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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: Thornwitch  On: November 29, 2004 09:43 PST
Hey. I just realized that Kagome's baby will be the biological child of two excessively powerful human er, mystics (holy powered people?)we know Miroku is more powerful than Kaede, and of course Kag is a super strong Miko like her presecessor. So does that mean we're gonna get to see super miko baby?
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 09:29 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
You have to chuckle at Kagome's thoughts on how Goraishi on Kouga reminds her of Freddy Krueger, my thoughts went along the lines of "Edward Scissor Hands". 0.o; I wanted to comment before hand on how many disagreements and mixed feelings you've received on how you delivered the plot. I think this is original (Though I've never read another like this…), so my judgments aren't so clouded, but I think you've done an excellent job so far and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Don't let the simpletons get to you! Your work, your story, your views, your writing. This belongs to no one else, but you! Thank you for sharing with us; we don't deserve your devotion! (Sorry for the lack of reviews on my behalf, I have been reading and keeping up with the updates, but my time is limited right now. Work is crazy now Christmas late night shopping has started, not to mention the amount of abandoned animals this time of year…So they need all hands on deck here at the animal shelter.) Oh, and why do I get the feeling that was meant to be a cliffhanger? Oh, now I can't wait for the follow up!
 Reviewed By: cjflutterbye [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 09:03 PST
Inuyasha must be exhausted, all these months, and those dreams every night, I'm surprised he hasn't been even snappier than normal. Hisadaicho is real evil, how can she deny that she's evil to Kikyou? I trust that Kikyou is just going to warn Inuyasha and maybe even Kagome, but I imagine that something will be misunderstood, as it always seems to be because they refuse to tell each other exactly how they feel about anything - and Kagome will jump to some wrong conclusion… agghh… see now, I'm over thinking all that foreshadowing that you are doing… ***sigh***
 Reviewed By: ixchen [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2004 07:25 PST
wowo.it's getting really interesting now.. till next time.
 Title: Metamorphosis
Reviewed By: Queen of Hearts  On: November 29, 2004 06:55 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LMAO!!! I just about died when I Kag pounced Inu with her mood swings! *wipes tears of laughter* Poor Inuyasha... eight more months of madness... stupid Kouga too... I agree with Inuyasha on that one ^___^ love your writing as always Sue!
 Reviewed By: laptawenzell (not logged in)  On: November 29, 2004 05:51 PST
Ah ha! Many chapters of angst for my post Thanksgiving reading pleasure. Thank you. I don't usually read so much angst but I have complete faith in your ability to make everything wonderful in the end. Oooh the suffering in the meantime though. Ouch. Love your writing. Feel sorry for your characters, heh (though I'm pretty sure they'll end up happy). Thanks for the great chapters!
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion (big Inu fan & 37 yrs old) not signed in  On: November 29, 2004 02:11 PST
Wow, InuYasha's dreams are getting worse, (six months worth of build-up) and then he did the proverbial 'foot in mouth' - totally alienating Kagome. What was that dust in the cave anyway, a powdered form of Pheromones? That would explain a lot. Mix that with his strong attraction to Kagome and the whole situation and it's not surprising that it's getting the better of him. Even for a Hanyou, all that lack of sleep is gonna catch up to him. His control was always scetchy. ---- As for Sesshoumaru letting someone 'think' that he is clueless...yes, what better or quicker way to find out what is going on? OOooh, you're good! - - As for that 'mature' flamer a few chapters back...he's out of his mind! Your portrayal of the characters is always spot on (he's probably an 'Adult Swim' victim, lord help us) and his comment of Kagome 'Prostituting' herself...does he even know the meaning of the word? Grrrr, I have no tolerence for stupidity. ----I would like to add that, as a spelling and punctuation nazi myself, I have nothing but praise for your efforts that show in your wonderfully written stories. (I still get typos, don't sweat it!) --- Hmm...will InuYasha confess to Kagome what really happened or not? I'm sure you're cackling behind your hand right now...aren't you? Go ahead, you earned it. Just keep dangling your 'carrot' and I'll keep on reading.
