Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ Pointless Chapter ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Alright, here's another chappie of RLAOTBH! ^_^

Hiei: Feith, why are you smiling?

Feith: `Cuz I'm gonna torture Yusuke and Kuwabara in this one with the worst torture known to SeaMyth.

Hiei: *sweatdrop* And what's that?

Feith: Ask Jo

Hiei: What's that, Jo?

Jo: *listening to CD player and ignoring Hiei*

Hiei: *pulls headphones off Jo's ears* What is the worst torture known to SeaMyth?

Jo: Do the disclaimer and I'll tell you.

Hiei: Feith doesn't own YuYu Hakusho or any of its characters.

Jo: *whispers something in Hiei's ear*

Hiei: Okay, and she also doesn't own the song "Good Mornin'"


"Easy, by using an artifact that Sevra stole years ago," Hiro replied as she was walking into the cave. Koenma followed her and saw her get a knife. As she touched the unsheathed blade of the knife, Hiro got a faraway look in her eyes as though she could see right through the walls of the cave. When she came back to the real world, Hiro said, "The culprit is Senirp."


"But, why would Senirp want to open a portal between Makai and Ningenkai?" protested Koenma.

Hiro shrugged and answered, "Well, she did and that's all there is to it. Now, leave my territory before I kick you out!" Koenma left, knowing that he would only get into deeper trouble with the Mistress of Wolves by staying. Hiro left the cave and said to the Reikai Tantei members, "Well, it's getting late. Perhaps we should stay here for the night?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara greeted this suggestion with much appraisal. Kurama preferred not to stay due to the fact that there were too many memories here to torture him. Hiei showed no preference over whether or not they stayed. After the five travelers ate supper, Yusuke groaned, "Man, if the girls were here we could play truth or dare or something like that."

Before Hiro could express her disapproval, Feith suddenly appeared out of nowhere with Boton, Shizuru, and Keiko. She then left leaving the three girls behind (A/N: I couldn't help myself; it was too good of an opportunity to turn down). When Hiro finished explaining what had happened to the three ladies, the now group of eight settled down to play truth or dare (A/N: I know that I'm not being real original here, but I've got to give Hiro a reason to torture Yusuke and Kuwabara with the worst torture known to SeaMyth). Yusuke spun a bottle and it landed on Kurama. Yusuke then asked, "Kurama, truth or dare?"

Kurama, being the precautious being that he is, answered, "Truth."

"Alright, what is the one time that you were the most OOC in general?"

~Flashback time~

~Kurama's POV~

(A/N: This is a really good story that I made up on the spur of the moment. I think I already stated that Kurama is going to be OOC, but if not, there's your warning.) Stupid drama class, we have to present a stupid romantic play. It had to consist of mainly girls that were in my stupid fanclub. Luckily, Hiro was in the class too; otherwise I would probably end up just only being polite. We were walking to her house to work on deciding which part we wanted to play. When we arrived, Hiro whipped up a snack and joked, "Stuck up, you're probably going to end up with the leading male role, so why don't you just go ahead and memorize those lines?"

I replied, "I'll only try out for it if you play the leading female role."

"Sheesh, you know as well as I do, I don't do romantic women. I specialize in breaking up those moments. Just ask Kyoko."

The next day everyone tried out for the male roles. I got the leading one. When we studied together at my house that afternoon, I went down on my knees and begged, "Please, Hiro, try out for the leading female role. I'll do anything."

She flipped a page in the book she was reading and answered, "Let's see. I'll do it if you help me break up Kyoko's date tonight and help me plant some honeysuckle in my garden."

"What you're not going to ask for any reasons? That is very un-Hiro-like of you, Hiro."

"Hmm, well, I figure that you're going to say the same reasons that you did last time you got stuck in the male leading role of the romantic play of the year: `you won't take anything I do as a hint at something more,'" she responded from behind the book.

"What if I also said that I wouldn't mind if you did?"

"I'd say you are going way too far in this relationship. I ain't looking for a boyfriend, stuck up, and I don't plan on searching for one anytime soon. I have enough trouble keeping your fangirls from mauling me everyday."

