Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ Meeting with Koenma ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Yo! I would like to thank Minerva and SeaMyth for their reviews. I forgot to do it last chapter. I'm so sorry guys! Will you ever forgive me? *puppy eyes*

Jo: No they never will because you forgot about them.

Feith: Jo! Please do not say any nasty things about me because you are an extension of me and I cannot insult myself.

Jo: You have very few unknown readers.

Feith: Jo, just do the disclaimer.

Jo: Feith doesn't own YuYu Hakusho and if you haven't figured that out by now, then I believe that you believe that Kuwabara is smart.

Kuwabara: I am smart and are you sure that she doesn't own YuYu Hakusho?

Jo: I rest my case.


Alrighty, now where did we leave off? I know, when we last left our heroes, Hiro had found a makeshift crutch and the rabbits were finished cooking. Yusuke and Kuwabara were arguing over whether or not Kuwabara is an egotist, and Hiei was with Hiro. Okies, I think that that counts as a summary. I'm gonna go and skip on straight to the meeting with Koenma. Here's what the five travelers did between where we left off and now: they ate lunch; they continued traveling.

~Kurama's POV~

As we approached what Hiro called the Vale of Wolves, Yoko recognized it as the place where he first met Sevra.

~Kurama's Flashback~

I had just found our latest item stolen right from under my nose. Fortunately, I smelled the thief's scent and followed it to a clearing in the forest with a cave. There, right by the entrance of the cave, stood the owner of the scent holding out the item, a jeweled necklace made of pure gold. The owner was a dark grey haired lady with blue eyes that seemed to pierce straight to your inner most secret thoughts. From her general stance, I could tell that she led a hard life. I growled, "Give back the necklace, lady, and I won't have to hurt you."

She laughed and dangled it right in front of my face only to pull it away at the last minute when I reached to grab it. "Well, first I would like to see you try to hurt me more than I hurt you," she replied in a cold tone.

"Do you not know who I am? I am Yoko Kurama, the greatest thief in all three worlds," I retorted.

"Well, for the greatest thief in all three worlds, you sure do have sucky security system. Anyways, I believe that you of all creatures should understand that it's whoever ends up with the item that keeps it," she taunted. That was it; I wasn't going to stand anymore of this mockery. I lunged and grabbed the necklace. She gave it up without a fight. How strange. I didn't quite understand until I inspected it more closely. What I had in my hands was nothing more than a fake of what I had stolen.

I growled again, "I told you to hand over the necklace, lady."

She laughed again, "I gave you the necklace that you were referring to, didn't I?"

"No, you gave me a copy of the necklace."

"Ahh, but you wanted the necklace that I had in my hands, did you not?"

"No, I want the necklace that you stole from me."

She shrugged and turned into the cave. I followed her to see that she actually was working with someone else on this particular crime. There in the middle of the cave sat seven large wolves. A black one wore the necklace around its neck as a collar. I lunged for the wolf just as the lady punched me on the chin. "No one touches my family, got that Mr. Great Thief."

I couldn't help it; I laughed aloud. No one had ever called me Mr. Great Thief while threatening me. She glared at me when I asked, "So, what's your name, lady?"

"I have no name, just an identity."

"Well, then what's that?"

"I'm the Mistress of Wolves."

The Mistress of Wolves? The one creature in all of Makai that actually cut off our steady supply of humans? And she stood before me? I just couldn't believe my ears. How could the Mistress of Wolves be standing in front of me when everyone in Makai knew that she died in childbirth twenty years earlier? I told her so. She then snapped, "Like it or not, I'm the child that killed off the Mistress of Wolves and I remain that creature."

~End of Flashback~

~Regular POV~

The five travelers entered the clearing and saw Koenma standing in front of the cave in his teen form. For some odd reason, this seemed to anger Hiro. "What are you doing in MY territory, you overdressed high-class slut?"

"I am here to greet the Mistress of Wolves, you low-classed, pea brained idiot!"

"Well, I am the Mistress of Wolves, and you can't have much redundancy in your insults; a pea brained idiot is a redundant insult."

Koenma glared at her and retorted, "I am Lord Koenma, ruler of Reikai."

"I don't care if you are the reincarnation of the very first Mistress of Wolves. You are in my territory without me or my permission."

"Look, I'm just here to inform the Mistress of Wolves on what's going on, and why we summoned her to help out the Reikai Tantei."

"A tunnel has opened between Makai and Ningenkai that will allow ningens to enter Makai. I already know about it and I accept my duty."

This surprised Koenma and he looked at Hiro more closely. He seemed to realize that Hiro actually looked quite pretty for someone who didn't really care how she looked. "Well, do you know who's doing it?"

"No, but I can find out rather easily."

"How can you do that?"

"Easy, by using an artifact that Sevra stole years ago," Hiro replied as she was walking into the cave. Koenma followed her and saw her get a knife. As she touched the unsheathed blade of the knife, Hiro got a faraway look in her eyes as though she could see right through the walls of the cave. When she came back to the real world, Hiro said, "The culprit is Senirp." (A/N: Yeah, I thought about this and I decided that I'll go through all of the extra effort of giving the characters I named personalities.)


Feith: The most evil of songs is coming up in the next chappie, but since SSHM insists that I update really soon, I shall update. Additionally, I would like to recommend The Songstress as a good fanfic to read.

Jo: Now, review or I shall sic little cute furry objects on you.

Feith: And you think that I stink at threatening people. I think that we'll get absolutely no reviews for this chappie with that horrible threat. So, review to prove me wrong!