Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Stripper By Day, Gangsta By Night ❯ Scene 2: Act 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chii- Hey everyone and thanx for ur reviews!!! Oh and sicking Shigure on me isn't a punishment it's a present. Lol Anyway!!! I will TRY to update twice a week on weekends. So plz don't stop reading or reviewing my faithful friends and fans!!! Ashiteru!!
Act 2: Scene 2
[The next day; Akito is in her room sitting up on his futon. A knock on the door and Hatori comes in]
Hatori: You wanted to seem me Akito-san?
Akito: Yes, you're familiar with the outsider am I correct?
Hatori: Do you mean Honda-san?
Akito: [evil look in her eyes] San? Since when did you start calling that thing `san'?
Hatori: [silent] .......What is it that you wanted me for? Is it your fever?
Akito: No it's not my damn fever! I want you to look up her health background for me.
Hatori: I'm sorry but I can only look up Sohma members
Akito: Lair! All those times you've treated her? And you're telling me you got nothing on her!
Hatori: [walks over and feels her forehead]
Akito: [slaps his hand away] I told you it's not my damn fever you dumbass! Answer me!!
Hatori: I told you, I don't have anything on her.
Akito: [gets mad and slaps Hatori across the cheek] You disgust me!! You dare lie to me? I am your God!
Hatori: No...not anymore. If you've forgotten the curse has been lifted. The Zodia can leave anytime they choose. You are not `God' anymore. [turns around. Back faces Akito] I'll come back later to check up on you. [leaves the room quietly]
Akito: [grits teeth and sits up and walks over to the windowsill] Whatever, I can get that wench on my own. You'll pay for this Hatori, don't think you're off the hook yet.
[At Shigure's house. In Tohru's room]
Tohru: [sneezes]
Yuki: Bless you
Tohru: Thank you
Yuki: Maybe you should rest Honda-san.
Tohru: No I'm fine. Honest.
Yuki: But you've been sneezing all day.
Tohru: Maybe it's just someone talking about me. I feel fine. Really.
Yuki: [looks at her and then turn his attention back to the book] If you say so.
Tohru: [smiles] Thank you
[knock at the door]
Tohru: Come in
Shigure: [comes through the door a little] You have visitors, Hiro and Kisa.
Tohru: Can you send them up stairs please? I'm kinda busy.
Shigure: Sure thing Tohru-kun [smiles and leaves]
Yuki: [chuckles] I thought I'll never see the day. Shigure actually taking orders from someone other than Akito
Tohru: [blushes] It's not like that, it's just that I really am with my work you know?
Yuki: Heh, don't worry about it, I'm only teasing.
[Hiro and Kira comes in]
Kira: Onee-chan? [runs and hugs Tohru]
Tohru: What's wrong Kira-chan? Did something happen?
Kira: It's Akito-sama, she's really mad at us.
Yuki: What happened?
Hiro: She's pissed because we're friends with Honda-san
Tohru: What? What did I do?
Kira: [starts to cry] Because you're not a member of the Sohma family, she's going to do something bad I just now it!
Tohru: [wipes her tears and comforts her] Don't worry about me, I'll be alright, I promise.
Hiro: But you don't know what she is capable of, you've seen what she's done to us right? What makes you think she'll go easy on you?
Yuki: Hiro-ku- [Tohru cuts him off]
Tohru: No Yuki-kun, Hiro-kun is right. I know what kind of stuff she's done to you but I'm not afraid `cause I'm protecting the ones I love and protecting a treasure if mine that my dear mother left behind [smiles and holds Kira tight] Don't worry about me so much, I can handle myself.
Yuki: [gives a small, sad smile and nods his head in agreement] Hiro....come with me [Stands up and walks out the door, taking Hiro with him]
[Tohru and Kira hold each other]
[outside the door, in the hallway]
Yuki: Just what exactly is going on with Akito
Hiro: Simple, she's mad because Tohru is opening back up the Red Butterfly. And we both already know she's pissed about the fact that the curse is broken and there's nothing she can do about it.
Yuki: I don't care, she can stay mad all she wants, just let me know if she plans anything alright?
Hiro: Yeah, ok, I'll do what I can. know we'll have problems, until I'm done working of Kira's debt.
Yuki: That's have to work at that strip joint for Akito, right?
Hiro: I do it for Kira! No one else!
Yuki: [smiles and rubs the top of his head] Just like protect someone you love.
Hiro: [blushes and smacks his hand away] And what about you? When are you gonna tell Tohru you love her!?
Yuki: [sad smile] I already have but there's nothing I can do because she only loves that damn ca-....I mean Kyo. There's nothing I can do to change her mind.
Hiro: [smirks] Shouldn't be so feminine.
Yuki: [glares] Shouldn't you be less cocky for your age?
Hiro: Maybe, but who cares?
Yuki: [sighs and smiles] Yeah whatever Hiro. You've always been a stubborn one.
Hiro: [blushes] Shuddaup!!
Yuki: [laughs and walks back into the room] Is everyone alright in here?
Tohru: [smiles] Yup, everyone is fine now, right Kira-chan? [smiles at Kira]
Kira: [smiles and nods] Yes, everything's alright now
Yuki: [smiles] you guys can help Tohru with fitting the costumes right?
Kira: Oh I'd love too!! Did Aya-nii make them? (is that even right?)
Tohru: The one and only [smiles]
Kira: [smiles happily] Oh yes, please?
Hiro: Wait....don't I have a say in this?
Yuki: [smiles] Nope.
Hiro: Wtf? I don't wanna!
Kira: [hugs Hiro] Awww, please Hiro-kun?
Hiro: [blushes] .......Fine, but only for a little while.
Kira: Yay! [goes with Tohru to get the new uniforms]
Hiro: [sighs] What kind of stuff do I get myself into? (lol hiro looks like this -_-“)
Yuki: [smiles] hehe, oh you'll see
~Chii- Yay thanx again and PLZ R&R! Ashiteru!!!!