in white paper from her mini-backpack (A/N: How does she fit all of that stuff in it?). Tossing them to Kurama, Hiro said to Hiei, "Now, if you would be so kind as to help me search for a makeshift crutch, I'm sure we will make much faster progress."

Hiei looked at Hiro as though she was crazy and asked, "How am I supposed to help you find a makeshift crutch? If you can't find one around here, then you are just way too picky to use the term makeshift."

"Help support my weight while I do the actual searching." Reluctantly, Hiei allowed Hiro to support her weight slightly on his shoulder and they walked through the forest while Hiro searched for a makeshift crutch. While they were searching, Hiei decided to ask a few questions that were bugging him. "You mentioned that there was a previous Mistress of Wolves; What happened to her?"

Hiro, her eyes never leaving the quest for a crutch, replied, "I know that she's dead now, but I have no clue as to how she died. All I know about her is what's required in order to be the Mistress of Wolves."

"Were you born the Mistress of Wolves?"

"No, I gained the knowledge and powers when I was about age five. I've kept it a secret from everyone for all of my life. The fact that I often pose as a guy also helps keep the secret because it's a requirement to be a lady in order to be the Mistress of Wolves. Additionally, so that you don't ask, I was never and probably never will be related to the previous Mistress of Wolves. Ah, here's a good makeshift crutch." Hiro found her makeshift crutch just as the two beings smelled the scent of cooked rabbit.


Feith: That seems like a good place to stop.

Jo: Okey-dokie, I believe that you have gone off the edge Feith. What did you explain in this one?

Feith: I explained a little bit more. Alright, I know in one of the previous chapters I stated that Koenma would be in the next chapter and well, obviously, he wasn't. So, I shall keep that promise for the next chapter because they will make it to the Vale of Wolves.

Jo: Unfortunately for you, the reader(s), Feith shall not post the next chapter until she sees at least one more review. The more reviews, the more likely she is to update. So, review!