 Reviewed By: Ramona Grimalkit  On: November 29, 2004 01:15 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Tonight was the first time I've seen this fic, not surprising, since I haven't been reading as much as I'd like. You've weaved a masterful tale that I can't seem to stop reading. Even now, knowing that I have school in the morning, it's maybe three or four in the AM, and I'm just finishing. I love what you've done with the characters, and I have to say that Sango's plight is heart-wrenching (I have an aunt who had so much trouble having children that her second child was born twenty years after the first.) Inu's posessiveness and Kouga's denseness (sorry if you're a Kouga fan) stick very close to the manga, I appreciate that, and even though the story was set in the future, the characters are still true to themselves and their respective timelines. Please post soon, and meanwhile, I'll be on the lookout for more of your work.
 Reviewed By: fallenangel7583 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2004 23:55 PST
okay, i just finished reading the second to last chapter and suddenly there was another one. its like christmas. i just had to comment on one things. "Every time you open your fucking mouth, you're sticking something in it that don't belong there!" is there a freudian slip somwhere in that sentence linking to his 'dreams' of Kagome? ...wow...thats really random to say about food, only reason i'm asking. hehe. bakayasha! i was so glad though the way he stood up to her friends. great job.
 Reviewed By: fallenangel7583 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2004 23:41 PST
"Will you knock that off? You'll get all fat, then I won't be able to carry you. I'll have to roll you around . . . ." let me tell you, i have been working in new york city since thursday...and for anyone who has never been there, its hell on earth at most points (no offense to those who live there, but its hella nasty to commute to). THIS was so LONG NEEDED!!! i have not laughed that hard in soooo long. absolutly wonderful additions as always. baka yasha!!! grr...damn him and that mouth. someone needs to tape it shut and save us all the hassle!!!! kikyo? kikyo!!! of all the things....oi. great rendition with Kouga as well, gotta love the wolf's Perseverance. oh, the wonderful workings of sue's writting. keep it up!!!
 Reviewed By: LeeLu  On: November 28, 2004 20:19 PST
Three new chapters and I wasn't even here to read them! Stupid job gets in the way of everything! So, this was the first appearance of Kikyou, right? I can't remember. But yea, that does suck ass especially when they were getting all hot and sweaty. LOL. My mind is in the gutter at the moment. Can't wait till she has the baby!
 Reviewed By: bLuBeRRi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2004 18:46 PST
omg! this is sooooo good of a story! keep writing. U keep me on the edge of my seat. but no offense that love scene w/ that bad girl creeped me out. Maybe it's b/c she's bad...iono, not to say it wasn't a good lemon, juss creeped me out. The story is amazing, i love it, and i love u for being a great writer! keep on truckin~
 Reviewed By: cjflutterbye [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2004 18:35 PST
He says he's not mad. Where does that leave him? I'm glad he's told someone, even if it is Miroku - hopefully Miroku will not risk his life with any out of place ribbing. It's gotta be the powder - but I wonder when Inuyasha will figure that out, and I wonder if there is a cure, and what would cure that sort of poison that lasts for at least 6 months - probably longer... hum. You always keep me guessing and looking forward to the next tidbit. Opening e-mail is always such a rush - the next chapter alert is there and I get all excited - so - yeah - I probably need a life - but I'll wait until your stories are finished.
 Reviewed By: Wandrer  On: November 28, 2004 18:19 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Those Sentai Jizo things...maybe those would be a cool idea to tell Sango about to let her put them in her garden? Cause u haven't mentioned it in a while and maybe that could be the sort of closing or goodbye to her sorrow and her lost babes. The flowers do represent her memory of them, but maybe each statue could be her goodbye. Well, just a thought and it was a nice add-in to this chappie. Well I've read each of u're other stories and I must say that I loved them and thought it wa a high time I left a review lol. Good luck on the future writing and love your stories! Gemini
 Reviewed By: Nicky ( easier to get to than ff.net)  On: November 28, 2004 16:32 PST
Some friends they are. If they were my friends and they'd said something like that to me...well let's just say that there'd be some head thunmping and possibly some black eyes being passed around. Good chappie. loved the little "man to man" talk between the two... too bad Inuyasha forgot about that freaky powder cause Miroku was right on with his guessing. Well g2g but I'll be back tomorrow.
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