Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thirteen Fates 1: Siren's Song ❯ My Brother's Keeper ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"What did you want to talk about?"Yukina asked when Serena finally stopped next to a large lake.

"Your brother."Serena sat down on a large rock nd pulled off her hood, finally letting her feminine voice return,"What would you want him to be like?"

"Well,"Yukina looked at the calm water,"it's crazy, but, I'd want him to be like Hiei."

Serena started,"Hiei? Stubbron, rude, crude, arrogant, short tempered, Hiei?"

Yukina nodded,"I don't know why. I see the respect he holds for you, he sees you like a sister, a trouble making, rock headed sister, but a sister none the less. That's all I really want in a brother, I'm kinda used to being without him, but, I just ant to know he's ok."

Serena nodded,"Yeah, he has a problem showing people he cares, but, he is the closest thing I have to an older brother, and you, you're the little sister I never had. For the longest time you and Hiei were the only people I could count on."

"Have you had any luck finding my brother?"Yukina finally asked.

"Well................."Serena gave a Kuronoue smirk,"yes. I know exactly where he is."

Yukina's heart raced, and, in the trees Hiei's heart, which had already taken a sizable beating from the last few things his sister had said, stopped, making Kurama and Mohroh smirk. Yukina stared at Serena,"Where is he? Is he ok? Does he know about me? Can I meet him?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, one question at a time, ice girl."Serena laughed, knowing how terrified Hiei was at the moment,"First, you'll see, second, he's just fine, third, yes, he knows about you, and fourth, you've already met him."With that the wolf demon stood up and raced into the trees.

"What the?"Yukina looked after her friend, then returned to gazing into the crystal pool. She, expecting to see her own face, was suprised to see a different picture. She was standing between Hiei and Serena, next to Serena stood Kurama, with his arm draped over her shoulders. Behind them stood Hina, Mohroh, Yusuke, with has arm wrapped around Keiko, Kuwabara, with his hands resting on Yukina's shoulders, and a man she guessed must have been Kuronoue stood.

Serena stopped right in front of Hiei, who had a 'I-Swear-I'll-kill-you-you-damn-Lupine-bitch-if-it's-the-last-thing-I-do--- -------after-I-talk-to-Yukina-thank-you-so-much' look on his face. Behind him Kurama and Mohorh were fighting to keep from breaking down laughing.

"Well, get going."Serena said simply, shoving the already agitated fire demon into the clearing.

'I swear I'll kill that little brat if it's the last thing I do.'Hiei mentally snarled coming to a halt behind Yukina,"They say this pool is supposed to show your heart's deepest desires."

Yukina jumped in suprise,"Hiei, you scared me."She glanced back at the pool,"What do you see in it?"

Hiei walked up next to her nad looked in the pool. What he saw suprised even him, himself, standing by Yukina, a protective arm around her. Next to him stood a laughing Kurama, with Serena standing behind him, head rested on his shoulder. Next to Yukina stood the woman he guessed was their mother, Hina. Of course he really started to worry when Kuwabara appeared as well, arms wrapped around Yukina. 'Ok, what the hell's wrong with this thing? I HATE Kuwabara, what's he doin' with his arms around MY sister.'

'It's your wish for Yukina to be happy.'a voice, more like two, sounding disturbingly like Kurama and Serena, said flatly,'Yukina is your world.'

'Oh, gods, get OUT of my head you two!'Hiei practically screamed.

"Serena wasn't kidding when she said you hate talking."Yukina mused.

Hiei snapped back to reality,"That wolf's got a big mouth."

"Yeah, but she's always there when you need her."Yukina looked back at the pool.

"Yukina, I need to tell you something."Hiei looked back to the trees one last time to see Mohroh, Kurama, and Serena urging him on,"It's about your brother."

Yukina's heart stopped, expecting him to say something terrible,"What?"

"...............................I. Am. Your. Brother."Hiei finally managed to choke out.

Yukina went wide eyed,'Serena said I'd met him before.......Oh my god this is the greatest!!!!!! Please don't let it be a dream, please, please, please!!!!'

"Are you just going to stand there?"Serena muttered from the trees.

Yukina finally snapped back to reality and looked at Hiei in shock,"This better not be a joke."

Hiei only nodded, and, much to everyone's suprise, smiled, an honest-to-goodness, brotherly, loving, smile. Yukina jumped and literally tackled Hiei to the ground in joy, making the trio in the trees laugh.

"Can't.........breathe............"Hiei was staring to turn blue, only making Serena and Mohroh laugh harder.

"Oops."Yukina loosened her grip on Hiei,"Sorry."

"God, I feel sorry for any guy who might want to date you."Hiei groaned.

"Why?"Yukina asked innocently.

"One, you've got a meaner grip than Serena, and two, I'll beat them to a pulp."Hiei snarled, finally getting the opportunity to get back to his feet,"I swear you tell ANYONE I let you hug me I'll slit your throat, now, to kill that brat that I can practically consider my sister."

"You'd better not."Yukina warned.

"Or you'll what?"Hiei hissed.

"Or she might just go out on a date with Kuwabara."Serena teased, walknig up with Kurama and Mohroh.

"Shut up."Hiei snorted,"This doesn't get out to ANYONE, understood?"

"Not even Yusuke?"Kurama asked innocently.

"Kurama."Hiei snarled.

"Let's get back to camp."Mohroh hissed.

"What's wrong?"Serena asked.

"I just think we'd better get back."Mohroh whispered,"C'mon."