Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thirteen Fates 1: Siren's Song ❯ It CAN'T get any worse ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Kazuma?"Yukina looked up at Kuwabara,"Do you think the others are ok?"

"Knowing Urameshi, they're fine."Kuwabara sliced up a few arrows,"Besides, Hiei will slice up anything that gets in his way."

"Unless it's a hydra."Yukina muttered.


"Nothing..........."Yukina froze a few demons as they came running at the duo and let Kuwabara slice them up,'Serena, where are you?'


"Seren."Yukina muttered.

"You know alot about Seren, don't you?"Kuwabara looked at the blue haired demoness.

"Yeah,"Yukina looked at her pendant,"he's been the closest thing I've had to a brother for a long time."

Kuwabara's face fell slightly,"What about your real brother?"

"I know he's there, and he'll watch over me, but Seren, I can trust him with anything. He was there for me when my mother killed herself."Yukina brushed a strand of hair out of her face,'If only I could tell Kazuma that HE is a SHE.'

"Your mother killed herself?"Kuwabara stopped short,"I had no idea......."

"It's ok."Yukina smiled,"It was a long time ago, besides, I doubt she'd like what's happened to to me, Seren, and my brother."


"We live in the human world, surrounded by insane ningens, no offense, and everything seems to just be falling apart and building itself up in different ways over and over again."

"Uh huh."Kuwabara just nodded,"But you're happy, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Then that's what matters. Your happiness is all that matters."

"Thanks, Kazuma."

"No problem."Kuwabara began blushing again.

Suddenly several large, green demons came charging at them.

Back with Mohroh and Kurama

"This way, I think I hear something."Mohroh turned a corner to see the body of a hydra laying in front of them,"AH!"

"Mohroh, it's dead."Kurama rolled his eyes,"I'd forgotten you were terrified of hydras."

"There you are!"Serena ran up to them,"Where are Kuwabara and Yukina?"

"We got separated from them."Kurama explained.

"Yuo mean they're still in the maze?!"Hiei snapped,"You left that lummox with my sister?!"

Serena brough her fist down on Hiei's head,"Shut up, shorty, I'm not in the mood to kill you right now."

"Besides, it's not like we had a choice!"Mohroh snapped, edging away from the hydra body.

"You're worse than Hiei!"Serena slapped her forehead and kicked the hydra body,"You're scared of a damn overgrown lizard with three heads!"

"Three very nasty heads."Hiei pointed out.

Serena hit Hiei again,"Shut up."

"Seren and I will go after Yukina and stupid."Mohroh said quickly.

"Why you two?"Yusuke asked.

"Because they're the best trackers in Makai."Kurama said simply,"They'll be able to find Yukina and Kuwabara."

Serena and Mohroh nodded. The two turned back to the maze.

"Good luck."Kurama said quickly.

"Thanks, Kurachi."Serena turned back to him for a moment then took off down the maze.

"I'm not even going to ask."Yusuke sighed.

In the human world

"Hey, Keiko."Botan ran up behind Keiko.

"Hi Botan, any word from Yusuke?"Keiko stopped and turned to the grim reaper.

"None yet, and that Seren guy makes me nervous."the two girls began to walk down the street.

"You're not the only one, there's just something weird about him."Keiko looked at the bag in her hands,"I just hope Yusuke and the others are ok."

"Knowing them, they're fine."Botan rolled her eyes skyward.

"I wish I could say the same for you."the two girls turned to see two large, cat demons standing behind them,"Lord Marinak wishes to see you."

"Oh shit."Keiko very uncharacteristicly (Meghan:Oh, you can write long words now?) (Shut up) hissed.

"But I'm up for some fun first."one of the cats muttered.

"Double shit."Botan added.

Back with Mohroh and Serena

"Will you PLEASE take that cloak off."Mohroh muttered,"It's driving me crazy."

"Fine."Serena cloak glowed slightly, then vanished. Even without the cloak, it took a little work to realize Serena was a girl. Her ankle-length black and white hair was held back in a loose pony-tail and swung over her shoulder. She wore a pair of baggy, white pants and a loose black top with the sleeves torn off. Mohroh also noted her daughter's black and white tails, all thirteen of them.

"God, you really do look like Kuronoue."Mohroh sighed,"How the hell can you STAND have hair that long?"

"It doubles as a whip."Serena smirked,"Besides, I can't control how long it is. Hiei chopped it off in a fight a few years ago and it grew back the next day. Do you hear that?"

"Here what?"Mohroh looked at her teen daughter.

"It sounds like someone is singing."Serena's ears perked,"No, it sounds like a siren."

Kuwabara and Yukina

Yukina jumped another hole and froze up a few more demons,"Ugh! They won't stop coming!"

"Where the hell are they coming from?"Kuwabara sliced up a few more demons.

"AAAH!"a demon suddenly came and brought a sharp dagger down on Yukina, leaving a gaping wound on the ice demon's right shoulders.

"Yukina!"Kuwabara caught her before she could hit the ground,"BASTARD!!!!!" He turned his rage on the demon that had attacked her.

Back with Serena and Mohroh


"Ok, now THAT I heard."Mohroh snapped, taking off down a corridor,"This way."

"Duh."Serena took off after her mother,"I smell blood..........Yukina!"

They turned another corner to see Kuwabara cradling an injured Yukina.

"What the hell happened?"Serena snapped, falling to her knees in front of them.

"Big, ugly demon."Mohroh pointed to a large, green demon with several unnecesary holes and cuts all over it.

"Uh huh."Serena turned back to the injured Yukina,"Well, it missed her heart, but not by much, that thing had good aim."

""I was being careless!"Kuwabara almost punched himself, if Serena's hand handn't gotten in the way.

"Shut up, Kuwabara."Serena snapped,"Yukina will be fine. She's been through worse."

"Name once."Yukina said weakly, regaining consciousness.

"When Hina killed herself, when I accidentally stabbed you with my staff, when I cut your arm off."Serena smirked.

"Ok, ok, I get it."Yukina said weakly,"But it hurts like hell."

"What in life doesn't."Serena muttered,"Mohroh, Kuwabara, get back to the others. I'll take care of Yukina."

"But....."Kuwabara began, but was cut of by Mohroh's fist.

"We're going."Mohroh said simply.

"Fine."Kuwabara handed the injured demon (GOD!!! I keep wanting to call Yukina a young girl, or something like that and she's NOT!!!! UGH) to Serena and followed Mohroh,"Take care of her."

"He's an idiot."Serena muttered, putting a gentle hand to Yukina's wound, making her flinch,"Ugh, take off your kimono, I think the blade snapped in your shoulder."

"Great."Yukina muttered weakly, slipping her kimono out of the way so Serena could see her wound better,"Ouch."

"Sorry."Serena gently paced two fingers in the wound again,"Ugh, your blood's gonna make me faint, and I was right, there's a piece of the dagger in your shoulder. I can't reach it, you need a doctor."

"Ugh."Yukina groaned, flinching as Serena made one last effort to reach the piece of the daggerd, with little luck.

Serena brought her leg up and tore her pants off up to the knee,"This is going to sting like hell, just to warn you."

"Thanks for the warning."Yukina hissed as her 'would be sister' began wrapping the piece of cloth around her chest and shouler.

Serena ended up having to rip her other pant leg off to stop the bleeding,"God, what are you, a walking blood bank?"

"What's a blood bank?"Yukina asked as Serena picked her up.

"I'll explain later, we need to get back to the others."Serena began running through the maze.