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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: serendith [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 18:39 PST
I wonder if washing his clothing would help? Or could Kagome or Miroku "cleanse" him to loose him from her grasp? But then that would take him being aware of the tie in the first place ... *sigh*
 Reviewed By: GranolaBar - not signed in  On: November 29, 2004 18:35 PST
What is Kikyo going to do now? sometimes, i just don't like her.
 Title: Kagome should relax
Reviewed By: kalaong  On: November 29, 2004 16:55 PST
I was just noticing how Kagome kept on sighing to herself, "It's not my baby, it's Miroku and Sango's". She should give herself a break. It's not like she'll never see it again. She'll still be Miroku and Sango's friend. It's not like they'll just pull it out of her and kick her out. They would want her to be a big part of the baby's life, like a godmother. I can easily see the relationship she'll have with the baby to be not all that different from the one she would have with one that Sango carried. She'd still get to be Auntie Kagome. And Inuyasha should relax too-he'd still get to be the overprotective oafish heart of the group he's always been. And I just bet that the first thing that baby grabs will be those mutton-chop ponytails of his-mark my words! I can just see it! P.S. Have you ever read 'The Lucky Ones', by Terri Botta? How Kagome induced lactation by letting Yukio suckle her for a few days? Sango could do the same and nurse the baby herself.
 Title: Who was expecting that?!
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate (but it *says* I'm signed in....) [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 16:30 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
hmmm, who expected that?! I guess I can see where those who hate Hisadaicho are coming from... but I still adore her. I think that Kikyou deserves a moment of silence. Even the Kikyou-haters must admit, she died well and saved InuYasha. And Kagome. How can you hate her for that? Especially since we know in Sueric's stories that InuYasha will get his Kagome. So, the powder was on the sleeve InuYasha foolishly dried his face with-- is it affecting him just cause it touched his skin? No, that wouldn't make sense... did he get it into his eyes or maybe lick it off of his lips? And the powder itself, it causes the victim to dream of the person his soul most desires AND when they see Hisadaicho, they don't see her, they see the person their soul most desires...right? Wow, that's some Pretty Powerful Powder! Now, I wonder if there's a way to get rid of the effects of the powder...not that I expect that one to be answered, lol. I really loved the end of this chapter. That was such a sweet Inu/Kags moment, especially appreciated now that we are mired in all this angst! You never cease to amaze me Sueric! I cannot WAIT to see how you're going to torture everyone next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 16:23 PST
ouuu, getting tomorrows chapter today! It's like that one show that used to be on Saturday nights, I think, where the guy got the newspaper a day before it came out and he had to go around helping people... so yea, kinda like that, haha. What was that show called? Early Edition is kinda ringing in my ear but who knows... it was probably called something completely different than that.. like tomorrow's news paper today. Yep! Im a dork! And WTF mate, why is MM.org signing me in again> There must be a problem with other people signing in so now it signs me in to compensate for the loss of other people's not signing ins. hmm. Poor Kikyou, always has to die. And she was even nice and all. I definitly thought that Houjo was going to get an ass beating for hugging Kagome; maybe that will be for later chapters when Inuyasha is back to his normal self, te he he. la la la, look at the great mood I'm in from reading your stories, hehehe. For some reason I just feel like chanting "toga, toga, toga." Must be a carry over from the other story. la la la. If I wish hard enough will we get the day after tomorrows chapter today too? I'll go test it out! bye bye and take care! ---Aitu
 Reviewed By: BloodyKitsune(Not signing in.... lazyness...)  On: November 29, 2004 16:18 PST
Gah.... you keep making me want to see the people die in this fic.... Hisadaicho, Miroku, Sango, Kagome....... stop torturing Inuyasha!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Prsnr24601-FFICsimon  On: November 29, 2004 13:47 PST
Hisadaicho's plan seems a bit scattered and complex. Although that maybe just the resourceful and creative mess that is your brain. These things tend to end up making total sense in the end and make the reader feel like a complete and total idiot for not seeing it sooner. But that what all the good stories do. By the by, SATIN is a textile, SATAN is the devil. Sorry, one too many years in catholic school causes you to get fucking nitpicky about any theologic references. Puta madre no baka habit. I don't even know if that was intentional or not. In any case this plot is thinking quite well, because any event where Kikyo shows up when Kagome has just stepped out can never end well.