"Yeah, but they may not maul you everyday if you accept."

"No, they'll maul me every hour and in my sleep, the selfish little creatures."

~End of Flashback~

~Third Person POV~

"…And that was the only time that I've ever begged someone to do anything," answered Kurama. He then spun the bottle, and it landed on Keiko. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," responded Keiko. Kurama thought for a second or two before deciding on a proper dare (A/N: Well, actually I whispered it in his ear *gets hit by random flying object* Kurama! alright, alright, but you got the idea from hanging around me).

"I dare you to pretend that you prefer Kuwabara over Yusuke until Feith takes you back home."

Keiko then hugged Kuwabara (*Feith gets pounded by rabid KeikoxYusuke fans*) and cooed, "Oh, Kuwabara, you're not an egotist at all. You really are as great as you say you are." Hiro raised one eyebrow at Kurama for this particular dare. After finishing her initial performance, Keiko spun the bottle and it landed on Hiei, "Hiei, Truth or Dare?"

Hiei looked startled at that fact that the bottle landed on him and answered, "Dare."

"Alright, I dare you to do the Chicken Dance!" (A/N: Muahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!! I am making Hiei do the chicken dance!!!!!!!)

"Hn, and if I refuse?"

"Then you have to kiss the almighty Kuwabara!"

Kuwabara's expression was a priceless mixture of fear and shock and all sorts of other emotions. He didn't want to kiss Hiei, but Hiei attempted to save himself by stating, "The reason I asked is because I don't know how to do the chicken dance."

Hiro jumped up all excitedly and said, "Oh, I can teach you how to do it and I'll do it with you to save you all of the embarrassment." Hiro then performed one round of the chicken dance. In the background, Feith began the music for the chicken dance. Hiei then wore his worst scowl and performed the chicken dance with Hiro. Then he spun the bottle and it landed on Kuwabara.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth because I don't trust you with dares."

"What is the most intelligent thought that you've ever had run through your brain?"

"Uhh, I don't know." Kuwabara spun it and it landed on Hiro.

You know the way and if you don't then you are probably what Jo said, so I'm not going to type it up again.

"Dare me!"

"Alright, I dare you to wear the most girly outfit that we have with us." Suddenly, SSHM appeared with a long flowing white dress that complimented any lady's figure. Hiro looked surprised at this appearance of one of Feith's friends, but she took the outfit, walked into the cave, and walked out of the cave wearing it. While all of the guys (except for Kuwabara, it still hadn't quite sunk in that Hiro was a girl to him) gaped at Hiro, Hiro glared at Kuwabara swearing in her mind that she would take her revenge. You know the routine. It landed on Boton.


"Do you really like Koenma?"

Boton blushed a deep scarlet and mumbled something under her breath. Hiro smiled and said, "I'll take that as a yes." The bottle spun and it landed on Shizuru.


"I dare you to *whispers something in ear*"

"Okaaay, Boton, but I was actually thinking that that was a pretty good one. Oh well, I hereby state that Keiko is released from her bondage of the dare that Kurama gave her."

Both Feith and SSHM appeared saying, "It's time for the girls to go home."


Feith sighed and replied, "Because I ran out of truths and dares, well, except for one, but it can't happen right now. I'll have to save it for later." Then Feith and SSHM disappeared taking the girls with them.

~The Next Morning~

Hiro decided to take her revenge on Kuwabara by using the worst torture known to SeaMyth. Leaning really close to his ear, Hiro inhaled deeply and sang, "Good Mornin'" (A/N: That's like the most annoying song according to SeaMyth. If I ever want to torture her, then I just sing it.)


Feith: Hahahah, this chapter had no point except for your pure entertainment. I'll have to post "Yet Another Explanation" sometime tomorrow or today, but who cares.

SSHM: Yay! Fern-chan, I thought that you wouldn't put me in the story when you got to make an appearance.

Jo: Feith can only make an appearance if the chapter has absolutely no point to it whatsoever.

SSHM: *hits Feith on head* I didn't like my appearance though!

Hiei: Now, we know why you actually don't mind me.

Feith: @_@ Review please.