 Reviewed By: Tarzan from fanfic.net  On: November 29, 2004 13:27 PST
o no! how can Hisadaicho see Inuyasha's dream? and uhoh Kagome is gonna see Kikyou with Inuyasha. this can't b good
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild (damn I'm good)  On: November 29, 2004 13:23 PST
Ahhh yes, after all these chapters of teasing...we finally find out: Yes Inu-Yasha's dreams *did* have something to do with Hisadaicho. Goody, I love being right. Anywhooo...That Hisadaicho's got some fucking balls on her, though. Trying to make deals with Kikyo??? I don't know, maybe it *did* work. Was it my mistake or was Kikyo just a tiny bit tempted? Heh. I look forward to a return to hating Kikyo. Sorry, I'm not a Kikyo Sympathisor, although your stories have definately made me feel guilty for that. :P
 Title: Ahh! No more?
Reviewed By: IfICouldMarryInuyashaIWould (never signs in)  On: November 29, 2004 12:09 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Maaaaaaaaaaan, don't leave me hanging like that! I crave the sustenance of another Sueric update! Keep it coming. Hisadaicho is SO SO SO evil. I hate her! And what's happening to Inuyasha is heinous, I feel so badly for him! It's not his fault, it's the damn dust, STOP TORTURING HIM SUERIC, or so help me God, I'll... I'll keep reading until you do! That's my final offer! When will this madness end? It's so MEAN, but you're a genuis, so stick with it! NOT the torture, but the story. Poor kid, the longer you keep torturing him, the less fluff I get, and the less fluff I get, the crankier I am. PLEEEEEEASE??!! ~I.I.C.M.I.I.W.
 Reviewed By: IfICouldMarryInuyasha  On: November 29, 2004 12:02 PST
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion - not signed in  On: November 29, 2004 10:56 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
:slaps forehead: What was I thinking? Of course Kagome doesn't hold grudges and will forgive InuYasha almost anything. Including numerous occurances of his 'foot in mouth' disease. Poor InuYasha, he's afraid to sleep anywhere near her. ----And about the powder; yesss, he washed it off...but not before he sniffed it!! I think that's all it takes. And now Hisadaicho knows. She may not know 'how' but that's inconsequential. That spells nothing but more trouble (and unpeaceful sleep) for our puppy-boy. ----I love how you portray Kikyou. She is NOT evil (as so many 'Adult Swim Victims' are want to think) and still does much good for others. I think she can be forgiven for any feelings she still has for InuYasha because that's part of who she is. Once she understood fully the circumstances of her betrayal/death, she stopped wanting to 'drag him to hell with her' and began her own assault on the heinous Naraku. I have deep sympathy for this unfortunate young woman who didn't deserve her fate. --Warning to all 'Kikyou Bashers' out there: I Bite!! ----Let's hope that Kagome isn't too fast on returning. Inu has enough to deal with without a jealous Kagome catching him with Kikyou...again. ---Great chapter.
 Title: oooh, Hisa!!!
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 10:32 PST
What is the she-devil up to now? LoL, maybe she's creating her own 'satin dance'... ^_~ and why do I have the sneaking suspision that Kikyou running straight to InuYasha from her encounter with Hisadaicho will turn out to be a really bad idea? What will Kagome say if she sees Kikyou? Oh, the angst!!
 Reviewed By: Prsnr24601-FFICsimon  On: November 29, 2004 10:08 PST
Your stories are a constant source of entertainment. However your reviews are what really keep me in stitches. Especially your responses to the flames. Human stupidity never ceases to make me laugh and I feel you must thank your children, because you are able to take their bloody childish comments, and throw it back in their faces with your clear stated and well deserved air of mental superiority, without sounding just as immature as them or any other writer who is berated. Your quips rival that of Denis Leary (only with less cursing) and that is one of my favorite traits that I look for when reading your reviews. Aside from the fact that you are correct in the age reqiurement for your stories because minds under 17, as well as a few over, have very limited comprehension levels, and should not try to damage what little intellegence they have. Arigato por la bueno cuento Sue-dono. Continue on your pathway and crush whatever chibi puta madre no bakas that get in your way.
 Reviewed By: Prsnr24601-FFICsimon  On: November 29, 2004 09:53 PST
WOW. That's about all I can say. There is nothing worse than that kind of slap in the face. I dont think our dear hero will be getting off the couch anytime soon. But at least he knows (I think)that she does want him too. I once read a fic that had this particular scenario as its conflict, however Inuyasha really WAS unaware of what he had done. Just so you're aware, this is NOT an accusation, merely a statement. The writer was a bit mediocre in the development but overall the story ended fairly adequately. I am more than sure your story will twist into an amazing piece as always, mainly because this is just a minor crisis event in the central plot. I am completely amazed on how your story is progressing, your talent never seems to depleat. One last thing, I know it will be a long eight months, but will it be a LONG eight months? Keep up the good work!
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